Why won't Trump release his Tax returns?

wondering how the Trump supporters justify it in their heads...

I'm glad that someone else will keep this issue in the forefront...at least in this forum...as I have tried (on here and on social media outlets, blogs, letters to the editor, town-hall meetings,etc.)

Trump's ONLY so-called "asset" is his supposedly business prowess......So, that being the only asset, tax returns are a bit of a glimpse into THAT claim.

If you had his hundreds of pages of tax returns, would you understand them? Or, would you and the media pukes pick out one page and create a lie about it? You and I both know it would be the latter.

You libtardian fuckheads are so obvious with this shit.

Personally I don't understand my own tax form, and if it wasn't for software I'd be unable to do them at all.

If Rump were to release those hundreds of pages it would open a morass of what this entry means, what that one doesn't mean, with little resolution of anything. That's of little rhetorical use. But his refusal to expose whatever it is he doesn't want exposed is far more eloquent. That boils down to a single emotional dynamic: integrity. Anyone can understand that concept, no software needed.

Single emotional dynamics are Rump's specialty. His entire "campaign" is fueled on them. This one kinda works the opposite way though. Which, again, is his choice.

and he would have to waste hours explaining them to a biased media and fools like you instead of concentrating on the corrupt lying hildabitch.

I don't really give a fuck. Nothing present or absent in his tax return, even if I did comprehend it, is going to change my assessment of the Orange Tribble On an Ego Trip. That's impossible.

We fully understand why you libs want to deflect the campaign onto tax return bullshit, its a way to cover for your lying, corrupt, mentally ill candidate.

Again, I don't give a shit whether he releases them or not. And I don't have a "corrupt, mentally ill candidate". Although I see to be posting to a moron who carries those characteristics. So no, I don't think you "fully understand" jack squat.

BTW, has she had a seizure in the last couple of days? How about a coughing fit from those late night cocaine parties with Huma?

I just checked the thread title yet again and there's still no "she" in it. You seem to be obsessed with changing the topic to someone else. Why would that be exactly?

I am only going to address one of your inane comments.

Lying, corrupt, mentally ill candidate--------------------Hillary Clinton

1. proven liar, proven by the FBI and verified by Comey in his testimony before congress
2. corrupt, "broke when we left the white house". collected 20 million in speaking fees (legal bribes) from wall street bankers------------in exchange for ??????
3. mentally ill, seizures are a form of mental illness, pathological lying is a form of mental illness.
The American people have assumed that if you want to be president of the United States, your life’s an open book when it comes to things like finances. Presidential candidates routinely release tax returns but not other personal records such as college transcripts, employee records, and health records. Just because you decide to run for president does not give the public the right to know who did your vasectomy and the details of your hemorrhoid treatment.
Correct. Which is why none of those are required. Hillary and Trump are free to tell the voting public "Go Fuck Yourselves".
I also would like to see why Hillary has seizures.

you cannot cheat on taxes when you get audited every year, that's the purpose of the audit.
Agreed on seizures, disagreed on cheating. Example, didn't John Kerry effectively cheat on taxes by having his multi-million dollar yacht registered in another state? Some cheating aka loopholes exist and people take advantage of them. Many loopholes exist for those with a lot of money.
I also would like to see why Hillary has seizures.

you cannot cheat on taxes when you get audited every year, that's the purpose of the audit.
Agreed on seizures, disagreed on cheating. Example, didn't John Kerry effectively cheat on taxes by having his multi-million dollar yacht registered in another state? Some cheating aka loopholes exist and people take advantage of them. Many loopholes exist for those with a lot of money.

Kerry cheated on Mass taxes by keeping his boat in another state, RI I think. I don't think that would affect his federal taxes or trigger a federal audit.

Using legal "loopholes" is not cheating. Its following the law.

Many of us do not like the loopholes available to the rich, but they are not cheating when they use them.
I also would like to see why Hillary has seizures.

you cannot cheat on taxes when you get audited every year, that's the purpose of the audit.
Agreed on seizures, disagreed on cheating. Example, didn't John Kerry effectively cheat on taxes by having his multi-million dollar yacht registered in another state? Some cheating aka loopholes exist and people take advantage of them. Many loopholes exist for those with a lot of money.

Kerry cheated on Mass taxes by keeping his boat in another state, RI I think. I don't think that would affect his federal taxes or trigger a federal audit.

Using legal "loopholes" is not cheating. Its following the law.

Many of us do not like the loopholes available to the rich, but they are not cheating when they use them.

Cheating no.
Does it look Presidential? The voters would decide.

IF they could see the facts.

What is he hiding?
I also would like to see why Hillary has seizures.

you cannot cheat on taxes when you get audited every year, that's the purpose of the audit.
Agreed on seizures, disagreed on cheating. Example, didn't John Kerry effectively cheat on taxes by having his multi-million dollar yacht registered in another state? Some cheating aka loopholes exist and people take advantage of them. Many loopholes exist for those with a lot of money.

Kerry didn't cheat but what he did is slimy in my book.
Kerry cheated on Mass taxes by keeping his boat in another state, RI I think. I don't think that would affect his federal taxes or trigger a federal audit.

Using legal "loopholes" is not cheating. Its following the law.

Many of us do not like the loopholes available to the rich, but they are not cheating when they use them.
Correct on state taxes. Nonetheless, although it's legal, it's unethical. While there is certainly a legal line for "cheating", many people, including myself, consider intentionally unethical behavior to be "cheating".

In Kerry's case, he helped pass those high tax laws in Massachusetts. For him to then register his multi-million dollar yacht in another state to avoid the very laws he pushed on everyone else is unethical. Ergo, "cheating".
As I've often stated, I sincerely hope that Trump will NOT release his tax returns....let him remain as "stubborn" as he is now about this issue.........WHY????

Well, the doubt about what those tax returns may reveal, is a better tool that will work against him right up to election day.......Donald, be the dumb-assed stubborn charlatan that you are now....Go, Donald...LOL
Kerry cheated on Mass taxes by keeping his boat in another state, RI I think. I don't think that would affect his federal taxes or trigger a federal audit.

Using legal "loopholes" is not cheating. Its following the law.

Many of us do not like the loopholes available to the rich, but they are not cheating when they use them.
Correct on state taxes. Nonetheless, although it's legal, it's unethical. While there is certainly a legal line for "cheating", many people, including myself, consider intentionally unethical behavior to be "cheating".

In Kerry's case, he helped pass those high tax laws in Massachusetts. For him to then register his multi-million dollar yacht in another state to avoid the very laws he pushed on everyone else is unethical. Ergo, "cheating".

splitting hairs, but yes it was unethical and sleazy, but not illegal at the federal level.
As I've often stated, I sincerely hope that Trump will NOT release his tax returns....let him remain as "stubborn" as he is now about this issue.........WHY????

Well, the doubt about what those tax returns may reveal, is a better tool that will work against him right up to election day.......Donald, be the dumb-assed stubborn charlatan that you are now....Go, Donald...LOL

Do you feel the same way about the transcripts of Hillary's speeches to wall street big wigs? Do you care what she promised them?
splitting hairs, but yes it was unethical and sleazy, but not illegal at the federal level.
Disagreed on "splitting hairs", but agreed on unethical and sleazy.

Slick Willie cheated on his wife multiple times. Illegal? No. Unethical and sleazy? Yes.

Taxes are both federal and state. I never confined this conversation to strictly a federal level nor do I believe we should look at either candidate in a very narrow manner strictly for politically partisan reasons. The Leader of the Free Word should be examined from all angles....including with a proctoscope. They don't have to agree, but if they want to earn people's trust and win votes, they should consider the consequences of their actions.
splitting hairs, but yes it was unethical and sleazy, but not illegal at the federal level.
Disagreed on "splitting hairs", but agreed on unethical and sleazy.

Slick Willie cheated on his wife multiple times. Illegal? No. Unethical and sleazy? Yes.

Taxes are both federal and state. I never confined this conversation to strictly a federal level nor do I believe we should look at either candidate in a very narrow manner strictly for politically partisan reasons. The Leader of the Free Word should be examined from all angles....including with a proctoscope. They don't have to agree, but if they want to earn people's trust and win votes, they should consider the consequences of their actions.

I really don't know if the Kerry boat deal violated Mass laws. He docked the boat in RI to avoid paying Mass ad valorem taxes. I am not sure that is illegal even at the state level.

I understand that Kerry is a slimy guy, but I really don't care is someone uses the tax laws to their advantage.

I am much more concerned about the terrible deal that Kerry did with Iran and his stupid statement that air conditioners are a bigger danger than ISIS.
Do you feel the same way about the transcripts of Hillary's speeches to wall street big wigs? Do you care what she promised them?

Absolutely I care what Hillary may have told Wall Streeter gamblers.......but I doubt if what she stated were "promises".......that would have come out a long time ago.

HOWEVER, since for the last 5 decades EVERY candidate has released tax returns (and not speeches), Hillary has done so and Trump is too fucking scared to do so........Keep being stubborn, Trump, nothing pleases me more tan your slow burn.
I DO want to thank all the right wingers on here in their "speculations" about Kerry and Clinton.....and by doing so, keeping this thread about Trump's tax returns, in the forefront.....
I mean it, THANKS.
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I din't know how his supporters justify it, but he probably hasn't released them, because they'll show he's paid very little, if any, in taxes.

They would show he paid all the taxes he was required to pay by law just like most people.

you have a vivid imagination.

reality..... if that's all it would have shown, he'd have released them.

i suspect he's just not worth much.
Do you feel the same way about the transcripts of Hillary's speeches to wall street big wigs? Do you care what she promised them?

Absolutely I care what Hillary may have told Wall Streeter gamblers.......but I doubt if what she stated were "promises".......that would have come out a long time ago.

HOWEVER, since for the last 5 decades EVERY candidate has released tax returns (and not speeches), Hillary has done so and Trump is too fucking scared to do so........Keep being stubborn, Trump, nothing pleases me more tan your slow burn.

Tell me what exactly you expect to find in Trump's tax returns. That he complied with tax laws and paid a smaller % than you did? That he gave large amounts to charity? That he made money in the stock market and paid capital gains on it? That he legally took advantage of every exemption and deduction in the tax code? (don't you do that?)

What are you looking for and why?
I really don't know if the Kerry boat deal violated Mass laws. He docked the boat in RI to avoid paying Mass ad valorem taxes. I am not sure that is illegal even at the state level.

I understand that Kerry is a slimy guy, but I really don't care is someone uses the tax laws to their advantage.

I am much more concerned about the terrible deal that Kerry did with Iran and his stupid statement that air conditioners are a bigger danger than ISIS.
This goes to the point I'm attempting to make: the character of the nominee.

If a person is a slimy and unethical lawyer, does anyone really believe they'll become a saint when elected to office?

When Bill Clinton lied to the American public with "I didn't inhale", how many were really stupid enough to believe he'd never lie again?

In the case of a Presidential nominees medical and tax records, revealing them is not only a matter of trust, but an insight into their private behavior. Nobody is perfect and we all make mistakes, but a person who is habitually sleazy and unethical will not change once they are elected.
I din't know how his supporters justify it, but he probably hasn't released them, because they'll show he's paid very little, if any, in taxes.

They would show he paid all the taxes he was required to pay by law just like most people.

you have a vivid imagination.

reality..... if that's all it would have shown, he'd have released them.

i suspect he's just not worth much.

So what? Hillary is a proven life long liar and scumbag. If Trump is only worth 2 billion instead of 4 billion, so what? why do you care?

BTW, you cannot determine a person's net worth from his tax returns. Do you know what net worth means?

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