Why won't Trump release his Tax returns?

As I said in my post, "whatever". I'm not exactly obsessed, and I can't imagine there's anything there that would change my opinion of him.

but you will vote for a proven liar, a corrupt life long politician, and a woman who tried to destroy the lives of women that her husband sexually attacked.

Hillary Clinton is the ultimate corrupt insider, she got millions from muslim countries that execute gays and treat women like property.

But you don't like Trump because he talks like you and I do.

Amazing, I will never understand the liberal brain.
You may communicate like Trump, almost exclusively in cartoonish hyperbole, I do not.

I also agree with Clinton on more issues than Trump - their personality flaws are essentially a wash with me.

so, you agree that raising taxes is good for the economy?

you agree that lying to that American people is OK?

you agree that we should open our borders to everyone who wants in?

you agree that paying ransom is OK?

you agree that ever increasing national debt is good for the country?

you agree with increasing the number of Americans in poverty?

You agree with more federal government control over your life?

If you answered yes, then you should vote for the hildebeast, if not, you should vote for trump.
I'll vote against Trump for my reasons, not yours.

care to share them with us? or is it simply that you love the D behind Hillary's fat ass?
Happy to.

First, I agree with Hillary on more issues than Trump.

Second, I believe Trump is a buffoon and a national embarrassment, a vivid reflection of the selfie generation.

They're both terribly flawed, I'm not fond of either one, but all I can do is project how they would act and react in office.

Not a tough decision.
This is so laughable. The hated, continuously maligned Koch Brother and Adelson don't support Trump and the left points to that as a negative. The billionaires, the hedge fund managers, the 1% are backing Clinton and not a peep out of the self-righteous left.

Clinton took $100,000's from Goldman Sacs, made promises behind closed doors, and snubs her nose at anyone that dares insinuate she should release those transcripts.

by all means "laugh" away.......Just answer these 2 questions if you will:

1. Has the releasing of one's speeches to a private entity been the custom for ALL canidates for the WH? YES or NO?
2. Has the releasing of one's tax returns been the custom for 40 plus years by ALL candidates for the WH? YES or NO?

Yes and yes.
A lie. It has not been a custom for candidates to release their speeches. Newt Gingrich was paid a shit ton of money by the GSEs during the bubble, and he did not release any of his speeches or work that he did for them when he ran for President in 2012.

Stop excusing Trump's obvious break with tradition of releasing tax returns. You dumb fucks would find ANY excuse. "I want to see Hillary's kindergarten transcripts first!"

TOPIC: What is Trump hiding?

TARD: B-b-b-b-but Clinton!

TOPIC: Trump defrauded senior citizens out of their retirement nest eggs.

TARD: B-b-b-b-but Clinton!

TOPIC: Trump demonstrate utter ignorance of foreign policy.

TARD: B-b-b-b-b-but Clinton!

TOPIC: Trump drops to knees and sucks Putin's cock.

TARD: B-b-b-b-but Clinton!
Trump is hiding something. Something so damaging that even the dumbest of Trump's Chumps would take pause and have to struggle for at least five or ten minutes to find a way to excuse it. They would have to hit themselves in the head an extra twenty times with a hammer to finally be able to ignore it.
Oooooooooooh! Conspiracy theory!

Most likely Trump is just a little paranoid about giving the opposition anything to use against him. Little things like inflating his charity donations and how much he makes from overseas investments.

Same reason why Hillary wants a Doctor's Note to speak for her instead of actually releasing all of her medical records; too much possibility of the opposition turning a little pile of shit into a giant pile of shit.
Trump is hiding something. Something so damaging that even the dumbest of Trump's Chumps would take pause and have to struggle for at least five or ten minutes to find a way to excuse it. They would have to hit themselves in the head an extra twenty times with a hammer to finally be able to ignore it.
Oooooooooooh! Conspiracy theory!
No. Common sense.
but you will vote for a proven liar, a corrupt life long politician, and a woman who tried to destroy the lives of women that her husband sexually attacked.

Hillary Clinton is the ultimate corrupt insider, she got millions from muslim countries that execute gays and treat women like property.

But you don't like Trump because he talks like you and I do.

Amazing, I will never understand the liberal brain.
You may communicate like Trump, almost exclusively in cartoonish hyperbole, I do not.

I also agree with Clinton on more issues than Trump - their personality flaws are essentially a wash with me.

so, you agree that raising taxes is good for the economy?

you agree that lying to that American people is OK?

you agree that we should open our borders to everyone who wants in?

you agree that paying ransom is OK?

you agree that ever increasing national debt is good for the country?

you agree with increasing the number of Americans in poverty?

You agree with more federal government control over your life?

If you answered yes, then you should vote for the hildebeast, if not, you should vote for trump.
I'll vote against Trump for my reasons, not yours.

care to share them with us? or is it simply that you love the D behind Hillary's fat ass?
Happy to.

First, I agree with Hillary on more issues than Trump.

Second, I believe Trump is a buffoon and a national embarrassment, a vivid reflection of the selfie generation.

They're both terribly flawed, I'm not fond of either one, but all I can do is project how they would act and react in office.

Not a tough decision.

One has a proven record of success, the other a proven record of failure, lying, corruption, and incompetence.

Trump is not a polished politician who panders to every audience telling them what they want to hear. You don't like his brashness and narcissism. But you like Hillary's brashness and narcissism?

One of them will try to run the country like a business and balance the books, the other will continue the failed policies that have put us 10 trillion in debt and with more americans on the dole than ever before.

You are letting emotions cloud logic. THINK THINK THINK!
TOPIC: What is Trump hiding?

TARD: B-b-b-b-but Clinton!

TOPIC: Trump defrauded senior citizens out of their retirement nest eggs.

TARD: B-b-b-b-but Clinton!

TOPIC: Trump demonstrate utter ignorance of foreign policy.

TARD: B-b-b-b-b-but Clinton!

TOPIC: Trump drops to knees and sucks Putin's cock.

TARD: B-b-b-b-but Clinton!

Hillary did all of those things first and has been doing them for years. As to cock sucking, can you say Hillary sucked the ayatollah's cock and then sent him 400 million dollars?
You may communicate like Trump, almost exclusively in cartoonish hyperbole, I do not.

I also agree with Clinton on more issues than Trump - their personality flaws are essentially a wash with me.

so, you agree that raising taxes is good for the economy?

you agree that lying to that American people is OK?

you agree that we should open our borders to everyone who wants in?

you agree that paying ransom is OK?

you agree that ever increasing national debt is good for the country?

you agree with increasing the number of Americans in poverty?

You agree with more federal government control over your life?

If you answered yes, then you should vote for the hildebeast, if not, you should vote for trump.
I'll vote against Trump for my reasons, not yours.

care to share them with us? or is it simply that you love the D behind Hillary's fat ass?
Happy to.

First, I agree with Hillary on more issues than Trump.

Second, I believe Trump is a buffoon and a national embarrassment, a vivid reflection of the selfie generation.

They're both terribly flawed, I'm not fond of either one, but all I can do is project how they would act and react in office.

Not a tough decision.

One has a proven record of success, the other a proven record of failure, lying, corruption, and incompetence.

Trump is not a polished politician who panders to every audience telling them what they want to hear. You don't like his brashness and narcissism. But you like Hillary's brashness and narcissism?

One of them will try to run the country like a business and balance the books, the other will continue the failed policies that have put us 10 trillion in debt and with more americans on the dole than ever before.

You are letting emotions cloud logic. THINK THINK THINK!
I think you're letting YOUR emotions cloud YOUR logic.

Looks like we disagree.
ame reason why Hillary wants a Doctor's Note to speak for her instead of actually releasing all of her medical records;

Well, PassingWind....once again your prove you're a lying fuckhead.....(but you knew that, already didn't you?)

Clinton Releases Medical Records Showing She's 'Fit To Serve As President'
Clinton Releases Medical Records Showing She's 'Fit To Serve As President'

did that release address her epilepsy and onset of alzheimers? How about her lung problems and possible brain damage from falling several times? How about needing physical help to climb 5 steps?
so, you agree that raising taxes is good for the economy?

you agree that lying to that American people is OK?

you agree that we should open our borders to everyone who wants in?

you agree that paying ransom is OK?

you agree that ever increasing national debt is good for the country?

you agree with increasing the number of Americans in poverty?

You agree with more federal government control over your life?

If you answered yes, then you should vote for the hildebeast, if not, you should vote for trump.
I'll vote against Trump for my reasons, not yours.

care to share them with us? or is it simply that you love the D behind Hillary's fat ass?
Happy to.

First, I agree with Hillary on more issues than Trump.

Second, I believe Trump is a buffoon and a national embarrassment, a vivid reflection of the selfie generation.

They're both terribly flawed, I'm not fond of either one, but all I can do is project how they would act and react in office.

Not a tough decision.

One has a proven record of success, the other a proven record of failure, lying, corruption, and incompetence.

Trump is not a polished politician who panders to every audience telling them what they want to hear. You don't like his brashness and narcissism. But you like Hillary's brashness and narcissism?

One of them will try to run the country like a business and balance the books, the other will continue the failed policies that have put us 10 trillion in debt and with more americans on the dole than ever before.

You are letting emotions cloud logic. THINK THINK THINK!
I think you're letting YOUR emotions cloud YOUR logic.

Looks like we disagree.

on that we do agree. LOL

Seriously, though, I just don't understand why anyone would vote for a proven liar, a person who may have put americans at risk by releasing classified data, and who let 4 americans die rather than risk political fallout. I just don't understand.
I'll vote against Trump for my reasons, not yours.

care to share them with us? or is it simply that you love the D behind Hillary's fat ass?
Happy to.

First, I agree with Hillary on more issues than Trump.

Second, I believe Trump is a buffoon and a national embarrassment, a vivid reflection of the selfie generation.

They're both terribly flawed, I'm not fond of either one, but all I can do is project how they would act and react in office.

Not a tough decision.

One has a proven record of success, the other a proven record of failure, lying, corruption, and incompetence.

Trump is not a polished politician who panders to every audience telling them what they want to hear. You don't like his brashness and narcissism. But you like Hillary's brashness and narcissism?

One of them will try to run the country like a business and balance the books, the other will continue the failed policies that have put us 10 trillion in debt and with more americans on the dole than ever before.

You are letting emotions cloud logic. THINK THINK THINK!
I think you're letting YOUR emotions cloud YOUR logic.

Looks like we disagree.

on that we do agree. LOL

Seriously, though, I just don't understand why anyone would vote for a proven liar, a person who may have put americans at risk by releasing classified data, and who let 4 americans die rather than risk political fallout. I just don't understand.
Because I like the other choice even less.

It's a shame that that has to be my criteria, I wish we had better choices, but that's where we are.
did that release address her epilepsy and onset of alzheimers? How about her lung problems and possible brain damage from falling several times? How about needing physical help to climb 5 steps?

How's about your ulcers when she's elected this November???
care to share them with us? or is it simply that you love the D behind Hillary's fat ass?
Happy to.

First, I agree with Hillary on more issues than Trump.

Second, I believe Trump is a buffoon and a national embarrassment, a vivid reflection of the selfie generation.

They're both terribly flawed, I'm not fond of either one, but all I can do is project how they would act and react in office.

Not a tough decision.

One has a proven record of success, the other a proven record of failure, lying, corruption, and incompetence.

Trump is not a polished politician who panders to every audience telling them what they want to hear. You don't like his brashness and narcissism. But you like Hillary's brashness and narcissism?

One of them will try to run the country like a business and balance the books, the other will continue the failed policies that have put us 10 trillion in debt and with more americans on the dole than ever before.

You are letting emotions cloud logic. THINK THINK THINK!
I think you're letting YOUR emotions cloud YOUR logic.

Looks like we disagree.

on that we do agree. LOL

Seriously, though, I just don't understand why anyone would vote for a proven liar, a person who may have put americans at risk by releasing classified data, and who let 4 americans die rather than risk political fallout. I just don't understand.
Because I like the other choice even less.

It's a shame that that has to be my criteria, I wish we had better choices, but that's where we are.

Does this help?

on that we do agree. LOL

Seriously, though, I just don't understand why anyone would vote for a proven liar, a person who may have put americans at risk by releasing classified data, and who let 4 americans die rather than risk political fallout. I just don't understand.

Well, Mr. TUNA.........I guess your fucked up mind is made up against Clinton.....Now you will have to deal with your own bile for the next 8 years......Happy wallowing.
Happy to.

First, I agree with Hillary on more issues than Trump.

Second, I believe Trump is a buffoon and a national embarrassment, a vivid reflection of the selfie generation.

They're both terribly flawed, I'm not fond of either one, but all I can do is project how they would act and react in office.

Not a tough decision.

One has a proven record of success, the other a proven record of failure, lying, corruption, and incompetence.

Trump is not a polished politician who panders to every audience telling them what they want to hear. You don't like his brashness and narcissism. But you like Hillary's brashness and narcissism?

One of them will try to run the country like a business and balance the books, the other will continue the failed policies that have put us 10 trillion in debt and with more americans on the dole than ever before.

You are letting emotions cloud logic. THINK THINK THINK!
I think you're letting YOUR emotions cloud YOUR logic.

Looks like we disagree.

on that we do agree. LOL

Seriously, though, I just don't understand why anyone would vote for a proven liar, a person who may have put americans at risk by releasing classified data, and who let 4 americans die rather than risk political fallout. I just don't understand.
Because I like the other choice even less.

It's a shame that that has to be my criteria, I wish we had better choices, but that's where we are.

Does this help?

Oh great...


did that release address her epilepsy and onset of alzheimers? How about her lung problems and possible brain damage from falling several times? How about needing physical help to climb 5 steps?

How's about your ulcers when she's elected this November???

If she wins I will be just fine. I will make changes as necessary to protect my wealth and future. Its the country that my children and grand children will have to live in that bothers me. I do not want them to live in a large copy of failed European socialism dominated by crazy liberals.
One has a proven record of success, the other a proven record of failure, lying, corruption, and incompetence.

Trump is not a polished politician who panders to every audience telling them what they want to hear. You don't like his brashness and narcissism. But you like Hillary's brashness and narcissism?

One of them will try to run the country like a business and balance the books, the other will continue the failed policies that have put us 10 trillion in debt and with more americans on the dole than ever before.

You are letting emotions cloud logic. THINK THINK THINK!
I think you're letting YOUR emotions cloud YOUR logic.

Looks like we disagree.

on that we do agree. LOL

Seriously, though, I just don't understand why anyone would vote for a proven liar, a person who may have put americans at risk by releasing classified data, and who let 4 americans die rather than risk political fallout. I just don't understand.
Because I like the other choice even less.

It's a shame that that has to be my criteria, I wish we had better choices, but that's where we are.

Does this help?

Oh great...



what do you find funny about an old woman who cant climb steps on her own? do you always laugh at crippled old people?

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