Why won't Trump release his Tax returns?

Bump back to remind you libtardians that your lying corrupt mentally ill candidate still has not had an unscripted press conference in over a year and continues to make up new lies to cover the old lies.

Can you explain her seizure episodes that have been recorded lately?

You're rambling, Mr. Tuna......The thread is about the Trumpster and you're going off in a frenzy about Hillary's "seizures" and "lies"......Fine, you don't like her and you'll be hate filled for the next 8 years......

I don't like to talk about anyone's medical condition, but its unlikely that HRC will live another 8 years, she is a very sick woman. mentally and physically.
Trumps tax returns will reveal

He is not as wealthy as he claims
He has very, very many questionable deductions
He pays a ridiculously low effective tax rate
He gives very little to charity and almost nothing to vets
So if you found that he only has a net worth of 2 billion instead of 4 billion---------------------that means what?

You cannot determine a persons net worth from his tax returns.

You dems are truly desperate trying to cover for crooked Hillary.

Hey, Mr. Tuna.........you could just skip these kind of threads if you want to "defend" Trumpusconi....Your input only helps to BUMP UP the reminder that the business charlatan is too cowardly to show his tax returns.......

(BTW, no one stated that Trump's tax returns would show his "net worth".....but they WOULD show his yearly income and where this guy invested his pennies, don't you think????................Now, go on and bump this thread some more like a good Tuna.)

OK, lets bump it because the more posts, the more stupid you Hillary ass suckers look.

Trump should not give you assholes hundreds of pages of complicated tax returns for you to lie about and misinterpret. He will not fall into your foolish trap. So fuck off.

Nearly every candidate has done it for 40 years. Most are proud of their record.

Apparently Mr. Trump has things to hide.

And his enablers are in the uncomfortable position of wanting to know less instead of wanting to know more about their candidate.
Trumps tax returns will reveal

He is not as wealthy as he claims
He has very, very many questionable deductions
He pays a ridiculously low effective tax rate
He gives very little to charity and almost nothing to vets

ALL the above and MORE......

My theory (as stated above) is that Trump well-knows he won't win and to release his tax returns that show what a charlatan he is will hurt his business once he's out of this race next Nov.....(One wonders if that lesson was part of his curricula at Trump U.)
OK, lets bump it because the more posts, the more stupid you Hillary ass suckers look.

Trump should not give you assholes hundreds of pages of complicated tax returns for you to lie about and misinterpret. He will not fall into your foolish trap. So fuck off.

Nothing like a pissed-off Tuna......LOL
Trumps tax returns will reveal

He is not as wealthy as he claims
He has very, very many questionable deductions
He pays a ridiculously low effective tax rate
He gives very little to charity and almost nothing to vets

OR, they could reveal

he is more wealthy than he claims (although net worth cannot be determined from tax returns)

His exemptions and deductions are in complete compliance with the US tax code and laws (he gets audited every year, so if he had "questionable deductions" don't you think the IRS would have already found them?

His tax rate is in complete compliance with the tax code and tax laws----------------playing by the rules is not a crime. If you don't like the tax laws tell congress, they made the rules

that he gives significantly more to charities than the Clintons or any democrat in history.

Your stupid post is exactly why he should not release them, because the dem machine and the lying media would LIE about them.

by the way, good morning and GFY
OK, lets bump it because the more posts, the more stupid you Hillary ass suckers look.

Trump should not give you assholes hundreds of pages of complicated tax returns for you to lie about and misinterpret. He will not fall into your foolish trap. So fuck off.

Nothing like a pissed-off Tuna......LOL

not pissed off in the least, just telling it like it is.

and for your information: redfish and tuna are completely different species of fish.
Trumps tax returns will reveal

He is not as wealthy as he claims
He has very, very many questionable deductions
He pays a ridiculously low effective tax rate
He gives very little to charity and almost nothing to vets

ALL the above and MORE......

My theory (as stated above) is that Trump well-knows he won't win and to release his tax returns that show what a charlatan he is will hurt his business once he's out of this race next Nov.....(One wonders if that lesson was part of his curricula at Trump U.)
I'm not sure what effect the Trump candidacy will have on the Trump brand

It could move him to a higher level due to the exposure and prestige of running for President

He could be looked at as a joke and cartoon character by his wealthy clientele who are no longer willing to pay a premium for the Trump name
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Trumps tax returns will reveal

He is not as wealthy as he claims
He has very, very many questionable deductions
He pays a ridiculously low effective tax rate
He gives very little to charity and almost nothing to vets

OR, they could reveal

he is more wealthy than he claims (although net worth cannot be determined from tax returns)

His exemptions and deductions are in complete compliance with the US tax code and laws (he gets audited every year, so if he had "questionable deductions" don't you think the IRS would have already found them?

His tax rate is in complete compliance with the tax code and tax laws----------------playing by the rules is not a crime. If you don't like the tax laws tell congress, they made the rules

that he gives significantly more to charities than the Clintons or any democrat in history.

Your stupid post is exactly why he should not release them, because the dem machine and the lying media would LIE about them.

by the way, good morning and GFY
If that is the case, why wouldn't he want them public so everyone can see how generous he is
I'm not sure what effect the Trump will have on the Trump brand

It could move him to a higher level due to the exposure and prestige of running for President

He could be looked at as a joke and cartoon character by his wealthy clientele who are no longer willing to pay a premium for the Trump name

Very true..........For me the clearest indication that Trump knows he is neither that rich and a loser in this race, is the fact that he no longer talks about "self-funding" his campaign as he once did earlier this year.
Trumps tax returns will reveal

He is not as wealthy as he claims
He has very, very many questionable deductions
He pays a ridiculously low effective tax rate
He gives very little to charity and almost nothing to vets

OR, they could reveal

he is more wealthy than he claims (although net worth cannot be determined from tax returns)

His exemptions and deductions are in complete compliance with the US tax code and laws (he gets audited every year, so if he had "questionable deductions" don't you think the IRS would have already found them?

His tax rate is in complete compliance with the tax code and tax laws----------------playing by the rules is not a crime. If you don't like the tax laws tell congress, they made the rules

that he gives significantly more to charities than the Clintons or any democrat in history.

Your stupid post is exactly why he should not release them, because the dem machine and the lying media would LIE about them.

by the way, good morning and GFY
If that is the case, why wouldn't he want them public so everyone can see how generous he is

already explained that, sorry you are too thick headed to understand.

But one more time for the ignorant.

because you libs, the dem machine, and the corrupt media would create LIES about them and the Trump campaign would have to waste many hours explaining how you on the far left LIED about his returns.

Frankly, its the same reason that Hillary wont release her wall street speeches. Because the other side would find ways to use them against her.

Both of them are doing the politically smart thing.

So, give up the bullshit and deal with reality just for a little while, you might gain an ounce of credibility.
I'm not sure what effect the Trump will have on the Trump brand

It could move him to a higher level due to the exposure and prestige of running for President

He could be looked at as a joke and cartoon character by his wealthy clientele who are no longer willing to pay a premium for the Trump name

Very true..........For me the clearest indication that Trump knows he is neither that rich and a loser in this race, is the fact that he no longer talks about "self-funding" his campaign as he once did earlier this year.

he self funded the primaries, the general is a lot more expensive and the RNC should be helping its candidate, and it is.

Now, shall we talk about the millions that Hillary (via the Clinton foundation) got from muslim nations that execute gays and treat women worse than dogs? Hmmmmm?
wondering how the Trump supporters justify it in their heads...

I'm not concerned about his tax returns. He filed and paid his taxes, and that is all I care about. His charitable donations are well known. As for how much he paid, I think the IRS should be abolished and I hope he, like every American, was able to keep as much as he possibly could.

I wonder how Clinton supporter justify Clinton keeping secret speeches she gave to Goldman Sacs. Hedge funds have given over $100,000 to pro-Clinton groups. Compare that to the $14,000 they have donated to Trump. How do Clinton supporters justify that?
the general is a lot more expensive and the RNC should be helping its candidate, and it is

Oh, yeah......The RNC has a tough choice to make: Does it spend whatever money the committee has (now that the Kochs and Adelson shut their purse strings) on defending the very vulnerable GOP senate seats, or waste it on a loser like Trump???
Less than 3 months to go.....
I sincerely hope that Trump NEVER releases those tax returns as all other candidates have for 4 decades........The doubt regarding what's really in those returns work MUCH better against him...........BE STUBBORN DONALD !!!!
wondering how the Trump supporters justify it in their heads...
And why when trump has a bad day does the stock market always go up?

No way we should change parties when the economy is doing as well as its doing. And Republicans can't deny the economy is better when every Republican governor admits it.

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