Why won't obama call out fox news???

The less people exposed to his lies, the less accountable he'll have to be.
Here's why he doesn't want to appear on FOX:

Tuesday, Sept. 15, 2009

FOXNEWS BECK 3,421,000
MSNBC MADDOW 1,369,000
CNN KING 1,355,000
CNN COOPER 1,086,000

Good, now take every single other host on television and combine them, and compare that number to the combined numbers of Fox, and you'll have a point.

It's you who's missed the point. O'Reilly alone has (almost) as many viewers as MSNBC and CNN hosts.
anybody watch barry husseins husband mitch on cspan?? she sure is fugly!!! couldn't put three words together without saying ahhh or errr or sniff sniff. think she's on coke!! sounds like caroline kennedy on steroids!! lol she was trying a sob story on the audience, concerning her husband malcolm x jr's health care plan. she an evil biatch!!!
And here's what CNN has to say to FoxNews about their BS claims on the Tea Party:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qM1f5xrOfGU]YouTube - CNN's Rick Sanchez Calls FOX News Liars[/ame]

I anxiously await Fox's apology.
WASHINGTON (CNN) – A senior administration official confirms that President Barack Obama will appear on five Sunday morning talk shows this weekend. The president will sit down with CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, and Univision. The official said Obama will not be appearing on FOX.


Obama obviously doesn't want too many people to know about his policies, so he's appearing on talk shows with the fewest viewers. I guess he's not very proud of what he's doing.

EVERYBODY knows that Fox News lies all the time. The president has to repeat himself over and over again that the lies that Fox News proposes everyday! He answers your questions and then you say "Well I don't believe you." At some point you have to realize that these people are against you no matter what, and you won't be able to convince any of the viewers of the bill you are trying to get pass.

Its a lose-lose situation for Obama.
WASHINGTON (CNN) – A senior administration official confirms that President Barack Obama will appear on five Sunday morning talk shows this weekend. The president will sit down with CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, and Univision. The official said Obama will not be appearing on FOX.


Obama obviously doesn't want too many people to know about his policies, so he's appearing on talk shows with the fewest viewers. I guess he's not very proud of what he's doing.

EVERYBODY knows that Fox News lies all the time. The president has to repeat himself over and over again that the lies that Fox News proposes everyday! He answers your questions and then you say "Well I don't believe you." At some point you have to realize that these people are against you no matter what, and you won't be able to convince any of the viewers of the bill you are trying to get pass.

Its a lose-lose situation for Obama.

I believe Fox is just trying to get past the spin.
My point is, one point cannot be made while making the other.

With the "ratings" comments, Fox is trying to make it seem like their viewpoints are "mainstream", because such a large percentage of the population watches them.

But then they turn around and say all the rest of the media are "Liberal". And since a vast majority of news viewers are not in fact watching FoxNews, that would mean that they are vastly outnumbered, making them specifically NOT mainstream.

Jees..why not just focus on the content? Any network that spews as much crap about how great Obama is doing is in the tank. Polls are out...56% oppose healthcare. 43% approve. That's a 13 point difference. So you tell me...who's outnumbered now?

And, according to the most recent CBSNews poll, approval for the President's health care plan went up to 52%, with just a 38 Percent Disapproval, after his speech.

(There you go, if you people want to pick a poll and roll with it, then two can play at that game.)

Of all 678 people surveyed in that poll, 43% of those polled say that Barack Obama "has not clearly explained what his plans for health care reform mean", compared with 42% of those who said he had.

Now how could so many people support what they don't understand?
WASHINGTON (CNN) – A senior administration official confirms that President Barack Obama will appear on five Sunday morning talk shows this weekend. The president will sit down with CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, and Univision. The official said Obama will not be appearing on FOX.

He said himself, the if anyone spreads lies about OBAMACARE, they he would call them out. Well, here's a great opportunity. But you won't see our fearless (well, almost) leader on FOX News this weekend fielding questions about the healthcare reform or ACORN disaster. Why??? What a great chance he would have to address the LARGEST news audience with an interview on FOX. Chris Matthews is harmless. We're not talking about sitting him down with Hannity or another uncomfortable meeting with O'Rielly. It's Chris Matthews for Christ's sake!!! ACORN's leader isn't scared. She's brave enough to sit down with Chris on Sunday. And I'm sure he will ask her some pretty tough and to the point questions. But strangely, Obama seems to be a little affraid to put himself out there. I guess it's much easier to swim downstream.

I'm just curious why the man who promised transparency and bi-partisanship to all Americans won't give equal time to the ONE network that challenges the views and opinions of the left? I mean, if I had a chance to speak directly to the audience that seems to be the most vocal and entrenched, I'd be telling Univision that I will try to get to them next time.

Univision???? Seriously???? How very patético.

Fox News??

Why would any credible leader sit down with FoxNews??

They have made their bed regarding their legitimacy as a news network. If nobody takes them seriously, they have only themselves to blame

Cable News Ratings for Thursday, September 17, 2009
Posted on 18 September 2009 by Robert Seidman

8PM – P2+ (25-54) (35-64)
The O’Reilly Factor– 3,913,000 viewers (1,026,000) (1,716,000)
Campbell Brown – 814,000 viewers (226,000) (298,000)
Countdown w/ K. Olbermann – 1,396,000 viewers (388,000) (680,000):lol:
CNBC Reports– a scratch w/ 88,000 viewers (a scratch w/ 32,000) (a scratch w/ 45,000)
Nancy Grace – 1,056,000 viewers (376,000) (528,000)

9 PM – P2+ (25-54) (35-64)
Hannity –3,166,000 viewers (871,000) (1,443,000)
Larry King Live —1,337,000 viewers (309,000) (490,000)
Rachel Maddow Show —1,229,000 viewers (336,000) (607,000):lol:
Marijuana Inc – 318,000 viewers (171,000) (155,000)
Issues- 721,000 viewers (229,000) (385,000)

10 PM P2+ (25-54) (35-64)
On The Record w/ Greta Van Susteren —2,633,000 viewers (664,000) (1,173,000)
Anderson Cooper 360 —1,011,000 viewers (266,000) (424,000)
Countdown w/ K. Olbermann – 744,000 viewers (269,000) (355,000):lol:Big Mac: Inside McDonalds – 372,000 viewers (216,000) (213,000)
Nancy Grace –697,000 viewers (287,000) (358,000)

Oh.........and by the way..........."Countdown" has lost almost 1 million viewers since October of 2008.:oops::funnyface:
Last edited:
WASHINGTON (CNN) – A senior administration official confirms that President Barack Obama will appear on five Sunday morning talk shows this weekend. The president will sit down with CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, and Univision. The official said Obama will not be appearing on FOX.

He said himself, the if anyone spreads lies about OBAMACARE, they he would call them out. Well, here's a great opportunity. But you won't see our fearless (well, almost) leader on FOX News this weekend fielding questions about the healthcare reform or ACORN disaster. Why??? What a great chance he would have to address the LARGEST news audience with an interview on FOX. Chris Wallace is harmless. We're not talking about sitting him down with Hannity or another uncomfortable meeting with O'Rielly. It's Chris Wallace for Christ's sake!!! ACORN's leader isn't scared. She's brave enough to sit down with Chris on Sunday. And I'm sure he will ask her some pretty tough and to the point questions. But strangely, Obama seems to be a little affraid to put himself out there. I guess it's much easier to swim downstream.

I'm just curious why the man who promised transparency and bi-partisanship to all Americans won't give equal time to the ONE network that challenges the views and opinions of the left? I mean, if I had a chance to speak directly to the audience that seems to be the most vocal and entrenched, I'd be telling Univision that I will try to get to them next time.

Univision???? Seriously???? How very patético.

Obama doesn't have the personal substance to take the tough questions from FOX News, let alone the columnists there like Hanity or Beck.

He won't go because he will not risk being exposed.

If Obama had the proper personal substance about him, he would not only confront them, he would go out of his way to challenge them! Actions speak louder than words and in this case, Obama's lack of action os very telling!
You may ask me that question tomorrow...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q37kt0ga0OA]YouTube - Chip Reid and Helen Thomas take Robert Gibbs to task[/ame]
they are not worth the time

Best answer so far. :clap2:

Their core viewers wouldn't believe anything he has to say anyway. This board is prime evidence of that :lol:
So why waste the time and effort trying to get the message out to people who just shrug and say every word out of his mouth is a lie and part of some grand conspiracy? I don't always agree with the man, but stupid he ain't.
The answer to the original question is Obvious. Obama doesn't do Fox News because it would infuriate his leftist hard headed followers. People like Old Rocks, UN - Vast LWC.
The reason he wont go on Fox? Fox lies.

I love how Obama is spitting in those liars faces. Good for him.
The reason he wont go on Fox? Fox lies.

I love how Obama is spitting in those liars faces. Good for him.

He won't go on FOX because he only knows how to play softball. He catches and throws like a girl.


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Fox News might just be the only credible News source left at this point. Hopey Changey doesn't want any part of Fox News. After all they might actually dare to ask him tough questions. That just can't happen. Hey they may even ask him about his ties to ACORN and numerous other corrupt "Community Organizer" creeps. Yea he better just stick to the old Liberal Media better known as the Obama-run Mainstream Media. Plenty of shameful Boot-Licking for him there. Who knows,maybe they'll all get that Chris Matthews "Thrill up my Leg" feeling with him this weekend. The Liberal Media really is a joke at this point. At least Fox News is asking real questions and not engaging in that shameful Boot-Licking stuff. So Kudos to you Fox News!

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