Why won't Trump release his Tax returns?

How nuts is it to argue with a fucking troll? Let it go.

What changes do you plan to make? A family murder/suicide pact? Holing up in a cave? Moving to......where? What country is better than the United States of America?

I am not moving, this country is my home and the best country in the history of the world. We will survive if HRC wins, but our country will be very damaged and will no longer be a free democratic republic. We already have a state controlled media, what's next, the thought police? Was Orwell right?

Blair was a fiction writer. If his goal was to get rich he should have started a religion like another writer, L. Ron Hubbard. IMO, same whacked-out crap.

Blair? I am talking about George Orwell (1984)

WOW! Does someone want to tell him?

Just looked it up, I did not know that.

See, that's the difference between conservatives and liberals, we aren't afraid to admit it when we are wrong or don't know something.

But I understand, your ideology is so full of flaws that even you know its bullshit.

Was Orwell right?

Is Soylent Green people?

Same thing.

FYI: I'm NOT a Liberal, I'm a capitalist racketeer.
I am not moving, this country is my home and the best country in the history of the world. We will survive if HRC wins, but our country will be very damaged and will no longer be a free democratic republic. We already have a state controlled media, what's next, the thought police? Was Orwell right?

Blair was a fiction writer. If his goal was to get rich he should have started a religion like another writer, L. Ron Hubbard. IMO, same whacked-out crap.

Blair? I am talking about George Orwell (1984)

WOW! Does someone want to tell him?

Just looked it up, I did not know that.

See, that's the difference between conservatives and liberals, we aren't afraid to admit it when we are wrong or don't know something.

But I understand, your ideology is so full of flaws that even you know its bullshit.

Was Orwell right?

Is Soylent Green people?

Same thing.

FYI: I'm NOT a Liberal, I'm a capitalist racketeer.

Orwell was right about some things--------------the thought police (PC), dividing the people by race, sex, age, color, etc, playing endless meaningless games (the Hollywood culture).

Rand was also right about much that she wrote about. Atlas Shrugged could be rewritten today, its characters exist today. Who do you think would be John Galt today?

Soylent Green, great movie. great premise. Could it happen today? maybe in India and parts of Africa.
Blair was a fiction writer. If his goal was to get rich he should have started a religion like another writer, L. Ron Hubbard. IMO, same whacked-out crap.

Blair? I am talking about George Orwell (1984)

WOW! Does someone want to tell him?

Just looked it up, I did not know that.

See, that's the difference between conservatives and liberals, we aren't afraid to admit it when we are wrong or don't know something.

But I understand, your ideology is so full of flaws that even you know its bullshit.

Was Orwell right?

Is Soylent Green people?

Same thing.

FYI: I'm NOT a Liberal, I'm a capitalist racketeer.

Orwell was right about some things--------------the thought police (PC), dividing the people by race, sex, age, color, etc, playing endless meaningless games (the Hollywood culture).

Rand was also right about much that she wrote about. Atlas Shrugged could be rewritten today, its characters exist today. Who do you think would be John Galt today?

Soylent Green, great movie. great premise. Could it happen today? maybe in India and parts of Africa.

So why is Trump scared to show voters his tax returns?
Now more than ever (with the major scandal breaking in florida) Americans need to see his tax returns.
Another source on the Trump-NAMBLA connection.

Many People Are Saying Donald Trump Donated to NAMBLA

I could believe this considering how many times he flew with Jeffrey Epstein aboard the Pedo Express.
You're confused.
Bill Clinton flew on the 'Lolita Express' 26 times according to flight logs subpoenaed by the FBI.
Some 'unnamed source' told a tabloid that Trump was aboard Epstein's plane ONCE! but it was on a flight that never left the continental US.
You REALLY need to get a fucking grip and stop your bullshit lying.
Blair? I am talking about George Orwell (1984)

WOW! Does someone want to tell him?

Just looked it up, I did not know that.

See, that's the difference between conservatives and liberals, we aren't afraid to admit it when we are wrong or don't know something.

But I understand, your ideology is so full of flaws that even you know its bullshit.

Was Orwell right?

Is Soylent Green people?

Same thing.

FYI: I'm NOT a Liberal, I'm a capitalist racketeer.

Orwell was right about some things--------------the thought police (PC), dividing the people by race, sex, age, color, etc, playing endless meaningless games (the Hollywood culture).

Rand was also right about much that she wrote about. Atlas Shrugged could be rewritten today, its characters exist today. Who do you think would be John Galt today?

Soylent Green, great movie. great premise. Could it happen today? maybe in India and parts of Africa.

So why is Trump scared to show voters his tax returns?
DNC troll bot.
Where are they?
Great Zombie thread!

I'm guessing the reason he didn't release them is because his accountants used all of the Congressionally approved tax loops to legally avoid paying taxes. Woot! Too bad the fucking Democrats never fixed that the last 16 years they were in the WH.
wondering how the Trump supporters justify it in their heads...

"I'll spell this out for you loons who are incapable of applying common sense and or flat out don't have the iQ to wrap a peanut brain around it.
There are many arbitrary judgement calls made by auditing agents throughout the course of an IRS audit....Allowances, assessed penalties, interest, ....etc etc. If the return(s) were made public domain before the audit was completed and the media scrutinized the process on every tiny little detail do you think the IRS would have extra motivation to really stick it to him in an attempt to set precedent and show the American public they mean business? Nobody is more Democrat / Liberal than the IRS.
Further, if returns were released prior to audit completion that would simply leave room for more nut-jobs to say: "Yeah, sure he released them but they're inaccurate; we'll have to wait and see the revised return after the audit is completed."
Releasing the return(s) before audit completion is a lose, lose deal for Trump...simple stuff here folks.
I'll send you whacko's an invoice for the lesson in common sense...Thank me later."

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