Why won't Trump release his Tax returns?

I think you're letting YOUR emotions cloud YOUR logic.

Looks like we disagree.

on that we do agree. LOL

Seriously, though, I just don't understand why anyone would vote for a proven liar, a person who may have put americans at risk by releasing classified data, and who let 4 americans die rather than risk political fallout. I just don't understand.
Because I like the other choice even less.

It's a shame that that has to be my criteria, I wish we had better choices, but that's where we are.

Does this help?

Oh great...



what do you find funny about an old woman who cant climb steps on her own? do you always laugh at crippled old people?
Yes, I love making fun of crippled old people.
on that we do agree. LOL

Seriously, though, I just don't understand why anyone would vote for a proven liar, a person who may have put americans at risk by releasing classified data, and who let 4 americans die rather than risk political fallout. I just don't understand.

Well, Mr. TUNA.........I guess your fucked up mind is made up against Clinton.....Now you will have to deal with your own bile for the next 8 years......Happy wallowing.

HRC will not live another 8 years. You are voting for president Kaine.
Do you think the pics are fakes? if so, prove it. and if so, why hasn't the Clinton campaign called them out for them?

NO, NO....I want for morons like you to believe those allegations that Hillary is on her death bed.....LOL
did that release address her epilepsy and onset of alzheimers? How about her lung problems and possible brain damage from falling several times? How about needing physical help to climb 5 steps?

How's about your ulcers when she's elected this November???

If she wins I will be just fine. I will make changes as necessary to protect my wealth and future. Its the country that my children and grand children will have to live in that bothers me. I do not want them to live in a large copy of failed European socialism dominated by crazy liberals.
How nuts is it to argue with a fucking troll? Let it go.

What changes do you plan to make? A family murder/suicide pact? Holing up in a cave? Moving to......where? What country is better than the United States of America?
3. He is not worth as much as he claims after credit and debt are subtracted.
This is the winner.

His #1 concern is people thinking he's not as rich as he claims.

I read this yesterday about the Comedy Central Roast of Trump a few years ago:

This Joke Was Off-limits at Donald Trump’s Comedy Central Roast

Here's a rundown of what was allowed and not allowed:

ALLOWED: Jokes about Trump's hair
ALLOWED: Jokes about Trump's wife Melania (and his two previous marriages)
ALLOWED: Jokes about Trump having sex with models
ALLOWED: Jokes about the failure of Trump Steaks, Trump Water, Trump Cologne, and other Trump products
ALLOWED: Jokes about Trump's failed casinos
ALLOWED: Jokes about how Trump only became successful thanks to his wealthy father
ALLOWED: Jokes about Trump's weight
ALLOWED: Jokes about Trump being attracted to his daughter Ivanka
NOT ALLOWED: Any joke that suggests Trump is not actually as wealthy as he claims to be

Anthony Jeselnik, one of Trump's roasters, also noted the same thing during a conversation with Joan Rivers on In Bed With Joan back in 2013. “Donald Trump’s rule was, don’t say I have less money than I say I do,” Jeselnik said. “Make fun of my kids, do whatever you want, just don’t say I don’t have that much money.”
Let's see, the Trumpies think "because he doesn't have to" is a good enough reason for Trump to not do what every other Presidential candidate does.
These are the same retards who go ballistic if Obama doesn't wear a flag pin.
These are the same retards who go ballistic if Obama doesn't wear a flag pin.

".....and your flag decals [pins] won't get you into heaven anymore, they're already overcrowded from your crazy little wars"

John Prine......
He released his tax returns. He has nothing to hide.

Morons, like the once you quoted, just can't seem to distinguish between college transcripts (which Trump ALSO has not released) with tax returns from ALL candidates for the oval office have released for almost 40 years
These are the same retards who go ballistic if Obama doesn't wear a flag pin.
Agreed. Just like the same retards who want to ban guns when a known mentally ill person does something stupid.

How do you suggest we handle these retards, Snythy?
Logical people are far more concerned with the contents of hiLIARy's emails and their potential to make her an object of blackmail.
These are the same retards who go ballistic if Obama doesn't wear a flag pin.
Agreed. Just like the same retards who want to ban guns when a known mentally ill person does something stupid.

How do you suggest we handle these retards, Snythy?

Unless he's feeling a tad suicidal today, I doubt he'll recommend the preferred Prog solution of Eugenics.

Just sayin'.
A Trump tax return will prove that he has far less money than he claims, and it will prove that his goods are manufactured overseas, and it will show ties to places like Russia.

Trump's taxes will show that he has been misleading Americans on his business acumen.

Trump has a lot to hide, but - tragically - the Tea Party base is notorious for trusting their Washington leaders, no questions asked. We will never know what Trump is hiding until it's too late. As with Bush RE 9/11 & the housing meltdown, all of Trump's corruption and mistakes will be blamed on his political opponents - this is the point of Fox News and Talk Radio.
The problem with Trump's Chump is that the Establishment hasn't lied to them enough. They want more lies than the usual propaganda sources can feed them.

Trump fulfills their dietary requirements of being lied to 24/7. His Chumps need their piss cups refilled every five minutes.
Righties bitch about donors to prez Clinton's charity, but Trumps personal taxes are no big deal?!?
No. Common sense.
How many Conspiracy Theorists have stated that their opinion wasn't "common sense"? In fact, isn't that often their argument?
Here's the difference, dipshit. A conspiracy theory involves things being hidden which aren't there to begin with. Like UFOs.

Trump's tax returns are real, and he is hiding them. Fact.

He's afraid that even people as stupid as you will realize you've been conned when you see them.
Here's the difference, dipshit.....He's afraid that even people as stupid as you will realize you've been conned when you see them.

Do you throw a tantrum at home when someone disagrees with you or do you just smack them around?

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