Zone1 Why was Jesus crucified?

The New Testament is devoted to justification for the filth and barbarity of
ROME----the first Reich------remember LION LUNCH----that was romans ---
not Jews. Remember the Inquisition---HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE. Remember
the constant bloody sectarian wars in Europe---NOT PHARISEES----christians.
Christianity means ----MURDER
Rome was just another Babylon, and it fell and was eventually conquered by Jesus. I’d think you’d be happy about that.
for corruption check out the history of the FILTHY CHURCH over the dead bodles of the millions killed in IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST ----didn't you go to
high school?
Yes I to high school and college. Neither taught that millions were killed “in the name of Jesus” because that didn’t happen. I guess I went through school before the Marxist Jews completely took it over and started teaching these lies.
None of this is "blasphemy" under Jewish law.

liar, the judain priests coached and paid judas to claim jesus claimed what those priests would contend at their inquisition court what the romans could not dispute in jesus's conviction.
"Jesus said not one word....."----please post up the life-time recordings of all verbalizations of Jesus-----that are in your possession

the knowledge of jesus during those times, the 1st century events are recorded and passed down verbally through the centuries the corrections not found in the desert documents written by the crucifiers.

- documented for their purposes and not those of their victim, jesus - both judain and christian.

91 - may provide any such document found in the desert publications where jesus spoke directly of roman rule and not that of the prevailing judain / moses / abraham - aberrations ... of the original religion of antiquity. as liberation theology, self determination taught by jesus.
Yes I to high school and college. Neither taught that millions were killed “in the name of Jesus” because that didn’t happen. I guess I went through school before the Marxist Jews completely took it over and started teaching these lies.
You schooling is very incomplete. The christian Inquisition reached even
the New World----It seems that you, in your ignorance, have concluded
that my comment made allusion ONLY TO JEWISH VICTIMS----nope.
The death rate is the result of ENDLESS CHRISTIAN violence including
internecine violence between the various sects of christianity, the Crusades,
and the oppression of native populations in the Americas, Africa and
Asia and even Australia. Ever hear of the person Hernan Cortez?
the knowledge of jesus during those times, the 1st century events are recorded and passed down verbally through the centuries the corrections not found in the desert documents written by the crucifiers.

- documented for their purposes and not those of their victim, jesus - both judain and christian.

91 - may provide any such document found in the desert publications where jesus spoke directly of roman rule and not that of the prevailing judain / moses / abraham - aberrations ... of the original religion of antiquity. as liberation theology, self determination taught by jesus.
the knowledge of jesus during those times, the 1st century events are recorded and passed down verbally through the centuries the corrections not found in the desert documents written by the crucifiers.

- documented for their purposes and not those of their victim, jesus - both judain and christian.

91 - may provide any such document found in the desert publications where jesus spoke directly of roman rule and not that of the prevailing judain / moses / abraham - aberrations ... of the original religion of antiquity. as liberation theology, self determination taught by jesus.
read the NT with a prepared and opened mind----free of jellybeans. Just one
hint----Jesus did not attack the "money changers" of the Temple
courtyard because they were "short changing' people----that idea comes
with jellybean intoxication---and in notes mixed up with peeps
How many people have Jewish Marxists gotten killed? A billion so far?
Marxism is not Judaism----I am impressed that you have swallowed
the islamo-nazi meme claiming COMMUNISM IS A JEWISH PLOT.
I got bad news----Stalin was not a jew In fact neither was Karl Marx---
his family adopted christianity even before he was born so he is no
more JEWISH than Saint Peter. Also Marx was a theoretician-----
The big time killer was Stalin. Do you blame Jesus "christ" for the
INQUISITION ---and first and second and third REICHS (HOLY ROMAN
EMPIRES) ? Of course the big time murderer---STALIN was christian
Marxism is not Judaism----I am impressed that you have swallowed
the islamo-nazi meme claiming COMMUNISM IS A JEWISH PLOT.
I got bad news----Stalin was not a jew In fact neither was Karl Marx---
his family adopted christianity even before he was born so he is no
more JEWISH than Saint Peter. Also Marx was a theoretician-----
The big time killer was Stalin. Do you blame Jesus "christ" for the
INQUISITION ---and first and second and third REICHS (HOLY ROMAN
EMPIRES) ? Of course the big time murderer---STALIN was christian
LOL. His parents pretended to be Lutherans to avoid “anti-Semitism”, because they were Jewish.

The Bolsheviks were led by Jews, Lenin and Sverdlov.
oppression of native populations in the Americas, Africa and
Asia and even Australia. Ever hear of the person Hernan Cortez?
The Jewish Pharisees weren’t following God or his laws, which is the point. It is why Jesus flipped the tables and called them out.
so when confronted with a book that is either full of errors or claims that entire groups consistently didn't follow all of their own laws, you protect the text and attack the people. OK.
LOL. His parents pretended to be Lutherans to avoid “anti-Semitism”, because they were Jewish.

The Bolsheviks were led by Jews, Lenin and Sverdlov.

View attachment 813511
wrong again----Neither Lenin nor Stalin were Jews----Swerdlov was but he died
long before CHRISTIAN STALIN initiated his bloody program of christian murder.
Stalin was SO CHRISTIAN that he was a divinity student in preparation for a
career as an Eastern Orthodox cleric FOR CHRIST
so when confronted with a book that is either full of errors or claims that entire groups consistently didn't follow all of their own laws, you protect the text and attack the people. OK.
You act as though Jews always followed their laws.

Have you even read the Tanakh? It is story after story of Israelites turning away from God and his laws. Then they have to get nearly wiped out or exiled, to get a fresh start with a few faithful remnant.
You act as though Jews always followed their laws.

Have you even read the Tanakh? It is story after story of Israelites turning away from God and his laws. Then they have to get nearly wiped out or exiled, to get a fresh start with a few faithful remnant.
you are getting more and more confused
You act as though Jews always followed their laws.

Have you even read the Tanakh? It is story after story of Israelites turning away from God and his laws. Then they have to get nearly wiped out or exiled, to get a fresh start with a few faithful remnant.
The stories there are about a very different type of "not following laws." I just want to make sure I'm understanding your position -- the text describes situations which could only take place if the the Jews abandon all their laws (when Jesus, IIRC had pointed out how exacting the people were in following legalisms) or if the text is based on mistaken statements. You prefer to blame the people and not the authors, is that correct?
--Jesus did not attack the "money changers" of the Temple
courtyard because they were "short changing' people--

well, most likely they were - monetarily, jesus rather saw Judaisms spiritual bankruptcy as the issue ... the madeup 10 commandments by the liar moses as the clear example of their corruption used to persecute and victimize the innocent through the centuries - those congregations and their empty, black hearts.

they were free wheeler's and jesus was the leader of the pack - from the heavens ... too much for them local hicks and country bumpkins, 91 so adores.
well, most likely they were - monetarily, jesus rather saw Judaisms spiritual bankruptcy as the issue ... the madeup 10 commandments by the liar moses as the clear example of their corruption used to persecute and victimize the innocent through the centuries - those congregations and their empty, black hearts.

they were free wheeler's and jesus was the leader of the pack - from the heavens ... too much for them local hicks and country bumpkins, 91 so adores.
Most likely that attack on the money changers described in the NT was
really a robbery by Jesus and his merry band of criminals----then they
... described in the NT

- there is a certain relativity as nothing in the nt embraces the spiritual corruption of judaism as the events of the 1st century entailed through jesus but rather the same as 91 in fact, embraces the very core of the corruption to be included in the new christian religion as the awful judain commandments as another example of their using the victim of their crime for their own nefarious purposes.

indeed the truth is not described in the nt as the nt is the harbinger of the corruption the 1st century events were meant to bring to an end - judaism - for those that saw the difference between heavenly and mortal indifference.
- there is a certain relativity as nothing in the nt embraces the spiritual corruption of judaism as the events of the 1st century entailed through jesus but rather the same as 91 in fact, embraces the very core of the corruption to be included in the new christian religion as the awful judain commandments as another example of their using the victim of their crime for their own nefarious purposes.

indeed the truth is not described in the nt as the nt is the harbinger of the corruption the 1st century events were meant to bring to an end - judaism - for those that saw the difference between heavenly and mortal indifference.
well-----whatever it was it really went DOWN HILL \ \ \ \ \
\ \ \
The Jewish Pharisees weren’t following God or his laws, which is the point. It is why Jesus flipped the tables and called them out.
He flipped the tables when he invaded the courtyard in order to rob the money changers
wrong again----Neither Lenin nor Stalin were Jews----Swerdlov was but he died
long before CHRISTIAN STALIN initiated his bloody program of christian murder.
Stalin was SO CHRISTIAN that he was a divinity student in preparation for a
career as an Eastern Orthodox cleric FOR CHRIST
No one is claiming all Marxists are Jews. They just come up with the idea, plant the seed, and let others tear each other apart due to it.
The stories there are about a very different type of "not following laws." I just want to make sure I'm understanding your position -- the text describes situations which could only take place if the the Jews abandon all their laws (when Jesus, IIRC had pointed out how exacting the people were in following legalisms) or if the text is based on mistaken statements. You prefer to blame the people and not the authors, is that correct?
The authors were the prophets who followed the law and warned Israel, including its kings and high priests, of their corruption and eventual downfall.

It amazes me that the Israelites had the literal presence of God in their temple, yet they choose to worship idols.

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