Why we shouldn't waste our time talking to Trump supporters


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2014
Like - ever.

Finally, I said: "Look, what you believe to be true is false. The things you think are facts are not facts. We can't go further here." This elicited lots of fast talking about why false things were true, and why Trump is generally awesome. /6

Finally, one of them said: "You should respect my view and not call me ignorant. That's not reasonable" I said: "You are not a reasonable person, and this is not really a discussion where I can respect your view. You think Trump is doing great. I think he's a disaster." /7

To which she said, and I quote: "Well, he's not as bad as Obamanation." I said: "Obamanation?" She said: "That's what he was, an abomination."

This was the person who had just implored me to be respectful and reasonable. I rolled my eyes and she left. /8

And further, should you happen to get sidetracked and ask them what was so horrible about Obama, upwards of 90% of their response is untrue.

So that's why i start threads and then ignore people when they demand answers. I cannot lend credence to those who are hellbent on defending the indefensible - especially when they're not hearing a damn word I say, anyway.
Since when have bed wetters tried to talk to the people they're programmed to hate?

As far as I'm concerned libturds are only here to be ridiculed, because all attempts to reason with them have proven to be folly.

Like - ever.

Finally, I said: "Look, what you believe to be true is false. The things you think are facts are not facts. We can't go further here." This elicited lots of fast talking about why false things were true, and why Trump is generally awesome. /6

Finally, one of them said: "You should respect my view and not call me ignorant. That's not reasonable" I said: "You are not a reasonable person, and this is not really a discussion where I can respect your view. You think Trump is doing great. I think he's a disaster." /7

To which she said, and I quote: "Well, he's not as bad as Obamanation." I said: "Obamanation?" She said: "That's what he was, an abomination."

This was the person who had just implored me to be respectful and reasonable. I rolled my eyes and she left. /8

And further, should you happen to get sidetracked and ask them what was so horrible about Obama, upwards of 90% of their response is untrue.

So that's why i start threads and then ignore people when they demand answers. I cannot lend credence to those who are hellbent on defending the indefensible - especially when they're not hearing a damn word I say, anyway.
Yes it is far better for you to talk only to people who believe EXACTLY what you believe and ignore everyone else. The Liberal echo chamber is such a safe place, isn't it?
Like - ever.

Finally, I said: "Look, what you believe to be true is false. The things you think are facts are not facts. We can't go further here." This elicited lots of fast talking about why false things were true, and why Trump is generally awesome. /6

Finally, one of them said: "You should respect my view and not call me ignorant. That's not reasonable" I said: "You are not a reasonable person, and this is not really a discussion where I can respect your view. You think Trump is doing great. I think he's a disaster." /7

To which she said, and I quote: "Well, he's not as bad as Obamanation." I said: "Obamanation?" She said: "That's what he was, an abomination."

This was the person who had just implored me to be respectful and reasonable. I rolled my eyes and she left. /8

And further, should you happen to get sidetracked and ask them what was so horrible about Obama, upwards of 90% of their response is untrue.

So that's why i start threads and then ignore people when they demand answers. I cannot lend credence to those who are hellbent on defending the indefensible - especially when they're not hearing a damn word I say, anyway.
I think its important to talk with Drumpf supporters. It provides an insight on just how deranged, slavish, and stupid a carnival barker can convince his followers to be. How do you deal with people when you are not prepared for the worst in human behavior?
Like - ever.

Finally, I said: "Look, what you believe to be true is false. The things you think are facts are not facts. We can't go further here." This elicited lots of fast talking about why false things were true, and why Trump is generally awesome. /6

Finally, one of them said: "You should respect my view and not call me ignorant. That's not reasonable" I said: "You are not a reasonable person, and this is not really a discussion where I can respect your view. You think Trump is doing great. I think he's a disaster." /7

To which she said, and I quote: "Well, he's not as bad as Obamanation." I said: "Obamanation?" She said: "That's what he was, an abomination."

This was the person who had just implored me to be respectful and reasonable. I rolled my eyes and she left. /8

And further, should you happen to get sidetracked and ask them what was so horrible about Obama, upwards of 90% of their response is untrue.

So that's why i start threads and then ignore people when they demand answers. I cannot lend credence to those who are hellbent on defending the indefensible - especially when they're not hearing a damn word I say, anyway.
You should not! You should just keep shouting racism at the top of your lungs!
The OP is just being herself. How very empowering for her! For sure. Like wow. She starts threads and then ignores people when they demand answers to her ninnery. It's like a fact, ya know?
Is it some genetic defect that makes Democrats so easy to program?

If that is so then there IS s strong case for government-funded abortion for those afflicted. We could wipe out that grotesque defect in a single generation. OK, maybe two.....unless we did some genetic testing and made sterilization or abortion both free and mandatory.

/jerkem around mode off
Like - ever.

Finally, I said: "Look, what you believe to be true is false. The things you think are facts are not facts. We can't go further here." This elicited lots of fast talking about why false things were true, and why Trump is generally awesome. /6

Finally, one of them said: "You should respect my view and not call me ignorant. That's not reasonable" I said: "You are not a reasonable person, and this is not really a discussion where I can respect your view. You think Trump is doing great. I think he's a disaster." /7

To which she said, and I quote: "Well, he's not as bad as Obamanation." I said: "Obamanation?" She said: "That's what he was, an abomination."

This was the person who had just implored me to be respectful and reasonable. I rolled my eyes and she left. /8

And further, should you happen to get sidetracked and ask them what was so horrible about Obama, upwards of 90% of their response is untrue.

So that's why i start threads and then ignore people when they demand answers. I cannot lend credence to those who are hellbent on defending the indefensible - especially when they're not hearing a damn word I say, anyway.

Sorry, I can't afford a subscription to the Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov Lifestyle this month. I'm saving to pay for Obamacare.
Like - ever.

Finally, I said: "Look, what you believe to be true is false. The things you think are facts are not facts. We can't go further here." This elicited lots of fast talking about why false things were true, and why Trump is generally awesome. /6

Finally, one of them said: "You should respect my view and not call me ignorant. That's not reasonable" I said: "You are not a reasonable person, and this is not really a discussion where I can respect your view. You think Trump is doing great. I think he's a disaster." /7

To which she said, and I quote: "Well, he's not as bad as Obamanation." I said: "Obamanation?" She said: "That's what he was, an abomination."

This was the person who had just implored me to be respectful and reasonable. I rolled my eyes and she left. /8

And further, should you happen to get sidetracked and ask them what was so horrible about Obama, upwards of 90% of their response is untrue.

So that's why i start threads and then ignore people when they demand answers. I cannot lend credence to those who are hellbent on defending the indefensible - especially when they're not hearing a damn word I say, anyway.

"It’s hard to quarrel with that ancient justification of the free press: “America’s right to know.” It seems almost cruel to ask, ingenuously, ”America’s right to know what, please? Science? Mathematics? Economics? Foreign languages?”

None of those things, of course. In fact, one might well suppose that the popular feeling is that Americans are a lot better off without any of that tripe

... There are 200 million Americans who have inhabited schoolrooms at some time in their lives and who will admit that they know how to read (provided you promise not to use their names and shame them before their neighbors), but most decent periodicals believe they are doing amazingly well if they have circulations of half a million. It may be that only 1 per cent–or less―of American make a stab at exercising their right to know. And if they try to do anything on that basis they are quite likely to be accused of being elitists.

I contend that the slogan “America’s right to know” is a meaningless one when we have an ignorant population, and that the function of a free press is virtually zero when hardly anyone can read.

.... There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”

Newsweek: “A Cult of Ignorance” by Isaac Asimov, January 21, 1980, p. 19. PDF.
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Like - ever.

Finally, I said: "Look, what you believe to be true is false. The things you think are facts are not facts. We can't go further here." This elicited lots of fast talking about why false things were true, and why Trump is generally awesome. /6

Finally, one of them said: "You should respect my view and not call me ignorant. That's not reasonable" I said: "You are not a reasonable person, and this is not really a discussion where I can respect your view. You think Trump is doing great. I think he's a disaster." /7

To which she said, and I quote: "Well, he's not as bad as Obamanation." I said: "Obamanation?" She said: "That's what he was, an abomination."

This was the person who had just implored me to be respectful and reasonable. I rolled my eyes and she left. /8

And further, should you happen to get sidetracked and ask them what was so horrible about Obama, upwards of 90% of their response is untrue.

So that's why i start threads and then ignore people when they demand answers. I cannot lend credence to those who are hellbent on defending the indefensible - especially when they're not hearing a damn word I say, anyway.

Yes...it is much easier for fascists like yourself to beat, kick and stomp on anyone who doesn't agree with you.....mass graves don't get filled without fascists to fill them....
Like - ever.

Finally, I said: "Look, what you believe to be true is false. The things you think are facts are not facts. We can't go further here." This elicited lots of fast talking about why false things were true, and why Trump is generally awesome. /6

Finally, one of them said: "You should respect my view and not call me ignorant. That's not reasonable" I said: "You are not a reasonable person, and this is not really a discussion where I can respect your view. You think Trump is doing great. I think he's a disaster." /7

To which she said, and I quote: "Well, he's not as bad as Obamanation." I said: "Obamanation?" She said: "That's what he was, an abomination."

This was the person who had just implored me to be respectful and reasonable. I rolled my eyes and she left. /8

And further, should you happen to get sidetracked and ask them what was so horrible about Obama, upwards of 90% of their response is untrue.

So that's why i start threads and then ignore people when they demand answers. I cannot lend credence to those who are hellbent on defending the indefensible - especially when they're not hearing a damn word I say, anyway.
Instead of trying to change a heart and mind of a terrified racist from Trump’s base, convince 2 people who don’t always vote to go vote.
I think its important to talk with Drumpf supporters. It provides an insight on just how deranged, slavish, and stupid a carnival barker can convince his followers to be. How do you deal with people when you are not prepared for the worst in human behavior?





We watched for 8 years as you bed wetters defended the meat puppet faggot and his sycophantic media and you have the gall to complain when the opposition defends their guy?

You have just proven that you do not, can not, and would not "THINK" even if you had the capacity to do so.

Like - ever.

Finally, I said: "Look, what you believe to be true is false. The things you think are facts are not facts. We can't go further here." This elicited lots of fast talking about why false things were true, and why Trump is generally awesome. /6

Finally, one of them said: "You should respect my view and not call me ignorant. That's not reasonable" I said: "You are not a reasonable person, and this is not really a discussion where I can respect your view. You think Trump is doing great. I think he's a disaster." /7

To which she said, and I quote: "Well, he's not as bad as Obamanation." I said: "Obamanation?" She said: "That's what he was, an abomination."

This was the person who had just implored me to be respectful and reasonable. I rolled my eyes and she left. /8

And further, should you happen to get sidetracked and ask them what was so horrible about Obama, upwards of 90% of their response is untrue.

So that's why i start threads and then ignore people when they demand answers. I cannot lend credence to those who are hellbent on defending the indefensible - especially when they're not hearing a damn word I say, anyway.
I think its important to talk with Drumpf supporters. It provides an insight on just how deranged, slavish, and stupid a carnival barker can convince his followers to be. How do you deal with people when you are not prepared for the worst in human behavior?

Nope. I already know. It's like checking to see if the sky is still blue. Once you know, you know.
Like - ever.

Finally, I said: "Look, what you believe to be true is false. The things you think are facts are not facts. We can't go further here." This elicited lots of fast talking about why false things were true, and why Trump is generally awesome. /6

Finally, one of them said: "You should respect my view and not call me ignorant. That's not reasonable" I said: "You are not a reasonable person, and this is not really a discussion where I can respect your view. You think Trump is doing great. I think he's a disaster." /7

To which she said, and I quote: "Well, he's not as bad as Obamanation." I said: "Obamanation?" She said: "That's what he was, an abomination."

This was the person who had just implored me to be respectful and reasonable. I rolled my eyes and she left. /8

And further, should you happen to get sidetracked and ask them what was so horrible about Obama, upwards of 90% of their response is untrue.

So that's why i start threads and then ignore people when they demand answers. I cannot lend credence to those who are hellbent on defending the indefensible - especially when they're not hearing a damn word I say, anyway.
I think its important to talk with Drumpf supporters. It provides an insight on just how deranged, slavish, and stupid a carnival barker can convince his followers to be. How do you deal with people when you are not prepared for the worst in human behavior?

Nope. I already know. It's like checking to see if the sky is still blue. Once you know, you know.
You cant tell me you arent at least a little curious just how far down the rabbit hole the the orange pied piper can take them?
Like - ever.

Finally, I said: "Look, what you believe to be true is false. The things you think are facts are not facts. We can't go further here." This elicited lots of fast talking about why false things were true, and why Trump is generally awesome. /6

Finally, one of them said: "You should respect my view and not call me ignorant. That's not reasonable" I said: "You are not a reasonable person, and this is not really a discussion where I can respect your view. You think Trump is doing great. I think he's a disaster." /7

To which she said, and I quote: "Well, he's not as bad as Obamanation." I said: "Obamanation?" She said: "That's what he was, an abomination."

This was the person who had just implored me to be respectful and reasonable. I rolled my eyes and she left. /8

And further, should you happen to get sidetracked and ask them what was so horrible about Obama, upwards of 90% of their response is untrue.

So that's why i start threads and then ignore people when they demand answers. I cannot lend credence to those who are hellbent on defending the indefensible - especially when they're not hearing a damn word I say, anyway.
It's like ignoring misbehaving children.
Like - ever.

Finally, I said: "Look, what you believe to be true is false. The things you think are facts are not facts. We can't go further here." This elicited lots of fast talking about why false things were true, and why Trump is generally awesome. /6

Finally, one of them said: "You should respect my view and not call me ignorant. That's not reasonable" I said: "You are not a reasonable person, and this is not really a discussion where I can respect your view. You think Trump is doing great. I think he's a disaster." /7

To which she said, and I quote: "Well, he's not as bad as Obamanation." I said: "Obamanation?" She said: "That's what he was, an abomination."

This was the person who had just implored me to be respectful and reasonable. I rolled my eyes and she left. /8

And further, should you happen to get sidetracked and ask them what was so horrible about Obama, upwards of 90% of their response is untrue.

So that's why i start threads and then ignore people when they demand answers. I cannot lend credence to those who are hellbent on defending the indefensible - especially when they're not hearing a damn word I say, anyway.
It's like ignoring misbehaving children.

Whattaya mean "like"?
Like - ever.

Finally, I said: "Look, what you believe to be true is false. The things you think are facts are not facts. We can't go further here." This elicited lots of fast talking about why false things were true, and why Trump is generally awesome. /6

Finally, one of them said: "You should respect my view and not call me ignorant. That's not reasonable" I said: "You are not a reasonable person, and this is not really a discussion where I can respect your view. You think Trump is doing great. I think he's a disaster." /7

To which she said, and I quote: "Well, he's not as bad as Obamanation." I said: "Obamanation?" She said: "That's what he was, an abomination."

This was the person who had just implored me to be respectful and reasonable. I rolled my eyes and she left. /8

And further, should you happen to get sidetracked and ask them what was so horrible about Obama, upwards of 90% of their response is untrue.

So that's why i start threads and then ignore people when they demand answers. I cannot lend credence to those who are hellbent on defending the indefensible - especially when they're not hearing a damn word I say, anyway.
I think its important to talk with Drumpf supporters. It provides an insight on just how deranged, slavish, and stupid a carnival barker can convince his followers to be. How do you deal with people when you are not prepared for the worst in human behavior?

Nope. I already know. It's like checking to see if the sky is still blue. Once you know, you know.
You cant tell me you arent at least a little curious just how far down the rabbit hole the the orange pied piper can take them?

Insofar as past behavior determines future - I really don't think anything will stop them. They're fine with Russia, they're fine with Emoluments, they're fine with nepotism. They're fine with everything. I don't need to take their temperature every time Donald does more damage.

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