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Why White People Don’t Like to Talk About Race

In the United States, white people (and all other 'groups' of people - sorry leftists) talk about race all the damn time. You'd be hard pressed to find a country where people (of all 'races' - sorry leftists) talk about it more.
If that is true it would be because we are the most diverse nation on the planet that has money. There can be many reasons but pettiness and jealousies of each other inflames any cultural ways of any groups or individuals.

Once again, in English?
We have many many groups of different backgrounds in a wealthy environment. More then any other nation in the world. There are many reasons people of all of those groups may say things about people of other groups. Two reasons like pettiness and jealousies can make groups frustrations with others expand from a normal voice in concern to talking loud through a megaphone at its highest setting denoting near violence. Whether one group has a legitimate gripe or another group feel it is wronged would be catalysts.
I know white crime is a problem but how many of your buddies here have chosen to talk about white on white crime?

You mean our pedigreed racist bunch??? LOL. They talk about white on white crime in this forum about as often as you talk about "black on black crime"... :2up:

Wrong is wrong.. It's too easy to approach systemic problems in society by declaring it to be a race issue every fucking time... It's a cop-out and VERY unproductive. Because a lot of the systemic issues could be fixed TOMORROW if we were all more unified politically and committed to focusing on the IMPORTANT stuff instead of making politics into a fucking combat sport....

AND -- there's be a lot more kumbaya and reconciliation when we did that.. But it would put you and your life's work of agitating (or if you like "community organizing") --- out of business... :lmao:

They want nobody to consider color or race even as race is consistently used by whites as a qualifying factor. They claim to be colorblind and want to see people as individuals. Hence they are practicing a modern form of racism whereby the only standard or experiences they accept as valid are those of whites. Therefore non whites are making up racism but whites are the ones being discriminated against now. Therefore policies like Affirmative Action do not address centuries long racism by whites. Instead it discriminates against whites

I don't even UNDERSTAND that last sentence of that 1st paragraph.. You quote cryptic liberal arts majors that all have their own language and lexicon...

WTF is "..... has 4 main frames: abstract Liberalism, naturalization, cultural racism, and minimization of racism"

I'm NONE of those things. And OF COURSE I SEE COLOR... I see black as I see yellow or brown or strip-ped... And it's all good. Because I have NO ISSUE with multiculturalism -- UNTIL IT BECAMES it's own tyranny of competition BETWEEN the colors....

Please explain WTF is the DIFF between cultural racism and racism.. If you're saying that Mexicans are not a RACE --- then just say that..

I'm biased against Arabs for still constructing govts with 1400 yr old values and cultures.. Yes I am.. But that does not make me a racist in ANY WAY....
I have a friend who I often team up with at a local trivia game. he is everything IM2 is not. He is friendly .He is intelligent. He is successful. He isn't all about blame.

We are their to have fun, not establish victimhood, but we do talk about race in unthreatening ways . it's all lighthearted, though, rather than IM2's racist jackhammer approach.

Who knows - if IM2 ever turned into a human being instead of a snarling feral creature living on pure racial hatred, he would find he could hang with whites and have a good time, too.

As is, the loathsome racist will just have the hatref he is putting out there reflecting back on him.
You don't want to discuss so piss off. Your opinion is shit.

I'm not going to discuss Dr. King with a punk pink thong wearing white maggot that misquotes the meaning of Kings words to defend his racism.

As for doggiestyles comment, I have to laugh. He has posted reams of racism and these references to blacks have not been made lightheartedly or in fun. How many references to race wars and civil wars have been posted here? How many of your fellow white supremacists have talked about replacement and white genocide? And how many posts have been created about this fiction of anti white racism. Doggiestyle is a liar. And understand this, I have plenty of white friends. Only racists make the comments dogass made. The only feral creatures living on pure racial hatred are the white racists in this forum. Your responses prove it.

Because instead of intelligently explaining why whites might feel some discomfort, we get rants about black on black crime, academics , black men leaving women and all the usual bitch made cracker ass crackerisms.
You say you have plenty of white friends, yet you refuse to believe whites have plenty of black friends.
USMB is a fine example of this.

Why White People Don’t Like to Talk About Race
March 26, 2015 by Barnabas Piper

Most white people want no part of the conversation about race. We don’t want it with our baristas, our neighbors, our spouses, or anyone really. We don’t quite know what do each February during Black History Month. For most white people that’s Martin Luther King Jr. awareness month with a nod to Harriet Tubman and not much sense of any other aspect of black history or culture. The ongoing tensions surrounding the deaths of Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Tamir Rice, Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, and so many other incidents are more than most of us know what to do with (if we want anything to do with them at all).

Most of us grew up unaffected by the racial divide, or at least unaware of how it affected us. Now, though, the divide has been brought to us and we’re at a loss. We don’t want that conversation. We’re uncomfortable with it. Our responses tend to fall into two main groups.

Group 1: Don’t want to talk about race

This first group contains the bigots and racists. They don’t want to talk about race (or maybe they do for all the wrong reasons) because they want to be the only race. This bunch deserves a whole lot of ink, most of it not very pleasant, and none of it here. They are despicable products of unfortunate upbringings.

The majority of this group, though, is not outright bigoted. Instead they are outright ignorant and therefore subtly prejudiced. They are unexposed to minority cultures (not just black, but all non-white cultures) and unaware of the complexities, difficulties, and hurts there. Really most of white America is part of, or has been part of, this group. They are the comfortable majority, and thus they determine the status quo. Life is good, so why rock the boat? It’s not that they don’t “care” about the needs of others — you won’t find a more cause-oriented bunch of advocates than young, privileged white people — but those needs never really intersect with their lives at a personal and relational level. And they’re happy to keep it that way because any other way is uncomfortable and intimidating. It’s a passive aggressive approach to racial separation, and one most don’t even realize they’re participating in. Their ignorance is blindness they mistake for bliss.

Group 2: Don’t know how to talk about race

Why White People Don't Like to Talk About Race

Most here are not the blissfully ignorant. You are racists. Blacks here have been called all kinds of racist names and all kinds of overtly racist opinion has been spoken. Blissful ignorance is not why a thread about black names has been created at least 2 times sine I've actively started participating here. The same goes for other things.

Now watch the racism you will see from people who are going to complain. They never complain when a thread by a white person denigrating blacks is posted. Only when a thread about whites is made do they suddenly become colorblind.
Yeah, lets create a straw man to bash. Whites are All bad, unless they acquiesce and repent.
You know IM2...He can't discuss anything except race relations and that's if all whites are bad and people of color are good. That's about the level of his thinking, sorry to say.
This a race relations section of USMB.

So what should im2 talk about in this forum ?

Secondly what's this "people of color" shit ?

Black ppl have no friends.

Its world against blk ppl.

Most Asians side with whites. You're always kissing their ass, talking them up about how smart they are.

Asian women love white guys.
Latinos don't like blk ppl.

Stop with this "ppl of color" crap.

Remember showing hatred and contempt towards blk ppl is ESSENTIAL for any group of non blk ppl. That shows their loyalty towards the system of racism-white supremacy.

Remember when I made that thread "I Was Wrong"? I did that to expose these guys for what they are. They all came running into that thread with all kinds of backslaps and congratulations because I was blaming blacks for all the problems in the black community. They felt validated because I was finally blaming black culture and admitting our true racial inferiority. You didn't see all the nasty personal attacks. No complaints about me starting a thread about race. I became a "sucessful" black person.

Jackson sent a few congratulatory posts just like every other racist here.

But now I have a problem according to his trifling ass. Why? Because I refuse to blame blacks for our problems and accept that continuing white racism has no effect It's Teflon history, everything is gone now even as we have a president that grew up during Jim Crow and a generations of whites alive today influenced by people that grew up during Apartheid.

The people howling the most about me or you are the racists. Jackson is a white supremacist. In 6 minutes CST, it will be 2020. In some parts of America it already is. From 2020 forth racists here are going to face the truth. I'm done arguing. It's time.


That's what time it is racists.​
You just refuse to expect people to be responsible for their actions. If they are black, it is the white mans fault. Whose fault is it when whites have issues? Everyone is responsible for their own problems. If this weren’t true, everyone would be happy and successful.
I have a friend who I often team up with at a local trivia game. he is everything IM2 is not. He is friendly .He is intelligent. He is successful. He isn't all about blame.

We are their to have fun, not establish victimhood, but we do talk about race in unthreatening ways . it's all lighthearted, though, rather than IM2's racist jackhammer approach.

Who knows - if IM2 ever turned into a human being instead of a snarling feral creature living on pure racial hatred, he would find he could hang with whites and have a good time, too.

As is, the loathsome racist will just have the hatref he is putting out there reflecting back on him.
You don't want to discuss so piss off. Your opinion is shit.

I'm not going to discuss Dr. King with a punk pink thong wearing white maggot that misquotes the meaning of Kings words to defend his racism.

As for doggiestyles comment, I have to laugh. He has posted reams of racism and these references to blacks have not been made lightheartedly or in fun. How many references to race wars and civil wars have been posted here? How many of your fellow white supremacists have talked about replacement and white genocide? And how many posts have been created about this fiction of anti white racism. Doggiestyle is a liar. And understand this, I have plenty of white friends. Only racists make the comments dogass made. The only feral creatures living on pure racial hatred are the white racists in this forum. Your responses prove it.

Because instead of intelligently explaining why whites might feel some discomfort, we get rants about black on black crime, academics , black men leaving women and all the usual bitch made cracker ass crackerisms.
You say you have plenty of white friends, yet you refuse to believe whites have plenty of black friends.

Are they his children? He is a donor.

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If America decided to pay reparations to descendants of slaves, would the descendants of white slaves qualify too?

Korin Anita, Working Class Hero

Oh, god, not this tripe again. There were no white slaves in the US. None. Zero.

People who wanted to come to the colonies could get transport by selling their labor for a fixed period. Their indenture could then be sold on to someone in the colonies who needed labor. BUT the indenture was held under laws regulating the responsibilities of the person holding the indenture. If they failed to meet their responsibility then the indentured servant could take them to court. Think a slave could do that?

An indentured servant was for a fixed period of time, NOT LIFE, and did not apply to a spouse or children, unlike chattel slavery.

Quite a few people came here as indentured servants. One of my ancestors came as an indentured servant, not even of his own will as he was tossed out of Ireland. He did his time, married the daughter of the man who held his indenture and saved enough money to buy a lot of land. He became a successful planter and breeder of horses, something the Irish are great at. Does that sound like chattel slavery to you?

White slaves…jeez, read genuine history, people.


Germany paid reparations to Jews. But they also took their belongings. That’s more like restitution. You also can’t really pay dead [emoji88] people for the gold from their teeth [emoji3103].

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I overheard a black kid talking to our school Councillor, Mrs Hall back in 1973 (COLE Jr high.)
how much He, the school bully, HATES whites...because ALL we whites, to quote the black bully, are racist. Right out side my school, back in day, we had "free huey" slogans all over the place. I was a big follower of Naom Chomsky. Not so much now...
I overheard a black kid talking to our school Councillor, Mrs Hall back in 1973 (COLE Jr high.)
how much He, the school bully, HATES whites...because ALL we whites, to quote the black bully, are racist. Right out side my school, back in day, we had "free huey" slogans all over the place. I was a big follower of Naom Chomsky. Not so much now...
Yes in 1973 a black person would have that opinion. That was less than a decade after the voting/civil rights acts were passed. Overt racism was still a problem. In 1973 we had race fights with whites at the jr/sr highs because of white racism. But you ignore the role of whites in this issue in order to create your false equivalences.
IM2, I don't care about your fucking problems. God made you black, maybe you should just accept this and move on.
Majority Of White Americans Say They Believe Whites Face Discrimination

A majority of whites say discrimination against them exists in America today, according to a poll released Tuesday from NPR, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

"If you apply for a job, they seem to give the blacks the first crack at it," said 68-year-old Tim Hershman of Akron, Ohio, "and, basically, you know, if you want any help from the government, if you're white, you don't get it. If you're black, you get it."

More than half of whites — 55 percent — surveyed say that, generally speaking, they believe there is discrimination against white people in America today. Hershman's view is similar to what was heard on the campaign trail at Trump rally after Trump rally. Donald Trump catered to white grievance during the 2016 presidential campaign and has done so as president as well.

Notable, however, is that while a majority of whites in the poll say discrimination against them exists, a much smaller percentage say that they have actually experienced it.

Ask Hershman whether there is discrimination against whites, and he answered even before this reporter could finish the question — with an emphatic "Absolutely."

"It's been going on for decades, and it's been getting worse for whites," Hershman contended, despite data showing whites continue to be better off financially and educationally than minority groups.

Even though Hershman believes he has been a victim of anti-white discrimination, he wasn't able to provide a specific example.

Just like some of our members here, Hershman complains about anti white discrimination but cannot show evidence. Whites like this seem to believe they can just holler about discrimination and it has to be so.

Majority Of White Americans Say They Believe Whites Face Discrimination

Majority of white Americans believe discrimination against whites exists, poll finds

A majority of white Americans believe discrimination exists against them in the United States, according to a poll released Tuesday.

The poll, conducted by NPR, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, found that 55% of whites surveyed believe that "discrimination against white people exists in the U.S. today.”

Of those white Americans surveyed, only a small percentage say they've experienced discrimination firsthand.

According to NPR, income seemed to "affect individual responses to the question of discrimination," with those making less money "more likely to say that whites are discriminated against."

Majority of white Americans believe discrimination against whites exists, poll finds

And here you have it. There are whites that believe they are entitled to stuff because they are white. If they don't have what they believe they are entitled to...Then some of them try projecting this attitude on non whites who actually are discriminated against. Once again though, we see an example where whites are complaining about discrimination but are unable to cite instances.
IM2, I don't care about your fucking problems. God made you black, maybe you should just accept this and move on.

Shut up white boy. You don't do this in threads by whites crying about fake ass anti white discrimination. Or in any other white racist thread. So if your white ass don't care, don't enter the thread.
The reason lower income whites feel more discriminated against than upper income whites is because it's true.
IM2, I don't care about your fucking problems. God made you black, maybe you should just accept this and move on.

Shut up white boy. You don't do this in threads by whites crying about fake ass anti white discrimination. Or in any other white racist thread. So if your white ass don't care, don't enter the thread.
If you can make me shut up, I invite you to try.

They want nobody to consider color or race even as race is consistently used by whites as a qualifying factor. They claim to be colorblind and want to see people as individuals. Hence they are practicing a modern form of racism whereby the only standard or experiences they accept as valid are those of whites. Therefore non whites are making up racism but whites are the ones being discriminated against now. Therefore policies like Affirmative Action do not address centuries long racism by whites. Instead it discriminates against whites

I don't even UNDERSTAND that last sentence of that 1st paragraph.. You quote cryptic liberal arts majors that all have their own language and lexicon...

WTF is "..... has 4 main frames: abstract Liberalism, naturalization, cultural racism, and minimization of racism"

I'm NONE of those things. And OF COURSE I SEE COLOR... I see black as I see yellow or brown or strip-ped... And it's all good. Because I have NO ISSUE with multiculturalism -- UNTIL IT BECAMES it's own tyranny of competition BETWEEN the colors....

Please explain WTF is the DIFF between cultural racism and racism.. If you're saying that Mexicans are not a RACE --- then just say that..

I'm biased against Arabs for still constructing govts with 1400 yr old values and cultures.. Yes I am.. But that does not make me a racist in ANY WAY....
You understand every word. And you do all of the things described. You talk about tyranny between colors which is exactly what colorblind racism is. The tyranny of competition between colors started on 7-4-1776 and has not ended. It wasn't considered tyranny to those like you until other races start using legal recourse to get what we were suppose to have as Americans since birth. All of this crap you talk is part of a consistent white backlash to the civil rights movement. You know what cultural racism is because you do it and it doesn't have a damn thing to do with Mexicans not being a race. So just stop asking stupid questions.
The reason lower income whites feel more discriminated against than upper income whites is because it's true.
No it's not. That's why lower income whites could not provide examples.
IM2, I don't care about your fucking problems. God made you black, maybe you should just accept this and move on.

Shut up white boy. You don't do this in threads by whites crying about fake ass anti white discrimination. Or in any other white racist thread. So if your white ass don't care, don't enter the thread.
If you can make me shut up, I invite you to try.

Lol! You white dudes talk John Wayne shit online.
Majority Of White Americans Say They Believe Whites Face Discrimination

A majority of whites say discrimination against them exists in America today, according to a poll released Tuesday from NPR, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

"If you apply for a job, they seem to give the blacks
Majority Of White Americans Say They Believe Whites Face Discrimination

A majority of whites say discrimination against them exists in America today, according to a poll released Tuesday from NPR, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

"If you apply for a job, they seem to give the blacks the first crack at it," said 68-year-old Tim Hershman of Akron, Ohio, "and, basically, you know, if you want any help from the government, if you're white, you don't get it. If you're black, you get it."

More than half of whites — 55 percent — surveyed say that, generally speaking, they believe there is discrimination against white people in America today. Hershman's view is similar to what was heard on the campaign trail at Trump rally after Trump rally. Donald Trump catered to white grievance during the 2016 presidential campaign and has done so as president as well.

Notable, however, is that while a majority of whites in the poll say discrimination against them exists, a much smaller percentage say that they have actually experienced it.

Ask Hershman whether there is discrimination against whites, and he answered even before this reporter could finish the question — with an emphatic "Absolutely."

"It's been going on for decades, and it's been getting worse for whites," Hershman contended, despite data showing whites continue to be better off financially and educationally than minority groups.

Even though Hershman believes he has been a victim of anti-white discrimination, he wasn't able to provide a specific example.

Just like some of our members here, Hershman complains about anti white discrimination but cannot show evidence. Whites like this seem to believe they can just holler about discrimination and it has to be so.

Majority Of White Americans Say They Believe Whites Face Discrimination

Majority of white Americans believe discrimination against whites exists, poll finds

A majority of white Americans believe discrimination exists against them in the United States, according to a poll released Tuesday.

The poll, conducted by NPR, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, found that 55% of whites surveyed believe that "discrimination against white people exists in the U.S. today.”

Of those white Americans surveyed, only a small percentage say they've experienced discrimination firsthand.

According to NPR, income seemed to "affect individual responses to the question of discrimination," with those making less money "more likely to say that whites are discriminated against."

Majority of white Americans believe discrimination against whites exists, poll finds

And here you have it. There are whites that believe they are entitled to stuff because they are white. If they don't have what they believe they are entitled to...Then some of them try projecting this attitude on non whites who actually are discriminated against. Once again though, we see an example where whites are complaining about discrimination but are unable to cite instances.

If the person that they interviewed is 68 years of age as they say, it is likely that he vividly recalls his parents America.

The one that ensured that minorities were not a competitive factor in the workplace , or of equal presence in society in general. When even the most educated and successful of non white people had to show deference to even the lowliest of white people

Maybe he resents that they enjoyed that advantage and he does not. Which would explain why he could not identify any specific examples of discrimination.

I'm in his age group, and I certainly have not forgotten what my parents had to accept just in order to survive.
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I know white crime is a problem but how many of your buddies here have chosen to talk about white on white crime?

You mean our pedigreed racist bunch??? LOL. They talk about white on white crime in this forum about as often as you talk about "black on black crime"... :2up:

Wrong is wrong.. It's too easy to approach systemic problems in society by declaring it to be a race issue every fucking time... It's a cop-out and VERY unproductive. Because a lot of the systemic issues could be fixed TOMORROW if we were all more unified politically and committed to focusing on the IMPORTANT stuff instead of making politics into a fucking combat sport....

AND -- there's be a lot more kumbaya and reconciliation when we did that.. But it would put you and your life's work of agitating (or if you like "community organizing") --- out of business... :lmao:

When the issue was created by racism, that's what you say caused it. Being white the issue of race won't generally apply for you if we are in the same situation? Whites like you refuse to understand this. Why should I talk about black on black crime when you whites bring it up all the time. White on white crime is a major problem and whites aren't doing anything about it. I really get tired of your opinion. Because it's based on a racist set of assumptions. Why would what I do be agitating? Don't you think that the shit you believe is the true agitation? And what's more important than erasing racism? You can't understand that because you don't have to live with it. And your racist arrogance allows you to believe that everything must be done to the satisfaction of whites.

So let me be blunt. Your way doesn't work. We've tried it and whites like you refuse to work in unity. You need to drop your racist assumption that blacks like me only want to keep racism alive to earn an income. That belief is divisive and as long as whites exist with this attitude, there can be no unity. Last whites have been the aggravators in this country. To believe that blacks are agitating because we want complete capitalist equality is also divisive. You need to learn that white opinion is not the one and only authoritative opinion on how to resolve this issue. Because all whites like you have done every time we have tried to resolve this matter is find a different way of continuing the same thing.

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