Why Won't Liberals Admit that the Economy Has Improved Markedly Under Trump?

The left are running the George Bush playbook from 2006-2008, no matter what the truth is broadcast liberal propaganda 24/7 that everything is horrible. Everything, even peace with NK is doom and gloom. Now do you see why the left must be obliterated once and for all?

There was no “peace with NK”. It was a sham. There was only an agreement to negotiate an agreement, not an agreement to denuclearize. This is the equivalent of W standing under a sign saying “Mission Accomplished” when nothing of the kind was true.

You have sour grapes and a twisted sour puss face.
In a bizarre display of refusing to take yes for an answer and of not wanting to hear good news, most liberals continue to deny that the economy has improved substantially under Trump. Do they not realize that average Americans who are benefiting from the improved economy will view liberal denials as odd and unpersuasive? Consider:

* The stock market has grown more under Trump since the month he was elected than it did under Obama in 4 years. In January 2013, the stock market was at 13,900 (I'm rounding off for convenience sometimes). In late October 2016, the month before Trump was elected, the market was at 18,100. That's a gain of 4,200 points in 4 years. Just three weeks after Trump's election, the market jumped by over 1,000 points, going from 18,100 to 19,152 in late November 2016. As of last week, the market stood at 24,271, a gain of 6,000 points.

* Since Trump took office in January 2017, over 2.9 million new jobs have been created.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

* The unemployment rate has dropped to 3.8%, the lowest rate since April 2000. The lowest unemployment rate under Obama was 4.6%.

Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics [you have to set the search parameters to go back to January 2000]

* We now have more manufacturing jobs than we ever did under Obama. As of May 2018, there were 12,670,000 manufacturing jobs. Under Obama, the highest number of manufacturing jobs was 12,370,000.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

* Since Trump took office, there have been 304,000 new manufacturing jobs created. In contrast, under Obama, we *lost* manufacturing jobs, going from 1,256,000 in January 2009 to 1,236,900 in January 2017, a loss of 30,000 manufacturing jobs.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

* Black and Hispanic unemployment rates are at historic lows.

Black, Hispanic unemployment rates hit record lows in April

* Under Trump, the U-6 unemployment rate, aka the "real unemployment rate," has dropped a staggering 1.8 percentage points, or a whopping 17%, going from 9.4% in January 2017 to 7.6% in May.

U6 Unemployment Rate | Portal Seven

But rather than rejoice in all this good economic news, most liberals insist on living in some parallel universe where the economy is doing badly or barely making any progress. Very odd.
Right after Obama was sworn in, unemployment was over 10%. You yourself said 4.6 when he left.
It's called "trend".
In a bizarre display of refusing to take yes for an answer and of not wanting to hear good news, most liberals continue to deny that the economy has improved substantially under Trump. Do they not realize that average Americans who are benefiting from the improved economy will view liberal denials as odd and unpersuasive? Consider:

* The stock market has grown more under Trump since the month he was elected than it did under Obama in 4 years. In January 2013, the stock market was at 13,900 (I'm rounding off for convenience sometimes). In late October 2016, the month before Trump was elected, the market was at 18,100. That's a gain of 4,200 points in 4 years. Just three weeks after Trump's election, the market jumped by over 1,000 points, going from 18,100 to 19,152 in late November 2016. As of last week, the market stood at 24,271, a gain of 6,000 points.

Anyone that knows anything about the markets knows that you never speak of points but percentages gained and loss. If points are all that matter then Obama is 100 times better than Reagan, which I doubt you would agree to.

* Since Trump took office in January 2017, over 2.9 million new jobs have been created.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

That is an average of 170,588 jobs a month during his time in office. That is worse than the average for 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016.

* The unemployment rate has dropped to 3.8%, the lowest rate since April 2000. The lowest unemployment rate under Obama was 4.6%.

Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics [you have to set the search parameters to go back to January 2000]

Where is the marked improvement on this graph when Trump took over...seems it just kept doing what it was doing before he took over, moving lower.

View attachment 202689

* We now have more manufacturing jobs than we ever did under Obama. As of May 2018, there were 12,670,000 manufacturing jobs. Under Obama, the highest number of manufacturing jobs was 12,370,000.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Once again, no marked change after Trump won, just more of what it was doing.

View attachment 202690
Remember when Obama took down Bin Laden and the GOP tried to take credit.

Seems they are always taking credit for what others did if it's good and blaming other's if it's bad. Like the Iraq war and the Recession. Those they blame on Democrats.
I cant think of one thing this orange clown has done for the country. Can anyone else?
Sure we can, but then you'll just lie more like every lib shit stain on here.
If you can then please tell us. I give credit where credit is due. FYI I should have specified something good the orange clown has done for this country.

Lowering taxes for one. I don't pay taxes anyhow so it doesn't affect me. But it did affect Democreeps. They think it's their money and it kills them not to give out all that free shit. From now on they will lose votes. Tee Hee Hee
Only a rube would fall for that mirage. Youre going to be paying more in taxes shortly not to mention he is eroding any savings with his tariff wars

There's a second tax cut in the works, according to Trump and what do you think our tariffs are gonna do to the other greedy countries? Personally I believe tariffs are gonna be reduced all around.All those countries will get over their hissy fits and things will go to normal.
Some of them were charging us 150% and we either charged 0% or a small percentage. Trump is utilizing his business acumen and skills.

you are only getting half the story. In the case of Canada charging high tariffs on our dairy products, it was to combat the fact that a dairy producer in this country gets 70% of their income from government subsidies.

This idea that the US was not doing the same things other countries were doing is just a lie told to you by a con man.
In a bizarre display of refusing to take yes for an answer and of not wanting to hear good news, most liberals continue to deny that the economy has improved substantially under Trump. Do they not realize that average Americans who are benefiting from the improved economy will view liberal denials as odd and unpersuasive? Consider:

* The stock market has grown more under Trump since the month he was elected than it did under Obama in 4 years. In January 2013, the stock market was at 13,900 (I'm rounding off for convenience sometimes). In late October 2016, the month before Trump was elected, the market was at 18,100. That's a gain of 4,200 points in 4 years. Just three weeks after Trump's election, the market jumped by over 1,000 points, going from 18,100 to 19,152 in late November 2016. As of last week, the market stood at 24,271, a gain of 6,000 points.

* Since Trump took office in January 2017, over 2.9 million new jobs have been created.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

* The unemployment rate has dropped to 3.8%, the lowest rate since April 2000. The lowest unemployment rate under Obama was 4.6%.

Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics [you have to set the search parameters to go back to January 2000]

* We now have more manufacturing jobs than we ever did under Obama. As of May 2018, there were 12,670,000 manufacturing jobs. Under Obama, the highest number of manufacturing jobs was 12,370,000.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

* Since Trump took office, there have been 304,000 new manufacturing jobs created. In contrast, under Obama, we *lost* manufacturing jobs, going from 1,256,000 in January 2009 to 1,236,900 in January 2017, a loss of 30,000 manufacturing jobs.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

* Black and Hispanic unemployment rates are at historic lows.

Black, Hispanic unemployment rates hit record lows in April

* Under Trump, the U-6 unemployment rate, aka the "real unemployment rate," has dropped a staggering 1.8 percentage points, or a whopping 17%, going from 9.4% in January 2017 to 7.6% in May.

U6 Unemployment Rate | Portal Seven

But rather than rejoice in all this good economic news, most liberals insist on living in some parallel universe where the economy is doing badly or barely making any progress. Very odd.
Right after Obama was sworn in, unemployment was over 10%. You yourself said 4.6 when he left.
It's called "trend".
Yeah, right. Body Odorama fudged the numbers to make his sorry ass look good. People out of work weren't considered unemployed because they used up their unemployment pay..
In a bizarre display of refusing to take yes for an answer and of not wanting to hear good news, most liberals continue to deny that the economy has improved substantially under Trump. Do they not realize that average Americans who are benefiting from the improved economy will view liberal denials as odd and unpersuasive? Consider:

* The stock market has grown more under Trump since the month he was elected than it did under Obama in 4 years. In January 2013, the stock market was at 13,900 (I'm rounding off for convenience sometimes). In late October 2016, the month before Trump was elected, the market was at 18,100. That's a gain of 4,200 points in 4 years. Just three weeks after Trump's election, the market jumped by over 1,000 points, going from 18,100 to 19,152 in late November 2016. As of last week, the market stood at 24,271, a gain of 6,000 points.

* Since Trump took office in January 2017, over 2.9 million new jobs have been created.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

* The unemployment rate has dropped to 3.8%, the lowest rate since April 2000. The lowest unemployment rate under Obama was 4.6%.

Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics [you have to set the search parameters to go back to January 2000]

* We now have more manufacturing jobs than we ever did under Obama. As of May 2018, there were 12,670,000 manufacturing jobs. Under Obama, the highest number of manufacturing jobs was 12,370,000.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

* Since Trump took office, there have been 304,000 new manufacturing jobs created. In contrast, under Obama, we *lost* manufacturing jobs, going from 1,256,000 in January 2009 to 1,236,900 in January 2017, a loss of 30,000 manufacturing jobs.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

* Black and Hispanic unemployment rates are at historic lows.

Black, Hispanic unemployment rates hit record lows in April

* Under Trump, the U-6 unemployment rate, aka the "real unemployment rate," has dropped a staggering 1.8 percentage points, or a whopping 17%, going from 9.4% in January 2017 to 7.6% in May.

U6 Unemployment Rate | Portal Seven

But rather than rejoice in all this good economic news, most liberals insist on living in some parallel universe where the economy is doing badly or barely making any progress. Very odd.
Right after Obama was sworn in, unemployment was over 10%. You yourself said 4.6 when he left.
It's called "trend".
Yeah, right. Body Odorama fudged the numbers to make his sorry ass look good. People out of work weren't considered unemployed because they used up their unemployment pay..

have a 1st grader explain OUT OF THE WORK FORCE to you.
In a bizarre display of refusing to take yes for an answer and of not wanting to hear good news, most liberals continue to deny that the economy has improved substantially under Trump. Do they not realize that average Americans who are benefiting from the improved economy will view liberal denials as odd and unpersuasive? Consider:

* The stock market has grown more under Trump since the month he was elected than it did under Obama in 4 years. In January 2013, the stock market was at 13,900 (I'm rounding off for convenience sometimes). In late October 2016, the month before Trump was elected, the market was at 18,100. That's a gain of 4,200 points in 4 years. Just three weeks after Trump's election, the market jumped by over 1,000 points, going from 18,100 to 19,152 in late November 2016. As of last week, the market stood at 24,271, a gain of 6,000 points.

* Since Trump took office in January 2017, over 2.9 million new jobs have been created.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

* The unemployment rate has dropped to 3.8%, the lowest rate since April 2000. The lowest unemployment rate under Obama was 4.6%.

Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics [you have to set the search parameters to go back to January 2000]

* We now have more manufacturing jobs than we ever did under Obama. As of May 2018, there were 12,670,000 manufacturing jobs. Under Obama, the highest number of manufacturing jobs was 12,370,000.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

* Since Trump took office, there have been 304,000 new manufacturing jobs created. In contrast, under Obama, we *lost* manufacturing jobs, going from 1,256,000 in January 2009 to 1,236,900 in January 2017, a loss of 30,000 manufacturing jobs.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

* Black and Hispanic unemployment rates are at historic lows.

Black, Hispanic unemployment rates hit record lows in April

* Under Trump, the U-6 unemployment rate, aka the "real unemployment rate," has dropped a staggering 1.8 percentage points, or a whopping 17%, going from 9.4% in January 2017 to 7.6% in May.

U6 Unemployment Rate | Portal Seven

But rather than rejoice in all this good economic news, most liberals insist on living in some parallel universe where the economy is doing badly or barely making any progress. Very odd.
Right after Obama was sworn in, unemployment was over 10%. You yourself said 4.6 when he left.
It's called "trend".
Yeah, right. Body Odorama fudged the numbers to make his sorry ass look good. People out of work weren't considered unemployed because they used up their unemployment pay..

have a 1st grader explain OUT OF THE WORK FORCE to you.
Then he would know what you know.
In a bizarre display of refusing to take yes for an answer and of not wanting to hear good news, most liberals continue to deny that the economy has improved substantially under Trump. Do they not realize that average Americans who are benefiting from the improved economy will view liberal denials as odd and unpersuasive? Consider:

* The stock market has grown more under Trump since the month he was elected than it did under Obama in 4 years. In January 2013, the stock market was at 13,900 (I'm rounding off for convenience sometimes). In late October 2016, the month before Trump was elected, the market was at 18,100. That's a gain of 4,200 points in 4 years. Just three weeks after Trump's election, the market jumped by over 1,000 points, going from 18,100 to 19,152 in late November 2016. As of last week, the market stood at 24,271, a gain of 6,000 points.

* Since Trump took office in January 2017, over 2.9 million new jobs have been created.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

* The unemployment rate has dropped to 3.8%, the lowest rate since April 2000. The lowest unemployment rate under Obama was 4.6%.

Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics [you have to set the search parameters to go back to January 2000]

* We now have more manufacturing jobs than we ever did under Obama. As of May 2018, there were 12,670,000 manufacturing jobs. Under Obama, the highest number of manufacturing jobs was 12,370,000.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

* Since Trump took office, there have been 304,000 new manufacturing jobs created. In contrast, under Obama, we *lost* manufacturing jobs, going from 1,256,000 in January 2009 to 1,236,900 in January 2017, a loss of 30,000 manufacturing jobs.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

* Black and Hispanic unemployment rates are at historic lows.

Black, Hispanic unemployment rates hit record lows in April

* Under Trump, the U-6 unemployment rate, aka the "real unemployment rate," has dropped a staggering 1.8 percentage points, or a whopping 17%, going from 9.4% in January 2017 to 7.6% in May.

U6 Unemployment Rate | Portal Seven

But rather than rejoice in all this good economic news, most liberals insist on living in some parallel universe where the economy is doing badly or barely making any progress. Very odd.
Right after Obama was sworn in, unemployment was over 10%. You yourself said 4.6 when he left.
It's called "trend".
Yeah, right. Body Odorama fudged the numbers to make his sorry ass look good. People out of work weren't considered unemployed because they used up their unemployment pay..

have a 1st grader explain OUT OF THE WORK FORCE to you.
If you ain't workin', you ain't eatin'. There's only 2 "genders": Employed or unemployed. Anything else is bullshit.
In a bizarre display of refusing to take yes for an answer and of not wanting to hear good news, most liberals continue to deny that the economy has improved substantially under Trump. Do they not realize that average Americans who are benefiting from the improved economy will view liberal denials as odd and unpersuasive? Consider:

* The stock market has grown more under Trump since the month he was elected than it did under Obama in 4 years. In January 2013, the stock market was at 13,900 (I'm rounding off for convenience sometimes). In late October 2016, the month before Trump was elected, the market was at 18,100. That's a gain of 4,200 points in 4 years. Just three weeks after Trump's election, the market jumped by over 1,000 points, going from 18,100 to 19,152 in late November 2016. As of last week, the market stood at 24,271, a gain of 6,000 points.

* Since Trump took office in January 2017, over 2.9 million new jobs have been created.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

* The unemployment rate has dropped to 3.8%, the lowest rate since April 2000. The lowest unemployment rate under Obama was 4.6%.

Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics [you have to set the search parameters to go back to January 2000]

* We now have more manufacturing jobs than we ever did under Obama. As of May 2018, there were 12,670,000 manufacturing jobs. Under Obama, the highest number of manufacturing jobs was 12,370,000.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

* Since Trump took office, there have been 304,000 new manufacturing jobs created. In contrast, under Obama, we *lost* manufacturing jobs, going from 1,256,000 in January 2009 to 1,236,900 in January 2017, a loss of 30,000 manufacturing jobs.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

* Black and Hispanic unemployment rates are at historic lows.

Black, Hispanic unemployment rates hit record lows in April

* Under Trump, the U-6 unemployment rate, aka the "real unemployment rate," has dropped a staggering 1.8 percentage points, or a whopping 17%, going from 9.4% in January 2017 to 7.6% in May.

U6 Unemployment Rate | Portal Seven

But rather than rejoice in all this good economic news, most liberals insist on living in some parallel universe where the economy is doing badly or barely making any progress. Very odd.
Right after Obama was sworn in, unemployment was over 10%. You yourself said 4.6 when he left.
It's called "trend".
Yeah, right. Body Odorama fudged the numbers to make his sorry ass look good. People out of work weren't considered unemployed because they used up their unemployment pay..

have a 1st grader explain OUT OF THE WORK FORCE to you.
If you ain't workin', you ain't eatin'. There's only 2 "genders": Employed or unemployed. Anything else is bullshit.
Theres also business ownership. Dont be part of the employee for life crew and make other people wealthy. Its sad.

In a bizarre display of refusing to take yes for an answer and of not wanting to hear good news, most liberals continue to deny that the economy has improved substantially under Trump. Do they not realize that average Americans who are benefiting from the improved economy will view liberal denials as odd and unpersuasive? Consider:

* The stock market has grown more under Trump since the month he was elected than it did under Obama in 4 years. In January 2013, the stock market was at 13,900 (I'm rounding off for convenience sometimes). In late October 2016, the month before Trump was elected, the market was at 18,100. That's a gain of 4,200 points in 4 years. Just three weeks after Trump's election, the market jumped by over 1,000 points, going from 18,100 to 19,152 in late November 2016. As of last week, the market stood at 24,271, a gain of 6,000 points.

* Since Trump took office in January 2017, over 2.9 million new jobs have been created.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

* The unemployment rate has dropped to 3.8%, the lowest rate since April 2000. The lowest unemployment rate under Obama was 4.6%.

Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics [you have to set the search parameters to go back to January 2000]

* We now have more manufacturing jobs than we ever did under Obama. As of May 2018, there were 12,670,000 manufacturing jobs. Under Obama, the highest number of manufacturing jobs was 12,370,000.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

* Since Trump took office, there have been 304,000 new manufacturing jobs created. In contrast, under Obama, we *lost* manufacturing jobs, going from 1,256,000 in January 2009 to 1,236,900 in January 2017, a loss of 30,000 manufacturing jobs.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

* Black and Hispanic unemployment rates are at historic lows.

Black, Hispanic unemployment rates hit record lows in April

* Under Trump, the U-6 unemployment rate, aka the "real unemployment rate," has dropped a staggering 1.8 percentage points, or a whopping 17%, going from 9.4% in January 2017 to 7.6% in May.

U6 Unemployment Rate | Portal Seven

But rather than rejoice in all this good economic news, most liberals insist on living in some parallel universe where the economy is doing badly or barely making any progress. Very odd.
Right after Obama was sworn in, unemployment was over 10%. You yourself said 4.6 when he left.
It's called "trend".
Yeah, right. Body Odorama fudged the numbers to make his sorry ass look good. People out of work weren't considered unemployed because they used up their unemployment pay..

have a 1st grader explain OUT OF THE WORK FORCE to you.
If you ain't workin', you ain't eatin'. There's only 2 "genders": Employed or unemployed. Anything else is bullshit.
Theres also business ownership. Dont be part of the employee for life crew and make other people wealthy. Its sad.

Me too old and allergic to work. Plus, got my dream.
The left are running the George Bush playbook from 2006-2008, no matter what the truth is broadcast liberal propaganda 24/7 that everything is horrible. Everything, even peace with NK is doom and gloom. Now do you see why the left must be obliterated once and for all?

Lol and what the hell was Trump’s campaign 2016 if not way worse than what you are railing against???

I don’t see Democrats claiming unemployment is 30-40% or any other such blatant bullshit, do you??
In a bizarre display of refusing to take yes for an answer and of not wanting to hear good news, most liberals continue to deny that the economy has improved substantially under Trump. Do they not realize that average Americans who are benefiting from the improved economy will view liberal denials as odd and unpersuasive? Consider:

* The stock market has grown more under Trump since the month he was elected than it did under Obama in 4 years. In January 2013, the stock market was at 13,900 (I'm rounding off for convenience sometimes). In late October 2016, the month before Trump was elected, the market was at 18,100. That's a gain of 4,200 points in 4 years. Just three weeks after Trump's election, the market jumped by over 1,000 points, going from 18,100 to 19,152 in late November 2016. As of last week, the market stood at 24,271, a gain of 6,000 points.

* Since Trump took office in January 2017, over 2.9 million new jobs have been created.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

* The unemployment rate has dropped to 3.8%, the lowest rate since April 2000. The lowest unemployment rate under Obama was 4.6%.

Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics [you have to set the search parameters to go back to January 2000]

* We now have more manufacturing jobs than we ever did under Obama. As of May 2018, there were 12,670,000 manufacturing jobs. Under Obama, the highest number of manufacturing jobs was 12,370,000.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

* Since Trump took office, there have been 304,000 new manufacturing jobs created. In contrast, under Obama, we *lost* manufacturing jobs, going from 1,256,000 in January 2009 to 1,236,900 in January 2017, a loss of 30,000 manufacturing jobs.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

* Black and Hispanic unemployment rates are at historic lows.

Black, Hispanic unemployment rates hit record lows in April

* Under Trump, the U-6 unemployment rate, aka the "real unemployment rate," has dropped a staggering 1.8 percentage points, or a whopping 17%, going from 9.4% in January 2017 to 7.6% in May.

U6 Unemployment Rate | Portal Seven

But rather than rejoice in all this good economic news, most liberals insist on living in some parallel universe where the economy is doing badly or barely making any progress. Very odd.
Right after Obama was sworn in, unemployment was over 10%. You yourself said 4.6 when he left.
It's called "trend".
Yeah, right. Body Odorama fudged the numbers to make his sorry ass look good. People out of work weren't considered unemployed because they used up their unemployment pay..

The method for calculating unemployment did not change when Trump took office, and did not change at all under Obama from his predecessor.

It is scary the lies that people blindly believe
In a bizarre display of refusing to take yes for an answer and of not wanting to hear good news, most liberals continue to deny that the economy has improved substantially under Trump. Do they not realize that average Americans who are benefiting from the improved economy will view liberal denials as odd and unpersuasive? Consider:

* The stock market has grown more under Trump since the month he was elected than it did under Obama in 4 years. In January 2013, the stock market was at 13,900 (I'm rounding off for convenience sometimes). In late October 2016, the month before Trump was elected, the market was at 18,100. That's a gain of 4,200 points in 4 years. Just three weeks after Trump's election, the market jumped by over 1,000 points, going from 18,100 to 19,152 in late November 2016. As of last week, the market stood at 24,271, a gain of 6,000 points.

* Since Trump took office in January 2017, over 2.9 million new jobs have been created.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

* The unemployment rate has dropped to 3.8%, the lowest rate since April 2000. The lowest unemployment rate under Obama was 4.6%.

Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics [you have to set the search parameters to go back to January 2000]

* We now have more manufacturing jobs than we ever did under Obama. As of May 2018, there were 12,670,000 manufacturing jobs. Under Obama, the highest number of manufacturing jobs was 12,370,000.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

* Since Trump took office, there have been 304,000 new manufacturing jobs created. In contrast, under Obama, we *lost* manufacturing jobs, going from 1,256,000 in January 2009 to 1,236,900 in January 2017, a loss of 30,000 manufacturing jobs.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

* Black and Hispanic unemployment rates are at historic lows.

Black, Hispanic unemployment rates hit record lows in April

* Under Trump, the U-6 unemployment rate, aka the "real unemployment rate," has dropped a staggering 1.8 percentage points, or a whopping 17%, going from 9.4% in January 2017 to 7.6% in May.

U6 Unemployment Rate | Portal Seven

But rather than rejoice in all this good economic news, most liberals insist on living in some parallel universe where the economy is doing badly or barely making any progress. Very odd.
Right after Obama was sworn in, unemployment was over 10%. You yourself said 4.6 when he left.
It's called "trend".
Yeah, right. Body Odorama fudged the numbers to make his sorry ass look good. People out of work weren't considered unemployed because they used up their unemployment pay..
The unemployment rate has never ever been based on unemployment insurance benefits: it's not even asked about.
In a bizarre display of refusing to take yes for an answer and of not wanting to hear good news, most liberals continue to deny that the economy has improved substantially under Trump. Do they not realize that average Americans who are benefiting from the improved economy will view liberal denials as odd and unpersuasive? Consider:

* The stock market has grown more under Trump since the month he was elected than it did under Obama in 4 years. In January 2013, the stock market was at 13,900 (I'm rounding off for convenience sometimes). In late October 2016, the month before Trump was elected, the market was at 18,100. That's a gain of 4,200 points in 4 years. Just three weeks after Trump's election, the market jumped by over 1,000 points, going from 18,100 to 19,152 in late November 2016. As of last week, the market stood at 24,271, a gain of 6,000 points.

* Since Trump took office in January 2017, over 2.9 million new jobs have been created.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

* The unemployment rate has dropped to 3.8%, the lowest rate since April 2000. The lowest unemployment rate under Obama was 4.6%.

Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics [you have to set the search parameters to go back to January 2000]

* We now have more manufacturing jobs than we ever did under Obama. As of May 2018, there were 12,670,000 manufacturing jobs. Under Obama, the highest number of manufacturing jobs was 12,370,000.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

* Since Trump took office, there have been 304,000 new manufacturing jobs created. In contrast, under Obama, we *lost* manufacturing jobs, going from 1,256,000 in January 2009 to 1,236,900 in January 2017, a loss of 30,000 manufacturing jobs.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

* Black and Hispanic unemployment rates are at historic lows.

Black, Hispanic unemployment rates hit record lows in April

* Under Trump, the U-6 unemployment rate, aka the "real unemployment rate," has dropped a staggering 1.8 percentage points, or a whopping 17%, going from 9.4% in January 2017 to 7.6% in May.

U6 Unemployment Rate | Portal Seven

But rather than rejoice in all this good economic news, most liberals insist on living in some parallel universe where the economy is doing badly or barely making any progress. Very odd.
Right after Obama was sworn in, unemployment was over 10%. You yourself said 4.6 when he left.
It's called "trend".
Yeah, right. Body Odorama fudged the numbers to make his sorry ass look good. People out of work weren't considered unemployed because they used up their unemployment pay..

The method for calculating unemployment did not change when Trump took office, and did not change at all under Obama from his predecessor.

It is scary the lies that people blindly believe

Like I said, there'd only 2 genders (Metaphor) : unemployed and unemployed. Anything else is BS.
In a bizarre display of refusing to take yes for an answer and of not wanting to hear good news, most liberals continue to deny that the economy has improved substantially under Trump. Do they not realize that average Americans who are benefiting from the improved economy will view liberal denials as odd and unpersuasive? Consider:

* The stock market has grown more under Trump since the month he was elected than it did under Obama in 4 years. In January 2013, the stock market was at 13,900 (I'm rounding off for convenience sometimes). In late October 2016, the month before Trump was elected, the market was at 18,100. That's a gain of 4,200 points in 4 years. Just three weeks after Trump's election, the market jumped by over 1,000 points, going from 18,100 to 19,152 in late November 2016. As of last week, the market stood at 24,271, a gain of 6,000 points.

* Since Trump took office in January 2017, over 2.9 million new jobs have been created.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

* The unemployment rate has dropped to 3.8%, the lowest rate since April 2000. The lowest unemployment rate under Obama was 4.6%.

Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics [you have to set the search parameters to go back to January 2000]

* We now have more manufacturing jobs than we ever did under Obama. As of May 2018, there were 12,670,000 manufacturing jobs. Under Obama, the highest number of manufacturing jobs was 12,370,000.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

* Since Trump took office, there have been 304,000 new manufacturing jobs created. In contrast, under Obama, we *lost* manufacturing jobs, going from 1,256,000 in January 2009 to 1,236,900 in January 2017, a loss of 30,000 manufacturing jobs.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

* Black and Hispanic unemployment rates are at historic lows.

Black, Hispanic unemployment rates hit record lows in April

* Under Trump, the U-6 unemployment rate, aka the "real unemployment rate," has dropped a staggering 1.8 percentage points, or a whopping 17%, going from 9.4% in January 2017 to 7.6% in May.

U6 Unemployment Rate | Portal Seven

But rather than rejoice in all this good economic news, most liberals insist on living in some parallel universe where the economy is doing badly or barely making any progress. Very odd.
Right after Obama was sworn in, unemployment was over 10%. You yourself said 4.6 when he left.
It's called "trend".
Yeah, right. Body Odorama fudged the numbers to make his sorry ass look good. People out of work weren't considered unemployed because they used up their unemployment pay..
The unemployment rate has never ever been based on unemployment insurance benefits: it's not even asked about.
Of course, but when benefits run out they are u-n-e-m-p-l-o-y-e-d. None of this crap of not counting them because of U-6, B-12 or any other hoss crap.
In a bizarre display of refusing to take yes for an answer and of not wanting to hear good news, most liberals continue to deny that the economy has improved substantially under Trump. Do they not realize that average Americans who are benefiting from the improved economy will view liberal denials as odd and unpersuasive? Consider:

* The stock market has grown more under Trump since the month he was elected than it did under Obama in 4 years. In January 2013, the stock market was at 13,900 (I'm rounding off for convenience sometimes). In late October 2016, the month before Trump was elected, the market was at 18,100. That's a gain of 4,200 points in 4 years. Just three weeks after Trump's election, the market jumped by over 1,000 points, going from 18,100 to 19,152 in late November 2016. As of last week, the market stood at 24,271, a gain of 6,000 points.

* Since Trump took office in January 2017, over 2.9 million new jobs have been created.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

* The unemployment rate has dropped to 3.8%, the lowest rate since April 2000. The lowest unemployment rate under Obama was 4.6%.

Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics [you have to set the search parameters to go back to January 2000]

* We now have more manufacturing jobs than we ever did under Obama. As of May 2018, there were 12,670,000 manufacturing jobs. Under Obama, the highest number of manufacturing jobs was 12,370,000.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

* Since Trump took office, there have been 304,000 new manufacturing jobs created. In contrast, under Obama, we *lost* manufacturing jobs, going from 1,256,000 in January 2009 to 1,236,900 in January 2017, a loss of 30,000 manufacturing jobs.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

* Black and Hispanic unemployment rates are at historic lows.

Black, Hispanic unemployment rates hit record lows in April

* Under Trump, the U-6 unemployment rate, aka the "real unemployment rate," has dropped a staggering 1.8 percentage points, or a whopping 17%, going from 9.4% in January 2017 to 7.6% in May.

U6 Unemployment Rate | Portal Seven

But rather than rejoice in all this good economic news, most liberals insist on living in some parallel universe where the economy is doing badly or barely making any progress. Very odd.
Right after Obama was sworn in, unemployment was over 10%. You yourself said 4.6 when he left.
It's called "trend".
Yeah, right. Body Odorama fudged the numbers to make his sorry ass look good. People out of work weren't considered unemployed because they used up their unemployment pay..

The method for calculating unemployment did not change when Trump took office, and did not change at all under Obama from his predecessor.

It is scary the lies that people blindly believe

Like I said, there'd only 2 genders (Metaphor) : unemployed and unemployed. Anything else is BS.
so infants, prisoners, people in nursing homes are unemployed, and no different from people trying and f ailing to find work. you are unemployed, and you should be considered the same as a 24 year old who has been applying for jobs and can't get his foot in the door. That is a bizarre opinion and not in the least useful for figuring out the job situation.
Yeah, right. Body Odorama fudged the numbers to make his sorry ass look good. People out of work weren't considered unemployed because they used up their unemployment pay..
The unemployment rate has never ever been based on unemployment insurance benefits: it's not even asked about.
Of course, but when benefits run out they are u-n-e-m-p-l-o-y-e-d. None of this crap of not counting them because of U-6, B-12 or any other hoss crap.
whether or not someone's benefits have fun out, or whether they ever received benefits or were even eligible, has nothing at all to do with being classified as unemployed. You can be unemployed and never had a job in your life.
In a bizarre display of refusing to take yes for an answer and of not wanting to hear good news, most liberals continue to deny that the economy has improved substantially under Trump. Do they not realize that average Americans who are benefiting from the improved economy will view liberal denials as odd and unpersuasive? Consider:

* The stock market has grown more under Trump since the month he was elected than it did under Obama in 4 years. In January 2013, the stock market was at 13,900 (I'm rounding off for convenience sometimes). In late October 2016, the month before Trump was elected, the market was at 18,100. That's a gain of 4,200 points in 4 years. Just three weeks after Trump's election, the market jumped by over 1,000 points, going from 18,100 to 19,152 in late November 2016. As of last week, the market stood at 24,271, a gain of 6,000 points.

* Since Trump took office in January 2017, over 2.9 million new jobs have been created.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

* The unemployment rate has dropped to 3.8%, the lowest rate since April 2000. The lowest unemployment rate under Obama was 4.6%.

Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics [you have to set the search parameters to go back to January 2000]

* We now have more manufacturing jobs than we ever did under Obama. As of May 2018, there were 12,670,000 manufacturing jobs. Under Obama, the highest number of manufacturing jobs was 12,370,000.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

* Since Trump took office, there have been 304,000 new manufacturing jobs created. In contrast, under Obama, we *lost* manufacturing jobs, going from 1,256,000 in January 2009 to 1,236,900 in January 2017, a loss of 30,000 manufacturing jobs.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

* Black and Hispanic unemployment rates are at historic lows.

Black, Hispanic unemployment rates hit record lows in April

* Under Trump, the U-6 unemployment rate, aka the "real unemployment rate," has dropped a staggering 1.8 percentage points, or a whopping 17%, going from 9.4% in January 2017 to 7.6% in May.

U6 Unemployment Rate | Portal Seven

But rather than rejoice in all this good economic news, most liberals insist on living in some parallel universe where the economy is doing badly or barely making any progress. Very odd.
Right after Obama was sworn in, unemployment was over 10%. You yourself said 4.6 when he left.
It's called "trend".
Yeah, right. Body Odorama fudged the numbers to make his sorry ass look good. People out of work weren't considered unemployed because they used up their unemployment pay..

The method for calculating unemployment did not change when Trump took office, and did not change at all under Obama from his predecessor.

It is scary the lies that people blindly believe

Like I said, there'd only 2 genders (Metaphor) : unemployed and unemployed. Anything else is BS.
so infants, prisoners, people in nursing homes are unemployed, and no different from people trying and f ailing to find work. you are unemployed, and you should be considered the same as a 24 year old who has been applying for jobs and can't get his foot in the door. That is a bizarre opinion and not in the least useful for figuring out the job situation.

I'm talking about a person that is working vs. a person who was working and became unemployed. There ain't no other factors involved and if there are, then what are they.

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