Why won't Trump release his Tax returns?

wondering how the Trump supporters justify it in their heads...

why wont Obama release his college records? why wont Hillary release her wall street speeches?

What exactly do you think you are going to find in Trump's tax return? it is hundreds of pages, he gets audited every year, don't you think the Obama IRS would have already leaked it if there was anything questionable in it?

Now, for you
1. how did Obama pay tuition at Columbia and Harvard? very expensive schools for a poor mixed race kid from Hawaii
2. what did Hillary say to wall street in exchange for her 21 million in speaking fees? What did she promise them?
I din't know how his supporters justify it, but he probably hasn't released them, because they'll show he's paid very little, if any, in taxes.


If you get audited every year, your return is in compliance with the tax code and all tax laws.

if you don't like the laws and how they apply to rich people, complain to the dems who wrote them.

From a random internet guy? A whole lot
You are a random internet guy yourself yet you want to see an other private citizen's tax return. Try to play fair. You want something for nothing...

He's applying for the job. Me? Not so much.
What does that have to do with tax returns? The FEC approved his eligibility for participating in the elections. He complied with existing laws, didn't he?
wondering how the Trump supporters justify it in their heads...
Why should he? Nobody has a right to know what you made or who you donated your money to! There is such a thing as a right to privacy. Maybe you should petition the IRS on the Freedom of Information Act if you are so concerned. Besides I know of no law or requirement that requires a candidate to make their returns public.

From a random internet guy? A whole lot
You are a random internet guy yourself yet you want to see an other private citizen's tax return. Try to play fair. You want something for nothing...

He's applying for the job. Me? Not so much.
What does that have to do with tax returns? The FEC approved his eligibility for participating in the elections. He complied with existing laws, didn't he?

Please allow me to end this hypocritical whiny liberal bitch-fest, asking for documents they are not entitled to, while ignoring their 'messiah's even worse 'transgressions':

Top Ten Things Obama Has Not Released - Breitbart

Top Ten Things Obama Has Not Released:

10. State senate papers
9. Academic transcripts

8. Book proposal
7. Medical records
6. Small-dollar donors
5. The Khalidi tape
4. The real White House guest list
3. Countless FOIA requests (70% of ALL FOIA requests made to his administration)
2. Health reform negotiations
1. Fast and Furious documents (Court-ordered documents - from his 1st year in office)

So, until President Obama, , Mr. Most Transparent Administration Evuh, releases these, the collective whiny-assed libs who are trying to make Trumps taxes, which they are not legally entitled to, an issue can STFU!

Why did Crooked Hillary erase her record in the State Department, even though it was illegal to do so?

Why won't the lying bitch release the text of the speeches she gave Wall Street in exchange for the millions of dollars?

If Trump was doing something wrong then he would be under investigation by the IRS so what is your problem?

Are you envious?

By the way, how much taxes did you pay. Would you release your tax returns to us so we can see if you are a hypocrite or greedy or simply a partisan pig?

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