Why Work?

Is this ridiculous or what?

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Why don't you go live in the lap of welfare luxury and come back and give us a report? If wages have stagnated for so long that the minimum wage is comparable to welfare we have a problem bigger than the "welfare queens" you obsess over.

You know how to earn more than minimum wage? Work a job long enough to get a raise. More than half of McDonald's store managers, started off minimum wage hourly employees.

The problem with you people is that you think sucking air, means you should go straight from unemployed, to store manager wages. Bull crap dude.

And what is worse, when you give people welfare, so they can sit at home..... the longer they stay at home not working, the longer it will be before they can earn a decent wage. When an employer sees a big unemployed time on a work history, they tend to assume this person is going to bail out and go back to welfare.

Want to know why? Because they do. I've seen it. I've watched it happen. Several times in fact.

Welfare is the absolute best way to stay in the impoverished low-wage income level. Your system doesn't help people out of poverty. It traps people in poverty, and keeps them there.
You proved that it's the fat cat employers who give the would be employee no chance. Employers are refusing to hire. And then they treat their employees like slaves and absolute shit. That's the problem. Fat cats are the reason. Picky, greedy, tribalist fat cats. They'll hire their cousins and their friends friends again and again, but no outsider has a chance unless they're an illegal that they can pay half minimum wage. Employer fat cats are crooks.

Half of all store managers........ Store managers..... The people who make $50K to $60K plus profit sharing bonus..... started off minimum wage......

So that clearly proves fat cat employers give employees no chance.

Of course employers are refusing to hire people who sit on welfare. They don't work... they stay... they are bad employees.

Look.... if you hired a baby sitter for your kid, so you could go to work.... and the baby sitter called off every Monday "Sorry I'm (cough cough) sick. Bye!" and some days called you at work "Come get your kid, I'm leaving".

It wouldn't take a couple of times, and you would fire them, and hire someone else who did the job.

"You are a greedy picky tribalist fat cat!" No, they are a lousy worker.

See, the only difference here is, its easy for you to be a hypocrite, and claim you would act differently, when it's not you hiring these bad employees.

But if dropped your car off at an oil change place, and they spent 5 hours, and then forgot to put oil in the car.... you'd fire them. You would never go there again. You fat greedy picky tribalist cat! How dare you not go to that poor low-wage mechanic, just because he was busying watching TV and playing with his smart phone instead of doing that oil change on your car. He's poor! Don't you care about the poor? How can you be so selfish!

Easy to be a hypocrite, when it's not your money paying someone who does a bad job.

No see I do good work, but I suck at making friends and remembering names, etc etc. So if I were looking for work I would never get a job, because I could never prove to these picky assholes' satisfaction that I would do good work. They demand proof of perfection and people who will vouch for you etc etc.

It's easy to be a hypocrite when I'm just not made for this cut throat world. If not for the US government I'd be long dead, and you probably wish I was dead. I wish I was dead but I don't have the guts to kill myself. I have a job that I hate and I'm stuck living in hell, but if not for the US government I would never have made it even to this.

See I'm not naturally talented at the things people care about, and my biggest weakness is vouching for myself, advertising myself, making myself likeable, when I don't even like myself, and in the good old days of survival of the fittest of the 19th century, I would have died very young. The US government saved my ass, and others like me. In the 19th century we would have not been valued by anybody and we would have died slaving in a factory at best.
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Are we to conclude from this thread that Rightists hate their jobs and the only reason they work is for the paycheck? No wonder they're so angry all the time...

Well yes, I can see how the ignorant, and less thoughtful may come to that conclusion given their limited mental ability.

Allow me to explain it a bit simpler. Most right-wingers don't hate their jobs. What right-wing people hate, is getting up at 3 AM, and working a 12-hour shift, and then being told that we should pay more tax, so that left-wing people..... can sit at home, doing absolutely nothing...... other than..... complaining that we're not paying enough in tax.

That.... is what we hate.

How about, I'll sit at your place, and watch TV, drink beer, and complain at you, while your putting in 12 hours at my job? Please? Put the shoe on the other foot for once. I'm sure you'll love it.

If you're working 12 hour shifts I guarantee nobody's trying to raise your taxes, except for Republicans who want to "broaden the base" and eliminate your tax exemptions so they can cut taxes again for the rich.

The people in the top tax bracket work short hours, guaranteed, unless they're passionate about their profession and work extra hours out of love.

Most of the upper tier make their money on golf courses and on yachts. The capitalists live a life of luxury, and they've got idiots like you whining that they pay too much tax. They'll never let the likes of you in their club. You'll never be a capitalist. You'll always be a 12 hour shift working stiff, and you vote against yourself and for your fat cat masters.

It would be funny if it weren't so sad.

Funny because the left wing DID raise taxes on me. So you can say no one wants to, but fact is, they are. Bush gave me a tax cut dude. Obama raised my taxes.

You people make up crap about the rich, none of which ever matches reality.

Top CEO Schedules - Business Insider

Executives Who Wake Up Early - Business Insider

CEO Work Hours

All of them, CEOs from all over, 12 hour work days, 6 days a week. The CEO's i've worked with in my time, all of them where at work before people started coming in, and generally were the last to leave at night. My last job here, the guy was at work 6 AM, every morning. No one else came in until 7 or 8. And he never left until the doors were locked at 6 PM. Every day.

You people just make up crap. Just flat out, lie through your teeth.

I told you if they're passionate about their work they work long hours. They're not working those hours because they're forced to, it's because they want to, and they enjoy it.

If the left raised your taxes, it was hardly noticeable. I guarantee. What was it, 2% of your income? You're fine without that. But if a poor person loses his welfare, he dies.
How long do you think he'd survive doing that? The body wears down. That's why they eventually have to stop doing that.

Typical liberal, always excuses and don't want anyone to try or work harder then them..
Whereas you want it to be routine for people to have to sacrifice their health to earn a living, unless of course they've earned fat cat status and can sit around the board room laughing and eating, and then go "business" golfing or yachting to secure a deal.
Republican voters: working men for fat cat capitalists who'd just as soon work them to death as slaves as look at them.
Why don't you go live in the lap of welfare luxury and come back and give us a report? If wages have stagnated for so long that the minimum wage is comparable to welfare we have a problem bigger than the "welfare queens" you obsess over.

I bet you all those welfare queens have at least a 32 " flat screen television and a smart phone....

You can't buy a TV that isn't a flat screen. You haven't been able to for about 10 years now. You can't get the older TV's fixed either, so yes most people have flat screens.

Most people have cell phones too. Because people have stopped having land lines. Only the elderly have land lines now.
Republican voters: working men for fat cat capitalists who'd just as soon work them to death as slaves as look at them.

Well good thing we live in a free country then, huh?

If you don't like the job you have working as a slave, take another job that you do like. If you don't like any of the jobs, chances are you are a whining leftist and should start your own business and work for yourself.
How long do you think he'd survive doing that? The body wears down. That's why they eventually have to stop doing that.

Typical liberal, always excuses and don't want anyone to try or work harder then them..
Whereas you want it to be routine for people to have to sacrifice their health to earn a living, unless of course they've earned fat cat status and can sit around the board room laughing and eating, and then go "business" golfing or yachting to secure a deal.

Man, you gotta get away from your television set. You watch way too many movies.
I've been incentivized to keep our family AGI at or below $79K.

Why? The ACA, that's why. It's saving me $600/month in health insurance premiums as long as our family AGI is at or below $79K. I'm substitute teaching and picking up odd jobs here and there but I'm not going to knock myself out.

You are full of shit.
Why don't you go live in the lap of welfare luxury and come back and give us a report? If wages have stagnated for so long that the minimum wage is comparable to welfare we have a problem bigger than the "welfare queens" you obsess over.

I bet you all those welfare queens have at least a 32 " flat screen television and a smart phone....
You can get a 32'' flat screen in a Black Friday Sale for $199 now.....and a smart phone for around $50 bucks....my family's first Black and white tube TV was more than that, way back when...

these things are not considered luxury items anymore, they are not just for a certain segment of society, they are for the masses....

Now the wealthiest and the upper middle classes have other things to play with or own that the masses can not afford, the wealthiest can afford the newest and the latest technologies before us regular income folk and long before the poor folk....and even those things are really for the middle and up, classes....

The wealthiest compete with each other with Airplanes, Helicopters, and number and size of homes, and yacht size... :D

That's how it works....

Go to Africa and you can see real poverty... Everyone is spoiled here compliments of the Democrats buying votes

That's what you want? You want American our people to live like African poor people? You'd have a dirt floor to put your dingy chair on if not for the work of other Americans. Asshole.
Are we to conclude from this thread that Rightists hate their jobs and the only reason they work is for the paycheck? No wonder they're so angry all the time...

Well yes, I can see how the ignorant, and less thoughtful may come to that conclusion given their limited mental ability.

Allow me to explain it a bit simpler. Most right-wingers don't hate their jobs. What right-wing people hate, is getting up at 3 AM, and working a 12-hour shift, and then being told that we should pay more tax, so that left-wing people..... can sit at home, doing absolutely nothing...... other than..... complaining that we're not paying enough in tax.

That.... is what we hate.

How about, I'll sit at your place, and watch TV, drink beer, and complain at you, while your putting in 12 hours at my job? Please? Put the shoe on the other foot for once. I'm sure you'll love it.

If you're working 12 hour shifts I guarantee nobody's trying to raise your taxes, except for Republicans who want to "broaden the base" and eliminate your tax exemptions so they can cut taxes again for the rich.

The people in the top tax bracket work short hours, guaranteed, unless they're passionate about their profession and work extra hours out of love.

Most of the upper tier make their money on golf courses and on yachts. The capitalists live a life of luxury, and they've got idiots like you whining that they pay too much tax. They'll never let the likes of you in their club. You'll never be a capitalist. You'll always be a 12 hour shift working stiff, and you vote against yourself and for your fat cat masters.

It would be funny if it weren't so sad.

Funny because the left wing DID raise taxes on me. So you can say no one wants to, but fact is, they are. Bush gave me a tax cut dude. Obama raised my taxes.

You people make up crap about the rich, none of which ever matches reality.

Top CEO Schedules - Business Insider

Executives Who Wake Up Early - Business Insider

CEO Work Hours

All of them, CEOs from all over, 12 hour work days, 6 days a week. The CEO's i've worked with in my time, all of them where at work before people started coming in, and generally were the last to leave at night. My last job here, the guy was at work 6 AM, every morning. No one else came in until 7 or 8. And he never left until the doors were locked at 6 PM. Every day.

You people just make up crap. Just flat out, lie through your teeth.

So true. I don't work for a CEO because I work for a small company. But my employer has built himself up to the point he doesn't need to come to work. But he's there, every day, pulls in at 7:00am like the rest of us, and he doesn't leave until 4:00 like the rest of us. Then he takes work home with him.

He takes vacation, but no more than two or three weeks a year. Only once in the 20 years I've worked for him has he ever taken a lavish vacation to Europe, and that was only because he wanted to see the house his grandfather built before his family came to this country.
Why don't you go live in the lap of welfare luxury and come back and give us a report? If wages have stagnated for so long that the minimum wage is comparable to welfare we have a problem bigger than the "welfare queens" you obsess over.

I bet you all those welfare queens have at least a 32 " flat screen television and a smart phone....
You can get a 32'' flat screen in a Black Friday Sale for $199 now.....and a smart phone for around $50 bucks....my family's first Black and white tube TV was more than that, way back when...

these things are not considered luxury items anymore, they are not just for a certain segment of society, they are for the masses....

Now the wealthiest and the upper middle classes have other things to play with or own that the masses can not afford, the wealthiest can afford the newest and the latest technologies before us regular income folk and long before the poor folk....and even those things are really for the middle and up, classes....

The wealthiest compete with each other with Airplanes, Helicopters, and number and size of homes, and yacht size... :D

That's how it works....

Go to Africa and you can see real poverty... Everyone is spoiled here compliments of the Democrats buying votes

That's what you want? You want American our people to live like African poor people? You'd have a dirt floor to put your dingy chair on if not for the work of other Americans. Asshole.

Fuck you, I always remember going to National parks and see signs " Don't feed the animals"

The reason being they don't want them to get lazy and just rely on hand outs...

The US government shows more respect for wild life then the poor.
Why don't you go live in the lap of welfare luxury and come back and give us a report? If wages have stagnated for so long that the minimum wage is comparable to welfare we have a problem bigger than the "welfare queens" you obsess over.

I bet you all those welfare queens have at least a 32 " flat screen television and a smart phone....
You can get a 32'' flat screen in a Black Friday Sale for $199 now.....and a smart phone for around $50 bucks....my family's first Black and white tube TV was more than that, way back when...

these things are not considered luxury items anymore, they are not just for a certain segment of society, they are for the masses....

Now the wealthiest and the upper middle classes have other things to play with or own that the masses can not afford, the wealthiest can afford the newest and the latest technologies before us regular income folk and long before the poor folk....and even those things are really for the middle and up, classes....

The wealthiest compete with each other with Airplanes, Helicopters, and number and size of homes, and yacht size... :D

That's how it works....

Go to Africa and you can see real poverty... Everyone is spoiled here compliments of the Democrats buying votes

That's what you want? You want American our people to live like African poor people? You'd have a dirt floor to put your dingy chair on if not for the work of other Americans. Asshole.

Fuck you, I always remember going to National parks and see signs " Don't feed the animals"

The reason being they don't want them to get lazy and just rely on hand outs...

The US government shows more respect for wild life then the poor.
We humans, are NOT WILD ANIMALS Bear, and should not be treated the same way as wild animals.
Why don't you go live in the lap of welfare luxury and come back and give us a report? If wages have stagnated for so long that the minimum wage is comparable to welfare we have a problem bigger than the "welfare queens" you obsess over.

I bet you all those welfare queens have at least a 32 " flat screen television and a smart phone....
You can get a 32'' flat screen in a Black Friday Sale for $199 now.....and a smart phone for around $50 bucks....my family's first Black and white tube TV was more than that, way back when...

these things are not considered luxury items anymore, they are not just for a certain segment of society, they are for the masses....

Now the wealthiest and the upper middle classes have other things to play with or own that the masses can not afford, the wealthiest can afford the newest and the latest technologies before us regular income folk and long before the poor folk....and even those things are really for the middle and up, classes....

The wealthiest compete with each other with Airplanes, Helicopters, and number and size of homes, and yacht size... :D

That's how it works....

Go to Africa and you can see real poverty... Everyone is spoiled here compliments of the Democrats buying votes

That's what you want? You want American our people to live like African poor people? You'd have a dirt floor to put your dingy chair on if not for the work of other Americans. Asshole.
That is exactly what most of the social welfare programs are aimed at preventing. Without these programs a significant portion of the population would fall into abject poverty with 24 hour a day soup kitchens, children leaving school to work and an increasing number of homeless.

Most people receiving benefits from the government are working. SNAP reports 60 percent of those receiving food stamps are working, and almost 90 percent worked in the prior prior 12 months. 50% of those receiving benefits that help pay housing cost have jobs. 80% of recipients receiving child care benefits are working. Cutting these benefits will significantly increase social problems and other costs, however the greatest cost can't be measured in dollars.

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