Zone1 Why was Jesus crucified?

The army of Rome was unbeatable and very barbaric

sure, maybe there in hickville desert land - just ask hannable and those 40k against the 70k roman legion - cannae - who totally destroyed the roman army.

appears after they murdered jesus the jews lost their temple, at least someone - the heavens - brought those directly involved - to justice.

and even now, without remorse ... they think they have returned.
sure, maybe there in hickville desert land - just ask hannable and those 40k against the 70k roman legion - cannae - who totally destroyed the roman army.

appears after they murdered jesus the jews lost their temple, at least someone - the heavens - brought those directly involved - to justice.

and even now, without remorse ... they think they have returned.
Hannibal and his puny wars was an entirely different situation---Rome gathered
strength since the puny wars
John 3:17 says, “God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.”
im2 is not black----NO ONE IS BLACK----people vary from light tan to pinkish (like me)
to varying shades of tan to brown and even dark brown ---BUT NO ONE IS BLACK.
The very darkest color persons I ever met were from India---probably from the
ancient Dravidians---small, slight, and beautiful and almost black. I got news----
the world AIN'T BEEN SAVED
Luke never met Jesus and knew neither Hebrew or Aramaic. All of his writings
are repetitions of sophistry based on hearsay a long time AFTER THE FACT.
You do not even have the actual writings of Luke-----even that which is purported
to be authored by him-----would have been authored a century after the
crucifixion by a greek speaking person. Paul never met Jesus either. "THE JOOOOS
were responsible for the death of Jesus...""" gee-----When I was a kid---there were
pictures of two little girls ---with ribbons in their hair---in the living room of my
Grandmother. I did not know who they were but the pictures fascinated me---a kind
of mystery. ----later on I got to know THE CHRISTIAN PIGS MURDERED THEM. they picked them up by their ankles and smashed their heads against brick
walls in a very CHRISTIAN COUNTRY----in the name of "JESUS CHRIST" ask Magda
CRY ME A poor, poor VICTIM.:eusa_boohoo: You are the quint essential........perpetual victim.........the world owes you RIGHT? Talk about living up to the typical stereotype. Personally I have nothing against anyone of the Jewish faith.......that actually defends their faith in an Orthodox manner..........I have much against those who use their faith as a tool to defend their lifestyle under the guise of being SPECIAL because of their supposed heritage..........using religion as a VICTIM CARD.

Educate yourself........actually open the scriptures up on occasion. simply overwhelm us with all the OBJECTIVE FACTS IN EVIDENCE YOU PRESENT. LMAO :abgg2q.jpg: How long have you had this hatred and bigotry in your heart for Christians, how long will you attempt to make your neighbors pay for the sins of the fathers? :dunno: From the Law and the Prophets, "The person who sins will die. The son will not bear the punishment for the fathers iniquity........." -- Ez. 18:20

Suffering with the "FOOL". "How long, you simple ones, will you love simplicity? For scorners delight in their scroning, and FOOLS HATE KNOWLEDGE." (Proverbs. 1:22)
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CRY ME A poor, poor VICTIM.:eusa_boohoo: You are the quint essential........perpetual victim.........the world owes you RIGHT? Talk about living up to the typical stereotype. Personally I have nothing against anyone of the Jewish faith.......that actually defends their faith in an Orthodox manner..........I have much against those who use their faith as a tool to defend their lifestyle under the guise of being SPECIAL because of their supposed heritage..........using religion as a VICTIM CARD.

Educate yourself........actually open the scriptures up on occasion. simply overwhelm us with all the OBJECTIVE FACTS IN EVIDENCE YOU PRESENT. LMAO :abgg2q.jpg: How long have you had this hatred and bigotry in your heart for Christians, how long will you attempt to make your neighbors pay for the sins of the fathers? :dunno: From the Law and the Prophets, "The person who sins will die. The son will not bear the punishment for the fathers iniquity........." -- Ez. 18:20

Suffering with the "FOOL". "How long, you simple ones, will you love simplicity? For scorners delight in their scroning, and FOOLS HATE KNOWLEDGE." (Proverbs. 1:22)
and yet another jelly-bean meme-----I presented the REAL HISTORY of your coreligionists and you have decided, in the filth of your "RELIGIOUS ZEAL." to
blame their atrocities IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST----on my putative hatred
just as you blame the death of Jesus at the hands of the ROMANS on Jews in
their putative hatred. Read the books again---and learn the history of the times.
JEWS never crucified anyone----christians of the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRES and
their Protestant descendants have used death by torture upon tens of millions
-----post the Roman murder of Jesus, the PHARISEE JEW. Jesus, was one of THOUSANDS of Pharisee Jews crucified by YOUR SAINT---Pontius Pilate<<< that
is REAL HISTORY----have fun kissing his ass. Did they teach you in jelly bean school
that the empire of SAINT CONSTANTINE was the FIRST REICH and its laws were no
different from the laws of your THIRD HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE---the third Reich?
This is in response to the thread about why Jews reject Jesus as Messiah

Answer this question and you get your answer to the other thread.

After all, the rejection of Jesus by the Jewish leaders of the time of Jesus is why he was rejected by Jews today.
Hi Votto. I am RC but no way do I speak for it. It has always been my understanding that Jesus died because of OUR SINS. In fact they went on to say that every sin we commit helped drive the nails, the thorns and spear into his body. It was our SINS that killed Jesus but he has forgiven us as long as we seek his love and forgiveness.

So imo blaming the Jews and Romans is just a cop out for US though of course God will/has judged each soul for their part in Jesus' earthly death.

As for rejecting the Messiah? Dunno, but it is NOT a reason to be antisemetic. As kids the Nuns told us that (and this is NOT official teaching) that maybe as God's chosen people The Father just wanted to keep the Jews in a special relationship with Himself as he had made His Covenant with them to start with. Worked for me and sorta still does. It's one of those things that each soul works out with their Lord.

But to BLAME anyone else when our OWN SIN was the cause of Jesus' death is really just passing the buck.

and yet another jelly-bean meme-----I presented the REAL HISTORY of your coreligionists and you have decided, in the filth of your "RELIGIOUS ZEAL." to
blame their atrocities IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST----on my putative hatred
just as you blame the death of Jesus at the hands of the ROMANS on Jews in
their putative hatred. Read the books again---and learn the history of the times.
JEWS never crucified anyone----christians of the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRES and
their Protestant descendants have used death by torture upon tens of millions
-----post the Roman murder of Jesus, the PHARISEE JEW. Jesus, was one of THOUSANDS of Pharisee Jews crucified by YOUR SAINT---Pontius Pilate<<< that
is REAL HISTORY----have fun kissing his ass. Did they teach you in jelly bean school
that the empire of SAINT CONSTANTINE was the FIRST REICH and its laws were no
different from the laws of your THIRD HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE---the third Reich?
Hi Rosie; I had to laugh as obviously Pontius Pilate is NOT a Saint at least as far as the RCs are concerned. I KNOW the Politics of my own church was wrong on many occasions wrt Jews and many others though of course early Christians didn't have it all their own way wrt Roman atrocities etc. I say we learn from History and NEVER repeat the wrongs of the past.

Shalom .

Hi Votto. I am RC but no way do I speak for it. It has always been my understanding that Jesus died because of OUR SINS. In fact they went on to say that every sin we commit helped drive the nails, the thorns and spear into his body. It was our SINS that killed Jesus but he has forgiven us as long as we seek his love and forgiveness.

So imo blaming the Jews and Romans is just a cop out for US though of course God will/has judged each soul for their part in Jesus' earthly death.

As for rejecting the Messiah? Dunno, but it is NOT a reason to be antisemetic. As kids the Nuns told us that (and this is NOT official teaching) that maybe as God's chosen people The Father just wanted to keep the Jews in a special relationship with Himself as he had made His Covenant with them to start with. Worked for me and sorta still does. It's one of those things that each soul works out with their Lord.

But to BLAME anyone else when our OWN SIN was the cause of Jesus' death is really just passing the buck.

Jesus died because he was crucified under ROMAN LAW----for his crime of sedition
against Rome. ----some 3-4 centuries later---ROME BECAME CHRISTIAN. The NT is
a superb example of historic revisionism-----the books written by the Greek LUKE
even makes a claim that the demi-god JESUS "predicted" the destruction of
Jerusalem and the Temple BY GOD----for the "sins" of the Jews----Of course the book
was written some 3-4 centuries AFTER that destruction. Don't be a martyr----neither
you nor I killed Jesus. He was an innocent victim whose death was a WASTE
and yet another jelly-bean meme-----I presented the REAL HISTORY of your coreligionists and you have decided, in the filth of your "RELIGIOUS ZEAL." to
blame their atrocities IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST----on my putative hatred
just as you blame the death of Jesus at the hands of the ROMANS on Jews in
their putative hatred. Read the books again---and learn the history of the times.
JEWS never crucified anyone----christians of the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRES and
their Protestant descendants have used death by torture upon tens of millions
-----post the Roman murder of Jesus, the PHARISEE JEW. Jesus, was one of THOUSANDS of Pharisee Jews crucified by YOUR SAINT---Pontius Pilate<<< that
is REAL HISTORY----have fun kissing his ass. Did they teach you in jelly bean school
that the empire of SAINT CONSTANTINE was the FIRST REICH and its laws were no
different from the laws of your THIRD HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE---the third Reich?
FACT: I did not write one word in the Holy Scriptures......yet you charge ME as a hater because I present the actual content of the Scriptures and document history actual.........its clear you have a problem with the Holy Scriptures both the O.T. and N.T......and history actual. So in a typical RADICAL fascist attempt to kill the messenger because you cant' defeat the message.

More ad hominem BS. :link: Again.......cry me a river. A Bigot is a Bigot. :eusa_boohoo: You are yet to present any objective evidence proving one word in the Holy Scriptures as not being an accurate historical record covering the 3500 years period of the 66 books that make up the Holy Scriptures. Simply because you refuse to accept the prima facie evidences proves only one are a close minded BIGOT. You are directed by your emotions instead of having the capacity of critical independent thinking and deal in EMOTIONAL PROPAGANDA instead of reality.

You attempt to dismiss the Holy Scriptures and the Holy Bible content........yet the Bible is the best selling work of literature in world history (the over 8 billion copies existing today prove you wrong.....if God did not want the Bible to exist bigots such as you would have had it burnt by now, kinda reminds some of the 1930s and Just replace Jew with Christian)...... over 3 billion human souls provide evidence that Christianity is very much based upon the history of the Judeo/Christian philosophy.

Ad Hominem: Appealing to PERSONAL CONSIDERATIONS (typical cry baby playing the victim) rather than FACT OR REASON. o_O

You can't hide from history actual and truth.
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Hi Rosie; I had to laugh as obviously Pontius Pilate is NOT a Saint at least as far as the RCs are concerned. I KNOW the Politics of my own church was wrong on many occasions wrt Jews and many others though of course early Christians didn't have it all their own way wrt Roman atrocities etc. I say we learn from History and NEVER repeat the wrongs of the past.

Shalom .

Pontius Pilate is a SAINT in the Eastern Orthodox Church-----in Catholic dogma he is
rendered blameless because DA JOOOOS FORCED HIM---but----thanks to da pope--
he is not ELEVATED to Sainthood. I grew up in a very christian/catholic town---BUT
I also had close "playmates" with background from the BALKANS---eastern orthodox.
More significantly----the area was well known to harbor nazi enclaves---hint----I lived
stone's throw to the home of Adolf's friend ---Thomas Edison. There were
people there who wrote the corollary to the NT's sophist absolution of Rome in
pamphlets lauding the innocent Adolf Hitler. -----same crap. It took an OUTSIDER-
like me----to detect it.
and yet another jelly-bean meme-----I presented the REAL HISTORY of your coreligionists and you have decided, in the filth of your "RELIGIOUS ZEAL." to
blame their atrocities IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST----on my putative hatred
just as you blame the death of Jesus at the hands of the ROMANS on Jews in
their putative hatred. Read the books again---and learn the history of the times.
JEWS never crucified anyone----christians of the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRES and
their Protestant descendants have used death by torture upon tens of millions
-----post the Roman murder of Jesus, the PHARISEE JEW. Jesus, was one of THOUSANDS of Pharisee Jews crucified by YOUR SAINT---Pontius Pilate<<< that
is REAL HISTORY----have fun kissing his ass. Did they teach you in jelly bean school
that the empire of SAINT CONSTANTINE was the FIRST REICH and its laws were no
different from the laws of your THIRD HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE---the third Reich?
Hi Rosie; I had to laugh as obviously Pontius Pilate is NOT a Saint at least as far as the RCs are concerned. I KNOW the Politics of my own church was wrong on many occasions wrt Jews and many others though of course early Christians didn't have it all their own way wrt Roman atrocities etc. I say we learn from History and NEVER repeat the wrongs of the past.

Shalom .

Luke never met Jesus and knew neither Hebrew or Aramaic. All of his writings
are repetitions of sophistry based on hearsay a long time AFTER THE FACT.
You do not even have the actual writings of Luke-----even that which is purported
to be authored by him-----would have been authored a century after the
crucifixion by a greek speaking person. Paul never met Jesus either. "THE JOOOOS
were responsible for the death of Jesus...""" gee-----When I was a kid---there were
pictures of two little girls ---with ribbons in their hair---in the living room of my
Grandmother. I did not know who they were but the pictures fascinated me---a kind
of mystery. ----later on I got to know THE CHRISTIAN PIGS MURDERED THEM. they picked them up by their ankles and smashed their heads against brick
walls in a very CHRISTIAN COUNTRY----in the name of "JESUS CHRIST" ask Magda

ANY Christian who participated in that atrocity AND OTHERS is frankly vile disgusting vermin deserving of God's full wrath. Just sayin'!!!

More ad hominem BS. :link: Again.......cry me a river. A Bigot is a Bigot. :eusa_boohoo: You are yet to present any objective evidence proving one word in the Holy Scriptures as not being an accurate historical record covering the 3500 years period of the 66 books that make up the Holy Scriptures. Simply because you refuse to accept the prima facie evidences proves only one are a close minded BIGOT. You are directed by your emotions instead of having the capacity of critical independent thinking and deal in EMOTIONAL PROPAGANDA instead of reality.

You attempt to dismiss the Holy Scriptures and the Holy Bible content........yet the Bible is the best selling work of literature in world history (the over 8 billion copies existing today prove you wrong.....if God did not want the Bible to exist bigots such as you would have had it burnt by now, kinda reminds some of the 1930s and Just replace Jew with Christian)...... over 3 billion human souls provide evidence that Christianity is very much based upon the history of the Judeo/Christian philosophy.

Ad Hominem: Appealing to PERSONAL CONSIDERATIONS (typical cry baby playing the victim) rather than FACT OR REASON. o_O

You can't hide from history actual and truth.
I am waiting for you to present evidence that the bible is an accurate history,
That lots of people read it is not evidence. I read the BEST SELLER --"LOLITA"
when I was 10 years old. Even then I did not judge it "good literature"
Have you ever read the koran? Lots of people swallow that book HOOK, LINE,
AND SINKER. read what it says about christians. You can read what it says
about jews-----It will make you happy----you already agree on those points.
For more happiness---find a muslim child and discuss HINDUISM with him/her
Hi Rosie; I had to laugh as obviously Pontius Pilate is NOT a Saint at least as far as the RCs are concerned. I KNOW the Politics of my own church was wrong on many occasions wrt Jews and many others though of course early Christians didn't have it all their own way wrt Roman atrocities etc. I say we learn from History and NEVER repeat the wrongs of the past.

Shalom .



ANY Christian who participated in that atrocity AND OTHERS is frankly vile disgusting vermin deserving of God's full wrath. Just sayin'!!!

Yes---you are "just sayin" Have you ever heard of the Spanish queen, SAINT ISABELLA of Aragon?
There is still talk of elevating that PARAGON OF CATHOLIC PIETY to
Sainthood. Try reviewing her glorious accomplishments and those of
her fave boyfriend HERNAN CORTEZ
Pontius Pilate is a SAINT in the Eastern Orthodox Church-----in Catholic dogma he is
rendered blameless because DA JOOOOS FORCED HIM---but----thanks to da pope--
he is not ELEVATED to Sainthood. I grew up in a very christian/catholic town---BUT
I also had close "playmates" with background from the BALKANS---eastern orthodox.
More significantly----the area was well known to harbor nazi enclaves---hint----I lived
stone's throw to the home of Adolf's friend ---Thomas Edison. There were
people there who wrote the corollary to the NT's sophist absolution of Rome in
pamphlets lauding the innocent Adolf Hitler. -----same crap. It took an OUTSIDER-
like me----to detect it.
Learn something new every day.

The ancient historian Eusebius supports this claim by saying Pilate converted after seeing the many wonders that occurred after Jesus’ death, even reporting it to Tiberius.

And when the wonderful resurrection and ascension of our Savior were already reported abroad, in accordance with an ancient custom which prevailed among the rulers of the provinces, of reporting to the emperor the novel occurrences which took place in them, in order that nothing might escape him, Pontius Pilate informed Tiberius of the reports which were reported abroad through all Palestine concerning the resurrection of our Savior Jesus from the dead. He gave an account also of other wonders which he had learned of him, and how, after his death, having risen from the dead, he was now believed by many to be a God.

And to think I always considered Pontius Pilate a weak disgusting asshole for his role in sending an innocent man to die IN FULL KNOWLEDGE OF WHAT HE WAS DOING!!! I know that Jesus was quite into forgiving and all that but IF PP converted and sought forgiveness then I suppose there's that. But hell that's a big "IF"!!!!

So Judas the betrayer suicided and PP repented???

God's more forgiving than I would ever be!!!

Be that as it may, it was my own sin that killed Christ and it is THAT for which I am is every other sinner...and for which each must seek forgiveness with all the trappings etc.

FACT: I did not write one word in the Holy Scriptures......yet you charge ME as a hater because I present the actual content of the Scriptures and document history actual.........its clear you have a problem with the Holy Scriptures both the O.T. and N.T......and history actual. So in a typical RADICAL fascist attempt to kill the messenger because you cant' defeat the message.

More ad hominem BS. :link: Again.......cry me a river. A Bigot is a Bigot. :eusa_boohoo: You are yet to present any objective evidence proving one word in the Holy Scriptures as not being an accurate historical record covering the 3500 years period of the 66 books that make up the Holy Scriptures. Simply because you refuse to accept the prima facie evidences proves only one are a close minded BIGOT. You are directed by your emotions instead of having the capacity of critical independent thinking and deal in EMOTIONAL PROPAGANDA instead of reality.

You attempt to dismiss the Holy Scriptures and the Holy Bible content........yet the Bible is the best selling work of literature in world history (the over 8 billion copies existing today prove you wrong.....if God did not want the Bible to exist bigots such as you would have had it burnt by now, kinda reminds some of the 1930s and Just replace Jew with Christian)...... over 3 billion human souls provide evidence that Christianity is very much based upon the history of the Judeo/Christian philosophy.

Ad Hominem: Appealing to PERSONAL CONSIDERATIONS (typical cry baby playing the victim) rather than FACT OR REASON. o_O

You can't hide from history actual and truth.
I believe that you believe it. I believe that Magda Goebbels acted out of
religious conviction because she was a pious believing Catholic. I have
interviewed people afflicted with neurosyphilis----they believe that which they
believe too. Some people consider Jesus a "victim" and some christians
who were donated to LION LUNCH FEASTS as "innocent victims" They are--as
you say----FASCIST CRYBABIES.....they are DISGUSTING
So imo blaming the Jews and Romans is just a cop out for US though of course God will/has judged each soul for their part in Jesus' earthly death.

oh, done for you - and not bringing the criminals to justice yourself is not for you the same - "a cop out" ... surly jesus will appreciate your indiscretion.

especially that part where the false religion of judaism issue was their motivation for killing the messenger, jesus.

and the message of liberation theology, self determination made by jesus was removed from all their text to hide the details for their crime.
Yes---you are "just sayin" Have you ever heard of the Spanish queen, SAINT ISABELLA of Aragon?
There is still talk of elevating that PARAGON OF CATHOLIC PIETY to
Sainthood. Try reviewing her glorious accomplishments and those of
her fave boyfriend HERNAN CORTEZ
So?? Why is that MY problem? She has been judged already by God; if someone makes some Judgement this long after her death it probably means something political. Sigh; when will we ever learn!!! If I recall there was something political about all that involving the Moors (Muslims) and so on but it does NOT pardon anyone.

If I recall there was a time when you could BUY a sainthood. Didna make it right.

Learn something new every day.

The ancient historian Eusebius supports this claim by saying Pilate converted after seeing the many wonders that occurred after Jesus’ death, even reporting it to Tiberius.

And to think I always considered Pontius Pilate a weak disgusting asshole for his role in sending an innocent man to die IN FULL KNOWLEDGE OF WHAT HE WAS DOING!!! I know that Jesus was quite into forgiving and all that but IF PP converted and sought forgiveness then I suppose there's that. But hell that's a big "IF"!!!!

So Judas the betrayer suicided and PP repented???

God's more forgiving than I would ever be!!!

Be that as it may, it was my own sin that killed Christ and it is THAT for which I am is every other sinner...and for which each must seek forgiveness with all the trappings etc.

right-----and the roman catholic saint----adolf hitler is up there on the CELESTIAL
ROSE playing bridge with the virgin Mary.. A point of history----after DA JOOOS
crucified Jesus-----Pontius Pilate went on crucifying Pharisee jews---left and right
until even Rome got tired of it. Learn something today. As to Judas----he seems
to be an UNKNOWN
But to BLAME anyone else when our OWN SIN was the cause of Jesus' death is really just passing the buck.

howabout not being a sinner in the first place - being what jesus taught - than murdering someone else to solve your own problems ... that's iyo what happened in the 1st century. is credible.

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