Why Work?

Is this ridiculous or what?

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I make $90k a year. Why would I want to stop working and go on welfare and get a third of that and have to move to some shitty neighborhood and drive a beater car falling apart?

When you can sit on your ass and take advantage of up to 126 Welfare and anti poverty programs offered by the Gov't...................

In many states it is more than the minimum wage for those milking the tit of the Federal Gov't.

2 Studies...............ENJOY

What's in your wallet?
Those idiotic numbers are based on the PRESUMPTION that a person would be collecting every possible government support.

Rubes look at the pictures and don't read the text. CATO knows this.

But look what happens when you read the words:

It is, of course, possible to over-generalize from the above statistics. Not every welfare recipient fits the profile used in this study, and many who do fit it do not receive every benefit listed.

In other words: Move along. Absolutely nothing to see here.
Why don't you go live in the lap of welfare luxury and come back and give us a report? If wages have stagnated for so long that the minimum wage is comparable to welfare we have a problem bigger than the "welfare queens" you obsess over.

I bet you all those welfare queens have at least a 32 " flat screen television and a smart phone....
You can get a 32'' flat screen in a Black Friday Sale for $199 now.....and a smart phone for around $50 bucks....my family's first Black and white tube TV was more than that, way back when...

these things are not considered luxury items anymore, they are not just for a certain segment of society, they are for the masses....

Now the wealthiest and the upper middle classes have other things to play with or own that the masses can not afford, the wealthiest can afford the newest and the latest technologies before us regular income folk and long before the poor folk....and even those things are really for the middle and up, classes....

The wealthiest compete with each other with Airplanes, Helicopters, and number and size of homes, and yacht size... :D

That's how it works....

Go to Africa and you can see real poverty... Everyone is spoiled here compliments of the Democrats buying votes

That's what you want? You want American our people to live like African poor people? You'd have a dirt floor to put your dingy chair on if not for the work of other Americans. Asshole.
That is exactly what most of the social welfare programs are aimed at preventing. Without these programs a significant portion of the population would fall into abject poverty with 24 hour a day soup kitchens, children leaving school to work and an increasing number of homeless.

Most people receiving benefits from the government are working. SNAP reports 60 percent of those receiving food stamps are working, and almost 90 percent worked in the prior prior 12 months. 50% of those receiving benefits that help pay housing cost have jobs. 80% of recipients receiving child care benefits are working. Cutting these benefits will significantly increase social problems and other costs, however the greatest cost can't be measured in dollars.

Welfare Housing that is Nicer than yours!:
Why don't you go live in the lap of welfare luxury and come back and give us a report? If wages have stagnated for so long that the minimum wage is comparable to welfare we have a problem bigger than the "welfare queens" you obsess over.

I bet you all those welfare queens have at least a 32 " flat screen television and a smart phone....
You can get a 32'' flat screen in a Black Friday Sale for $199 now.....and a smart phone for around $50 bucks....my family's first Black and white tube TV was more than that, way back when...

these things are not considered luxury items anymore, they are not just for a certain segment of society, they are for the masses....

Now the wealthiest and the upper middle classes have other things to play with or own that the masses can not afford, the wealthiest can afford the newest and the latest technologies before us regular income folk and long before the poor folk....and even those things are really for the middle and up, classes....

The wealthiest compete with each other with Airplanes, Helicopters, and number and size of homes, and yacht size... :D

That's how it works....

Go to Africa and you can see real poverty... Everyone is spoiled here compliments of the Democrats buying votes

That's what you want? You want American our people to live like African poor people? You'd have a dirt floor to put your dingy chair on if not for the work of other Americans. Asshole.

Your Higher Taxes pay for My healthcare thanks P…:
Why don't you go live in the lap of welfare luxury and come back and give us a report? If wages have stagnated for so long that the minimum wage is comparable to welfare we have a problem bigger than the "welfare queens" you obsess over.

The bigger problem is that many of the jobs that get paid at or just slightly above minimum wage require the same skills today as they did 50 years ago yet those doing them think their wages should increase at the same rate as someone who went about improving their skills. I spent thousands of hours gaining the skills to do what I do. Why shouldn't that mean I make thousands of time more than someone that didn't? Someone sweeping floors, emptying trash, and cleaning toilets 30 years ago that's doing the same job today has done nothing to better themselves in the way of skills. My wages haven't stagnated because my skill level hasn't stagnated.
I make $90k a year. Why would I want to stop working and go on welfare and get a third of that and have to move to some shitty neighborhood and drive a beater car falling apart?

I make $20,000 a year. I already live in a low-income neighborhood, already drive a beater car falling apart.

Why should I wake up at 3 AM to put in 12 hours at work, when I can have people like you, pay for me to stay at home?
Why don't you go live in the lap of welfare luxury and come back and give us a report? If wages have stagnated for so long that the minimum wage is comparable to welfare we have a problem bigger than the "welfare queens" you obsess over.

I bet you all those welfare queens have at least a 32 " flat screen television and a smart phone....

I've seen those welfare queens far too many times in the grocery store using the EBT card to buy food they say they don't have the money to purchase yet magically being able to find cash to buy beer and cigarettes in a subsequent transaction.
I make $90k a year. Why would I want to stop working and go on welfare and get a third of that and have to move to some shitty neighborhood and drive a beater car falling apart?

I make $20,000 a year. I already live in a low-income neighborhood, already drive a beater car falling apart.

Why should I wake up at 3 AM to put in 12 hours at work, when I can have people like you, pay for me to stay at home?

people don't CHOOSE to be impoverished.

the premise is idiocy

When you can sit on your ass and take advantage of up to 126 Welfare and anti poverty programs offered by the Gov't...................

In many states it is more than the minimum wage for those milking the tit of the Federal Gov't.

2 Studies...............ENJOY

What's in your wallet?
Those idiotic numbers are based on the PRESUMPTION that a person would be collecting every possible government support.


And yet I know people who do exactly that. They spend as much time figuring out every possible government program they can use, as I spend time working at my job.

When you can sit on your ass and take advantage of up to 126 Welfare and anti poverty programs offered by the Gov't...................

In many states it is more than the minimum wage for those milking the tit of the Federal Gov't.

2 Studies...............ENJOY

What's in your wallet?
Those idiotic numbers are based on the PRESUMPTION that a person would be collecting every possible government support.


And yet I know people who do exactly that. They spend as much time figuring out every possible government program they can use, as I spend time working at my job.

no. you don't. but its a facile way to say things that are simply unsupported
I make $90k a year. Why would I want to stop working and go on welfare and get a third of that and have to move to some shitty neighborhood and drive a beater car falling apart?

I make $20,000 a year. I already live in a low-income neighborhood, already drive a beater car falling apart.

Why should I wake up at 3 AM to put in 12 hours at work, when I can have people like you, pay for me to stay at home?

people don't CHOOSE to be impoverished.

the premise is idiocy

You have the right to be wrong. Please continue.

When you can sit on your ass and take advantage of up to 126 Welfare and anti poverty programs offered by the Gov't...................

In many states it is more than the minimum wage for those milking the tit of the Federal Gov't.

2 Studies...............ENJOY

What's in your wallet?
Those idiotic numbers are based on the PRESUMPTION that a person would be collecting every possible government support.


And yet I know people who do exactly that. They spend as much time figuring out every possible government program they can use, as I spend time working at my job.

no. you don't. but its a facile way to say things that are simply unsupported

Yes I do. But it's typical left-wing response to just dismiss any claim that doesn't support your ideology.
this is a State issue....

as your chart shows, each State determines what they want to kick in with state taxes collected....what the federal gvt will contribute, depends on what the State itself offers.

and the red states keep taking back more federal money and the blue states keep putting in more than they take.

In my State, the only blue makes the rest of the red ones look bad. It's the poorest in the State by far with a median income of just 80% of that of the closest red district. Currently, that district (6th SC) is #33 out of all districts nationwide. When broken down within the state, the 6th gets 3x as much as the closest red district. Since all district, because of Wesbury v. Sanders (1964), are roughly the same population, it's already proportional.

When you can sit on your ass and take advantage of up to 126 Welfare and anti poverty programs offered by the Gov't...................

In many states it is more than the minimum wage for those milking the tit of the Federal Gov't.

2 Studies...............ENJOY

What's in your wallet?
Those idiotic numbers are based on the PRESUMPTION that a person would be collecting every possible government support.


And yet I know people who do exactly that. They spend as much time figuring out every possible government program they can use, as I spend time working at my job.

no. you don't. but its a facile way to say things that are simply unsupported

Yes I do. But it's typical left-wing response to just dismiss any claim that doesn't support your ideology.

we tend to dismiss allegorical "evidence" from rightwingnuts.

evidence is important.
this is a State issue....

as your chart shows, each State determines what they want to kick in with state taxes collected....what the federal gvt will contribute, depends on what the State itself offers.

and the red states keep taking back more federal money and the blue states keep putting in more than they take.

In my State, the only blue makes the rest of the red ones look bad. It's the poorest in the State by far with a median income of just 80% of that of the closest red district. Currently, that district (6th SC) is #33 out of all districts nationwide. When broken down within the state, the 6th gets 3x as much as the closest red district. Since all district, because of Wesbury v. Sanders (1964), are roughly the same population, it's already proportional.

you don't say what state that is.

and we can only look at numbers that are reflected nationally. and nationally red states take more money than they put in and blue states put in more than they take. the states with the lowest educational and income numbers are red states.

but carry on.
OP- Total RW BS. Everyone would rather have a good job, of course not the crap min wage jobs that only ruin people. BTW, hater dupes, everyone on welfare has to look for work, prove it, and gets screened for drugs. Dumbass hater dupes.

At least now people don't have to quit jobs and go on Welfare to get Medicaid. Except in moron red states, of course.

When you can sit on your ass and take advantage of up to 126 Welfare and anti poverty programs offered by the Gov't...................

In many states it is more than the minimum wage for those milking the tit of the Federal Gov't.

2 Studies...............ENJOY

What's in your wallet?
Those idiotic numbers are based on the PRESUMPTION that a person would be collecting every possible government support.


And yet I know people who do exactly that. They spend as much time figuring out every possible government program they can use, as I spend time working at my job.

no. you don't. but its a facile way to say things that are simply unsupported

Yes I do. But it's typical left-wing response to just dismiss any claim that doesn't support your ideology.

we tend to dismiss allegorical "evidence" from rightwingnuts.

evidence is important.

We, meaning you, just dismissed the evidence that was given. So apparently, evidence isn't all that important to you.

But "we" are used to people like you dismissing any evidence that doesn't support your position. Please continue in your ignorance.

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