Zone1 Why was Jesus crucified?

^^ More irosie fantasy.

Did your rabbi teach you that?
no-- I have never heard a rabbi discuss GEEEEZIS. You could do
a search if you are curious. Better yet----read the NT with an opened
and logical mind uncorrupted with the dirt that the sunday school slut
poured therein
no-- I have never heard a rabbi discuss GEEEEZIS. You could do
a search if you are curious. Better yet----read the NT with an opened
and logical mind uncorrupted with the dirt that the sunday school slut
poured therein
Of course not, it is a taboo subject.

So you are just pulling all of this from your ass, as usual.
you are vulgar----I read the NT before you were born. I see right thru it
I know you have this well handled Irosie but I just popped by and could not resist not only is the Hawk vulgar but by referring to your ” pulling out of your ass” comment he failed to mention that his lord and saviour was a double assed lord As he was supposedly( if the fables in the NT are to believed) riding a donkey( known as an Ass)… So the two Asses were together both donkey and human making him a double assed lord which trumps his comment about pulling it out of your ass and turns it back on his lord and saviour Jesus….
LOL. His parents pretended to be Lutherans to avoid “anti-Semitism”, because they were Jewish.

The Bolsheviks were led by Jews, Lenin and Sverdlov.

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Again just popping in communism comes straight out of the Christian scriptures any with an open mind should take a hard look at acts 2:44-45 and acts 4:32-37.. There is more I could say on these subjects and they have been fully covered elsewhere but frankly I have better things to do then Get into a never ending argument it is true that some of the Jewish persuasion were involved but Jews also became leaders in the church as well for example but the vast majority stayed true to their heritage and did not pick up these silly ideals..You want to tar the whole group for some individual decisions shows us where you are really coming from….
Again just popping in communism comes straight out of the Christian scriptures any with an open mind should take a hard look at acts 2:44-45 and acts 4:32-37.. There is more I could say on these subjects and they have been fully covered elsewhere but frankly I have better things to do then Get into a never ending argument it is true that some of the Jewish persuasion were involved but Jews also became leaders in the church as well for example but the vast majority stayed true to their heritage and did not pick up these silly ideals..You want to tar the whole group for some individual decisions shows us where you are really coming from….
Wow this is silly.

Neither of verses from Acts calls for communism. Those are people that sold property willingly and gave it to the church, not to the state.

If you want to see someone that likes to tar a whole group, look no further than irosie who hates Christians from all time periods.
Wow this is silly.

Neither of verses from Acts calls for communism. Those are people that sold property willingly and gave it to the church, not to the state.

If you want to see someone that likes to tar a whole group, look no further than irosie who hates Christians from all time periods.
Learn the history of christianity, Hawk----the CHRUCH WAS THE STATE and it extorted every
penny from the starving peasantry
Wow this is silly.

Neither of verses from Acts calls for communism. Those are people that sold property willingly and gave it to the church, not to the state.

If you want to see someone that likes to tar a whole group, look no further than irosie who hates Christians from all time periods.
Nice try at trying to skirt the issue but everyone with an open mind should look at verse 44 in Acts 2 Where it states and all that believed( these lies LIE ved) were together and had all things in COMMON (dare I say a route word for COMMUNISM )…Further there was a man called Thomas More who was a Catholic that published a book called Utopia that was loosely based on these ideas. This was followed by a guy named William Weitling who wrote the Gospel of poor sinners based again on these ideals found there.. This book was extremely influential in forming a society called the League of the just which later became the communist league of which Karl Marxand Engels were members…
Again just popping in communism comes straight out of the Christian scriptures ...

their 4th century c-bible, you are a joke and best for you just popp back out ...

were what jesus taught, liberation theology, self determination - is a blending of all the isms in heavenly triumph as prescribed - that's not what they wrote ... they mimicked judaism.
their 4th century c-bible, you are a joke and best for you just popp back out ...

were what jesus taught, liberation theology, self determination - is a blending of all the isms in heavenly triumph as prescribed - that's not what they wrote ... they mimicked judaism.
Oh come now Breezewood attacking my person but not the info I have shared shows your shoot the messenger stance if one doesn’t like or can’t argue with the message.. Frankly it is tiresome and shows that you have very little to offer except personal attacks if the message goes against your way of thinking unfortunately which Is why I like to pop in and pop out because I have had many dealings with you in the past and they are always the same old same old…
yes ---ladies who extract information from their asses
Oh come now Breezewood attacking my person but not the info I have shared shows your shoot the messenger stance if one doesn’t like or can’t argue with the message..

birds of a feather ... the invincibles.

communism comes straight out of the Christian scriptures any with an open mind should take a hard look at
were what jesus taught, liberation theology, self determination - is a blending of all the isms in heavenly triumph as prescribed - that's not what they wrote ... they mimicked judaism.

not sure exactly how that is an attack on your person other than judaism not what jesus taught is what christianity became - as a latant issue of the corruption those two religions share together.
Oh come now Breezewood attacking my person but not the info I have shared shows your shoot the messenger stance if one doesn’t like or can’t argue with the message.. Frankly it is tiresome and shows that you have very little to offer except personal attacks if the message goes against your way of thinking unfortunately which Is why I like to pop in and pop out because I have had many dealings with you in the past and they are always the same old same old…
Breezie has LOTS to offer---he is the archbishop of an ANCIENT religion---lost thru the ages
and he is the ONLY SURVIVOR
Breezie has LOTS to offer---he is the archbishop of an ANCIENT religion---lost thru the ages
and he is the ONLY SURVIVOR

hereditary idolatry, apartheid heaven - judaism in a nutshell ...

there have always been a few, those in the 1st century that gave their lives for liberation theology, self determination -

no need for 10000 page documents of forgeries and fallacies to persecute and victimize the innocent.

- all will be the same for the final judgement, let the few perish and 91 will learn for sure their destiny.
Now, now, there may have been a good reason to nail him on a cross to die

The question is, why?

Antisemitism does not enter the picture since Jews were killing another Jew.
Back on topic: To answer your question Historically accurate you must address "all the actual Historical figures" used to create the mythical image given it's new name Jesus.
The many Christs used in his accts (image)-
Yeshu son of Mary 100bc
Yehuda ben Tabbai 100bc
The following are the only messianic figures in the time of Lysanias(died 35bc) and King Herod(4bc).
Yehuda (Judas) son of Hezekiah (4 BCE)
Simon of Peraea (4 BCE)
Athronges, the shepherd (4 BCE)
Yehuda (Judas) the Galilean (6 CE)

The only Ad era at that time was
Theudas by the Jordan

Benjamin the Egyptian was a christ figure but I don't recall his era.
Later in 70 ad of course was BARACOPA who had failed to deliver them and was quickly stripped of that label of Moshiach as was the figure Luke once followed who Luke had stated in a removed verse (left out of the Bible like Thomas) was "the one who they'd hoped him to be the one, but was not as he failed to deliver them." John says this figure they(the followers) had left him and that they disbanded after he died and caused others to die.
Followers of John the Baptist say that figure had John Killed and saw that figure as false and considered him evil.
Wgich Christ of the pile was this? Theudas? Yehuda?

So to honestly answer your question:
Yeshu of 100BC was sentenced to stoning and Hanging on a tree by some of his peers for straying against strict laws about Magis trick scam games (Like Benny Hinn) which he learned when fleeing towards Egypt, along with Physical light teaching, and Egyptian Underworld death cultism. It's even possible that wasn't the reason, it could have been part of the Pharisee revolt punishments that Jannaeus carried out & persecuted them over.

The 6bc King Herod Era Yehuda died by the hands of Rome for his tax revolt and where it says his peers helped turn him in or had a hand in allowing could be because Yehuda would comit violent acts against those who paid the tax.
The Galilean christ tax revolter Yehuda in the time of Herod was hated by Rome for his revolt but also the people, who Josephus wrote were bullied by Yehuda and his followers, if they paid the tax the flock would burn down their house or rob them​
.NOTE: Luke mentions him once, in
Acts 5:37, and Josephus several times, once here, sect. 6; and B. XX. ch. 5. sect. 2; Of the War, B. II. ch. 8. sect. 1; and ch. 17. sect. 8, calls this Judas, who was the pestilent author of that seditious doctrine and temper which brought the Jewish nation to utter destruction, a Galilean; but here (sect. 1) Josephus calls him a Gaulonite, of the city of Gamala; it is a great question where this Judas was born, whether in Galilee on the west side, or in Gaulonitis on the east side, of the river Jordan; while, in the place just now cited out of the Antiquities, B. XX. ch. 5. sect. 2, he is not only called a Galilean, but it is added to his story, "as I have signified in the books that go before these," as if he had still called him a Galilean in those Antiquities before, as well as in that particular place, as Dean Aldrich observes, Of the War, B. II. ch. 8. sect. 1.​

Theudas the Pilate era Christ died by Rome for his Roman Revolt.

Yeshu, Yehuda, Theudas are the main trinity of failed fallen christ figures used for the Jesus mythology, all their accounts were used in his story aka created image.
Back on topic: To answer your question Historically accurate you must address "all the actual Historical figures" used to create the mythical image given it's new name Jesus.
The many Christs used in his accts (image)-
Yeshu son of Mary 100bc
Yehuda ben Tabbai 100bc
The following are the only messianic figures in the time of Lysanias(died 35bc) and King Herod(4bc).
Yehuda (Judas) son of Hezekiah (4 BCE)
Simon of Peraea (4 BCE)
Athronges, the shepherd (4 BCE)
Yehuda (Judas) the Galilean (6 CE)

The only Ad era at that time was
Theudas by the Jordan

Benjamin the Egyptian was a christ figure but I don't recall his era.
Later in 70 ad of course was BARACOPA who had failed to deliver them and was quickly stripped of that label of Moshiach as was the figure Luke once followed who Luke had stated in a removed verse (left out of the Bible like Thomas) was "the one who they'd hoped him to be the one, but was not as he failed to deliver them." John says this figure they(the followers) had left him and that they disbanded after he died and caused others to die.
Followers of John the Baptist say that figure had John Killed and saw that figure as false and considered him evil.
Wgich Christ of the pile was this? Theudas? Yehuda?

So to honestly answer your question:
Yeshu of 100BC was sentenced to stoning and Hanging on a tree by some of his peers for straying against strict laws about Magis trick scam games (Like Benny Hinn) which he learned when fleeing towards Egypt, along with Physical light teaching, and Egyptian Underworld death cultism. It's even possible that wasn't the reason, it could have been part of the Pharisee revolt punishments that Jannaeus carried out & persecuted them over.

The 6bc King Herod Era Yehuda died by the hands of Rome for his tax revolt and where it says his peers helped turn him in or had a hand in allowing could be because Yehuda would comit violent acts against those who paid the tax.
The Galilean christ tax revolter Yehuda in the time of Herod was hated by Rome for his revolt but also the people, who Josephus wrote were bullied by Yehuda and his followers, if they paid the tax the flock would burn down their house or rob them​
.NOTE: Luke mentions him once, in
Acts 5:37, and Josephus several times, once here, sect. 6; and B. XX. ch. 5. sect. 2; Of the War, B. II. ch. 8. sect. 1; and ch. 17. sect. 8, calls this Judas, who was the pestilent author of that seditious doctrine and temper which brought the Jewish nation to utter destruction, a Galilean; but here (sect. 1) Josephus calls him a Gaulonite, of the city of Gamala; it is a great question where this Judas was born, whether in Galilee on the west side, or in Gaulonitis on the east side, of the river Jordan; while, in the place just now cited out of the Antiquities, B. XX. ch. 5. sect. 2, he is not only called a Galilean, but it is added to his story, "as I have signified in the books that go before these," as if he had still called him a Galilean in those Antiquities before, as well as in that particular place, as Dean Aldrich observes, Of the War, B. II. ch. 8. sect. 1.​

Theudas the Pilate era Christ died by Rome for his Roman Revolt.

Yeshu, Yehuda, Theudas are the main trinity of failed fallen christ figures used for the Jesus mythology, all their accounts were used in his story aka created image.
Strange is it not that God allowed Rome to destroy Jerusalem and scatter the Jews all over the world........because of this fake Or could it be that God was keeping His promise? Lev. 26:27-39 "...............but you will not listen to Me (God), but walk contrary to Me.......then I will walk contrary to you (Israel), in fury..............I will lay waste to your cities..........I will scatter you among the nations......" This was not a threat but a promise. Biblical Israel was wiped from the face of the earth, its holy temple destroyed, its peoples scattered around the world, over 2000 years ago.

Even today...........God has not allowed any tribal IDs, no royal priesthood, no king appointed by God, no burnt offerings to hide their sins from God year to year....

Conclusion: I would declare the Messiah, the only begotten Son of God came to earth over 2000 years ago, about the same time the Jews rejected God's myths and or legends. You can't hide from history actual.
Strange is it not that God allowed Rome to destroy Jerusalem and scatter the Jews all over the world........because of this fake Or could it be that God was keeping His promise? Lev. 26:27-39 "...............but you will not listen to Me (God), but walk contrary to Me.......then I will walk contrary to you (Israel), in fury..............I will lay waste to your cities..........I will scatter you among the nations......" This was not a threat but a promise. Biblical Israel was wiped from the face of the earth, its holy temple destroyed, its peoples scattered around the world, over 2000 years ago.

Even today...........God has not allowed any tribal IDs, no royal priesthood, no king appointed by God, no burnt offerings to hide their sins from God year to year....

Conclusion: I would declare the Messiah, the only begotten Son of God came to earth over 2000 years ago,..........
good---just what the mass murderer war lord, Constantine, wants you to do-----to

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