Why We Are Not Making Progress Against Racism

A perfect reflection of the problem.

A perfect reflection of the problem is the one you see in the mirror every morning.

I don't see you in my mirror.

Well, that would be kind of awkward. Plus, I dont think my wife would approve

Look, you're a Asian puppet kissing the asses of whites who can't stand the fact you exist. You can't really tell me shit.
I love Asians.
Don’t ask for handouts.

The classic white racist stereotype of Asians.

Whites have got the most handouts continue demanding more.
Obama didn't cause racial problems. His skin color stirred up the racists. If he was white, but still did everything exactly as he did, there would have been no increase in racial problems.
he did not do much to end it either....

Whites like you guys were the problem. Not Obama.
nice excuse....and many people dont consider me a "white" guy so stick that white shit up your ass...and i will say something you wont say because you cant... Obama did not do much to help no doubt because he was afraid of criticism from black guys like you....it got worse under him....

Whites like you were the problem and that's a fact. Why would I, a black man, criticize Obama for trying to stop racism? Make sense when you reply to me son.
well if thats a fact then blacks like you are also the problem,i have read your posts here....and Obama did not do much to stop racism...and you should take your own advice son....

That makes as much sense as saying I didn't do enough to stop my ex wife from being a crazy bitch. She was a crazy bitch, and there was nothing I could do about it. Obama haters were racist asses. Nothing he could do about that.
A perfect reflection of the problem is the one you see in the mirror every morning.

I don't see you in my mirror.

Well, that would be kind of awkward. Plus, I dont think my wife would approve

Look, you're a Asian puppet kissing the asses of whites who can't stand the fact you exist. You can't really tell me shit.
I love Asians.
Don’t ask for handouts.

The classic white racist stereotype of Asians.

Whites have got the most handouts continue demanding more.
I have worked with Asians.
My son has many Asian friends from college.
You are an asshole.
The Race Grievance Industry.
Yeah, the biggest pusher Bill O'Reilly was booted off the air, only to be replaced by another grievance pusher, Tucker Carlson.

You're an idiot. Whites are not grieved by race. Whites are not benefitting from racial division. Neither is Carlson or O'Reilly. That is so much bull shit, even an idiot like you knows it's a lie. Go away liar.

America history shows this to be untrue.
Another liar. Is there no end to them?
If progress isn't being made it's because this is an issue that goes to character and govt isn't in the character business except to help destroy it. This is the same as saying we aren't making progress on lying.
We'd made all kinds of progress until Obama took office.

He and the current misnomered clot of Progressives stirred it all up again with their wanna-be "black activists" and student radicals, and now they are repeating the stupified 60s counterculture among themselves and annoying the crap out of everyone else.

Obama didn't cause racial problems. His skin color stirred up the racists. If he was white, but still did everything exactly as he did, there would have been no increase in racial problems.
he did not do much to end it either....

Not much he could do about reinvigorated racists who were mad because he was a black president.
if you are a real leader you lead.....like bush and the guy right now,Obama was a half-assed leader.......

Can'd do much to lead assholes who will never follow because of color. What could he, or anyone else do to stop you from being racist?
he did not do much to end it either....

Whites like you guys were the problem. Not Obama.
nice excuse....and many people dont consider me a "white" guy so stick that white shit up your ass...and i will say something you wont say because you cant... Obama did not do much to help no doubt because he was afraid of criticism from black guys like you....it got worse under him....

Whites like you were the problem and that's a fact. Why would I, a black man, criticize Obama for trying to stop racism? Make sense when you reply to me son.
well if thats a fact then blacks like you are also the problem,i have read your posts here....and Obama did not do much to stop racism...and you should take your own advice son....

Nah. Blacks like me are not the problem. Far from it. Obama was not the problem.
but yet you are sure its whites like me when many dont consider me white......people white or black with your mindset are the problem.....
A more accurate headline for that article would be

"why we aren't making more progress towards total communism?"

Because that is what "economic equality" is.
he did not do much to end it either....

Whites like you guys were the problem. Not Obama.
nice excuse....and many people dont consider me a "white" guy so stick that white shit up your ass...and i will say something you wont say because you cant... Obama did not do much to help no doubt because he was afraid of criticism from black guys like you....it got worse under him....

Whites like you were the problem and that's a fact. Why would I, a black man, criticize Obama for trying to stop racism? Make sense when you reply to me son.
well if thats a fact then blacks like you are also the problem,i have read your posts here....and Obama did not do much to stop racism...and you should take your own advice son....

Nah. Blacks like me are not the problem. Far from it. Obama was not the problem.
What did Obama do for blacks? Anything?
he did not do much to end it either....

Whites like you guys were the problem. Not Obama.
nice excuse....and many people dont consider me a "white" guy so stick that white shit up your ass...and i will say something you wont say because you cant... Obama did not do much to help no doubt because he was afraid of criticism from black guys like you....it got worse under him....

Whites like you were the problem and that's a fact. Why would I, a black man, criticize Obama for trying to stop racism? Make sense when you reply to me son.
well if thats a fact then blacks like you are also the problem,i have read your posts here....and Obama did not do much to stop racism...and you should take your own advice son....

That makes as much sense as saying I didn't do enough to stop my ex wife from being a crazy bitch. She was a crazy bitch, and there was nothing I could do about it. Obama haters were racist asses. Nothing he could do about that.
and what you just said makes a lot of sense?...you and IM2 are just making excuses for Obamas lack of leadership skills just like the right make excuses for trumps lack of leadership skills......
We'd made all kinds of progress until Obama took office.

He and the current misnomered clot of Progressives stirred it all up again with their wanna-be "black activists" and student radicals, and now they are repeating the stupified 60s counterculture among themselves and annoying the crap out of everyone else.

Obama didn't cause racial problems. His skin color stirred up the racists. If he was white, but still did everything exactly as he did, there would have been no increase in racial problems.
he did not do much to end it either....

Not much he could do about reinvigorated racists who were mad because he was a black president.
if you are a real leader you lead.....like bush and the guy right now,Obama was a half-assed leader.......

Can'd do much to lead assholes who will never follow because of color. What could he, or anyone else do to stop you from being racist?
how about standing up to it and addressing it...and that includes standing up against the blacks who were rioting and destroying their own cities....i dont recall him doing much of that....was he afraid of criticism?...
Whites like you guys were the problem. Not Obama.
nice excuse....and many people dont consider me a "white" guy so stick that white shit up your ass...and i will say something you wont say because you cant... Obama did not do much to help no doubt because he was afraid of criticism from black guys like you....it got worse under him....

Whites like you were the problem and that's a fact. Why would I, a black man, criticize Obama for trying to stop racism? Make sense when you reply to me son.
well if thats a fact then blacks like you are also the problem,i have read your posts here....and Obama did not do much to stop racism...and you should take your own advice son....

Nah. Blacks like me are not the problem. Far from it. Obama was not the problem.
What did Obama do for blacks? Anything?

I'm not sure he did anything specifically for blacks. He did do a lot to help the less privileged, but I don't think anything was specifically for blacks. I don't think I could have supported him as much if skin color was a defining factor in any of his programs. He was elected to represent all Americans.
Whites like you guys were the problem. Not Obama.
nice excuse....and many people dont consider me a "white" guy so stick that white shit up your ass...and i will say something you wont say because you cant... Obama did not do much to help no doubt because he was afraid of criticism from black guys like you....it got worse under him....

Whites like you were the problem and that's a fact. Why would I, a black man, criticize Obama for trying to stop racism? Make sense when you reply to me son.
well if thats a fact then blacks like you are also the problem,i have read your posts here....and Obama did not do much to stop racism...and you should take your own advice son....

That makes as much sense as saying I didn't do enough to stop my ex wife from being a crazy bitch. She was a crazy bitch, and there was nothing I could do about it. Obama haters were racist asses. Nothing he could do about that.
and what you just said makes a lot of sense?...you and IM2 are just making excuses for Obamas lack of leadership skills just like the right make excuses for trumps lack of leadership skills......

Don't be silly.
nice excuse....and many people dont consider me a "white" guy so stick that white shit up your ass...and i will say something you wont say because you cant... Obama did not do much to help no doubt because he was afraid of criticism from black guys like you....it got worse under him....

Whites like you were the problem and that's a fact. Why would I, a black man, criticize Obama for trying to stop racism? Make sense when you reply to me son.
well if thats a fact then blacks like you are also the problem,i have read your posts here....and Obama did not do much to stop racism...and you should take your own advice son....

Nah. Blacks like me are not the problem. Far from it. Obama was not the problem.
What did Obama do for blacks? Anything?

I'm not sure he did anything specifically for blacks. He did do a lot to help the less privileged, but I don't think anything was specifically for blacks. I don't think I could have supported him as much if skin color was a defining factor in any of his programs. He was elected to represent all Americans.
maxine said he did not do much for blacks..............
nice excuse....and many people dont consider me a "white" guy so stick that white shit up your ass...and i will say something you wont say because you cant... Obama did not do much to help no doubt because he was afraid of criticism from black guys like you....it got worse under him....

Whites like you were the problem and that's a fact. Why would I, a black man, criticize Obama for trying to stop racism? Make sense when you reply to me son.
well if thats a fact then blacks like you are also the problem,i have read your posts here....and Obama did not do much to stop racism...and you should take your own advice son....

That makes as much sense as saying I didn't do enough to stop my ex wife from being a crazy bitch. She was a crazy bitch, and there was nothing I could do about it. Obama haters were racist asses. Nothing he could do about that.
and what you just said makes a lot of sense?...you and IM2 are just making excuses for Obamas lack of leadership skills just like the right make excuses for trumps lack of leadership skills......

Don't be silly.
not being silly....maybe you are too much of a lefty to see that...
Whites like you were the problem and that's a fact. Why would I, a black man, criticize Obama for trying to stop racism? Make sense when you reply to me son.
well if thats a fact then blacks like you are also the problem,i have read your posts here....and Obama did not do much to stop racism...and you should take your own advice son....

Nah. Blacks like me are not the problem. Far from it. Obama was not the problem.
What did Obama do for blacks? Anything?

I'm not sure he did anything specifically for blacks. He did do a lot to help the less privileged, but I don't think anything was specifically for blacks. I don't think I could have supported him as much if skin color was a defining factor in any of his programs. He was elected to represent all Americans.
maxine said he did not do much for blacks..............

well if thats a fact then blacks like you are also the problem,i have read your posts here....and Obama did not do much to stop racism...and you should take your own advice son....

Nah. Blacks like me are not the problem. Far from it. Obama was not the problem.
What did Obama do for blacks? Anything?

I'm not sure he did anything specifically for blacks. He did do a lot to help the less privileged, but I don't think anything was specifically for blacks. I don't think I could have supported him as much if skin color was a defining factor in any of his programs. He was elected to represent all Americans.
maxine said he did not do much for blacks..............

and what?....she said he did not do much for blacks....was she wrong?....
Oh goody, the millionth mindless racial grievance-mongering thread by USMB's resident race-hustling black crybaby, IM2. Does his/her simple mind talk about anything else? Listen, crybaby, nobody owes you anything. YOU and you alone are responsible for your own life, so what do you hope to accomplish by your paranoid sniveling about race? Do you think whites are going to bow to you and give the likes of you a free handout or something? Why don't you grow the fuck up?
The reason we are not making progress in the fight for racial equality is due to one work - resentment.

As long as there are people alive who lived during the time when it was socially acceptable as well as lawful to treat people of color as an underclass then there will be resentment of the fact that they are no longer able to do so.

Only when everyone alive and born into the United State is born during a time when racial discrimination is not only unlawful but there also are no other living people who lived when it wasn't and are resentful of the fact that it is no longer legal, will racism begin to wane. In my opinion.

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