Why won't Trump release his Tax returns?

If a republican had the mental and physical issues that she has, it would be the lead story on every news program 24/7. The bias of our media is destroying this country, and the libs don't care because right now the media is on their side-----------------but think libs, it might not always be that way. Think about it.

So, here you are spreading your crap that Clinton is on her death bed........Is THAT your last-ditch attempt to fight back the inevitable of a madam president????

(BTW, in 1985-86, how many media outlets were talking about Reagan's onset of Alzheimer???)
The old bull dycke is truly fucked now.
If she has to take a couple of weeks off to 'recover' she'll lose the support of a LOT of potential voters.
Only her most rabid supporters are going vote for her in spite of her collapsing health.
If she doesn't take a break from campaigning and has a major health incident she'll lose a lot of supporters who will always vote 'party over personality'.

If a republican had the mental and physical issues that she has, it would be the lead story on every news program 24/7. The bias of our media is destroying this country, and the libs don't care because right now the media is on their side-----------------but think libs, it might not always be that way. Think about it.

Nat thinks this is funny. Would you think it funny if all of the networks leaned to the right and only covered stories that put the left in a bad light? or lied about liberal candidates?

Don't be so confident that the media will always be left wing. Ask the Russians about Pravda.

In order to survive we need an honest unbiased media that tells us the truth and does not spout propaganda from either side.
If a republican had the mental and physical issues that she has, it would be the lead story on every news program 24/7. The bias of our media is destroying this country, and the libs don't care because right now the media is on their side-----------------but think libs, it might not always be that way. Think about it.

So, here you are spreading your crap that Clinton is on her death bed........Is THAT your last-ditch attempt to fight back the inevitable of a madam president????

(BTW, in 1985-86, how many media outlets were talking about Reagan's onset of Alzheimer???)

Many of them were covering Reagan's alzheimers, and many were reporting that Nancy was running the country during Reagans last few months as president. They told us the truth, which is what the media should do.

The truth about Hillary is that she has serious mental and physical problems.
ould you think it funny if all of the networks leaned to the right and only covered stories that put the left in a bad light? or lied about liberal candidates?

Thank you for admitting that FOX and RUSH-baby are NOT media but just hate-filled propaganda outlets.....(Hey, a moment of right wing honesty?)
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The truth about Hillary is that she has serious mental and physical problems.

The ONLY reason I'm even responding to your fucked up allegations that Hillary is dying, is to keep this thread going about Trump's tax return fiasco.......and thank you for helping.
His tax returns will show that he doesn't have the money he claims and he's only running for President because he needs a job with a house provided.
Seriously? So he only has FOUR Billion dollars and not TEN Billion dollars thus requiring him to seek a job? Are you really fucking serious about this idea?
It's estimated that Trump actually has around $180 million.
Who did the "estimate"?
Fucking 'Baghdad Bob'?
His tax returns will show that he doesn't have the money he claims and he's only running for President because he needs a job with a house provided.
Seriously? So he only has FOUR Billion dollars and not TEN Billion dollars thus requiring him to seek a job? Are you really fucking serious about this idea?
It's estimated that Trump actually has around $180 million.
Who did the "estimate"?
Fucking 'Baghdad Bob'?
ROFL. I don't care who you are, that's funny!
ould you think it funny if all of the networks leaned to the right and only covered stories that put the left in a bad light? or lied about liberal candidates?

Thank you for admitting that FOX and RUSH-baby are NOT media but just hate-filled propaganda outlets.....(Hey, a moment of right wing honesty?)

Not what I said, moron, Not even close. Fox is the only network that gives equal time to both sides. I understand why you libs hate equal time-------------because when both sides are heard-----------you always lose.

Liberalism is a failed ideology, never works, never has, never will. Its the ideology of idiots and brain dead sheep. You libs are so fricken stupid that you don't understand that you are asking for a society where everything is run by a small group of super elites and everyone else is a slave to the government. Freedom scares the shit out of you because you are incapable of caring for yourselves. pathetic fools.
And to the OP. Trump is smart not to release his returns because the dem lie machine and the corrupt media would create lies about them, and then perpetuate the lies.

He is outsmarting you idiots once again. Taking away your chance to create more lying talking points.
He is outsmarting you idiots once again. Taking away your chance to create more lying talking points.

So Mr. Tuna....Trumpusconi is SCARED of liberal "lying talking points"????
Shit, what would then that coward do if confronted by an actual enemy...go cry to Melania?

I DO NOT want Trump to release his tax returns........The DOUBT that lingers about what he is hiding is like a slow cancer on his candidacy.
His tax returns will show that he doesn't have the money he claims and he's only running for President because he needs a job with a house provided.
Seriously? So he only has FOUR Billion dollars and not TEN Billion dollars thus requiring him to seek a job? Are you really fucking serious about this idea?
It's estimated that Trump actually has around $180 million.

Forbes estimated it at $4.5B, and EVERY money guy that I know says that's correct.
did that release address her epilepsy and onset of alzheimers? How about her lung problems and possible brain damage from falling several times? How about needing physical help to climb 5 steps?

How's about your ulcers when she's elected this November???

If she wins I will be just fine. I will make changes as necessary to protect my wealth and future. Its the country that my children and grand children will have to live in that bothers me. I do not want them to live in a large copy of failed European socialism dominated by crazy liberals.
How nuts is it to argue with a fucking troll? Let it go.

What changes do you plan to make? A family murder/suicide pact? Holing up in a cave? Moving to......where? What country is better than the United States of America?

I am not moving, this country is my home and the best country in the history of the world. We will survive if HRC wins, but our country will be very damaged and will no longer be a free democratic republic. We already have a state controlled media, what's next, the thought police? Was Orwell right?

Blair was a fiction writer. If his goal was to get rich he should have started a religion like another writer, L. Ron Hubbard. IMO, same whacked-out crap.
did that release address her epilepsy and onset of alzheimers? How about her lung problems and possible brain damage from falling several times? How about needing physical help to climb 5 steps?

How's about your ulcers when she's elected this November???

If she wins I will be just fine. I will make changes as necessary to protect my wealth and future. Its the country that my children and grand children will have to live in that bothers me. I do not want them to live in a large copy of failed European socialism dominated by crazy liberals.
How nuts is it to argue with a fucking troll? Let it go.

What changes do you plan to make? A family murder/suicide pact? Holing up in a cave? Moving to......where? What country is better than the United States of America?

I am not moving, this country is my home and the best country in the history of the world. We will survive if HRC wins, but our country will be very damaged and will no longer be a free democratic republic. We already have a state controlled media, what's next, the thought police? Was Orwell right?

Blair was a fiction writer. If his goal was to get rich he should have started a religion like another writer, L. Ron Hubbard. IMO, same whacked-out crap.

Blair? I am talking about George Orwell (1984)
How's about your ulcers when she's elected this November???

If she wins I will be just fine. I will make changes as necessary to protect my wealth and future. Its the country that my children and grand children will have to live in that bothers me. I do not want them to live in a large copy of failed European socialism dominated by crazy liberals.
How nuts is it to argue with a fucking troll? Let it go.

What changes do you plan to make? A family murder/suicide pact? Holing up in a cave? Moving to......where? What country is better than the United States of America?

I am not moving, this country is my home and the best country in the history of the world. We will survive if HRC wins, but our country will be very damaged and will no longer be a free democratic republic. We already have a state controlled media, what's next, the thought police? Was Orwell right?

Blair was a fiction writer. If his goal was to get rich he should have started a religion like another writer, L. Ron Hubbard. IMO, same whacked-out crap.

Blair? I am talking about George Orwell (1984)

WOW! Does someone want to tell him?
If she wins I will be just fine. I will make changes as necessary to protect my wealth and future. Its the country that my children and grand children will have to live in that bothers me. I do not want them to live in a large copy of failed European socialism dominated by crazy liberals.
How nuts is it to argue with a fucking troll? Let it go.

What changes do you plan to make? A family murder/suicide pact? Holing up in a cave? Moving to......where? What country is better than the United States of America?

I am not moving, this country is my home and the best country in the history of the world. We will survive if HRC wins, but our country will be very damaged and will no longer be a free democratic republic. We already have a state controlled media, what's next, the thought police? Was Orwell right?

Blair was a fiction writer. If his goal was to get rich he should have started a religion like another writer, L. Ron Hubbard. IMO, same whacked-out crap.

Blair? I am talking about George Orwell (1984)

WOW! Does someone want to tell him?

Just looked it up, I did not know that.

See, that's the difference between conservatives and liberals, we aren't afraid to admit it when we are wrong or don't know something.

But I understand, your ideology is so full of flaws that even you know its bullshit.

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