why will Trump cut and run from White House Correspondents' Dinner?

"I will not be attending the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner this year. Please wish everyone well and have a great evening!", Trump wrote on Twitter.

this shows his true character, getting out of the kitchen at a full run

but being a con man he should instinctively know that by not attending he's opening the floodgates for even harsher derision, mockery on a cosmic scale

Apr 29th, can't wait!

Why would I go to any kind of dinner with a group of people who have treated me so badly?
"I will not be attending the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner this year. Please wish everyone well and have a great evening!", Trump wrote on Twitter.

this shows his true character, getting out of the kitchen at a full run

but being a con man he should instinctively know that by not attending he's opening the floodgates for even harsher derision, mockery on a cosmic scale

Apr 29th, can't wait!

Why would I go to any kind of dinner with a group of people who have treated me so badly?

to show strength, confidence, some balls
"I will not be attending the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner this year. Please wish everyone well and have a great evening!", Trump wrote on Twitter.

this shows his true character, getting out of the kitchen at a full run

but being a con man he should instinctively know that by not attending he's opening the floodgates for even harsher derision, mockery on a cosmic scale

Apr 29th, can't wait!

Why would I go to any kind of dinner with a group of people who have treated me so badly?

to show strength, confidence, some balls

It does not take strength or balls to attend dinner with people that treat you like shit. It takes a total lack of self confidence and a bit of codependency/people pleasing issues IMO. Not interested.
"I will not be attending the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner this year. Please wish everyone well and have a great evening!", Trump wrote on Twitter.

this shows his true character, getting out of the kitchen at a full run

but being a con man he should instinctively know that by not attending he's opening the floodgates for even harsher derision, mockery on a cosmic scale

Apr 29th, can't wait!

Why would I go to any kind of dinner with a group of people who have treated me so badly?

to show strength, confidence, some balls

It does not take strength or balls to attend dinner with people that treat you like shit. It takes a total lack of self confidence and a bit of codependency/people pleasing issues IMO. Not interested.
No one has treated Trump in any other way, than exactly what that lying piece of shit deserves
And your progressive tears of angst just make him stronger.
Must be why his approval numbers are at rock bottom. The man is so strong that he can't even get legislation through a republican congress

Why yet? It should have been a slam dunk and he fucked that up also

Like wine, getting an agenda through takes time.
You are just another one of the garbage on this board who's sole job is to make excuses for Trumps incompetence 24/7.

Lol, I'm one of the people on this board who love watching dime store hack progressive such as yourself shit every time trump does something.

I wanted Cruz for president, but Trump is better than Hillary by a mile and a half.
Trump hates wasting time with stupid shit when he's busy fixing Obama' fuck ups.
What fuck ups?
Have you been asleep for the past 8 years?
still waiting, having trouble? Maybe you should just concentrate on the many and numbers Trump fuckups, lies, and screwups
Tell yourself whatever makes you feel less stupid. I'm not interested in helping you with that.

"I will not be attending the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner this year. Please wish everyone well and have a great evening!", Trump wrote on Twitter.

this shows his true character, getting out of the kitchen at a full run

but being a con man he should instinctively know that by not attending he's opening the floodgates for even harsher derision, mockery on a cosmic scale

Apr 29th, can't wait!

Why would I go to any kind of dinner with a group of people who have treated me so badly?

to show strength, confidence, some balls

It does not take strength or balls to attend dinner with people that treat you like shit. It takes a total lack of self confidence and a bit of codependency/people pleasing issues IMO. Not interested.
No one has treated Trump in any other way, than exactly what that lying piece of shit deserves

Maybe, but their treatment of this lying piece of shit is clearly and purposefully hostile. This same media treats their own lying piece of shit politicians very differently. This media is not neutral or honest. This media is quite often a propaganda arm of the DNC. Sean Spicer Hitler remarks are an outrage, but all their remarks comparing Trump to Hitler, as well as Chris Matthews' Hitler comments echoing Spicer, are just fine and dandy.

Why the hell would I slap on a smile and attend anything of theirs that could possibly be avoided? They are a hypocritical pit of vipers who are determined to bring Trump down. He is treating them exactly as they deserve and have had coming for a very long time.
"I will not be attending the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner this year. Please wish everyone well and have a great evening!", Trump wrote on Twitter.

this shows his true character, getting out of the kitchen at a full run

but being a con man he should instinctively know that by not attending he's opening the floodgates for even harsher derision, mockery on a cosmic scale

Apr 29th, can't wait!

Why would I go to any kind of dinner with a group of people who have treated me so badly?

to show strength, confidence, some balls

You've got to have it before you can show it.

He doesn't so he cant.

Trump Will Be First POTUS to Skip White House Correspondents’ Dinner in Over 30 Years

President Donald Trump is skipping this year's White House Correspondents' Association Dinner, he announced Saturday on Twitter, offering without any explanation: "Please wish everyone well and have a great evening!"

Slated to take place April 29, the annual dinner is traditionally attended by the president, first lady, members of the administration, the White House press corps and numerous media outlets. Proceeds raised by the dinner go toward scholarships and awards for aspiring journalists.

The gathering is typically hosted by a noted comedian who roasts the president and members of the media, and then lets the commander in chief crack his own jokes.
This is a war and he doesn't want to appear before an arrayed enemy and be unable to defend himself.
"I will not be attending the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner this year. Please wish everyone well and have a great evening!", Trump wrote on Twitter.

this shows his true character, getting out of the kitchen at a full run

but being a con man he should instinctively know that by not attending he's opening the floodgates for even harsher derision, mockery on a cosmic scale

Apr 29th, can't wait!

Why would I go to any kind of dinner with a group of people who have treated me so badly?

to show strength, confidence, some balls

You've got to have it before you can show it.

He doesn't so he cant.

Trump Will Be First POTUS to Skip White House Correspondents’ Dinner in Over 30 Years

President Donald Trump is skipping this year's White House Correspondents' Association Dinner, he announced Saturday on Twitter, offering without any explanation: "Please wish everyone well and have a great evening!"

Slated to take place April 29, the annual dinner is traditionally attended by the president, first lady, members of the administration, the White House press corps and numerous media outlets. Proceeds raised by the dinner go toward scholarships and awards for aspiring journalists.

The gathering is typically hosted by a noted comedian who roasts the president and members of the media, and then lets the commander in chief crack his own jokes.
Trump is also the first president to follow someone as bad as obama.

He doesn't have the time other presidents have enjoyed.
The White House correspondents dinner is only for progressives… No one else is invited


That's a really dumb lie.

He is not invited so why should he go?

Wow. Another really dumb lie.

Fro his very first phony speech, where he hired kpeople to wear shirts and applaud his descent from on high, drumpf has lied about US media and worked to end the First Amendment. VERY scary is that there are actually RWNJ traitors - like Rustic - who would be in favor of that.

Here's the REAL reason little chicken shit drumpf will stay home, alone at his golf resort, caressing his phone and sending childish tweets.

He made an ass of himself with his silly burfur lies and he can't admit it.

This year's White House Correspondents' Dinner will mark the five-year anniversary of the night President Barack Obama and comedian Seth Meyers made Donald Trump a laughingstock.

In the spring of 2011, Trump showed up to the famed dinner as a potential Republican presidential candidate furiously pushing the conspiracy that Obama was born outside the United States. Trump reportedly left humiliated after a string of stinging jokes mocking his hair, his taste, his reality television show, and his fixation on the "birther" movement.

Less than a month later, Trump announced he would not run in 2012. But that night may have more strongly ignited his desire to be taken seriously as a politician -- and hatched his 2016 run.

As the story goes, reported in The New Yorker and retold many times over, Trump vowed that night to have the last laugh:

One can't help but suspect that, on that night, Trump's own sense of public humiliation became so overwhelming that he decided, perhaps at first unconsciously, that he would, somehow, get his own back—perhaps even pursue the Presidency after all, no matter how nihilistically or absurdly, and redeem himself.


Feb 25 2017, 6:29 pm ET
Trump Will Be First POTUS to Skip White House Correspondents’ Dinner in Over 30 Years
Slated to take place April 29, the annual dinner is traditionally attended by the president, first lady, members of the administration, the White House press corps and numerous media outlets. Proceeds raised by the dinner go toward scholarships and awards for aspiring journalists.

The gathering is typically hosted by a noted comedian who roasts the president and members of the media, and then lets the commander in chief crack his own jokes.

A number of publications — including Bloomberg, The New Yorker and Vanity Fair — have joined a growing list of news organizations that refused to host parties around the ceremonies, citing the president's baseless claims that longstanding media organizations are spreading "fake news" or are "the enemy of the American people."

The announcement comes after the president and his administration continue to maintain a public feud with the press and blocked multiple media organizations from attending an impromptu daily briefing with White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer on Friday.

CNN, The New York Times and Politico were not able to attend the off-camera press gaggle with Spicer, while conservative media organizations were shown preference by the administration.

The White House Correspondents' Association responded shortly after Trump tweeted and said they still planned to have the dinner despite his absence.

"The WHCA takes note of President Donald Trump's announcement on Twitter that he does not plan to attend the dinner, which has been and will continue to be a celebration of the First Amendment and the important role played by an independent news media in a healthy republic," association President Jeff Mason said in a statement.

More at the link but the real point here is that with his attacks on free speech, what he's really doing is hiding facts from the American people. Just like when he decided to lie about who visits the WH.
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Trump apologists should remember...

The dinner "has been and will continue to be a celebration of the First Amendment and the important role played by an independent news media in a healthy republic," said Jeff Mason, a Reuters White House correspondent who heads the association this year.

Ronald Reagan was the last president to sit out the event after he was shot in 1981

....fleeing in terror from people making a few jokes isn't exactly good PR

looks like he'll take a pass on any Comedy Central Roast invites too, though even Justin Bieber had the cajones for a good shellacking

bigly sad

JohnnyCumsack, it isn't a few jokes. It's open, angry, aggressive propaganda to try and force a political destabilization. So just like Trump is saying to them, I'll say to you......fuck you. Have a great weekend.
"I will not be attending the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner this year. Please wish everyone well and have a great evening!", Trump wrote on Twitter.

this shows his true character, getting out of the kitchen at a full run

but being a con man he should instinctively know that by not attending he's opening the floodgates for even harsher derision, mockery on a cosmic scale

Apr 29th, can't wait!

Why would I go to any kind of dinner with a group of people who have treated me so badly?

to show strength, confidence, some balls

You've got to have it before you can show it.

He doesn't so he cant.

Trump Will Be First POTUS to Skip White House Correspondents’ Dinner in Over 30 Years

President Donald Trump is skipping this year's White House Correspondents' Association Dinner, he announced Saturday on Twitter, offering without any explanation: "Please wish everyone well and have a great evening!"

Slated to take place April 29, the annual dinner is traditionally attended by the president, first lady, members of the administration, the White House press corps and numerous media outlets. Proceeds raised by the dinner go toward scholarships and awards for aspiring journalists.

The gathering is typically hosted by a noted comedian who roasts the president and members of the media, and then lets the commander in chief crack his own jokes.
Trump is also the first president to follow someone as bad as obama.

He doesn't have the time other presidents have enjoyed.

If you believe that pile of horseshit, then why is it okay with you that he does almost nothing but take vacations?

Even the dumbest of you RWNJs know better and you also know he's got one goal - your money in his pocket. You also know he's already got a huge start on that.

Trump apologists should remember...

The dinner "has been and will continue to be a celebration of the First Amendment and the important role played by an independent news media in a healthy republic," said Jeff Mason, a Reuters White House correspondent who heads the association this year.

Ronald Reagan was the last president to sit out the event after he was shot in 1981

....fleeing in terror from people making a few jokes isn't exactly good PR

looks like he'll take a pass on any Comedy Central Roast invites too, though even Justin Bieber had the cajones for a good shellacking

bigly sad

JohnnyCumsack, it isn't a few jokes. It's open, angry, aggressive propaganda to try and force a political destabilization. So just like Trump is saying to them, I'll say to you......fuck you. Have a great weekend.

awwwww ....

And poor widdo twumpy wumpy can't handle the heat.

It has never been that and never will be.

OTOH, remember the disaster of drumpf with a mic in his hand, making really brainless attacks over absolutely nothing.

No, of course you don't but people got up and left.

He's the prez and needs to grow a pair. This is exactly why he let's Mexico, Germany, China and his owner Pooting walk all over him.
"I will not be attending the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner this year. Please wish everyone well and have a great evening!", Trump wrote on Twitter.

this shows his true character, getting out of the kitchen at a full run

but being a con man he should instinctively know that by not attending he's opening the floodgates for even harsher derision, mockery on a cosmic scale

Apr 29th, can't wait!

Why would I go to any kind of dinner with a group of people who have treated me so badly?

to show strength, confidence, some balls

You've got to have it before you can show it.

He doesn't so he cant.

Trump Will Be First POTUS to Skip White House Correspondents’ Dinner in Over 30 Years

President Donald Trump is skipping this year's White House Correspondents' Association Dinner, he announced Saturday on Twitter, offering without any explanation: "Please wish everyone well and have a great evening!"

Slated to take place April 29, the annual dinner is traditionally attended by the president, first lady, members of the administration, the White House press corps and numerous media outlets. Proceeds raised by the dinner go toward scholarships and awards for aspiring journalists.

The gathering is typically hosted by a noted comedian who roasts the president and members of the media, and then lets the commander in chief crack his own jokes.
Trump is also the first president to follow someone as bad as obama.

He doesn't have the time other presidents have enjoyed.

If you believe that pile of horseshit, then why is it okay with you that he does almost nothing but take vacations?

Even the dumbest of you RWNJs know better and you also know he's got one goal - your money in his pocket. You also know he's already got a huge start on that.

You're free to believe the pile of horseshit of your choosing. The majority of Americans are supporting mine.. :)
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"I will not be attending the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner this year. Please wish everyone well and have a great evening!", Trump wrote on Twitter.

this shows his true character, getting out of the kitchen at a full run

but being a con man he should instinctively know that by not attending he's opening the floodgates for even harsher derision, mockery on a cosmic scale

Apr 29th, can't wait!

You are spot on. Trump has no sense of humor and certainly no sense of self-deprecating humor. He's so fucking thin-skinned he can't handle even ONE night with the press. NOT ONE. He's the biggest chickenshit coward to ever go inside the Beltway, much less the doors to the White House.
"I will not be attending the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner this year. Please wish everyone well and have a great evening!", Trump wrote on Twitter.

this shows his true character, getting out of the kitchen at a full run

but being a con man he should instinctively know that by not attending he's opening the floodgates for even harsher derision, mockery on a cosmic scale

Apr 29th, can't wait!

I don't blame him one bit.

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