Why Weren't Annapolis Victims Armed ?

Why are you so scared someone is going to try to kill you? Are you involved in illegal activity? I'm pretty old now and not only has nobody ever tried to kill me, but I don't know anyone who has had someone try to kill them.
Sure you do. It's in the news every day. It on the Justice Channel and Escape channel in hundreds of TV (real life) episodes. It's on the Most Shocking videos. You're just paying attention.

BTW, ever hear of Capital Gazette ? San Bernardino ? Fort Hood ? Pulse Club ? Parkland ?LAX ? Virginia Tech ? etc , etc.

And I'm not scared that someone is trying to kill me. I'm just a believer in being prepared for what's important. Like staying alive. You wanna tell the friends and relatives of all the deceased in these killings, that everything is fine & dandy ?
If you want to stay alive you should support gun control. Countries with strong gun control don't have regular mass shootings. They also have homicide rates that are a fraction of ours. Quite the circle of stupidity you are stuck in. Gun industry tells you that you need a gun to be safe. Lots of guns makes us all less safe.

I own guns (albeit antique). My husband owns guns. Reasonable gun control would have no effect on us. I feel no need to have to carry a gun everywhere with me.
the mindless ramblings of a rabid gun nut

the mindless ramblings of a programmed, anti-gun liberal.

i'm not anti-gun, i'm anti-nut

i own a number of guns- i'm really sick of asshats like you who can't go to the toilet without a model 97 in one hand and a m1911 in the other or you break into tears.

pathetic cowards like you make me want to puke
I know a lot of people that don't want to ever be armed. It is a sad state when they are considered less safe. The government needs to do something to protect our right to life.
EARTH TO BRAIN: The govt does things in a GENERAL way. It allocates lots of money for programs. things like that. But when the really bad guy starts coming at you, you're on your own. Police (govt) will come by 20 minutes later to pick up your body, if you're unarmed. Don't be.
Meanwhile, when was the last mass shooting in the UK?

When was the last spate of stabbings?
Their homicide rate is 1/4 of ours.

Zombie knives 'causing rise in knife crime deaths' as teen arrested over latest London murder

You may never need to defend yourself or your family. Let's hope they never expect you to.

However, you're argument is redolent of party line playback and a strange loathing for your nation and fellow countrymen vis a vis their desire for ability to defend self and family--and you--should the need arise. You seem to think only Americans capable of terrible crime. Despise your country so?
I don't understand how it can be that 5 good people are shot dead by some lunatic, and all of them were walking around in public unarmed. I rarely go anywhere unarmed, and have my gun with me 99% of the time. If they had been armed (or even just 1 of them), the following scenario would have played out. Either >>>

1. The shooter would have been deterred and never would have showed up.

2. The shooter would have ran away as soon as he realized he had firearm resistance.

3. The shooter would have been shot dead, thereby saving at least some (if not all) of the lives that were lost.

I have heard that Maryland (blue state) is an entire, statewide gun-free zone. Not sure about that, but I do know that gun-free zones are getting people killed like flies, so I wouldn't doubt if that was part of the scenario here.

Does anybody know an answer to the question (title) of this OP ?
Would the OP have been able to react in time? Hmmmmm
I thought armed security or the police were there in just ONE MINUTE? He still managed to kill 5
Meanwhile, when was the last mass shooting in the UK?

When was the last spate of stabbings?
Their homicide rate is 1/4 of ours.

Zombie knives 'causing rise in knife crime deaths' as teen arrested over latest London murder

You may never need to defend yourself or your family. Let's hope they never expect you to.

However, you're argument is redolent of party line playback and a strange loathing for your nation and fellow countrymen vis a vis their desire for ability to defend self and family--and you--should the need arise. You seem to think only Americans capable of terrible crime. Despise your country so?

He's only pointing out our homicide rate.
This was close to home. After years of searching for a position I could latch onto securely I now finally conclude. , rather sadly, that it is the better idea for people who are good at it to be armed.
i'm not anti-gun, i'm anti-nut

i own a number of guns- i'm really sick of asshats like you who can't go to the toilet without a model 97 in one hand and a m1911 in the other or you break into tears.

pathetic cowards like you make me want to puke
If I were in person with you right now, I'd kick your butt. Lucky for you, you're in computerland, which is why you talk so big. And you never even touched a gun. You're too afraid of guns to even do that.
Well, when opposing armies are all armed - why do so many people get killed?
i'm not anti-gun, i'm anti-nut

i own a number of guns- i'm really sick of asshats like you who can't go to the toilet without a model 97 in one hand and a m1911 in the other or you break into tears.

pathetic cowards like you make me want to puke
If I were in person with you right now, I'd kick your butt. Lucky for you, you're in computerland, which is why you talk so big. And you never even touched a gun. You're too afraid of guns to even do that.

I wouldn't make assumptions. There are a lot of people who support both the right to own arms and reasonable gun control laws. I have guns that are family heirlooms. I haven't shot in years, but Mr. C has and he taught me.
i'm not anti-gun, i'm anti-nut

i own a number of guns- i'm really sick of asshats like you who can't go to the toilet without a model 97 in one hand and a m1911 in the other or you break into tears.

pathetic cowards like you make me want to puke
If I were in person with you right now, I'd kick your butt. Lucky for you, you're in computerland, which is why you talk so big. And you never even touched a gun. You're too afraid of guns to even do that.

if you were in person with me right now, i'd laugh at you and walk away.

and you wouldn't do fuck all about it, would you?


I know a lot of people that don't want to ever be armed. It is a sad state when they are considered less safe. The government needs to do something to protect our right to life.
EARTH TO BRAIN: The govt does things in a GENERAL way. It allocates lots of money for programs. things like that. But when the really bad guy starts coming at you, you're on your own. Police (govt) will come by 20 minutes later to pick up your body, if you're unarmed. Don't be.
Earth to protectionist. Because of you that criminal is much more likely to be armed. All these guns and our homicide rate is 4-5X that of countries with strong gun control.
I don't understand how it can be that 5 good people are shot dead by some lunatic, and all of them were walking around in public unarmed. I rarely go anywhere unarmed, and have my gun with me 99% of the time. If they had been armed (or even just 1 of them), the following scenario would have played out. Either >>>

1. The shooter would have been deterred and never would have showed up.

2. The shooter would have ran away as soon as he realized he had firearm resistance.

3. The shooter would have been shot dead, thereby saving at least some (if not all) of the lives that were lost.

I have heard that Maryland (blue state) is an entire, statewide gun-free zone. Not sure about that, but I do know that gun-free zones are getting people killed like flies, so I wouldn't doubt if that was part of the scenario here.

Does anybody know an answer to the question (title) of this OP ?
How many have you shot?
Meanwhile, when was the last mass shooting in the UK?

When was the last spate of stabbings?
Their homicide rate is 1/4 of ours.

Zombie knives 'causing rise in knife crime deaths' as teen arrested over latest London murder

You may never need to defend yourself or your family. Let's hope they never expect you to.

However, you're argument is redolent of party line playback and a strange loathing for your nation and fellow countrymen vis a vis their desire for ability to defend self and family--and you--should the need arise. You seem to think only Americans capable of terrible crime. Despise your country so?
I'm not sure you came close to an intelligent thought. Again, our homicide rate is 4X their's. Without carrying guns they are much safer.

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