Why won't Trump release his Tax returns?

Nice derail. So, by implication, you're okay with lying, cheating, unethical behavior and the like as long as you aren't blamed for getting people killed?

BTW, the LW meme that Bush and only Bush is responsible . for Iraq is a big lie. Either you are pushing a lie or your are ignorant. Which is it?

No, i'm not okay with lying and cheating and unethical behaviour. But Bush jnr was what he was.

Neither. The US pres is the CIC. He had a choice. He was not backed by the UN. More than 90 percent of repub politicians voted for invaded Iraq. More Dems voted against the invasion in both Congress and the Senate. That matters. Maybe not to you. That aside, the Bush cabal of Cheney, Wolfie et al were gagging for Iraq. Don't pretend otherwise.

congress (both parties) authorized and funded the fiasco known as the Iraq war. Bush did not and could not do it all on his own. And for the record, they all had the same flawed intel and came to the same flawed conclusions--------------including the wonderful Hillary Clinton.

I know re Hillary. That aside, I have posted on this board almost ad infinitum that the Repub votes far outweighed the Dems in this regard. Not all votes are created equal. Don't pretend they are. More Dems voted AGAINST the war than for. Repubs overwhelmingly voted for the war. Don't pretend they are equal. You don't get a free pass...
wondering how the Trump supporters justify it in their heads...
I will vote for Hillary.

I'm not a Trumpster.

However I would never recommend anyone disclose their tax returns.

For any reason.

Those who do are foolish.

Everyone who does.
That depends on how bad you want to be president. No one has made it to the oval office without releasing their tax return since Nixon.
Wrong again. Why do you continue to spin lies when everyone here is onto you? Even your fellow far LWLs stay away from your obvious falsehoods, immature actions and trolling. Is it because they know you make them all look bad?

Yet another BUMP to remind us about the absence of Trump's tax returns.......Thank you again......LOL
I also would like to see why Hillary has seizures.

you cannot cheat on taxes when you get audited every year, that's the purpose of the audit.
Agreed on seizures, disagreed on cheating. Example, didn't John Kerry effectively cheat on taxes by having his multi-million dollar yacht registered in another state? Some cheating aka loopholes exist and people take advantage of them. Many loopholes exist for those with a lot of money.

Kerry cheated on Mass taxes by keeping his boat in another state, RI I think. I don't think that would affect his federal taxes or trigger a federal audit.

Using legal "loopholes" is not cheating. Its following the law.

Many of us do not like the loopholes available to the rich, but they are not cheating when they use them.

Cheating no.
Does it look Presidential? The voters would decide.

IF they could see the facts.

What is he hiding?
From a candidates perspective releasing any documents, no matter how innocent they may be will be used by the opposition in one way or another to build a story or accusation to discredit the candidate and create a diversion. The custom of releasing tax returns started in the 1930's and all but a few candidates have done so. Politicians who are considering a run for the white house will often start cleaning up their finances years before the election.

congress (both parties) authorized and funded the fiasco known as the Iraq war. Bush did not and could not do it all on his own. And for the record, they all had the same flawed intel and came to the same flawed conclusions--------------including the wonderful Hillary Clinton.

I know re Hillary. That aside, I have posted on this board almost ad infinitum that the Repub votes far outweighed the Dems in this regard. Not all votes are created equal. Don't pretend they are. More Dems voted AGAINST the war than for. Repubs overwhelmingly voted for the war. Don't pretend they are equal. You don't get a free pass...

only a liberal would make a stupid statement that "not all votes are created equal".

a majority of equal votes is how we make decisions in this country, and yes more republicans than dems voted to authorize and fund the Iraq fiasco. Hillary was one of the dems who voted for it. Was she in bed with the republicans? was she too stupid to see the truth? did evil ole W take advantage of her stupidity? which was it?

just a reminder: zero republicans voted for the worst piece of legislation in the history of this nation-------------ACA, known as obozocare.
I also would like to see why Hillary has seizures.

you cannot cheat on taxes when you get audited every year, that's the purpose of the audit.
Agreed on seizures, disagreed on cheating. Example, didn't John Kerry effectively cheat on taxes by having his multi-million dollar yacht registered in another state? Some cheating aka loopholes exist and people take advantage of them. Many loopholes exist for those with a lot of money.

Kerry cheated on Mass taxes by keeping his boat in another state, RI I think. I don't think that would affect his federal taxes or trigger a federal audit.

Using legal "loopholes" is not cheating. Its following the law.

Many of us do not like the loopholes available to the rich, but they are not cheating when they use them.

Cheating no.
Does it look Presidential? The voters would decide.

IF they could see the facts.

What is he hiding?
From a candidates perspective releasing any documents, no matter how innocent they may be will be used by the opposition in one way or another to build a story or accusation to discredit the candidate and create a diversion. The custom of releasing tax returns started in the 1930's and all but a few candidates have done so. Politicians who are considering a run for the white house will often start cleaning up their finances years before the election.

Well said. Trump is not a politician so he doesn't know how to play the "hide your stuff" game.
Doing something legally is not unethical. why do you want to continue splitting that hair?

The voters of taxachusetts would vote for Kerry if he pissed in their coffee every morning.
So Bill getting a blow job in the Oval Office and using a cigar as a dildo on a woman-not-his-wife was ethical because it was legal? I disagree.

Well let's put it this way:
If some soothsayer came up to me and said, this is your legacy as a president:
1) You'll be vilified for getting a blow job from an intern; or
2) You'll be vilified for going to war based on lies and there'll be 6,000+ dead (I won't even go into civilian casualties)

guess which one I'd take?

congress (both parties) authorized and funded the fiasco known as the Iraq war. Bush did not and could not do it all on his own. And for the record, they all had the same flawed intel and came to the same flawed conclusions--------------including the wonderful Hillary Clinton.

yo, nat. why do you find the truth funny?
I really don't know if the Kerry boat deal violated Mass laws. He docked the boat in RI to avoid paying Mass ad valorem taxes. I am not sure that is illegal even at the state level.

I understand that Kerry is a slimy guy, but I really don't care is someone uses the tax laws to their advantage.

I am much more concerned about the terrible deal that Kerry did with Iran and his stupid statement that air conditioners are a bigger danger than ISIS.
This goes to the point I'm attempting to make: the character of the nominee.

If a person is a slimy and unethical lawyer, does anyone really believe they'll become a saint when elected to office?

When Bill Clinton lied to the American public with "I didn't inhale", how many were really stupid enough to believe he'd never lie again?

In the case of a Presidential nominees medical and tax records, revealing them is not only a matter of trust, but an insight into their private behavior. Nobody is perfect and we all make mistakes, but a person who is habitually sleazy and unethical will not change once they are elected.

So you think that Trump's tax returns will show that he "cheated" on his taxes? Is that it?

He gets audited every year, don't you think the IRS would have found cheating if he was doing it?

The truth here is that you don't like the way the tax code treats the very rich. Tough shit. Complain to the people who wrote the tax laws--------------------congress, which has been controlled by democrats for most of the last 80 years.
Tax returns can be a problem for the candidate not because it shows cheating but because it contains details that the opposition can use to discredit him such as charitable contributions, investments, loans, and business details that might not look good in headlines. Since Trump's businesses are privately held by the family, I suspect that his tax returns are pretty complex and contain a load of details that he would not want released publicly.
Trump is a JOB APPLICANT to the most important job on the planet....His tax returns MUST BE made public or he will suffer the consequences.......My guess is that Trump well knows he does not stand a chance in Hell of winning, therefore the releasing of his tax returns will only cause him problems when he returns to be the business charlatan that he was a year or so ago.
Obviously there's some shit on there he doesn't want getting out.

Could be a ton 'o things, from embarrassing to really bad.

Whatever. Probably wouldn't change many minds, he remains stuck around 39%, 40%.

Wrong, the issue is that with a complicated return of hundreds of pages, the media and the dem machine would pull out one page, lie about it, and Trump would have to waste many hours explaining the lies. He has much more important things to discuss with the American voters.

Whats funny is the obsession that you dems have with this. You are desperately looking for something to take the attention away from your lying corrupt candidate and her serious medical issues.
As I said in my post, "whatever". I'm not exactly obsessed, and I can't imagine there's anything there that would change my opinion of him.
The long-standing custom of EVERY applicant for the oval office to divulge his or her tax returns cannot be changed by someone like Trump whose ONLY qualification (according to him) is his business prowess.

The inference, then, if he does not release those returns, is that he is full of crap and that his business "prowess" may boil down to just simple and unproved boasting.
most simple reason donald trump does not release his tax returns :

1. he is not a billionaer

2. he is not a millionaer.

3. hes a billion dollars in debt.

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