Why won't Trump release his Tax returns?

How deliciously ironic that a Rumpbot would invoke a defense that "somebody might lie" --- about the world's most orange Liar.
grow up...you have the gall to call Trump a liar when you have your face in dishonest crooked Hillary's butthole...buuuuuaaaahahahahahahahaha
The Fox news poll that shows Donald down by double digits sampled twice the number of democrats over Republicans WTF is up with that? Fox says it was a fair poll...my ass that's fair.
How deliciously ironic that a Rumpbot would invoke a defense that "somebody might lie" --- about the world's most orange Liar.
grow up...you have the gall to call Trump a liar when you have your face in dishonest crooked Hillary's butthole...buuuuuaaaahahahahahahahaha




---- didn't think so.
how about the records from the Clinton foundation?

Did anyone demand that she release them?

hey, moron......take a breather and learn:(and the article below is from the right-wing Wash. Times)

The Clinton Foundation has voluntarily filed four years of amended tax returns after an error was brought to the organization’s attention.

“In addition to filing our 2014 Form 990, after a thorough review, the Foundation has decided to voluntarily amend its returns for 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. This review was the result of an error in the first three of those years being brought to our attention,” Clinton Foundation President and CEO Donna Shalala wrote in a letter to supporters.

Clinton Foundation files 4 years of amended tax returns to fix errors

they were caught cheating (er being careless) and had to file amended returns.
wondering how the Trump supporters justify it in their heads...

I'm glad that someone else will keep this issue in the forefront...at least in this forum...as I have tried (on here and on social media outlets, blogs, letters to the editor, town-hall meetings,etc.)

Trump's ONLY so-called "asset" is his supposedly business prowess......So, that being the only asset, tax returns are a bit of a glimpse into THAT claim.

If you had his hundreds of pages of tax returns, would you understand them? Or, would you and the media pukes pick out one page and create a lie about it? You and I both know it would be the latter.

You libtardian fuckheads are so obvious with this shit.

Personally I don't understand my own tax form, and if it wasn't for software I'd be unable to do them at all.

If Rump were to release those hundreds of pages it would open a morass of what this entry means, what that one doesn't mean, with little resolution of anything. That's of little rhetorical use. But his refusal to expose whatever it is he doesn't want exposed is far more eloquent. That boils down to a single emotional dynamic: integrity. Anyone can understand that concept, no software needed.

Single emotional dynamics are Rump's specialty. His entire "campaign" is fueled on them. This one kinda works the opposite way though. Which, again, is his choice.

and he would have to waste hours explaining them to a biased media and fools like you instead of concentrating on the corrupt lying hildabitch.

We fully understand why you libs want to deflect the campaign onto tax return bullshit, its a way to cover for your lying, corrupt, mentally ill candidate.

BTW, has she had a seizure in the last couple of days? How about a coughing fit from those late night cocaine parties with Huma?
Trump campaign raised 90 million dollars last month....all small donations from anxious voters....
wondering how the Trump supporters justify it in their heads...

I'm glad that someone else will keep this issue in the forefront...at least in this forum...as I have tried (on here and on social media outlets, blogs, letters to the editor, town-hall meetings,etc.)

Trump's ONLY so-called "asset" is his supposedly business prowess......So, that being the only asset, tax returns are a bit of a glimpse into THAT claim.

If you had his hundreds of pages of tax returns, would you understand them? Or, would you and the media pukes pick out one page and create a lie about it? You and I both know it would be the latter.

You libtardian fuckheads are so obvious with this shit.

Personally I don't understand my own tax form, and if it wasn't for software I'd be unable to do them at all.

If Rump were to release those hundreds of pages it would open a morass of what this entry means, what that one doesn't mean, with little resolution of anything. That's of little rhetorical use. But his refusal to expose whatever it is he doesn't want exposed is far more eloquent. That boils down to a single emotional dynamic: integrity. Anyone can understand that concept, no software needed.

Single emotional dynamics are Rump's specialty. His entire "campaign" is fueled on them. This one kinda works the opposite way though. Which, again, is his choice.

and he would have to waste hours explaining them to a biased media and fools like you instead of concentrating on the corrupt lying hildabitch.

I don't really give a fuck. Nothing present or absent in his tax return, even if I did comprehend it, is going to change my assessment of the Orange Tribble On an Ego Trip. That's impossible.

We fully understand why you libs want to deflect the campaign onto tax return bullshit, its a way to cover for your lying, corrupt, mentally ill candidate.

Again, I don't give a shit whether he releases them or not. And I don't have a "corrupt, mentally ill candidate". Although I see to be posting to a moron who carries those characteristics. So no, I don't think you "fully understand" jack squat.

BTW, has she had a seizure in the last couple of days? How about a coughing fit from those late night cocaine parties with Huma?

I just checked the thread title yet again and there's still no "she" in it. You seem to be obsessed with changing the topic to someone else. Why would that be exactly?
I'm pretty sure that the reason why Donald won't release his tax returns is because he's nowhere near as wealthy as he claims
Well that's good right? you progressives hate wealth anyway. Who cares how much he earns and if he can get away with paying as little taxes he can more power to him.
I'm pretty sure that the reason why Donald won't release his tax returns is because he's nowhere near as wealthy as he claims
Well that's good right? you progressives hate wealth anyway. Who cares how much he earns and if he can get away with paying as little taxes he can more power to him.

Trump cares how much money people think he makes. A lot.

That's why he's sued journalists for claiming that he wasn't a billionaire. That's why he decorates his home like he's Louis XIII. That's why he puts his name on everything he makes - and plenty of things he didn't make.

It's amazing that you guys can't see through that.

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