Why Wasn’t Biden’s Location raided by the FBI?

Not exactly, Trump as POTUS had authority to declassify documents. Biden as VP didn't
Trump stole the documents, both the classified and unclassified ones. The reason for the subpoena had NOTHING to do with the documents classification status. They were government property. And Trump was in possession of stolen government property that the National Archives wanted back.
There were no legal issues. They belonged to the National Archives, unless they were "personal" documents, which classified material clearly is NOT.
thats brings me back to are they copies or the only copy,, if they were copies the archives didnt need them,,
Sure, after Biden hid the classified documents for 6 years. Naturally to avoid arrest and jail (at least for now) Biden has lawyered up and is cooperating.
Six years you say?

You do know there's a 5 year statute of limitations.
Trump's goons planted the documents in Biden's former offices.
Yeah that's what everyone is talking about now. Out on the streets, in coffee shops. Everyone is talking about how brilliant it was for the Trumpygoons to plant those doc's the Orange Grifter stole while in office. But I live in Texas, everyone loves the Trumpybear in Texas. Not a day goes by that I don't see a Trumpybear doll riding with one of them Harley Rider Dudes. They love what ol Trumpy did to Joe. Planting those like that. They Love him, lots, I tell ya.....Trump loves them too.....
Trump stole the documents, both the classified and unclassified ones. The reason for the subpoena had NOTHING to do with the documents classification status. They were government property. And Trump was in possession of stolen government property that the National Archives wanted back.

I stated a fact.... you're just blabbering about Trump. Shut up already
Biden first. The criminal Biden has been criminally in possession of classified documents for 6 years.
Oh simpleton, you felt so good about trump not being brought up on charges, because you kept screaming “can’t indict a sitting President”

Remember that^^^^^?

Well Biden is in FACT the sitting president so you are going to have to wait.
This is false.
that is not what a Federal Judge believed when he issued a subpoena

docs secret quotes.jpg
Oh simpleton, you felt so good about trump not being brought up on charges, because you kept screaming “can’t indict a sitting President”

Remember that^^^^^?

Well Biden is in FACT the sitting president so you are going to have to wait.
I'm sorry, a 2nd stash of Biden CLASSIFIED documents was just found at a 2nd location so I was distracted. What were you saying?
They were in a locked closet. Not left out in the open.
I was told they were found in a desk,,
if it was a closet where was that closet and who also had access to it,, how was it locked and was there a person gaurding that clost if so who??

lot of questions need answers,,


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