Why women don't like "nice guys."

Do you actually like "nice guys"

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It's easy, I'm a guy who doesn't like "nice guys" either.

A "nice guy" is usually boring as fuck, can't have a conversation about anything outside popular topics, rather timid and lacking spine and usually an anti-gun progressive piece of shit. They're also known to wash the dishes for their gfs and wives while I ram their cheating gf/wife into the wall.

I haven't met a single "nice guy" that wasn't a constitution hating liberal.

When's the last time you pulled her hair and ravaged her from behind?

Are you sure your children aren't mine?

I love flirting with a "nice guy's" wife right in front of him.


This explains why you are so slimy, the head your tiny brain resides in hangs between your legs. Glad you finally came out as right wing trash. Remember when you came on board claiming you were a staunch 'progressive'? These are "christian" values?

Yea, liberal wash dishes, then become NAZI killers when the subject is authoritarianism.

While not all conservatives are authoritarians; all highly authoritarian personalities are political conservatives.
Robert Altmeyer - The Authoritarians
You should read Leo Derichoer's(sp) Nice Guys Finish Last.

Assholes get the pootang for a short period of time. Nice guys get the wife who loves them.
Yeah, nice guys get the used wife and all the baggage.

Why do you think guys don't marry anymore?

Dude, it's a two way street dating back to feminism in the 70's. The importance of family is plummiting with my generation, and when it comes to the generation above mine they have the same issues and are dealing with additional ones like high divorce rates, dealing with problems that started before the wedding. The christian answer to this is men don't know their biblical roles anymore and haven't known for more than a half a century. Now Woman don't know their biblical roles, and are exactly where the men are. No I'm not talking about woman staying home and being with children while men work. Not talking about that at all. I'm currently doing a bible study on it.

You all seem to know the answer, but have no fucking clue what the hell you are talking about. Lol. Wow.
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I am sitting here having a drink and thinking about how misguided the OP is. So I thought I would provide a little education from an old nice guy to a youngster who thinks being a "badboy" is the way to go.

Now you talk about how women want the bad boys. No doubt there are some who do. You talk about screwing women who were married to nice guys. Personally, I don't see that as something to brag about, but to each their own.

But there are things the nice guys get that you bad boys never do. Yeah, you get laid. But lots of guys get laid. But a women never really trusts a bad boy. That means you don't get much besides some pussy.

You never get that great sex that comes when you have a real connection. You get the one-night stands. I've had both. I can tell you that there is no comparison. You find a woman that you love and there are places she can take you that no one-nighter comes close to. You stick around long enough to learn what makes her click and for her to learn what makes you click. You get her to open up and you open up to her, and the things that go on become so much more than just getting laid that there should be an entirely new name for it.

Is there a chance that she will break your heart? Yep. And it hurts like a motherfucker, no doubt about it. But all this talk about being a real man? A real man (or a nice guy) doesn't make every other woman pay for that. And a real man doesn't quit because he got hurt. A real man knows there are women with far more to offer than just a few rolls in the hay. A nice guy gets that. The bad boy doesn't. Because a woman may want the excitement of the bad boy every now and then. But she saves the best of herself for the nice guys. Because they won't make her pay for every woman who broke his heart.

You talked about getting your heart broken, so you won't risk it again. The women who want the bad boys are the same way. It makes for a shallow person on both sides. Whether the men do dishes or go to the shooting range doesn't matter at all. That is window dressing, at best.

The toughest man I ever knew was also a softie when it came to his woman. He adored that woman like nobody's business. He had no problem doing dishes and changing diapers. He was the nicest guy you ever wanted to meet when he was home, and especially when he was with her. Now when he was on duty, he was all business. I used to shoot with him at the range at Little Creek Naval base. He was enough of a nice guy that he would always help the novice shooters. Took time out of his own shooting to help them learn and get better. And he was good at it. He didn't need to brag or prove anything.

No, the bad boys will always be boys. Yeah, the broken women will fuck them and the real women will occasionally fuck them. But they don't get much except time alone. They don't ever get what really matters.

Holy shit I just came in my pants. Bingo!

In regards to the bold,

"You never get that great sex that comes when you have a real connection."

This lady's and gentleman is called an orgasm. It's is very different then cumming at the end of sex. It feels way better, but if you've never experienced it you will have no fucking clue what it is. It makes you hump like a motherfucker. You'll take whatever is closest to you and fuck it and not even give a shit. It could be you pet cat you queers.

To the above poster we need you at this site very badly. Cerial Killer will pay you at this point to stay.
I am sitting here having a drink and thinking about how misguided the OP is. So I thought I would provide a little education from an old nice guy to a youngster who thinks being a "badboy" is the way to go.

Now you talk about how women want the bad boys. No doubt there are some who do. You talk about screwing women who were married to nice guys. Personally, I don't see that as something to brag about, but to each their own.

But there are things the nice guys get that you bad boys never do. Yeah, you get laid. But lots of guys get laid. But a women never really trusts a bad boy. That means you don't get much besides some pussy.

You never get that great sex that comes when you have a real connection. You get the one-night stands. I've had both. I can tell you that there is no comparison. You find a woman that you love and there are places she can take you that no one-nighter comes close to. You stick around long enough to learn what makes her click and for her to learn what makes you click. You get her to open up and you open up to her, and the things that go on become so much more than just getting laid that there should be an entirely new name for it.

Is there a chance that she will break your heart? Yep. And it hurts like a motherfucker, no doubt about it. But all this talk about being a real man? A real man (or a nice guy) doesn't make every other woman pay for that. And a real man doesn't quit because he got hurt. A real man knows there are women with far more to offer than just a few rolls in the hay. A nice guy gets that. The bad boy doesn't. Because a woman may want the excitement of the bad boy every now and then. But she saves the best of herself for the nice guys. Because they won't make her pay for every woman who broke his heart.

You talked about getting your heart broken, so you won't risk it again. The women who want the bad boys are the same way. It makes for a shallow person on both sides. Whether the men do dishes or go to the shooting range doesn't matter at all. That is window dressing, at best.

The toughest man I ever knew was also a softie when it came to his woman. He adored that woman like nobody's business. He had no problem doing dishes and changing diapers. He was the nicest guy you ever wanted to meet when he was home, and especially when he was with her. Now when he was on duty, he was all business. I used to shoot with him at the range at Little Creek Naval base. He was enough of a nice guy that he would always help the novice shooters. Took time out of his own shooting to help them learn and get better. And he was good at it. He didn't need to brag or prove anything.

No, the bad boys will always be boys. Yeah, the broken women will fuck them and the real women will occasionally fuck them. But they don't get much except time alone. They don't ever get what really matters.

Holy shit I just came in my pants. Bingo!

In regards to the bold,

"You never get that great sex that comes when you have a real connection."

This lady's and gentleman is called an orgasm. It's is very different then cumming at the end of sex. It feels way better, but if you've never experienced it you will have no fucking clue what it is. It makes you hump like a motherfucker. You'll take whatever is closest to you and fuck it and not even give a shit. It could be you pet cat you queers.

To the above poster we need you at this site very badly. Cerial Killer will pay you at this point to stay.

Payment is not necessary. But thank you for your compliment.
I am sitting here having a drink and thinking about how misguided the OP is. So I thought I would provide a little education from an old nice guy to a youngster who thinks being a "badboy" is the way to go.

Now you talk about how women want the bad boys. No doubt there are some who do. You talk about screwing women who were married to nice guys. Personally, I don't see that as something to brag about, but to each their own.

But there are things the nice guys get that you bad boys never do. Yeah, you get laid. But lots of guys get laid. But a women never really trusts a bad boy. That means you don't get much besides some pussy.

You never get that great sex that comes when you have a real connection. You get the one-night stands. I've had both. I can tell you that there is no comparison. You find a woman that you love and there are places she can take you that no one-nighter comes close to. You stick around long enough to learn what makes her click and for her to learn what makes you click. You get her to open up and you open up to her, and the things that go on become so much more than just getting laid that there should be an entirely new name for it.

Is there a chance that she will break your heart? Yep. And it hurts like a motherfucker, no doubt about it. But all this talk about being a real man? A real man (or a nice guy) doesn't make every other woman pay for that. And a real man doesn't quit because he got hurt. A real man knows there are women with far more to offer than just a few rolls in the hay. A nice guy gets that. The bad boy doesn't. Because a woman may want the excitement of the bad boy every now and then. But she saves the best of herself for the nice guys. Because they won't make her pay for every woman who broke his heart.

You talked about getting your heart broken, so you won't risk it again. The women who want the bad boys are the same way. It makes for a shallow person on both sides. Whether the men do dishes or go to the shooting range doesn't matter at all. That is window dressing, at best.

The toughest man I ever knew was also a softie when it came to his woman. He adored that woman like nobody's business. He had no problem doing dishes and changing diapers. He was the nicest guy you ever wanted to meet when he was home, and especially when he was with her. Now when he was on duty, he was all business. I used to shoot with him at the range at Little Creek Naval base. He was enough of a nice guy that he would always help the novice shooters. Took time out of his own shooting to help them learn and get better. And he was good at it. He didn't need to brag or prove anything.

No, the bad boys will always be boys. Yeah, the broken women will fuck them and the real women will occasionally fuck them. But they don't get much except time alone. They don't ever get what really matters.

Holy shit I just came in my pants. Bingo!

In regards to the bold,

"You never get that great sex that comes when you have a real connection."

This lady's and gentleman is called an orgasm. It's is very different then cumming at the end of sex. It feels way better, but if you've never experienced it you will have no fucking clue what it is. It makes you hump like a motherfucker. You'll take whatever is closest to you and fuck it and not even give a shit. It could be you pet cat you queers.

To the above poster we need you at this site very badly. Cerial Killer will pay you at this point to stay.

Payment is not necessary. But thank you for your compliment.

You should start a thread on women and men relationships. I'll be serious and give you my take. PM me if you do it and I will be serious and contribute to it. I'm in dying need of hope and advice as everybody here knows. Ha! No, really I am. Your post actually made me hope again. Thank you.
A stockboy job at Home Depot. Now that's a real chick magnet.

lol. Though you never know.

Women like handymen didn't you know?

Putting up shelves, changing light bulbs, digging holes in the garden. That sort of thing.

What's worse than a self styled intellectual droning on all day? Then expecting to be celebrated for it.
It's easy, I'm a guy who doesn't like "nice guys" either.

A "nice guy" is usually boring as fuck, can't have a conversation about anything outside popular topics, rather timid and lacking spine and usually an anti-gun progressive piece of shit. They're also known to wash the dishes for their gfs and wives while I ram their cheating gf/wife into the wall.

I haven't met a single "nice guy" that wasn't a constitution hating liberal.

When's the last time you pulled her hair and ravaged her from behind?

Are you sure your children aren't mine?

I love flirting with a "nice guy's" wife right in front of him.

I used to be a nice guy until that got me divorced. Now I treat women like pets and that seems to work very well.
I am sitting here having a drink and thinking about how misguided the OP is. So I thought I would provide a little education from an old nice guy to a youngster who thinks being a "badboy" is the way to go.

Now you talk about how women want the bad boys. No doubt there are some who do. You talk about screwing women who were married to nice guys. Personally, I don't see that as something to brag about, but to each their own.

But there are things the nice guys get that you bad boys never do. Yeah, you get laid. But lots of guys get laid. But a women never really trusts a bad boy. That means you don't get much besides some pussy.

You never get that great sex that comes when you have a real connection. You get the one-night stands. I've had both. I can tell you that there is no comparison. You find a woman that you love and there are places she can take you that no one-nighter comes close to. You stick around long enough to learn what makes her click and for her to learn what makes you click. You get her to open up and you open up to her, and the things that go on become so much more than just getting laid that there should be an entirely new name for it.

Is there a chance that she will break your heart? Yep. And it hurts like a motherfucker, no doubt about it. But all this talk about being a real man? A real man (or a nice guy) doesn't make every other woman pay for that. And a real man doesn't quit because he got hurt. A real man knows there are women with far more to offer than just a few rolls in the hay. A nice guy gets that. The bad boy doesn't. Because a woman may want the excitement of the bad boy every now and then. But she saves the best of herself for the nice guys. Because they won't make her pay for every woman who broke his heart.

You talked about getting your heart broken, so you won't risk it again. The women who want the bad boys are the same way. It makes for a shallow person on both sides. Whether the men do dishes or go to the shooting range doesn't matter at all. That is window dressing, at best.

The toughest man I ever knew was also a softie when it came to his woman. He adored that woman like nobody's business. He had no problem doing dishes and changing diapers. He was the nicest guy you ever wanted to meet when he was home, and especially when he was with her. Now when he was on duty, he was all business. I used to shoot with him at the range at Little Creek Naval base. He was enough of a nice guy that he would always help the novice shooters. Took time out of his own shooting to help them learn and get better. And he was good at it. He didn't need to brag or prove anything.

No, the bad boys will always be boys. Yeah, the broken women will fuck them and the real women will occasionally fuck them. But they don't get much except time alone. They don't ever get what really matters.

Holy shit I just came in my pants. Bingo!

In regards to the bold,

"You never get that great sex that comes when you have a real connection."

This lady's and gentleman is called an orgasm. It's is very different then cumming at the end of sex. It feels way better, but if you've never experienced it you will have no fucking clue what it is. It makes you hump like a motherfucker. You'll take whatever is closest to you and fuck it and not even give a shit. It could be you pet cat you queers.

To the above poster we need you at this site very badly. Cerial Killer will pay you at this point to stay.

Payment is not necessary. But thank you for your compliment.

You should start a thread on women and men relationships. I'll be serious and give you my take. PM me if you do it and I will be serious and contribute to it. I'm in dying need of hope and advice as everybody here knows. Ha! No, really I am. Your post actually made me hope again. Thank you.

Ok, I will see what I can think up to post and let you know. lol
I am sitting here having a drink and thinking about how misguided the OP is. So I thought I would provide a little education from an old nice guy to a youngster who thinks being a "badboy" is the way to go.

Now you talk about how women want the bad boys. No doubt there are some who do. You talk about screwing women who were married to nice guys. Personally, I don't see that as something to brag about, but to each their own.

But there are things the nice guys get that you bad boys never do. Yeah, you get laid. But lots of guys get laid. But a women never really trusts a bad boy. That means you don't get much besides some pussy.

You never get that great sex that comes when you have a real connection. You get the one-night stands. I've had both. I can tell you that there is no comparison. You find a woman that you love and there are places she can take you that no one-nighter comes close to. You stick around long enough to learn what makes her click and for her to learn what makes you click. You get her to open up and you open up to her, and the things that go on become so much more than just getting laid that there should be an entirely new name for it.

Is there a chance that she will break your heart? Yep. And it hurts like a motherfucker, no doubt about it. But all this talk about being a real man? A real man (or a nice guy) doesn't make every other woman pay for that. And a real man doesn't quit because he got hurt. A real man knows there are women with far more to offer than just a few rolls in the hay. A nice guy gets that. The bad boy doesn't. Because a woman may want the excitement of the bad boy every now and then. But she saves the best of herself for the nice guys. Because they won't make her pay for every woman who broke his heart.

You talked about getting your heart broken, so you won't risk it again. The women who want the bad boys are the same way. It makes for a shallow person on both sides. Whether the men do dishes or go to the shooting range doesn't matter at all. That is window dressing, at best.

The toughest man I ever knew was also a softie when it came to his woman. He adored that woman like nobody's business. He had no problem doing dishes and changing diapers. He was the nicest guy you ever wanted to meet when he was home, and especially when he was with her. Now when he was on duty, he was all business. I used to shoot with him at the range at Little Creek Naval base. He was enough of a nice guy that he would always help the novice shooters. Took time out of his own shooting to help them learn and get better. And he was good at it. He didn't need to brag or prove anything.

No, the bad boys will always be boys. Yeah, the broken women will fuck them and the real women will occasionally fuck them. But they don't get much except time alone. They don't ever get what really matters.

Holy shit I just came in my pants. Bingo!

In regards to the bold,

"You never get that great sex that comes when you have a real connection."

This lady's and gentleman is called an orgasm. It's is very different then cumming at the end of sex. It feels way better, but if you've never experienced it you will have no fucking clue what it is. It makes you hump like a motherfucker. You'll take whatever is closest to you and fuck it and not even give a shit. It could be you pet cat you queers.

To the above poster we need you at this site very badly. Cerial Killer will pay you at this point to stay.

Payment is not necessary. But thank you for your compliment.

You should start a thread on women and men relationships. I'll be serious and give you my take. PM me if you do it and I will be serious and contribute to it. I'm in dying need of hope and advice as everybody here knows. Ha! No, really I am. Your post actually made me hope again. Thank you.

Ok, I will see what I can think up to post and let you know. lol

My wife thinks I'm a nice guy, but I'll have to tell her when I get home that she's wrong. I can't be a nice guy because the OP says nice guys are "boring as fuck, can't have a conversation about anything outside popular topics, rather timid and lacking spine and usually an anti-gun progressive piece of shit. They're also known to wash the dishes for their gfs and wives while I ram their cheating gf/wife into the wall."

Though, I do cook but that's because no one can cook better than I can.

There's a difference between a "nice guy" and a "good guy."
Exactly. I am a good guy but hardly nice. The two don't go together in the same sentence.
It's easy, I'm a guy who doesn't like "nice guys" either.

A "nice guy" is usually boring as fuck, can't have a conversation about anything outside popular topics, rather timid and lacking spine and usually an anti-gun progressive piece of shit. They're also known to wash the dishes for their gfs and wives while I ram their cheating gf/wife into the wall.

I haven't met a single "nice guy" that wasn't a constitution hating liberal.

When's the last time you pulled her hair and ravaged her from behind?

Are you sure your children aren't mine?

I love flirting with a "nice guy's" wife right in front of him.

I used to be a nice guy until that got me divorced. Now I treat women like pets and that seems to work very well.

Yabbut your name is "Ellipsis". Did you know women come with their own periods?

Women like nice guys

Women don't like bleeding hearts liberals

Big difference
It really depends on what you mean when you say "Nice guys". We all know the cliche of "nice guys" being the shy, insecure guys in high school who complain about the "friend zone" and all that garbage - but most of thos people aren't actually "nice" to begin with.

Women like confidence. "Nice" and "confident" are not mutually exclusive.

I consider myself a "nice guy", but you'll see what happens if you hit on my girlfriend in front of me.
Women like nice guys

Women don't like bleeding hearts liberals

Big difference

SO, you don't like men who are self-reliant, energetic, impulsive, and resilient, you prefer men who are easily victimized, easily offended, indecisive, fearful, rigid, inhibited, and vulnerable...

"All people are born alike—except Republicans and Democrats," quipped Groucho Marx, and in fact it turns out that personality differences between liberals and conservatives are evident in early childhood. In 1969, Berkeley professors Jack and Jeanne Block embarked on a study of childhood personality, asking nursery school teachers to rate children's temperaments. They weren't even thinking about political orientation.

Twenty years later, they decided to compare the subjects' childhood personalities with their political preferences as adults. They found arresting patterns. As kids, liberals had developed close relationships with peers and were rated by their teachers as self-reliant, energetic, impulsive, and resilient. People who were conservative at age 23 had been described by their teachers as easily victimized, easily offended, indecisive, fearful, rigid, inhibited, and vulnerable at age 3. The reason for the difference, the Blocks hypothesized, was that insecure kids most needed the reassurance of tradition and authority, and they found it in conservative politics.
Psychology Today
Women like nice guys

Women don't like bleeding hearts liberals

Big difference

SO, you don't like men who are self-reliant, energetic, impulsive, and resilient, you prefer men who are easily victimized, easily offended, indecisive, fearful, rigid, inhibited, and vulnerable...

  1. 1.
    pleasant; agreeable; satisfactory.
    "we had a nice time"
    synonyms: enjoyable, pleasant, agreeable, good, satisfying, gratifying, delightful,marvelous; More.
  2. fine or subtle: kind, polite, and friendly
I don't have all the answers...but I do know that women who had strong intelligent creative handsome fathers like me, tend to like strong inteligent men....they are the nice guys....

if you are weak and a crying baby...siding with women issues and all that shit.... that PC shit you know...


We don;t like those weakling insecure men ...like that:(

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