Why was the 2020 election different than all other elections?

if only there was, and if only the internet only allowed the truth, but, the democrats control all

You do know that the internet is also known as the "world wide web" because it is in every country in the whole world. The Dems cannot control it all.

How embarrassing for you that you have to resort to such shitty excuses.
You do know that the internet is also known as the "world wide web" because it is in every country in the whole world. The Dems cannot control it all.

How embarrassing for you that you have to resort to such shitty excuses.
How about this, since you all cannot give links to these GOP poll watcher being kicked out, how about just a few example of where it happened?

What state and city and location in the city?
Bullshit. I believe the obvious.
Below applies to you and the other cult members

You pos don't accept proof. You ask for it and if given you just yap and howl more. Lol, shit clowns.
No, courts of law, throughout the USA asked for proof the election was a fraud. Over 40 times, they listened to evidence provided and the courts system said there was not adequate proof. The judges were both republican and democrat appointees.

Team Trump hired a private company to audit the Arixona elections to prove fraud. They were paid millions. They could not find evidence of fraud. In fact their audit found more votes for Biden.
The Republican political leadership of Georgia told team Trump, give us evidence of fraud and we will chase it. They were Trump voters. Trump could not find evidence.

You are spreading a BIG LIE. You are living a LIE. A fake life.
......The 2016 election, Trump vs Clinton, was not perfect but it was fair. Clinton conceded.
The 2020 election, Trump vs Clinton, was not perfect but it was fair. After 40 failed law suits Trump refused to concede, saying the electionn was a ..

Move to a country that is not a banana republic. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
The thing is that why should I be the one to leave? It is the Democrat filth that are the shitheads and the ones that need to be kicked out.

I am a real American that want America to be great follow the Constitution. They are greedy Leftest revolutionaries hell bent to turn this country into a Socialist shithole and the goddamn Negroes, dumbass Moon Bats and Illegals are hell bent to help them.
Trump votes by mail.
Mail in voting has been around for a long time and proven to be accurate.
It was expanded in 2020 because of COVID but if mail in voting did not effect previous elections, it should not have effected 2020.

There is the ability to audit mail in voting to determine accuracy. Any proven fraud could have been brought forward and it was not.
The thing is that why should I be the one to leave? It is the Democrat filth that are the shitheads and the ones that need to be kicked out.

I am a real American that want America to be great follow the Constitution. They are greedy Leftest revolutionaries hell bent to turn this country into a Socialist shithole and the goddamn Negroes, dumbass Moon Bats and Illegals are hell bent to help them.
This describes you.
I have lived in my present home for 35 years
Why should I have to continually register to vote?

I agree to sending postcards to voters who have not voted in more than five years. If they fail to respond, send another postcard. If they still don’t respond, send a certified letter advising them they are being dropped from the voter rolls.

Voter rolls should not be purged later than six months before the election

Why, because your party has destroyed the voting process. Just like everything else it touches.

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