Why won't Trump release his Tax returns?

There is no rule that says he has to release his returns. Romney did and look what Reid and the liars on the left did to him because of it. I would tell Trump to tell the nosy left to kiss off my returns are none of your business. Dumb thread!
what is it you're looking for? I've never understood tax returns as important for a presidential candidate.

Check out how the crooked, Richard Nixon fared when he exposed his tax returns....
There is no rule that says he has to release his returns. Romney did and look what Reid and the liars on the left did to him because of it. I would tell Trump to tell the nosy left to kiss off my returns are none of your business. Dumb thread!

Again for at least the fifth time ----- nobody claimed there's a "rule" or a "law" or a "requirement". It's not the question. Never was.

The distinction between voluntary and involuntary seems to sail blissfully over a lot of heads. The question is not, and cannot be, "why doesn't Rump comply with the law", since there is no such thing. The question is, and always was, "why won't he".
1, Cite the law that says he has to.
2, Why did JFK not release his?

It's not a law, but it's become a long-standing tradition that candidates do so, and you had to go all the way back to Kennedy to find one who didn't. Didn't Kennedy have Mob connections? So here are my theories:

1) Mob connections
2) He's not worth as much as he says
3) Secret Swiss bank accounts (reason for the audit)

Two more long standing traditions are marriage is between a man and a woman and men don't pee in the ladies restroom.
wasn't cause of his tax returns.

Nitwit, Nixon's tax returns PROVED to every sane American (obviously that excludes you) that he cheated and had to pay quite a lot including fines.
How would you know that?

Ahhhhh, that the "beauty" of this whole issue.....Had Trump contributed heavily to charities (AS HE HAS CLAIMED) then showing the amounts in his tax returns would put that "rumor" to rest......

BUT, refusing to release them is better for the rest of us to openly speculate that he IS a bullshitter.
There is no rule that says he has to release his returns. Romney did and look what Reid and the liars on the left did to him because of it. I would tell Trump to tell the nosy left to kiss off my returns are none of your business. Dumb thread!

Again for at least the fifth time ----- nobody claimed there's a "rule" or a "law" or a "requirement". It's not the question. Never was.

The distinction between voluntary and involuntary seems to sail blissfully over a lot of heads. The question is not, and cannot be, "why doesn't Rump comply with the law", since there is no such thing. The question is, and always was, "why won't he".
why do you care? What is it you're interested in with the man?
How would you know that?

Ahhhhh, that the "beauty" of this whole issue.....Had Trump contributed heavily to charities (AS HE HAS CLAIMED) then showing the amounts in his tax returns would put that "rumor" to rest......

BUT, refusing to release them is better for the rest of us to openly speculate that he IS a bullshitter.
why do you care if he did or didn't give to charities?
Nonsense, his refusal to release the tax returns makes him look like he is hiding something and does nothing but hurt him politically...Trump just figures it hurts him less than actually releasing them.

and Hillary's refusal to release her wall street speeches and the records of the Clinton foundation make her look--------------------------------------------?

her blatant lies about Benghazi and her illegal e-mail server make her look------------------------------------------?

Pogo's Law: in any thread about Rump, his Rumpbots will immediately surface to attempt to shift the subject to --- "Hillary".... "Bill Clinton".... "Bill Cosby"..... the Cleveland Indians..... anything but the actual topic.

Thanks. I get a royalty check every time y'all prove me right.

then you must not have gotten any checks yet, but keep walking to that mailbox and hoping.

But once again, what do you expect to find in Trumps tax return?

That he paid a lower % than you did? Tough shit, your issue is with the tax code (written by dems) not Trump.

And there it is again --- another check. Now you want to make the thread about me.

Even though I never said I "expected to find" anything in such a return, let alone anything about the tax code or who the fuck wrote it. You entirely made that up.

Just for the record "dems" [sic] don't write tax code. Neither do "reps". Legislators do that. And while they're doing that they're not running for the office they already have --- Dumbass.

and legislators are:

wait for it

democrats and republicans--------------------and

wait for it

dems have controlled congress most of the last 80 years-------------the tax code belongs to the dems. They created the loopholes for their rich donors and butt buddies. and to be fair, so did some republicans.
Trump's tax returns are in compliance with the tax code. Or the IRS auditors are incompetent, is that what you are saying?

Nnnnnope. When they're in session, by definition they're not running for office, which is where they use a political party. When they're in session they're legislators and indistinct from each other, unless you actually believe that "democrats" [sic] and "republicans" [sic] (actually we capitalize proper nouns in English) are some kind of distinct species, in which case if that's what you believe, that's so cute, if mindless. So your binarybot attempt to paint a toddler's world of "us" and "them" falls on its face.

Rump's tax returns, I have no idea what their compliance may or may not be. I'm not arrogant enough to claim to know what nobody else knows. Obviously his release of them would address that query among others. Just as obviously he doesn't want them addressed.

And that's his choice, and he's made it. That having been settled, the question becomes, what does that choice mean? We can only speculate, but whatever it is, it's reasonable to presume the damage from the fallout of releasing them would outpace that of the suspicion aroused by not releasing them. But again, that's his choice, and he's made it.

And just to carry a bit further --- considering how abjectly tone-deaf he already is about the fallout from what he says and does, whatever political bomb would be released must be so flaming-orange obvious that even HE can see it.
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wondering how the Trump supporters justify it in their heads...

I'm glad that someone else will keep this issue in the forefront...at least in this forum...as I have tried (on here and on social media outlets, blogs, letters to the editor, town-hall meetings,etc.)

Trump's ONLY so-called "asset" is his supposedly business prowess......So, that being the only asset, tax returns are a bit of a glimpse into THAT claim.

If you had his hundreds of pages of tax returns, would you understand them? Or, would you and the media pukes pick out one page and create a lie about it? You and I both know it would be the latter.

You libtardian fuckheads are so obvious with this shit.

Personally I don't understand my own tax form, and if it wasn't for software I'd be unable to do them at all.

If Rump were to release those hundreds of pages it would open a morass of what this entry means, what that one doesn't mean, with little resolution of anything. That's of little rhetorical use. But his refusal to expose whatever it is he doesn't want exposed is far more eloquent. That boils down to a single emotional dynamic: integrity. Anyone can understand that concept, no software needed.

Single emotional dynamics are Rump's specialty. His entire "campaign" is fueled on them. This one kinda works the opposite way though. Which, again, is his choice.
"why won't he"
Because when Romney released his returns the left wing nuts in the media jumped all over them and then Reid lied about them. No win, there is no win in releasing them and Trump is a winner. That's why...
Trump called into the Limbaugh show one day to discuss his new golf course...when he realized it was on the very day when Rush holds a drive to earn money to find a cure for cancer's like lymphoma Trump said count me in. Rush said for how much Donald, Trump said I'll match your donation. When Rush told Trump what he was donating and that Trump may want to reconsider matching that high of a dollar figure. Trump agreed and promptly said I'll go 100,000 more than you. Don't tell me Trump is uncaring and greedy.
"why won't he"
Because when Romney released his returns the left wing nuts in the media jumped all over them and then Reid lied about them. No win, there is no win in releasing them and Trump is a winner. That's why...

How deliciously ironic that a Rumpbot would invoke a defense that "somebody might lie" --- about the world's loudest and most orange Liar.

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