Why Wasn’t Biden’s Location raided by the FBI?

Biden had 10 documents. Trump had hundreds.

Biden turned them over immediately. Trump refused and lied about cooperating.

Biden’s documents weren’t even requested. Trump defied a grand jury subpoena.

Where do you get that this is 10x worse?
Slow that camel down Champ, they've found another batch of documents.
You realize that makes it way worse, right?
How so? Trump knew and they (national archives) knew... Trump had declassified them when he was president. Until you can prove otherwise, all you have is bloviating bull shit to spread. There was dispute over the status, which they were discussing.
How so? Trump knew and they (national archives) knew... Trump had declassified them when he was president. Until you can prove otherwise, all you have is bloviating bull shit to spread. There was dispute over the status, which they were discussing.
A grand jury subpoenaed him for all documents marked classified.

He he KNEW he had them and didn’t turn them over, that’s a serious felony.
theres a lot of stupid in your comment,,
biden wasnt POTUS when he stole them and didnt have authority to take them,, also they were not under bidens control with no security but stored in his office that we know not who had access,, remember biden didnt find them,, someone else did, did that person read them?? if so who else read them or who did they tell about them??

trump was POTUS when he took them to mar lago and had authority to do so,, while he had them they had a high security as well as secret service protection,,

not sure what jared has to do with this,,
No...Grifty DIDN'T have authority to take them to Mar a Lago.
So that's all you've been told. Okay.
Yes true what I said about Trump and what I said about Biden. Biden is not suppose to have classified documents. So if he had them, the only way he could get them. Is steal them. He also stated today he didn't know he had them.
I'm sure there are huge differences.

Do you realize that Biden is the President of the mother fucking united states? If not him who can have "classified" documents? Trump was on his way out and stealing shit he was going to sell. He wish he had more time but he didn't plan on losing. So he was scrambling to steal stuff that was valuable maybe to the Saudi's? They did pay Jared Kushner $2 billion. For what?
When Biden took them he was VP. Not president.
When Trump took them, he was President, not VP.

And yeah....sure...the most scrutinized person in the history of our country, who, to this day, is constantly surveilled....had plans to sell classified documents.

You really need to get a grip. You are looking like a naïve child asking for a lollipop after getting a flu shot.
Nice dodge.... They knew what Trump had. What a load of horse shit. It was pure political prosecution, nothing more and nothing less.
If the TrumpenFührer had done the right thing when he was informed that the archives were requesting the documents return, and returned them, the matter would have been settled.
Look at the posts on this thread. They think the FBI just showed up at Mar A Lago out of nowhere one day. No reason.

This is what they're told in their insulated world. It's all they know. There is simply no way to communicate with this.
thats exactly what they did,, they sure didnt call and say they were on their way and have cookies and milk ready,,

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