Why won't obama call out fox news???

Fox News has been the only honest & responsible News Outlet since this guy took office. It's certainly no coincidence this Administration and all Hopey Changey butt-sniffers viciously attack them on a daily basis. They don't inhale his butt fumes and that really pisses the Liberal Press and his butt-sniffers off. Fox News asks tough questions about the guy and that's what the Media should always do. CNN,NBC,and the NY Times only pretend to be "Journalists" when a Republican is in there. Most people know this and that's why Fox News does so well. They should keep asking the tough questions. I expect nothing less of our MSM.
WASHINGTON (CNN) – A senior administration official confirms that President Barack Obama will appear on five Sunday morning talk shows this weekend. The president will sit down with CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, and Univision. The official said Obama will not be appearing on FOX.

He said himself, the if anyone spreads lies about OBAMACARE, they he would call them out. Well, here's a great opportunity. But you won't see our fearless (well, almost) leader on FOX News this weekend fielding questions about the healthcare reform or ACORN disaster. Why??? What a great chance he would have to address the LARGEST news audience with an interview on FOX. Chris Matthews is harmless. We're not talking about sitting him down with Hannity or another uncomfortable meeting with O'Rielly. It's Chris Matthews for Christ's sake!!! ACORN's leader isn't scared. She's brave enough to sit down with Chris on Sunday. And I'm sure he will ask her some pretty tough and to the point questions. But strangely, Obama seems to be a little affraid to put himself out there. I guess it's much easier to swim downstream.

I'm just curious why the man who promised transparency and bi-partisanship to all Americans won't give equal time to the ONE network that challenges the views and opinions of the left? I mean, if I had a chance to speak directly to the audience that seems to be the most vocal and entrenched, I'd be telling Univision that I will try to get to them next time.

Univision???? Seriously???? How very patético.

Fox News??

Why would any credible leader sit down with FoxNews??

They have made their bed regarding their legitimacy as a news network. If nobody takes them seriously, they have only themselves to blame

If nobody takes them seriously, they have only themselves to blame

A bunch of people take Fox News seriously.The problem as I see it the dopes on the left that don't like Like Fox News think the opinion shows like Hannity and O'Reilly ARE Fox News.

And why should the President go on a station where he might get some serious questions.He would much rather go on the Liberal media stations that pushed him as a candidate....Why is he so afraid? The GOP hasn't chosen it's candidate and with the Liberal media and a billion dollars in his back pocket why is he being a pussy?:lol:
WASHINGTON (CNN) – A senior administration official confirms that President Barack Obama will appear on five Sunday morning talk shows this weekend. The president will sit down with CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, and Univision. The official said Obama will not be appearing on FOX.

He said himself, the if anyone spreads lies about OBAMACARE, they he would call them out. Well, here's a great opportunity. But you won't see our fearless (well, almost) leader on FOX News this weekend fielding questions about the healthcare reform or ACORN disaster. Why??? What a great chance he would have to address the LARGEST news audience with an interview on FOX. Chris Wallace is harmless. We're not talking about sitting him down with Hannity or another uncomfortable meeting with O'Rielly. It's Chris Wallace for Christ's sake!!! ACORN's leader isn't scared. She's brave enough to sit down with Chris on Sunday. And I'm sure he will ask her some pretty tough and to the point questions. But strangely, Obama seems to be a little affraid to put himself out there. I guess it's much easier to swim downstream.

I'm just curious why the man who promised transparency and bi-partisanship to all Americans won't give equal time to the ONE network that challenges the views and opinions of the left? I mean, if I had a chance to speak directly to the audience that seems to be the most vocal and entrenched, I'd be telling Univision that I will try to get to them next time.

Univision???? Seriously???? How very patético.

why does not Pat Robertson go to satanic services?

Why should Obama give Fox anything?
Apparently liberals have a difficult time discerning the news hours from the shows primarily geared toward entertainment.
WASHINGTON (CNN) – A senior administration official confirms that President Barack Obama will appear on five Sunday morning talk shows this weekend. The president will sit down with CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, and Univision. The official said Obama will not be appearing on FOX.

He said himself, the if anyone spreads lies about OBAMACARE, they he would call them out. Well, here's a great opportunity. But you won't see our fearless (well, almost) leader on FOX News this weekend fielding questions about the healthcare reform or ACORN disaster. Why??? What a great chance he would have to address the LARGEST news audience with an interview on FOX. Chris Wallace is harmless. We're not talking about sitting him down with Hannity or another uncomfortable meeting with O'Rielly. It's Chris Wallace for Christ's sake!!! ACORN's leader isn't scared. She's brave enough to sit down with Chris on Sunday. And I'm sure he will ask her some pretty tough and to the point questions. But strangely, Obama seems to be a little affraid to put himself out there. I guess it's much easier to swim downstream.

I'm just curious why the man who promised transparency and bi-partisanship to all Americans won't give equal time to the ONE network that challenges the views and opinions of the left? I mean, if I had a chance to speak directly to the audience that seems to be the most vocal and entrenched, I'd be telling Univision that I will try to get to them next time.

Univision???? Seriously???? How very patético.

why does not Pat Robertson go to satanic services?

Why should Obama give Fox anything?
Because FOX is where MANY of his constituents go to NOT hear the liberal bias of the rest of the media entities.

Face it, Obama wants to avoid FOX like the plague, because he knows damn good and well that his ever growing number of abject failures will not be glossed over as if they don't exist.

He will be questioned about those failures. And he will not be allowed to go off on his usual rambling, babbling excursions designed to completely avoid the tough questions asked.
This man has an enormous ego.He can go no more then a few days without being on TV,or holding a press conference.I wish someone could answer the question of just how many days this President has actually been in the Oval office.I wonder if he can go there on a Saturday morning when the staff have gone home and find his office by himself.
Because he is so above them.. They should be ignored except for Imus on FBC,
Fox leans to the right, big deal. MSNBC is a video news letter for the DNC and then there is the ever popular CNN(clinton news nerwork), ABC is cratering and Brian Williams is pretty good but doesn't set the world on fire.

We are all getting short changed when it comes to news. Look at our board, talk about bias, we make the networks look honest.

I believe in fair and balanced, now if we can just get a president that believes the same way we all win.
Because he is so above them.. They should be ignored except for Imus on FBC,

Yeah, he should ignore them because they don't cater to the looniest of the libs who have their noses buried so far up Obama's ass, they hold conversations with his back teeth.

You liberal Obamabot fools are just too damn funny!:lol::lol::lol:
Obama sat down with Bill O'Reilly, who behaved like an ass, as usual.

i have to agree o'reilly is usually a dick. without fox it would be all one sided for obama, so there is your balance within the "big picture".
obama could put his re election in the bank today if he went on fox and showed his real birth certificate. it's not a question of if we'll see it... he could kill two birds with one stone. i wouldn't go on with oreilly, just because he's obnoxious and chauvanistic.
has anyone heard a reporter ask obama why he won't show it, or is he that insulated.(??)
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There is no such thing as the "liberal media", there is only corporate media. What I would like to see, and I don't think I'm alone, is factual media. Even from my pundits, I want truthful statements that are supported by facts. You won't find THAT at Fox "news".
There is no such thing as the "liberal media", there is only corporate media. What I would like to see, and I don't think I'm alone, is factual media. Even from my pundits, I want truthful statements that are supported by facts. You won't find THAT at Fox "news".

Nothing could be more laughable than liberal commies like you trying to paint the media as some kind of right-wing plot.

Dan Rather's blatant attempt to libel President Bush established for all time that the media is the propaganda organ of the DNC.
I'm ok with Fox News. They are a bit too Neo-Conish for me but they are the only Media Outlet asking tough questions about this President. CNN,NBC,NY Times and many other Liberal Media Outlets have been sniffing on the Hopey Changey One's butt fumes since day one. These Liberal Media Outlets only pretend to be Journalists when a Republican is in there. Most Americans know this though. So the cat's out of the bag on that one. In fact if a Republican was in there right now,CNN,NBC,and NY Times would likely be calling for Impeachment. This President has a dismal record at this point. There are no success stories to boast about with this Administration. I'm glad Fox News is around. They're the only ones not sniffing on this President's butt fumes. And that's good enough for me.
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WASHINGTON (CNN) – A senior administration official confirms that President Barack Obama will appear on five Sunday morning talk shows this weekend. The president will sit down with CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, and Univision. The official said Obama will not be appearing on FOX.

He said himself, the if anyone spreads lies about OBAMACARE, they he would call them out. Well, here's a great opportunity. But you won't see our fearless (well, almost) leader on FOX News this weekend fielding questions about the healthcare reform or ACORN disaster. Why??? What a great chance he would have to address the LARGEST news audience with an interview on FOX. Chris Matthews is harmless. We're not talking about sitting him down with Hannity or another uncomfortable meeting with O'Rielly. It's Chris Matthews for Christ's sake!!! ACORN's leader isn't scared. She's brave enough to sit down with Chris on Sunday. And I'm sure he will ask her some pretty tough and to the point questions. But strangely, Obama seems to be a little affraid to put himself out there. I guess it's much easier to swim downstream.

I'm just curious why the man who promised transparency and bi-partisanship to all Americans won't give equal time to the ONE network that challenges the views and opinions of the left? I mean, if I had a chance to speak directly to the audience that seems to be the most vocal and entrenched, I'd be telling Univision that I will try to get to them next time.

Univision???? Seriously???? How very patético.

Maybe because FOX has already proven to everyone smart enough to understand, that thye have NO desire to report fairly or even report at all? If FOX wants to cry about it (which they have not to my knowledge), they will need to clean up their act first.

Yeah, everyone knows that Couric, Mathews, Olberman, Maddow, etc. are the ones to look to for true independent reporting.


You're fucking kidding, right?
WASHINGTON (CNN) – A senior administration official confirms that President Barack Obama will appear on five Sunday morning talk shows this weekend. The president will sit down with CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, and Univision. The official said Obama will not be appearing on FOX.

He said himself, the if anyone spreads lies about OBAMACARE, they he would call them out. Well, here's a great opportunity. But you won't see our fearless (well, almost) leader on FOX News this weekend fielding questions about the healthcare reform or ACORN disaster. Why??? What a great chance he would have to address the LARGEST news audience with an interview on FOX. Chris Wallace is harmless. We're not talking about sitting him down with Hannity or another uncomfortable meeting with O'Rielly. It's Chris Wallace for Christ's sake!!! ACORN's leader isn't scared. She's brave enough to sit down with Chris on Sunday. And I'm sure he will ask her some pretty tough and to the point questions. But strangely, Obama seems to be a little affraid to put himself out there. I guess it's much easier to swim downstream.

I'm just curious why the man who promised transparency and bi-partisanship to all Americans won't give equal time to the ONE network that challenges the views and opinions of the left? I mean, if I had a chance to speak directly to the audience that seems to be the most vocal and entrenched, I'd be telling Univision that I will try to get to them next time.

Univision???? Seriously???? How very patético.
Because he hates to face the truth about himself and foxnews exposes him for what he is, a cowardly socialist.
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Because he is so above them.. They should be ignored except for Imus on FBC,

Obama's not above anyone or anything. He's about as much of a bottom-dweller as they get.

Yeah, let him go on MSNBC or something where they'll faint at his every bullshit-laden utterance.

WASHINGTON (CNN) – A senior administration official confirms that President Barack Obama will appear on five Sunday morning talk shows this weekend. The president will sit down with CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, and Univision. The official said Obama will not be appearing on FOX.

He said himself, the if anyone spreads lies about OBAMACARE, they he would call them out. Well, here's a great opportunity. But you won't see our fearless (well, almost) leader on FOX News this weekend fielding questions about the healthcare reform or ACORN disaster. Why??? What a great chance he would have to address the LARGEST news audience with an interview on FOX. Chris Matthews is harmless. We're not talking about sitting him down with Hannity or another uncomfortable meeting with O'Rielly. It's Chris Matthews for Christ's sake!!! ACORN's leader isn't scared. She's brave enough to sit down with Chris on Sunday. And I'm sure he will ask her some pretty tough and to the point questions. But strangely, Obama seems to be a little affraid to put himself out there. I guess it's much easier to swim downstream.

I'm just curious why the man who promised transparency and bi-partisanship to all Americans won't give equal time to the ONE network that challenges the views and opinions of the left? I mean, if I had a chance to speak directly to the audience that seems to be the most vocal and entrenched, I'd be telling Univision that I will try to get to them next time.

Univision???? Seriously???? How very patético.

Maybe because FOX has already proven to everyone smart enough to understand, that thye have NO desire to report fairly or even report at all? If FOX wants to cry about it (which they have not to my knowledge), they will need to clean up their act first.
Fow doesn't need to clean up their act, they are the only honest ones on tv. It is because obamaturd knows that fox will embarrass him.
WASHINGTON (CNN) – A senior administration official confirms that President Barack Obama will appear on five Sunday morning talk shows this weekend. The president will sit down with CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, and Univision. The official said Obama will not be appearing on FOX.

He said himself, the if anyone spreads lies about OBAMACARE, they he would call them out. Well, here's a great opportunity. But you won't see our fearless (well, almost) leader on FOX News this weekend fielding questions about the healthcare reform or ACORN disaster. Why??? What a great chance he would have to address the LARGEST news audience with an interview on FOX. Chris Wallace is harmless. We're not talking about sitting him down with Hannity or another uncomfortable meeting with O'Rielly. It's Chris Wallace for Christ's sake!!! ACORN's leader isn't scared. She's brave enough to sit down with Chris on Sunday. And I'm sure he will ask her some pretty tough and to the point questions. But strangely, Obama seems to be a little affraid to put himself out there. I guess it's much easier to swim downstream.

I'm just curious why the man who promised transparency and bi-partisanship to all Americans won't give equal time to the ONE network that challenges the views and opinions of the left? I mean, if I had a chance to speak directly to the audience that seems to be the most vocal and entrenched, I'd be telling Univision that I will try to get to them next time.

Univision???? Seriously???? How very patético.
Because he hates to face the truth about himself and foxnews exposes him for what he is, a cowardly socialist.

The man's a profligate liar... He wouldn't know the truth if it landed on his head and crapped on him.
WASHINGTON (CNN) – A senior administration official confirms that President Barack Obama will appear on five Sunday morning talk shows this weekend. The president will sit down with CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, and Univision. The official said Obama will not be appearing on FOX.

He said himself, the if anyone spreads lies about OBAMACARE, they he would call them out. Well, here's a great opportunity. But you won't see our fearless (well, almost) leader on FOX News this weekend fielding questions about the healthcare reform or ACORN disaster. Why??? What a great chance he would have to address the LARGEST news audience with an interview on FOX. Chris Wallace is harmless. We're not talking about sitting him down with Hannity or another uncomfortable meeting with O'Rielly. It's Chris Wallace for Christ's sake!!! ACORN's leader isn't scared. She's brave enough to sit down with Chris on Sunday. And I'm sure he will ask her some pretty tough and to the point questions. But strangely, Obama seems to be a little affraid to put himself out there. I guess it's much easier to swim downstream.

I'm just curious why the man who promised transparency and bi-partisanship to all Americans won't give equal time to the ONE network that challenges the views and opinions of the left? I mean, if I had a chance to speak directly to the audience that seems to be the most vocal and entrenched, I'd be telling Univision that I will try to get to them next time.

Univision???? Seriously???? How very patético.

maybe because fox news is a neo-con network and only those that hate listen to it and would never hear anything else ?
funny thing about fox is Rupert , you know his partner is arab ? and all that crap about a new mosk 2 blocks away from ground Z on the towers ? that was the co owner of fox .

pin heads that tune in fox don't want to hear5 anything but their common hate .
Fox News??

Why would any credible leader sit down with FoxNews??

They have made their bed regarding their legitimacy as a news network. If nobody takes them seriously, they have only themselves to blame

Maybe because Fox news is the highest rated cable news in the nation and it would give Obama a chance to speak directly to those that are opposing his socialist agenda.
But I think he's just scared to fucking death of Fox News, afraid they'll pin him down on specifics and thats an area he's not comfortable with.

After statements like these, how can anyone even consider FOX or it's viewers as "Fair and Balanced"?
Fox is more fair and balanced than those other obamaturd butt kissing networks. Socialist lefties just hate fox because they tell America the truth and the socialists hate it when Americans know the truth. Since when is it alright to be a socialist in this country?

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