Why Work?

Is this ridiculous or what?

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How do you get a job without a car? Take the bus.

If you live somewhere that has a transit system. Not every place does.

Nobody needs an I-phone to find a job. A 50 cent newspaper will do.

A 50-cent newspaper? :lmao: Whatever you say, McFly.

Most transit systems are impractical for most working people. They don't travel where and when an individual needs to commute unless that individual gets lucky or lives in New York.
The executive summary just screams incompetence. Obama increased federal poverty spending by 41per cent or 191 BILLION dollars and he has more
People in poverty than before he was elected after SEVEN years. More,food stamps, more welfare, more free healthcare, more phones, more student loans and we still have more poverty. I am sure my liberal friends will invent new yardsticks in order to ignore,the facts. And Obama has doubled the country's national debt in,order to go backwards. Yeah gas,is low and all these jobs have come online and we have more poverty. No president has failed the middle class as epically as Obama. No,president has cooked the books to make himself look good as Obama has. He is a failure pure and simple. Republican candidates need to hammer the point home that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Vote buying liberal largess has pushed the poor farther into the hole.
Why did poverty spending increase? Because the recession caused more poverty.

We are still not anywhere near full employment. Why is that? It is easy to blame it on Obama. That's the dumb man's answer.

Dumb mans answer heh? Ok Sherlock , then who is responsible. No let me guess. There are so many factors that you can't really lay it at the feet of one man. In democratic jargon, no one is accountable.
Why don't you go live in the lap of welfare luxury and come back and give us a report? If wages have stagnated for so long that the minimum wage is comparable to welfare we have a problem bigger than the "welfare queens" you obsess over.

You know how to earn more than minimum wage? Work a job long enough to get a raise. More than half of McDonald's store managers, started off minimum wage hourly employees.

The problem with you people is that you think sucking air, means you should go straight from unemployed, to store manager wages. Bull crap dude.

And what is worse, when you give people welfare, so they can sit at home..... the longer they stay at home not working, the longer it will be before they can earn a decent wage. When an employer sees a big unemployed time on a work history, they tend to assume this person is going to bail out and go back to welfare.

Want to know why? Because they do. I've seen it. I've watched it happen. Several times in fact.

Welfare is the absolute best way to stay in the impoverished low-wage income level. Your system doesn't help people out of poverty. It traps people in poverty, and keeps them there.
The executive summary just screams incompetence. Obama increased federal poverty spending by 41per cent or 191 BILLION dollars and he has more
People in poverty than before he was elected after SEVEN years. More,food stamps, more welfare, more free healthcare, more phones, more student loans and we still have more poverty. I am sure my liberal friends will invent new yardsticks in order to ignore,the facts. And Obama has doubled the country's national debt in,order to go backwards. Yeah gas,is low and all these jobs have come online and we have more poverty. No president has failed the middle class as epically as Obama. No,president has cooked the books to make himself look good as Obama has. He is a failure pure and simple. Republican candidates need to hammer the point home that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Vote buying liberal largess has pushed the poor farther into the hole.
Why did poverty spending increase? Because the recession caused more poverty.

We are still not anywhere near full employment. Why is that? It is easy to blame it on Obama. That's the dumb man's answer.

Dumb mans answer heh? Ok Sherlock , then who is responsible. No let me guess. There are so many factors that you can't really lay it at the feet of one man. In democratic jargon, no one is accountable.
It's because the fat cats would rather hire foreigners on the cheap. They'd rather outsource. They'd rather automate. They'd rather cost cut. They'd rather only hire someone if that person can prove that their life has been perfect with no mistakes ever in their entire life, and proof of superior performance numbers at doing the exact same job for at least the past 10 years.
The "poor" welfare and assistance recipients have cars and iPhones. That's a lot more than we had growing up. Now I do very well for myself and family and have to pay taxes out the ass to support these people. Forgive me if I fail to give a shit about their plight.,
How do you get a job without a car? I phones and social media are also important job seeking tools. If there are excesses, they should be looked into.

How do you get a job without a car? Take the bus.

Nobody needs an I-phone to find a job. A 50 cent newspaper will do.

You Cradle-to-Gravers have more excuses than ambition to work.
Bullshit. Nobody gets hired by reading newspaper ads. Finding a job is a full time effort, and if your past isn't perfect, so many prospective employers will find out and will rule you out. Companies are extremely reluctant to hire anybody.

So WTF does that have to do with an I-Phone?

There are plenty of jobs in the paper. If employers couldn't find workers in the paper, they wouldn't use it.

Do you know the odds of finding a job in the paper? 1 in 350. Some of the jobs advertised in the paper are already filled by the time you read it. The competition is through the roof.

What does an iPhone have to do with anything? As mentioned, that's 50 bucks. It's nothing. If used to network, it's a great investment.

"Take the bus" and "buy a newspaper." Those are answers my grandfather would come up with...and he's been dead for more than 20 years.
Are we to conclude from this thread that Rightists hate their jobs and the only reason they work is for the paycheck? No wonder they're so angry all the time...
Why don't you go live in the lap of welfare luxury and come back and give us a report? If wages have stagnated for so long that the minimum wage is comparable to welfare we have a problem bigger than the "welfare queens" you obsess over.

You know how to earn more than minimum wage? Work a job long enough to get a raise. More than half of McDonald's store managers, started off minimum wage hourly employees.

The problem with you people is that you think sucking air, means you should go straight from unemployed, to store manager wages. Bull crap dude.

And what is worse, when you give people welfare, so they can sit at home..... the longer they stay at home not working, the longer it will be before they can earn a decent wage. When an employer sees a big unemployed time on a work history, they tend to assume this person is going to bail out and go back to welfare.

Want to know why? Because they do. I've seen it. I've watched it happen. Several times in fact.

Welfare is the absolute best way to stay in the impoverished low-wage income level. Your system doesn't help people out of poverty. It traps people in poverty, and keeps them there.
You proved that it's the fat cat employers who give the would be employee no chance. Employers are refusing to hire. And then they treat their employees like slaves and absolute shit. That's the problem. Fat cats are the reason. Picky, greedy, tribalist fat cats. They'll hire their cousins and their friends friends again and again, but no outsider has a chance unless they're an illegal that they can pay half minimum wage. Employer fat cats are crooks.
The "poor" welfare and assistance recipients have cars and iPhones. That's a lot more than we had growing up. Now I do very well for myself and family and have to pay taxes out the ass to support these people. Forgive me if I fail to give a shit about their plight.,
How do you get a job without a car? I phones and social media are also important job seeking tools. If there are excesses, they should be looked into.

HUH??? Was that a joke? 0.o

Dude, I got a job without a car. I was born with these amazing flexible structures of bones, joints, muscles, and soft tissues called..... "feet". It was amazing. I filled out the paper work, gave my information, and they said you start Monday at 7 AM, and set my alarm, and "walked" to work.

People are so pathetic these days..... good night... how did the human race, get past the stone age? This is like the lady who sued Google maps, because it told her to turn right, and there wasn't a road there, so she just.... turned right.... into a ditch, and got her car stuck. What the heck is wrong with you people? Does someone still pick out your clothes in the morning or what?
Are we to conclude from this thread that Rightists hate their jobs and the only reason they work is for the paycheck? No wonder they're so angry all the time...

Well yes, I can see how the ignorant, and less thoughtful may come to that conclusion given their limited mental ability.

Allow me to explain it a bit simpler. Most right-wingers don't hate their jobs. What right-wing people hate, is getting up at 3 AM, and working a 12-hour shift, and then being told that we should pay more tax, so that left-wing people..... can sit at home, doing absolutely nothing...... other than..... complaining that we're not paying enough in tax.

That.... is what we hate.

How about, I'll sit at your place, and watch TV, drink beer, and complain at you, while your putting in 12 hours at my job? Please? Put the shoe on the other foot for once. I'm sure you'll love it.
Dude, I got a job without a car. I was born with these amazing flexible structures of bones, joints, muscles, and soft tissues called..... "feet".

How many miles?

50 dude.... come on. It was a 15 minute walk to one job. And about 20 to the other. Exactly how many inches it was to each, beats me. That wasn't high on my priority list to document.

It's not like I got a job in Kentucky, and walked there from Ohio every morning. I didn't think I had to explain that.
Are we to conclude from this thread that Rightists hate their jobs and the only reason they work is for the paycheck? No wonder they're so angry all the time...

Well yes, I can see how the ignorant, and less thoughtful may come to that conclusion given their limited mental ability.
People who believe everyone lives within walking distance of work? Yes, that does take a special kind of ignorance.
Why do you libs keep thinking that poor people are,so,dumb. Let's see. Work 30 to 40 hours a week for x or sit at home, work under the table, have no schedule, do what you want and still get x. What would you do?
If you want to make something of your life, you look for work. But the job search is such a demoralizing experience because of the asshole bosses, super picky assholes who make people pretend they're perfect. And then on the job you get treated like you're worth less than the company uniform you're wearing. Who blames people for becoming discouraged?

Are we soft? Yeah, the masses had shit lives in the good old days of the 19th century, working like slaves in the factory. Was life better for the fat cats back then? Not realky. But it sure as hell sucked ass for the working man.

Welfare allows the people to save their humanity.

Each person has value. They're not just cogs in a factory machine that wear out (i.e. die) at age 40 and then are replaced like an inhuman gear shift.

Capitalists are inhuman assholes.
Why don't you go live in the lap of welfare luxury and come back and give us a report? If wages have stagnated for so long that the minimum wage is comparable to welfare we have a problem bigger than the "welfare queens" you obsess over.

You know how to earn more than minimum wage? Work a job long enough to get a raise. More than half of McDonald's store managers, started off minimum wage hourly employees.

The problem with you people is that you think sucking air, means you should go straight from unemployed, to store manager wages. Bull crap dude.

And what is worse, when you give people welfare, so they can sit at home..... the longer they stay at home not working, the longer it will be before they can earn a decent wage. When an employer sees a big unemployed time on a work history, they tend to assume this person is going to bail out and go back to welfare.

Want to know why? Because they do. I've seen it. I've watched it happen. Several times in fact.

Welfare is the absolute best way to stay in the impoverished low-wage income level. Your system doesn't help people out of poverty. It traps people in poverty, and keeps them there.
You proved that it's the fat cat employers who give the would be employee no chance. Employers are refusing to hire. And then they treat their employees like slaves and absolute shit. That's the problem. Fat cats are the reason. Picky, greedy, tribalist fat cats. They'll hire their cousins and their friends friends again and again, but no outsider has a chance unless they're an illegal that they can pay half minimum wage. Employer fat cats are crooks.

Half of all store managers........ Store managers..... The people who make $50K to $60K plus profit sharing bonus..... started off minimum wage......

So that clearly proves fat cat employers give employees no chance.

Of course employers are refusing to hire people who sit on welfare. They don't work... they stay... they are bad employees.

Look.... if you hired a baby sitter for your kid, so you could go to work.... and the baby sitter called off every Monday "Sorry I'm (cough cough) sick. Bye!" and some days called you at work "Come get your kid, I'm leaving".

It wouldn't take a couple of times, and you would fire them, and hire someone else who did the job.

"You are a greedy picky tribalist fat cat!" No, they are a lousy worker.

See, the only difference here is, its easy for you to be a hypocrite, and claim you would act differently, when it's not you hiring these bad employees.

But if dropped your car off at an oil change place, and they spent 5 hours, and then forgot to put oil in the car.... you'd fire them. You would never go there again. You fat greedy picky tribalist cat! How dare you not go to that poor low-wage mechanic, just because he was busying watching TV and playing with his smart phone instead of doing that oil change on your car. He's poor! Don't you care about the poor? How can you be so selfish!

Easy to be a hypocrite, when it's not your money paying someone who does a bad job.
Are we to conclude from this thread that Rightists hate their jobs and the only reason they work is for the paycheck? No wonder they're so angry all the time...

Well yes, I can see how the ignorant, and less thoughtful may come to that conclusion given their limited mental ability.

Allow me to explain it a bit simpler. Most right-wingers don't hate their jobs. What right-wing people hate, is getting up at 3 AM, and working a 12-hour shift, and then being told that we should pay more tax, so that left-wing people..... can sit at home, doing absolutely nothing...... other than..... complaining that we're not paying enough in tax.

That.... is what we hate.

How about, I'll sit at your place, and watch TV, drink beer, and complain at you, while your putting in 12 hours at my job? Please? Put the shoe on the other foot for once. I'm sure you'll love it.

If you're working 12 hour shifts I guarantee nobody's trying to raise your taxes, except for Republicans who want to "broaden the base" and eliminate your tax exemptions so they can cut taxes again for the rich.

The people in the top tax bracket work short hours, guaranteed, unless they're passionate about their profession and work extra hours out of love.

Most of the upper tier make their money on golf courses and on yachts. The capitalists live a life of luxury, and they've got idiots like you whining that they pay too much tax. They'll never let the likes of you in their club. You'll never be a capitalist. You'll always be a 12 hour shift working stiff, and you vote against yourself and for your fat cat masters.

It would be funny if it weren't so sad.
Dude, I got a job without a car. I was born with these amazing flexible structures of bones, joints, muscles, and soft tissues called..... "feet".

How many miles?

50 dude.... come on. It was a 15 minute walk to one job. And about 20 to the other.

So you believe that applies to everyone in a country as spread out as the U.S.? Extraordinary.

Just about dude. Seriously. ANd there is nothing extraordinary about it. Most people in the US, live within walking distance of a fast food joint.

Additionally, most people live within walking distance of a bus stop. From there, you can cover the distance of the vast majority of the any city and metro area. I got the bus to college, and my job both.

Between people being within walking distance of a fast food joint, and a bus stop, the combination of those groups, would cover the majority of all people in the US.

And get this..... I did something absolutely amazing.... I saved up money..... and bought a car. Not through the government, but through something called "earning a living". Even at the fast food joint. Believe it or not, they still pay money for work.
Are we to conclude from this thread that Rightists hate their jobs and the only reason they work is for the paycheck? No wonder they're so angry all the time...

Well yes, I can see how the ignorant, and less thoughtful may come to that conclusion given their limited mental ability.

Allow me to explain it a bit simpler. Most right-wingers don't hate their jobs. What right-wing people hate, is getting up at 3 AM, and working a 12-hour shift, and then being told that we should pay more tax, so that left-wing people..... can sit at home, doing absolutely nothing...... other than..... complaining that we're not paying enough in tax.

That.... is what we hate.

How about, I'll sit at your place, and watch TV, drink beer, and complain at you, while your putting in 12 hours at my job? Please? Put the shoe on the other foot for once. I'm sure you'll love it.

If you're working 12 hour shifts I guarantee nobody's trying to raise your taxes, except for Republicans who want to "broaden the base" and eliminate your tax exemptions so they can cut taxes again for the rich.

The people in the top tax bracket work short hours, guaranteed, unless they're passionate about their profession and work extra hours out of love.

Most of the upper tier make their money on golf courses and on yachts. The capitalists live a life of luxury, and they've got idiots like you whining that they pay too much tax. They'll never let the likes of you in their club. You'll never be a capitalist. You'll always be a 12 hour shift working stiff, and you vote against yourself and for your fat cat masters.

It would be funny if it weren't so sad.

Funny because the left wing DID raise taxes on me. So you can say no one wants to, but fact is, they are. Bush gave me a tax cut dude. Obama raised my taxes.

You people make up crap about the rich, none of which ever matches reality.

Top CEO Schedules - Business Insider

Executives Who Wake Up Early - Business Insider

CEO Work Hours

All of them, CEOs from all over, 12 hour work days, 6 days a week. The CEO's i've worked with in my time, all of them where at work before people started coming in, and generally were the last to leave at night. My last job here, the guy was at work 6 AM, every morning. No one else came in until 7 or 8. And he never left until the doors were locked at 6 PM. Every day.

You people just make up crap. Just flat out, lie through your teeth.

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