Why won't obama call out fox news???

on sunday while obamalama is out blowing smoke up the librals asses, Chris Wallace will interview big bertha from ACORN,, now guess which interview I'm going to watch?
on sunday while obamalama is out blowing smoke up the librals asses, Chris Wallace will interview big bertha from ACORN,, now guess which interview I'm going to watch?

That is kinky..no scratch that...it is sick. Why do neo cons think strange sexual shit all of the time. Also I thought only neo con males were into ass..apparantly not...See I admit it when I am wrong!
The less people exposed to his lies, the less accountable he'll have to be.
Here's why he doesn't want to appear on FOX:

Tuesday, Sept. 15, 2009

FOXNEWS BECK 3,421,000
MSNBC MADDOW 1,369,000
CNN KING 1,355,000
CNN COOPER 1,086,000

lmao...........look at the Olbermann numbers!!!:lol::lol::lol:

this geek has lost over 1/2 million viewers since 10/08!!!


hysterical............especially when you factor in that cablenews.com considers 1 million the equivilent of being off the air.:funnyface:
on sunday while obamalama is out blowing smoke up the librals asses, Chris Wallace will interview big bertha from ACORN,, now guess which interview I'm going to watch?

That is kinky..no scratch that...it is sick. Why do neo cons think strange sexual shit all of the time. Also I thought only neo con males were into ass..apparantly not...See I admit it when I am wrong!

on sunday while obamalama is out blowing smoke up the librals asses, Chris Wallace will interview big bertha from ACORN,, now guess which interview I'm going to watch?

That is kinky..no scratch that...it is sick. Why do neo cons think strange sexual shit all of the time. Also I thought only neo con males were into ass..apparantly not...See I admit it when I am wrong!


Bob...seriously...you are an idiot.
The big difference I see in Fox coverage is

Interupting & Shouting down answers that do not reflect the approved Fox agenda
Loaded questions that assume fringe opinions are facts

I'd be extremely surprised in anyone at Fox shouted down the President.

Interruptions I have less of a problem with, since Obama has demonstrated that he will happily expound his beliefs for 15 minutes at a time unless he is reined in.

No more surprised than I was when Joe Wilson shouted down the President during his address to Congress....
Sorry wilson 1 second tirade did not amount to shouting down the president, as the president went on to finish his speech.
Huggy we all know who the idiot is here and his initials are HUGGY

The big difference I see in Fox coverage is

Interupting & Shouting down answers that do not reflect the approved Fox agenda
Loaded questions that assume fringe opinions are facts

I'd be extremely surprised in anyone at Fox shouted down the President.

Interruptions I have less of a problem with, since Obama has demonstrated that he will happily expound his beliefs for 15 minutes at a time unless he is reined in.

No more surprised than I was when Joe Wilson shouted down the President during his address to Congress....

I didn't see that.
WASHINGTON (CNN) – A senior administration official confirms that President Barack Obama will appear on five Sunday morning talk shows this weekend. The president will sit down with CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, and Univision. The official said Obama will not be appearing on FOX.

He said himself, the if anyone spreads lies about OBAMACARE, they he would call them out. Well, here's a great opportunity. But you won't see our fearless (well, almost) leader on FOX News this weekend fielding questions about the healthcare reform or ACORN disaster. Why??? What a great chance he would have to address the LARGEST news audience with an interview on FOX. Chris Wallace is harmless. We're not talking about sitting him down with Hannity or another uncomfortable meeting with O'Rielly. It's Chris Wallace for Christ's sake!!! ACORN's leader isn't scared. She's brave enough to sit down with Chris on Sunday. And I'm sure he will ask her some pretty tough and to the point questions. But strangely, Obama seems to be a little affraid to put himself out there. I guess it's much easier to swim downstream.

I'm just curious why the man who promised transparency and bi-partisanship to all Americans won't give equal time to the ONE network that challenges the views and opinions of the left? I mean, if I had a chance to speak directly to the audience that seems to be the most vocal and entrenched, I'd be telling Univision that I will try to get to them next time.

Univision???? Seriously???? How very patético.

Because he LIES and is affraid to do a show where he has to answer unscripted questions
The Liberal Media is such a joke at this point. I think most common sense thinking people understand this. My God how many pathetic infomercials can they produce for this guy? I think most people are just tuning the Obama-run Mainstream Media out at this point. Expect Fox News to continue improving in the ratings. Right now they're seen as the only Media outlet daring to ask tough questions of Hopey Changey. Some may not like them very much but they do respect them. The corrupt Liberal Media deserves no respect at this point.
Why won't Obama call out fox news???

You don't want to shoot "down" into a cesspool. Some of the gunk could spash back on you.

Fox is the Republicans "propaganda" network. Remember, Republicans are like pigs. They want to pull you down into the mud, roll around and get real dirty, but the pig likes it.

Look who watches Fox. People who don't know Medicare is government run health care. People who don't know the difference between Communism, Fascism and Socialism. People who don't know who started the "Czars" or even what they are. To educate these people, you would have to start all the way back to the beginning of primary school. Who has time?
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I'm gonna cry me a river over you! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

sunday's motto.. libtards watch msnbc do not stray you will burn up in the light of truth stay in darkness.
I'm gonna cry me a river over you! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

sunday's motto.. libtards watch msnbc do not stray you will burn up in the light of truth stay in darkness.

As long as they can read under that "light of truth".

Some truths:

Conservatards children have the highest STD rates in the US.

Conservatards are anti science. It's why so few are scientists.

Conservatards think Fascism, Communism and Socialism are the same thing.

Conservatards don't know that Medicare IS government health care.

These are facts.

Conservatards hate having the truth dropped on them.
Why won't Obama call out fox news???

You don't want to shoot "down" into a cesspool. Some of the gunk could spash back on you.

Fox is the Republicans "propaganda" network. Remember, Republicans are like pigs. They want to pull you down into the mud, roll around and get real dirty, but the pig likes it.

Look who watches Fox. People who don't know Medicare is government run health care. People who don't know the difference between Communism, Fascism and Socialism. People who don't know who started the "Czars" or even what they are. To educate these people, you would have to start all the way back to the beginning of primary school. Who has time?

o you mean how a poll showed that a good portion of Obama voters didn't know which party controlled congress at the time of election. you're right...who has the time to educate the stupid
What a great chance he would have to address the LARGEST news audience with an interview on FOX.

He's appearing on the Sunday shows, where Fox runs a distant fourth (Fox News Sunday had 1.31 million viewers last week, for example; the next lowest was 2.68 million watching CBS's Face the Nation).

I'm not saying your numbers are wrong, but I'd like to see the source. Even if they are good numbers, what about all the other times he has had chances???

I'm just curious why the man who promised transparency and bi-partisanship to all Americans won't give equal time to the ONE network that challenges the views and opinions of the left?

You accidentally make the case for why the president isn't going on Fox. He's not going to sit down for an interview with GOP yesmen.

So you're saying he's only interested in sitting down with Obama Yesmen...is that right?

i don't recall baby bush ever sitting down with MSNBC. do you?

Waaaaaaaaaahhhh... :cuckoo:

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