Zone1 Why was Jesus crucified?

So?? Why is that MY problem? She has been judged already by God; if someone makes some Judgement this long after her death it probably means something political. Sigh; when will we ever learn!!! If I recall there was something political about all that involving the Moors (Muslims) and so on but it does NOT pardon anyone.

If I recall there was a time when you could BUY a sainthood. Didna make it right.

I can buy a sainthood? how much?
I believe that you believe it. I believe that Magda Goebbels acted out of
religious conviction because she was a pious believing Catholic. I have
interviewed people afflicted with neurosyphilis----they believe that which they
believe too. Some people consider Jesus a "victim" and some christians
who were donated to LION LUNCH FEASTS as "innocent victims" They are--as
you say----FASCIST CRYBABIES.....they are DISGUSTING
"In Brussels, Magda was enrolled at the Ursuline Convent in Vilvoorde[9] where she was remembered as "an active and intelligent little girl".[10] Further contacts with Ritschel, a member of the Krefeld Masonic Lodge in Duisburg, suggest that Magda may have been introduced there to Buddhism.[11]"

Dunno, but a dead Nazi is not something I cry over. She sounds like a bit of a tart.

"In Brussels, Magda was enrolled at the Ursuline Convent in Vilvoorde[9] where she was remembered as "an active and intelligent little girl".[10] Further contacts with Ritschel, a member of the Krefeld Masonic Lodge in Duisburg, suggest that Magda may have been introduced there to Buddhism.[11]"

Dunno, but a dead Nazi is not something I cry over. She sounds like a bit of a tart.

she wore a white lace mantilla style veil when she went to church---she looked like
an angel
howabout not being a sinner in the first place - being what jesus taught - than murdering someone else to solve your own problems ... that's iyo what happened in the 1st century. is credible.
Good idea. Know anyone like that? I've read about a couple. (Jesus and Mary).

Seems most saints were assholes at some stage, who repented, though some were also just downright "saintly" from birth (St Theresa of the Little Flower).

I can buy a sainthood? how much?
Hmm; it'd have to cover costs.

"When a candidate is considered for sainthood, the Catholic Church's process requires research into the candidate's life, legal documentation and consultations with theologians. Expenses can range from $50,000 to $250,000. Now, the Vatican is moving to cut those costs."

I think it was a corruption thing with a few saints in the dim and distant past though it's from memory. Some Italian merchants and stuff, but NOT a regular practice.

Pleasing powerful families and such.

she wore a white lace mantilla style veil when she went to church---she looked like
an angel
The only thing I knew about her was that she suicided with her hubby. Took the kids with them.


howabout not being a sinner in the first place - being what jesus taught - than murdering someone else to solve your own problems ... that's iyo what happened in the 1st century. is credible.
Can't think of anyone I've least not in the last 2000 years. But yes; not being a sinner would be GREAT!!!

I am waiting for you to present evidence that the bible is an accurate history,
That lots of people read it is not evidence. I read the BEST SELLER --"LOLITA"
when I was 10 years old. Even then I did not judge it "good literature"
Have you ever read the koran? Lots of people swallow that book HOOK, LINE,
AND SINKER. read what it says about christians. You can read what it says
about jews-----It will make you happy----you already agree on those points.
For more happiness---find a muslim child and discuss HINDUISM with him/her
FASCIST: Opposed to democracy.

Why :abgg2q.jpg: do I have to prove or disprove anything?

You are the one attempting to prosecute the holy scriptures as the real world of logic and reason I have no responsibility to prove YOUR NEGATIVE charges......the eye witness testimonies recorded in the N.T. stand as truth until you present the objective evidences in fact that prove them wrong. This is typical of all fascist don't have to provide evidence of guilt.........the defender must prove their innocence, fascists always have the mule attempting to push the plow..........its not innocent until proven guilty.......along with burning guilty until the defendent proves your negative charges.......charges that you clearly can't provide to prove guilt.

As long as you can't refute the Prima Facie evidence of the Bibles existence (over 8 billion copies)....with objective evidence that proves the text is wrong.........I have to prove nothing, especially your negative logical fallacy.:deal: The Prima Facie evidence (based upon eyewitness testimony), stands as TRUTH until YOU, the prosecutor, prove different. "For we did not follow cleverly devised tales when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were EYEWITNESSES OF HIS MAJESTY." -- 2 Peter 1:16

You demand that everyone else chase your Bull Shit rabbit down a hole containing nothing but FABLES. Again......I profess to writing nothing that is contained in the Holy Scriptures or History Actual. I simply document its existence that you continually deny with bigoted emotional diatribe.

People are placed in prison everyday based upon Prima Facie evidences that can't be refuted by objective facts in evidence. Yet you demand a Kangaroo Court based upon personal bigotry..........really? not facts in evidence. :th_spinspin:

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oh gee---the typical ramblings of a fascist nazi slut. EYEWITNESS testimony --- of the "MAJESTY OF JESUS CHRIST" ---dependent on the unverified
scribblings or a whole bunch or unverified "witnesses" that are not even extant
and supposedly scribbled by a bunch of slobs who never even met the charlatan
Can't think of anyone I've least not in the last 2000 years.
In fact they went on to say that every sin we commit helped drive the nails, the thorns and spear into his body.

- the repentance for your crime, again as jesus taught is to sin no more ... obviously not a path the crucifiers trample over on their way to justice.

and the sins you do commit might be of intrest why you are unable to stop committing them. christian.
- the repentance for your crime, again as jesus taught is to sin no more ... obviously not a path the crucifiers trample over on their way to justice.

and the sins you do commit might be of intrest why you are unable to stop committing them. christian.
Have you stopped sinning 100%????

Asking for a friend!!!

Now you ask ME???


I am not so arrogant as to say "yes"; after all, as an RC we are vulnerable to our selves regardless of how "perfect" we are as who knows whether they will hold true to the end.

Just a little bit of advice. Pray and meditate.

oh gee---the typical ramblings of a fascist nazi slut. EYEWITNESS testimony --- of the "MAJESTY OF JESUS CHRIST" ---dependent on the unverified
scribblings or a whole bunch or unverified "witnesses" that are not even extant
and supposedly scribbled by a bunch of slobs who never even met the charlatan
When will some of these peeps realise that if they have "proof" then their faith is ...well...not faith at all.


- the repentance for your crime, again as jesus taught is to sin no more ... obviously not a path the crucifiers trample over on their way to justice.

and the sins you do commit might be of intrest why you are unable to stop committing them. christian.
"obviously not a path the crucifiers trample over"

Gee; here I was thinking that repentance happened AFTER the sin. Whoda thunk it..........though there is the case of not doing the sin "100%", not giving completely over to it. A bit out there for my way of thinking, but I've heard of it.

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oh gee---the typical ramblings of a fascist nazi slut. EYEWITNESS testimony --- of the "MAJESTY OF JESUS CHRIST" ---dependent on the unverified
scribblings or a whole bunch or unverified "witnesses" that are not even extant
and supposedly scribbled by a bunch of slobs who never even met the charlatan
Rosie!!!!!? Naughty!!! More ARROGANCE than sluttishness unless you're using it the the sense of "frowsy slut" a la GBS. And of course you are correct in your description in that is indeed the way the world saw Him.........that's the difference between "evidence" and "faith" imo.

Why wouldn't people think that? But also why would people be prepared to accept death rather than renounce what he taught??

Fun questions when discussing Religion. lol

oh gee---the typical ramblings of a fascist nazi slut. EYEWITNESS testimony --- of the "MAJESTY OF JESUS CHRIST" ---dependent on the unverified
scribblings or a whole bunch or unverified "witnesses" that are not even extant
and supposedly scribbled by a bunch of slobs who never even met the charlatan
ps: the "majesty" thing is all well and good but I think (?) there is a forgetting by some basic facts; JC was a carpenter mostly self taught who preached indeed to a smelly crowd. He was without wealth at all so was a beggar and as such not exactly "Majestic". He was killed between two thieves in the most humiliating manner.

Hmmm; as I said not exactly Majestic.

So Faith somehow transcends (?) that.

Cool hey!!!

The nearest I can think of is "Faith" in Yahweh. From what I can gather Christians must also have that plus the trimmings.

It's sorta simple imo.

As for "slut"??? Really? lol

ps: the "majesty" thing is all well and good but I think (?) there is a forgetting by some basic facts; JC was a carpenter mostly self taught who preached indeed to a smelly crowd. He was without wealth at all so was a beggar and as such not exactly "Majestic". He was killed between two thieves in the most humiliating manner.

Hmmm; as I said not exactly Majestic.

So Faith somehow transcends (?) that.

Cool hey!!!

The nearest I can think of is "Faith" in Yahweh. From what I can gather Christians must also have that plus the trimmings.

It's sorta simple imo.

As for "slut"??? Really? lol

the "two thieves" story is a giveaway-----thieves were not crucified----if the Thief stole in the market place HE GOT TRIED BY THE SANHEDRIN and the penalty was NEVER
capital You need at least a bit of understanding of the TIMES OF JESUS---crucifixion
I am not so arrogant as to say "yes"; after all, as an RC we are vulnerable to our selves regardless of how "perfect" we are as who knows whether they will hold true to the end.

Just a little bit of advice. Pray and meditate.

too bad for you sinner - the goal is purity and when achieved warrants judgement. perfect does not exist.

jesus taught the prescribed heavenly religion of antiquity - the triumph of good vs evil - granted to a&e for their journey and remission to paradise.

sure it is possible, those forays they have are not by chance sadly those great depths are what must be traversed and those that would stand in the way be overcome. no guarantees from the heavens.
yep what?----you decided that a Galilean carpenter and his wife named their son
"JESUS CHRIST"? the explanation which you "YEP" is idiotic---the alterations of
the Josephus text in vatican hands----notwithstanding. Baby "jesus" was probably
named either YEHOSHUA (hebrew) or YESHUA (aramaic) -----the word "christ" is neither
hebrew nor aramaic. The JESUS CHRIST---noted by Josephus is OBVIOUSLY from the
christian version

Christ is Greek..christus.

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