Why won't Trump release his Tax returns?

I love, simply LOVE the Trump "slow-burn".....and his backers are joining the barbecue......
acctually donald trump does not release his income tax release because it would show hes an idiot.
Hillary does not release her speeches because it would show shes very very smart
I also would like to see why Hillary has seizures.

you cannot cheat on taxes when you get audited every year, that's the purpose of the audit.
Agreed on seizures, disagreed on cheating. Example, didn't John Kerry effectively cheat on taxes by having his multi-million dollar yacht registered in another state? Some cheating aka loopholes exist and people take advantage of them. Many loopholes exist for those with a lot of money.

Kerry cheated on Mass taxes by keeping his boat in another state, RI I think. I don't think that would affect his federal taxes or trigger a federal audit.

Using legal "loopholes" is not cheating. Its following the law.

Many of us do not like the loopholes available to the rich, but they are not cheating when they use them.

Cheating no.
Does it look Presidential? The voters would decide.

IF they could see the facts.

What is he hiding?
From a candidates perspective releasing any documents, no matter how innocent they may be will be used by the opposition in one way or another to build a story or accusation to discredit the candidate and create a diversion. The custom of releasing tax returns started in the 1930's and all but a few candidates have done so. Politicians who are considering a run for the white house will often start cleaning up their finances years before the election.

Well said. Trump is not a politician so he doesn't know how to play the "hide your stuff" game.

Now that is hilarious
I really don't know if the Kerry boat deal violated Mass laws. He docked the boat in RI to avoid paying Mass ad valorem taxes. I am not sure that is illegal even at the state level.

I understand that Kerry is a slimy guy, but I really don't care is someone uses the tax laws to their advantage.

I am much more concerned about the terrible deal that Kerry did with Iran and his stupid statement that air conditioners are a bigger danger than ISIS.
This goes to the point I'm attempting to make: the character of the nominee.

If a person is a slimy and unethical lawyer, does anyone really believe they'll become a saint when elected to office?

When Bill Clinton lied to the American public with "I didn't inhale", how many were really stupid enough to believe he'd never lie again?

In the case of a Presidential nominees medical and tax records, revealing them is not only a matter of trust, but an insight into their private behavior. Nobody is perfect and we all make mistakes, but a person who is habitually sleazy and unethical will not change once they are elected.

So you think that Trump's tax returns will show that he "cheated" on his taxes? Is that it?

He gets audited every year, don't you think the IRS would have found cheating if he was doing it?

The truth here is that you don't like the way the tax code treats the very rich. Tough shit. Complain to the people who wrote the tax laws--------------------congress, which has been controlled by democrats for most of the last 80 years.
Tax returns can be a problem for the candidate not because it shows cheating but because it contains details that the opposition can use to discredit him such as charitable contributions, investments, loans, and business details that might not look good in headlines. Since Trump's businesses are privately held by the family, I suspect that his tax returns are pretty complex and contain a load of details that he would not want released publicly.
Not just tax returns, but medical records, school transcripts, speech transcripts and anything released to the public by a candidate.

While it is every candidate's right to withhold those documents, that act itself creates distrust. The candidate has a right to privacy and American voters have right to vote for those they trust.
only a liberal would make a stupid statement that "not all votes are created equal".

a majority of equal votes is how we make decisions in this country, and yes more republicans than dems voted to authorize and fund the Iraq fiasco. Hillary was one of the dems who voted for it. Was she in bed with the republicans? was she too stupid to see the truth? did evil ole W take advantage of her stupidity? which was it?

just a reminder: zero republicans voted for the worst piece of legislation in the history of this nation-------------ACA, known as obozocare.

I said the votes don't have equal weight. You're the kinda guy that would see 99 repubs vote for a shit piece of legislation and 1 dem would and you'd concentrate on the dem vote. Obamacare is the best thing to happen to your health care. Ever.
Because of the LIES and SMEARS that will be told about him on the Senate and House floor where the DemoRAT scumbags are IMMUNE from any contemp charges an honest person would make.... Subversives are a VIRUS on American politics! "DIRTY HARRY" Reid is the poster boy for you bastards!

Would Obama agree to STOP breaking the law, STOP disobeying the court that ordered him to release Fast-and-Furious Documents he still won't release, and finally release those documents (when this scandal happened in his 1st year, 7.5 years ago...and is still going) in exchange for Trump's taxes?
Obviously there's some shit on there he doesn't want getting out.

Could be a ton 'o things, from embarrassing to really bad.

Whatever. Probably wouldn't change many minds, he remains stuck around 39%, 40%.

Wrong, the issue is that with a complicated return of hundreds of pages, the media and the dem machine would pull out one page, lie about it, and Trump would have to waste many hours explaining the lies. He has much more important things to discuss with the American voters.

Whats funny is the obsession that you dems have with this. You are desperately looking for something to take the attention away from your lying corrupt candidate and her serious medical issues.
As I said in my post, "whatever". I'm not exactly obsessed, and I can't imagine there's anything there that would change my opinion of him.

but you will vote for a proven liar, a corrupt life long politician, and a woman who tried to destroy the lives of women that her husband sexually attacked.

Hillary Clinton is the ultimate corrupt insider, she got millions from muslim countries that execute gays and treat women like property.

But you don't like Trump because he talks like you and I do.

Amazing, I will never understand the liberal brain.
The long-standing custom of EVERY applicant for the oval office to divulge his or her tax returns cannot be changed by someone like Trump whose ONLY qualification (according to him) is his business prowess.

The inference, then, if he does not release those returns, is that he is full of crap and that his business "prowess" may boil down to just simple and unproved boasting.

So if you found that he only has a net worth of 2 billion instead of 4 billion---------------------that means what?

You cannot determine a persons net worth from his tax returns.

You dems are truly desperate trying to cover for crooked Hillary.
Just a simple BUMP to this thread for the daily reminder to all about the chicken-shit Trumpster who refuses to back-up his business "prowess" in releasing his tax returns.........The charlatan sells his name on many buildings but seems to hate to show that same name on tax returns forms.
only a liberal would make a stupid statement that "not all votes are created equal".

a majority of equal votes is how we make decisions in this country, and yes more republicans than dems voted to authorize and fund the Iraq fiasco. Hillary was one of the dems who voted for it. Was she in bed with the republicans? was she too stupid to see the truth? did evil ole W take advantage of her stupidity? which was it?

just a reminder: zero republicans voted for the worst piece of legislation in the history of this nation-------------ACA, known as obozocare.

I said the votes don't have equal weight. You're the kinda guy that would see 99 repubs vote for a shit piece of legislation and 1 dem would and you'd concentrate on the dem vote. Obamacare is the best thing to happen to your health care. Ever.

are you crazy? premiums have gone up drastically, deductibles have doubled or tripled, people are forced to buy coverage that they don't want or need, employers are limiting employees to 29 hours a week to avoid having to go out of business paying for ACA, doctors are leaving medicine, insurance companies are opting out of ACA because they are going broke, a huge new expensive govt agency has been created, and there as many uninsured today as before this POS law was signed.

Its great if you are getting it free, but if you are paying, it sucks.
Just a simple BUMP to this thread for the daily reminder to all about the chicken-shit Trumpster who refuses to back-up his business "prowess" in releasing his tax returns.........The charlatan sells his name on many buildings but seems to hate to show that same name on tax returns forms.

Bump back to remind you libtardians that your lying corrupt mentally ill candidate still has not had an unscripted press conference in over a year and continues to make up new lies to cover the old lies.

Can you explain her seizure episodes that have been recorded lately?
So if you found that he only has a net worth of 2 billion instead of 4 billion---------------------that means what?

You cannot determine a persons net worth from his tax returns.

You dems are truly desperate trying to cover for crooked Hillary.

Hey, Mr. Tuna.........you could just skip these kind of threads if you want to "defend" Trumpusconi....Your input only helps to BUMP UP the reminder that the business charlatan is too cowardly to show his tax returns.......

(BTW, no one stated that Trump's tax returns would show his "net worth".....but they WOULD show his yearly income and where this guy invested his pennies, don't you think????................Now, go on and bump this thread some more like a good Tuna.)
Trump will win in November, book mark this post and play it back in November.

I've had this bet with others on this board and I'll take it up with you. I will no longer post on this board if Trump wins as long as you do the same if Hillary wins. Deal?


Wow. Had enough of this jernt huh? Can't say I blame ya.

But just in case --- how's your Welsh?

fear not, I will be here next year, but Dr grump will be gone------if he keeps his word, which most libs do not.

How about you, same bet?

welch? rarebit?
Bump back to remind you libtardians that your lying corrupt mentally ill candidate still has not had an unscripted press conference in over a year and continues to make up new lies to cover the old lies.

Can you explain her seizure episodes that have been recorded lately?

You're rambling, Mr. Tuna......The thread is about the Trumpster and you're going off in a frenzy about Hillary's "seizures" and "lies"......Fine, you don't like her and you'll be hate filled for the next 8 years......
So if you found that he only has a net worth of 2 billion instead of 4 billion---------------------that means what?

You cannot determine a persons net worth from his tax returns.

You dems are truly desperate trying to cover for crooked Hillary.

Hey, Mr. Tuna.........you could just skip these kind of threads if you want to "defend" Trumpusconi....Your input only helps to BUMP UP the reminder that the business charlatan is too cowardly to show his tax returns.......

(BTW, no one stated that Trump's tax returns would show his "net worth".....but they WOULD show his yearly income and where this guy invested his pennies, don't you think????................Now, go on and bump this thread some more like a good Tuna.)

OK, lets bump it because the more posts, the more stupid you Hillary ass suckers look.

Trump should not give you assholes hundreds of pages of complicated tax returns for you to lie about and misinterpret. He will not fall into your foolish trap. So fuck off.

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