Why won't obama call out fox news???

He's appearing on the Sunday shows, where Fox runs a distant fourth (Fox News Sunday had 1.31 million viewers last week, for example; the next lowest was 2.68 million watching CBS's Face the Nation).

I'm not saying your numbers are wrong, but I'd like to see the source. Even if they are good numbers, what about all the other times he has had chances???

You accidentally make the case for why the president isn't going on Fox. He's not going to sit down for an interview with GOP yesmen.

So you're saying he's only interested in sitting down with Obama Yesmen...is that right?

i don't recall baby bush ever sitting down with MSNBC. do you?

Waaaaaaaaaahhhh... :cuckoo:

He never sat down witrh NBC?

You sure of that?

Oreilly simply would not let Obama divert away form the questions....something Obama has always had a habit of doing and something Oreilly made clear he would not let happen during the interview.

Sadly, it appears you prefer he be allowed to divert from the questions.

Thats why people call people like you "sheep"

oh please! You don't really believe that do yopu?
I'm sure its been said on this thread before now but I'll reiterate it...Fox isn't news, sorry.

Why doesn't Obama go on American Idol and give them an interview? For the same reason he avoids F aux Noise.
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He did. Where ya been? He's actually quite frightened of Fox News though. They're the only ones in the MSM who actually dare to ask him a tough question. The rest of the MSM is way too busy sniffing on his butt fumes to ask him any real questions. The Liberal Press should be ashamed of themselves. All their Hopey Changey butt sniffing really is very embarrassing. I guess they only pretend to be Journalists when a Republican is in the White House. Shame shame.
He did. Where ya been? He's actually quite frightened of Fox News though. They're the only ones in the MSM who actually dare to ask him a tough question. The rest of the MSM is way too busy sniffing on his butt fumes to ask him any real questions. The Liberal Press should be ashamed of themselves. All their Hopey Changey butt sniffing really is very embarrassing. I guess they only pretend to be Journalists when a Republican is in the White House. Shame shame.

Oh, c'mon now! Chris Matthews feeling a thrill up his leg just listening to candidate Obama speak is hardly "butt sniffing." Um, on second thought...
Maybe because FOX has already proven to everyone smart enough to understand, that thye have NO desire to report fairly or even report at all? If FOX wants to cry about it (which they have not to my knowledge), they will need to clean up their act first.

Oh yeah, the DNC propaganda organs (ABC, NBC and CBS) report the news fairly!

<sarcasm off>

Only outright trolls are willing to swallow that horse squeeze. FOX has a huge audience precisely because a large segment of the population got tired of being spoon fed leftwing swill.

Maybe because FOX has already proven to everyone smart enough to understand, that thye have NO desire to report fairly or even report at all? If FOX wants to cry about it (which they have not to my knowledge), they will need to clean up their act first.
Fox News??

Why would any credible leader sit down with FoxNews??

They have made their bed regarding their legitimacy as a news network. If nobody takes them seriously, they have only themselves to blame

Then there's no reason Obama can't sit down with FOX.

Face it: he's a coward. If he gets asked any uncomfortable questions, he has a royal hissy fit.
WASHINGTON (CNN) – A senior administration official confirms that President Barack Obama will appear on five Sunday morning talk shows this weekend. The president will sit down with CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, and Univision. The official said Obama will not be appearing on FOX.

He said himself, the if anyone spreads lies about OBAMACARE, they he would call them out. Well, here's a great opportunity. But you won't see our fearless (well, almost) leader on FOX News this weekend fielding questions about the healthcare reform or ACORN disaster. Why??? What a great chance he would have to address the LARGEST news audience with an interview on FOX. Chris Wallace is harmless. We're not talking about sitting him down with Hannity or another uncomfortable meeting with O'Rielly. It's Chris Wallace for Christ's sake!!! ACORN's leader isn't scared. She's brave enough to sit down with Chris on Sunday. And I'm sure he will ask her some pretty tough and to the point questions. But strangely, Obama seems to be a little affraid to put himself out there. I guess it's much easier to swim downstream.

I'm just curious why the man who promised transparency and bi-partisanship to all Americans won't give equal time to the ONE network that challenges the views and opinions of the left? I mean, if I had a chance to speak directly to the audience that seems to be the most vocal and entrenched, I'd be telling Univision that I will try to get to them next time.

Univision???? Seriously???? How very patético.

Fox news is the only one he has no control over, they would ask him the tough questions and put him on the spot. And comrade commissar can't be having that now can he? Not when he is in the middle of his fundamental changing of America.
I respect Fox News. They're the only ones in the MSM who haven't constantly sniffed on the Hopey Changey One's butt fumes. The Liberal Press has behaved very embarrassingly since this guy took office. They only pretend to be Journalists when a Republican is in there. And i think most Americans can see that. That's why so many watch Fox News and don't give the Liberal Press much credibility anymore. Personally i find it pretty hard to watch CNN,NBC or read the NY Times. They've become such pathetic Hopey Changey butt-sniffers. They should probably be ashamed of themselves. So WTG Fox News and keep up the good work.

Oreilly simply would not let Obama divert away form the questions....something Obama has always had a habit of doing and something Oreilly made clear he would not let happen during the interview.

Sadly, it appears you prefer he be allowed to divert from the questions.

Thats why people call people like you "sheep"

oh please! You don't really believe that do yopu?

I KNOW that. I watched the interview.
Obama sat down with Bill O'Reilly, who behaved like an ass, as usual.

Yeah...I saw.....but in all fairness, I wouldnt say Obama behaved like an ass...I would say he behaved like a man without answers.

But if you prefer referring to his behavior as assinine....I understand.

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