Zone1 Why was Jesus crucified?

According to the revealed word of God (All scripture is inspired of God -- 2 Tim. 3:16)............Jesus' literal Father was the Holy Spirit of God.......there is no ambiguity in this revelation (Luke 1:35). There is quite a difference in calling someone somone son or brother, and actually being a direct descendent.

Some attempt to argue based upon a logical fallacy..............just because The president of the US has a son does not make the son a president. Reality: The presidency is an appointed office, not a biological office. Jesus is God........because His Father is God. He can be nothing else. The Jews knew that Jesus was claiming to be God because He claimed He is the Son of God (John 5:18)
So your gospels say that "God" is a biological office? Who was God's father who died and let God be God? In the case of biological office, the son assumes it upon the death of the father, so Jesus would become God when God dies.

The Jews knew that any person claiming to be God is lying so they would ignore him.
This is in response to the thread about why Jews reject Jesus as Messiah

Answer this question and you get your answer to the other thread.

After all, the rejection of Jesus by the Jewish leaders of the time of Jesus is why he was rejected by Jews today.
He criticized emperor Bidenette the first
yep what?----you decided that a Galilean carpenter and his wife named their son
"JESUS CHRIST"? the explanation which you "YEP" is idiotic---the alterations of
the Josephus text in vatican hands----notwithstanding. Baby "jesus" was probably
named either YEHOSHUA (hebrew) or YESHUA (aramaic) -----the word "christ" is neither
hebrew nor aramaic. The JESUS CHRIST---noted by Josephus is OBVIOUSLY from the
christian version
yep what?----you decided that a Galilean carpenter and his wife named their son
"JESUS CHRIST"? the explanation which you "YEP" is idiotic---the alterations of
the Josephus text in vatican hands----notwithstanding. Baby "jesus" was probably
named either YEHOSHUA (hebrew) or YESHUA (aramaic) -----the word "christ" is neither
hebrew nor aramaic. The JESUS CHRIST---noted by Josephus is OBVIOUSLY from the
christian version
So..........the only ones that translate any language correctly are JEWS? Again..........NARCISSISM in action. Probably is a real objective term. (was probably? really? probably is located only in one place.........between the ears) FYI: There is in fact more than the record of Josephus that confirms the existence of Jesus Christ and His church as history actual. Tacitus referred to Christianity as a superstition........while naming Christ as its originator, Titus lived in the late 1st century and early 2nd century. Seutonius also referenced Christ.........and SURPRISE..........the Roman translation of Christ is Chrestos or Chrestus. Next the writings of Pliny the Younger also reference Christ as a historical figure.

Its more than Narcissism to suggest that a Name loses its historical accuracy because it has been translated into another language. That is a logical fallacy. The name Jesus Christ represents a given name (Jesus) and a Title (Christ) Hebrew it is translated from "Yehusa"...short for "Yehoshua" Greek its "Lesous" translated from Yeshua. Regardless of translation.......the name means the same, "the Lord is salvation". Jesus Christ is simply the nearest English translation.

As Jesus charged, "Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat and swallow a camel" -- Matt. 23:24. Meaning.........the attempt to deflect from the content, context and subject matter by arguing about NOTHING IMPORTANT.
So your gospels say that "God" is a biological office? Who was God's father who died and let God be God? In the case of biological office, the son assumes it upon the death of the father, so Jesus would becomlleagues.

So..........the only ones that translate any language correctly are JEWS? Again..........NARCISSISM in action. Probably is a real objective term. (was probably? really? probably is located only in one place.........between the ears) FYI: There is in fact more than the record of Josephus that confirms the existence of Jesus Christ and His church as history actual. Tacitus referred to Christianity as a superstition........while naming Christ as its originator, Titus lived in the late 1st century and early 2nd century. Seutonius also referenced Christ.........and SURPRISE..........the Roman translation of Christ is Chrestos or Chrestus. Next the writings of Pliny the Younger also reference Christ as a historical figure.

Its more than Narcissism to suggest that a Name loses its historical accuracy because it has been translated into another language. That is a logical fallacy. The name Jesus Christ represents a given name (Jesus) and a Title (Christ) Hebrew it is translated from "Yehusa"...short for "Yehoshua" Greek its "Lesous" translated from Yeshua. Regardless of translation.......the name means the same, "the Lord is salvation". Jesus Christ is simply the nearest English translation.

As Jesus charged, "Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat and swallow a camel" -- Matt. 23:24. Meaning.........the attempt to deflect from the content, context and subject matter by arguing about NOTHING IMPORTANT.
Your rant is idiotic from beginning to end. You started out with a VULGAR accusation that I claimed that ONLY JEWS CAN TRANSLATE ANY LANGUAGE----who taught you
that kind of shit?----the jelly bean lady slut? You proceed to make statements suggesting that I denied the existence of the person JESUS as an historical figure----
NOPE----in fact I have never done so. As to the name---you represented the
NAME --JESUS CHRIST as being the given name and title during the lifetime of
JESUS-----that is BULLSHIT. JESUS CHRIST is not a translation of the name YESHUA.
A reasonable reading of the NT would reveal to any reasonable person that
the historic person YESHUA----never heard the word CHRIST. Formally ----
but not in common use----one of my names is ESTHER----that does not make
me queen of Persia------I know lots of people named YEHOSHUA-----it would
be fraud if any of them used the title JESUS CHRIST----fraud --not "a translation"
If Titus named the historic Yeshua as originator of a church----HE LIED
So..........the only ones that translate any language correctly are JEWS?

the claim anyone translates the dead languages correctly is the error as those translations are all of copies from long lost originals ...

or any originals etched in stone for posterity were ever made as all those religions in one fashion or another are all human manifestations either meant not to be taken seriously or so transitional no one ever knew which one to save.

till the deadheads took over ... and wrote their bibles. instructions for the unblessed few. than the true lessons taught by jesus, liberation theology, self determination that were abandoned same as the original religion granted during the time of a&e.
the claim anyone translates the dead languages correctly is the error as those translations are all of copies from long lost originals ...

or any originals etched in stone for posterity were ever made as all those religions in one fashion or another are all human manifestations either meant not to be taken seriously or so transitional no one ever knew which one to save.

till the deadheads took over ... and wrote their bibles. instructions for the unblessed few. than the true lessons taught by jesus, liberation theology, self determination that were abandoned same as the original religion granted during the time of a&e.
thanks for the clarification, breezie honey. For Clyde----all languages are nuanced
to the point that the people who know them can translate them. For the record,
Hebrew was never a "dead language" ----it never stopped being IN USE in writings,
poetry, science-etc. The people who have been using it for thousands of years are
the best ones to TRANSLATE it into other languages that the same people know
Your rant is idiotic from beginning to end. You started out with a VULGAR accusation that I claimed that ONLY JEWS CAN TRANSLATE ANY LANGUAGE----who taught you
that kind of shit?----the jelly bean lady slut? You proceed to make statements suggesting that I denied the existence of the person JESUS as an historical figure----
NOPE----in fact I have never done so. As to the name---you represented the
NAME --JESUS CHRIST as being the given name and title during the lifetime of
JESUS-----that is BULLSHIT. JESUS CHRIST is not a translation of the name YESHUA.
A reasonable reading of the NT would reveal to any reasonable person that
the historic person YESHUA----never heard the word CHRIST. Formally ----
but not in common use----one of my names is ESTHER----that does not make
me queen of Persia------I know lots of people named YEHOSHUA-----it would
be fraud if any of them used the title JESUS CHRIST----fraud --not "a translation"
If Titus named the historic Yeshua as originator of a church----HE LIED
Just because you "feel" insulated does not make you correct. Jesus did not fail to call a lying dog a lying dog, as Paul stated (Paul/Saul who studied Jewish Law and the Prophets under the greatest teacher of his generation, "Gamaliel" (Acts 22:3)........Paul recorded most of the N.T. and proved that Jesus is the Messiah of Prophecy. Paul warned of the Jews who present Jewish fables as truth and called them Dogs (Phil. 3:2, Titus 1:14)

Who to believe your subjective Ad Hominem Bullshit or one who actually studied Jewish Law, Traditions, and Prophets? I pick Paul.

Yeah........its others that are narcissistic and vulgar. :th_spinspin: You debunked that hell out the facts with your ad hominem BS. Who taught me? Simple cognition to reason and logic based upon the objective facts in should try it on occasion. As Peter declared, ".........those that are unlearned or unbalanced, wrestle with the scriptures to their own destruction.". -- 2 Peter 3:16

You claim that you never made such an accusation...........then proceed in the next breath to engage in the same subjective Bull Shit rhetoric. You claim that Jesus is not a given name and Christ is not a title. (again..........ONLY THE JEWS and YOU can translate correctly? :dunno: You just declared that is the circumstance.........

And you know this because YESHUA never heard of Christ? Really? Christ is simply the English Translation for YESHUA in Hebrew while Latin (Early Roman Language) translates Christ into IESVIIESUS...i.e. given name Jesus = Joshua in Hebrew and Jesus Christ in the Greek Septuagint Means Savoir or Messiah.........A TITLE:deal:

Regardless of the BS you promote. Jesus Christ who was sentenced to death by the Jews and Romans is now sitting on the right hand the Father as king of kings, reigning on the Throne of David as was predicted (Acts 2) Jesus Christ is both "Lord" and "Christ" ruler and savior. (Acts 2:36)

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Just because you "feel" insulated does not make you correct. Jesus did not fail to call a lying dog a lying dog, as Paul stated (Paul/Saul who studied Jewish Law and the Prophets under the greatest teacher of his generation, "Gamaliel" (Acts 22:3)........Paul recorded most of the N.T. and proved that Jesus is the Messiah of Prophecy. Paul warned of the Jews who present Jewish fables as truth and called them Dogs (Phil. 3:2, Titus 1:14)

Who to believe your subjective Ad Hominem Bullshit or one who actually studied Jewish Law, Traditions, and Prophets? I pick Paul.

Yeah........its others that are narcissistic and vulgar. :th_spinspin: You debunked that hell out the facts with your ad hominem BS. Who taught me? Simple cognition to reason and logic based upon the objective facts in should try it on occasion. As Peter declared, ".........those that are unlearned or unbalanced, wrestle with the scriptures to their own destruction.". -- 2 Peter 3:16

You claim that you never made such an accusation...........then proceed in the next breath to engage in the same subjective Bull Shit rhetoric. You claim that Jesus is not a given name and Christ is not a title. (again..........ONLY THE JEWS and YOU can translate correctly? :dunno: You just declared that is the circumstance.........

And you know this because YESHUA never heard of Christ? Really? Christ is simply the English Translation for YESHUA in Hebrew while Latin (Early Roman Language) translates Christ into IESVIIESUS...i.e. given name Jesus = Joshua in Hebrew and Jesus Christ in the Greek Septuagint Means Savoir or Messiah.........A TITLE:deal:

Regardless of the BS you promote. Jesus Christ who was sentenced to death by the Jews and Romans is now sitting on the right hand the Father as king of kings, reigning on the Throne of David as was predicted (Acts 2) Jesus Christ is both "Lord" and "Christ" ruler and savior. (Acts 2:36)

yet another idiotic rant. Even your final statement is an idiot lie. Read it again.
THE JOOOOS SENTENCED "jesus" to death? nope, the sunday slut lied. According
to your bible---the authority to sentence anyone to death was taken away from The
JOOOS Do you deny the veracity of that statement "WE HAVE NO LAW..." ??
Your fellow members of the FIRST REICH sentenced Jesus to death----it was a
REICH thing and it remained so for the next almost 2000 years IN PRACTICE
and in the NAME of the person you call "JESUS CHRIST"
"CHRIST" is not a translation of the very common name in aramaic YESHUA.
It is an english version of the Greek CHRISTOS which means an anointed ruler----
In hebrew that can be rendered Mashiach---not Yeshua Yeshua is an aramaic form
of Yehoshua, that was the side-kick of Moses. The sophistry in which you and
yours engage over this issue is utterly disgusting in view of the MILLIONS OF
corpses upon which you and your fellow dogs dance TO THE SAME TUNE
The people who have been using it for thousands of years are
the best ones to TRANSLATE it into other languages
that the same people know

sure, if you trust someone that has people crucified when they prove what was translated was a misrepresentation of the subject they were referring too.

your religion died long ago, phony translations will do nothing to revive what should never have been in the first place, forgeries and fallacies madeup for nefarious and self serving purposes - propelled by hereditary idolatry and an apartheid heaven.
sure, if you trust someone that has people crucified when they prove what was translated was a misrepresentation of the subject they were referring too.

your religion died long ago, phony translations will do nothing to revive what should never have been in the first place, forgeries and fallacies madeup for nefarious and self serving purposes - propelled by hereditary idolatry and an apartheid heaven.
"someone that has people crucified" <<< who is that someone?
"misrepresentation of the subject" << to what subject do you refer?
"your religion died long ago..." ?? so how can it be my religion?
"phony translations" can you at least cite something which is a phony translation
and by whom?
"made up for nefarious ....purposes..." ????
"hereditary idolatry" you got the allele?
"apartheid heaven..." uhm---the GRAND WIZARD GOD ZEUS?
I think it was because Jesus refused to acknowledge Emperor as God.
I think it was because Jesus refused to acknowledge Emperor as God.
the issue does not seem to arise in the written words of the NT.
It is clear that the cousin of Jesus opposed the Roman appointed
"royal family"----for the Romans that was enough to kill him. The
attack by Jesus on the Roman appointed Money changers was also
an attack on Rome. BUT---the concept of REICH lives on to this day
Just because you "feel" insulated does not make you correct. Jesus did not fail to call a lying dog a lying dog, as Paul stated (Paul/Saul who studied Jewish Law and the Prophets under the greatest teacher of his generation, "Gamaliel" (Acts 22:3)........Paul recorded most of the N.T. and proved that Jesus is the Messiah of Prophecy. Paul warned of the Jews who present Jewish fables as truth and called them Dogs (Phil. 3:2, Titus 1:14)

Who to believe your subjective Ad Hominem Bullshit or one who actually studied Jewish Law, Traditions, and Prophets? I pick Paul.

Yeah........its others that are narcissistic and vulgar. :th_spinspin: You debunked that hell out the facts with your ad hominem BS. Who taught me? Simple cognition to reason and logic based upon the objective facts in should try it on occasion. As Peter declared, ".........those that are unlearned or unbalanced, wrestle with the scriptures to their own destruction.". -- 2 Peter 3:16

You claim that you never made such an accusation...........then proceed in the next breath to engage in the same subjective Bull Shit rhetoric. You claim that Jesus is not a given name and Christ is not a title. (again..........ONLY THE JEWS and YOU can translate correctly? :dunno: You just declared that is the circumstance.........

And you know this because YESHUA never heard of Christ? Really? Christ is simply the English Translation for YESHUA in Hebrew while Latin (Early Roman Language) translates Christ into IESVIIESUS...i.e. given name Jesus = Joshua in Hebrew and Jesus Christ in the Greek Septuagint Means Savoir or Messiah.........A TITLE:deal:

Regardless of the BS you promote. Jesus Christ who was sentenced to death by the Jews and Romans is now sitting on the right hand the Father as king of kings, reigning on the Throne of David as was predicted (Acts 2) Jesus Christ is both "Lord" and "Christ" ruler and savior. (Acts 2:36)

I am looking in vain for a single statement of simple logic in the
above BABBLE ( PS---babble is a word derived from hebrew)
"phony translations" can you at least cite something which is a phony translation
and by whom?

judaism throughout ... as much as all three desert religions -

monotheism - hereditary idolatry - apartheid heaven - madeup 10 commandments used to persecute and victimize the innocent - Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, the liar and criminal moses - abraham who chose to sacrifice a living being than instructed by the heavens ...

truth be told not one page of any of their 10000 page, translated - documents are not filled w/ forgeries and fallacies ... so much so to read them without regard is to be corrupted beyond recognition.
judaism throughout ... as much as all three desert religions -

monotheism - hereditary idolatry - apartheid heaven - madeup 10 commandments used to persecute and victimize the innocent - Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, the liar and criminal moses - abraham who chose to sacrifice a living being than instructed by the heavens ...

truth be told not one page of any of their 10000 page, translated - documents are not filled w/ forgeries and fallacies ... so much so to read them without regard is to be corrupted beyond recognition.
can you try to be specific. "EVERYTHING" is meaningless---it's like a person in
the emergency room who answers the question "WHERE DOES IT HURT"----
yet another idiotic rant. Even your final statement is an idiot lie. Read it again.
THE JOOOOS SENTENCED "jesus" to death? nope, the sunday slut lied. According
to your bible---the authority to sentence anyone to death was taken away from The
JOOOS Do you deny the veracity of that statement "WE HAVE NO LAW..." ??
Your fellow members of the FIRST REICH sentenced Jesus to death----it was a
REICH thing and it remained so for the next almost 2000 years IN PRACTICE
and in the NAME of the person you call "JESUS CHRIST"
"CHRIST" is not a translation of the very common name in aramaic YESHUA.
It is an english version of the Greek CHRISTOS which means an anointed ruler----
In hebrew that can be rendered Mashiach---not Yeshua Yeshua is an aramaic form
of Yehoshua, that was the side-kick of Moses. The sophistry in which you and
yours engage over this issue is utterly disgusting in view of the MILLIONS OF
corpses upon which you and your fellow dogs dance TO THE SAME TUNE ad hominem Bullshit have documented everything with your objective, reproducible......facts in evidence. Must anyone wonder why God allowed Israel to be destroyed in 70 AD by the Roman Empire? (as predicted by Jesus Christ in Matthew 23, 24:15). You depend more on fables and BS than you do the actual prophets from the Covenant of Moses.

What? Its HATE SPEACH from a Christian when He/She documents the content of History Actual and the Holy Bible.......but its not Hate speach when you "how was it you stated it?" VULGARLY insult Christians for presenting documented evidences?:link: by documenting -0- with your ad hominem BS

Indeed Christ means "RULER" ............translated it means "LORD" "Christ" means Savior. Just as explained in Acts 2.
when the prophet Joel is quoted ......which presents documentation from the Hebrew Law and the Prophets....i.e, the Covenant that Moses introduced while God was husbanded to Biblical Israel.

Acts was written by Luke the Physician..........A disciple of Paul/Saul who was the most educated Apostle in the Law and the Prophets after he studied under the Rabbi Gamaliel (Acts 22:3) "A Doctor of Jewish Law". Are you suggesting that you know the scriptures pertaining to the Law and the Prophets better than the Rabbi Gamaliel? :deal:

The Book of Acts (2) documents the history from the Law and Prophets in quoting from the Prophet "Joel" with Luke confirming that Jesus Christ was made both "LORD" and "CHRIST" sitting on the throne of David as predicted.

Next: Acts 2:25-28, 35 quotes directly from king David......concluding that Jesus Christ is the predicted "Lord" and "Christ" Savior that David is speaking of.

Luke goes on to make it clear that the JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSES , someone must have struck a nerve on that one:abgg2q.jpg: , were responsible for the death of Jesus Christ.

Peter was addressing all the Jews in the crowd on that 1st Pentecost after the death and resurrection of the Christ. " had NAILED TO A CROSS BY THE HANDS OF GODLESS MEN (the Romans) AND HAD HIM PUT TO DEATH......Therefore let all the HOUSE OF ISRAEL know for certain that God has made Him both "Lord" and "Christ". -- Acts 2:23-36
Last edited: ad hominem Bullshit have documented everything with your objective, reproducible......facts in evidence

What? Its HATE SPEACH from a Christian when He/She documents the content of History Actual and the Holy Bible.......but its not Hate speach when you "how was it you stated it?" VULGARLY insult Christians for presenting documented evidences?:link: by documenting -0-

Indeed Christ means "RULER" ............translated it means "LORD" "Christ" means Savior. Just as explained in Acts 2.
when the prophet Joel is quoted ......which presents documentation from the Hebrew Law and the Prophets....i.e, the Covenant that Moses introduced while God was husbanded to Biblical Israel.

Acts was written by Luke the Physician..........A disciple of Paul/Saul who was the most educated Apostle in the Law and the Prophets after he studied under the Rabbi Gamaliel (Acts 22:3) "A Doctor of Jewish Law". Are you suggesting that you know the scriptures pertaining to the Law and the Prophets better than the Rabbi Gamaliel? :deal:

The Book of Acts (2) documents the history from the Law and Prophets in quoting from the Prophet "Joel" with Luke confirming that Jesus Christ was made both "LORD" and "CHRIST" sitting on the throne of David as predicted.

Next: Acts 2:25-28, 35 quotes directly from king David......concluding that Jesus Christ is the predicted "Lord" and "Christ" Savior that David is speaking of.

Luke goes on to make it clear that the JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSES , someone must have struck a nerve on that one:abgg2q.jpg: , were responsible for the death of Jesus Christ.

Peter was addressing all the Jews in the crowd on that 1st Pentecost after the death and resurrection of the Christ. " had NAILED TO A CROSS BY THE HANDS OF GODLESS MEN (the Romans) AND HAD HIM PUT TO DEATH......Therefore let all the HOUSE OF ISRAEL know for certain that God has made Him both "Lord" and "Christ". -- Acts 2:23-36
Luke never met Jesus and knew neither Hebrew or Aramaic. All of his writings
are repetitions of sophistry based on hearsay a long time AFTER THE FACT.
You do not even have the actual writings of Luke-----even that which is purported
to be authored by him-----would have been authored a century after the
crucifixion by a greek speaking person. Paul never met Jesus either. "THE JOOOOS
were responsible for the death of Jesus...""" gee-----When I was a kid---there were
pictures of two little girls ---with ribbons in their hair---in the living room of my
Grandmother. I did not know who they were but the pictures fascinated me---a kind
of mystery. ----later on I got to know THE CHRISTIAN PIGS MURDERED THEM. they picked them up by their ankles and smashed their heads against brick
walls in a very CHRISTIAN COUNTRY----in the name of "JESUS CHRIST" ask Magda
while we are on the subject----the gospel of Matthew which claims that Jesus
predicted the destruction of the temple in 70 AD has been determined to
have been written sometime around 90 AD. HOWEVER----I would not be
surprised that there were many people who would have predicted that destruction.
The army of Rome was unbeatable and very barbaric

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