Why Work?

Is this ridiculous or what?

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Why don't you go live in the lap of welfare luxury and come back and give us a report? If wages have stagnated for so long that the minimum wage is comparable to welfare we have a problem bigger than the "welfare queens" you obsess over.

I bet you all those welfare queens have at least a 32 " flat screen television and a smart phone....

Wow a flat screen and cell phone . What an accomplishment !

First of all, they only make flat screens . And they are pretty cheap. And cell phones cost less than land lines.

Step out of the 1990s !!!
Why don't you go live in the lap of welfare luxury and come back and give us a report? If wages have stagnated for so long that the minimum wage is comparable to welfare we have a problem bigger than the "welfare queens" you obsess over.

I bet you all those welfare queens have at least a 32 " flat screen television and a smart phone....
You can get a 32'' flat screen in a Black Friday Sale for $199 now.....and a smart phone for around $50 bucks....my family's first Black and white tube TV was more than that, way back when...

these things are not considered luxury items anymore, they are not just for a certain segment of society, they are for the masses....

Now the wealthiest and the upper middle classes have other things to play with or own that the masses can not afford, the wealthiest can afford the newest and the latest technologies before us regular income folk and long before the poor folk....and even those things are really for the middle and up, classes....

The wealthiest compete with each other with Airplanes, Helicopters, and number and size of homes, and yacht size... :D

That's how it works....
The executive summary just screams incompetence. Obama increased federal poverty spending by 41per cent or 191 BILLION dollars and he has more
People in poverty than before he was elected after SEVEN years. More,food stamps, more welfare, more free healthcare, more phones, more student loans and we still have more poverty. I am sure my liberal friends will invent new yardsticks in order to ignore,the facts. And Obama has doubled the country's national debt in,order to go backwards. Yeah gas,is low and all these jobs have come online and we have more poverty. No president has failed the middle class as epically as Obama. No,president has cooked the books to make himself look good as Obama has. He is a failure pure and simple. Republican candidates need to hammer the point home that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Vote buying liberal largess has pushed the poor farther into the hole.
Why did poverty spending increase? Because the recession caused more poverty.

We are still not anywhere near full employment. Why is that? It is easy to blame it on Obama. That's the dumb man's answer.
The "poor" welfare and assistance recipients have cars and iPhones. That's a lot more than we had growing up. Now I do very well for myself and family and have to pay taxes out the ass to support these people. Forgive me if I fail to give a shit about their plight.,
How do you get a job without a car? I phones and social media are also important job seeking tools. If there are excesses, they should be looked into.

Wow just wow......

In my day young whipper snapper the only phone we had came with a cord, only 13 channels on television to chose from, I got my first job reading a damn newspaper and walking to work.
The "poor" welfare and assistance recipients have cars and iPhones. That's a lot more than we had growing up. Now I do very well for myself and family and have to pay taxes out the ass to support these people. Forgive me if I fail to give a shit about their plight.,
How do you get a job without a car? I phones and social media are also important job seeking tools. If there are excesses, they should be looked into.

How do you get a job without a car? Take the bus.

Nobody needs an I-phone to find a job. A 50 cent newspaper will do.

You Cradle-to-Gravers have more excuses than ambition to work.
The "poor" welfare and assistance recipients have cars and iPhones. That's a lot more than we had growing up. Now I do very well for myself and family and have to pay taxes out the ass to support these people. Forgive me if I fail to give a shit about their plight.,
How do you get a job without a car? I phones and social media are also important job seeking tools. If there are excesses, they should be looked into.

Wow just wow......

In my day young whipper snapper the only phone we had came with a cord, only 13 channels on television to chose from, I got my first job reading a damn newspaper and walking to work.
Times have changed. If you want a job these days you've got to be able to commute unless you're very lucky. Employers these days demand more of their employees than they ever did. Also, employers are extremely picky about hiring people. They'll give any excuse not to hire someone. It's tough if you're out there with no job.
Why don't you go live in the lap of welfare luxury and come back and give us a report? If wages have stagnated for so long that the minimum wage is comparable to welfare we have a problem bigger than the "welfare queens" you obsess over.

I bet you all those welfare queens have at least a 32 " flat screen television and a smart phone....
You can get a 32'' flat screen in a Black Friday Sale for $199 now.....and a smart phone for around $50 bucks....my family's first Black and white tube TV was more than that, way back when...

these things are not considered luxury items anymore, they are not just for a certain segment of society, they are for the masses....

Now the wealthiest and the upper middle classes have other things to play with or own that the masses can not afford, the wealthiest can afford the newest and the latest technologies before us regular income folk and long before the poor folk....and even those things are really for the middle and up, classes....

The wealthiest compete with each other with Airplanes, Helicopters, and number and size of homes, and yacht size... :D

That's how it works....

Go to Africa and you can see real poverty... Everyone is spoiled here compliments of the Democrats buying votes
The executive summary just screams incompetence. Obama increased federal poverty spending by 41per cent or 191 BILLION dollars and he has more
People in poverty than before he was elected after SEVEN years. More,food stamps, more welfare, more free healthcare, more phones, more student loans and we still have more poverty. I am sure my liberal friends will invent new yardsticks in order to ignore,the facts. And Obama has doubled the country's national debt in,order to go backwards. Yeah gas,is low and all these jobs have come online and we have more poverty. No president has failed the middle class as epically as Obama. No,president has cooked the books to make himself look good as Obama has. He is a failure pure and simple. Republican candidates need to hammer the point home that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Vote buying liberal largess has pushed the poor farther into the hole.
Why did poverty spending increase? Because the recession caused more poverty.

We are still not anywhere near full employment. Why is that? It is easy to blame it on Obama. That's the dumb man's answer.

Why is that? Because living on the dole is equal to the income of many people that work. Add to the fact that all these illegals DumBama is ushering into this country are taking American jobs while keeping our wages low.

There are plenty of jobs out there--thousands of them that employers can't find employees for.
The "poor" welfare and assistance recipients have cars and iPhones. That's a lot more than we had growing up. Now I do very well for myself and family and have to pay taxes out the ass to support these people. Forgive me if I fail to give a shit about their plight.,
How do you get a job without a car? I phones and social media are also important job seeking tools. If there are excesses, they should be looked into.

How do you get a job without a car? Take the bus.

Nobody needs an I-phone to find a job. A 50 cent newspaper will do.

You Cradle-to-Gravers have more excuses than ambition to work.
Bullshit. Nobody gets hired by reading newspaper ads. Finding a job is a full time effort, and if your past isn't perfect, so many prospective employers will find out and will rule you out. Companies are extremely reluctant to hire anybody.
Why don't you go live in the lap of welfare luxury and come back and give us a report? If wages have stagnated for so long that the minimum wage is comparable to welfare we have a problem bigger than the "welfare queens" you obsess over.

I bet you all those welfare queens have at least a 32 " flat screen television and a smart phone....
You can get a 32'' flat screen in a Black Friday Sale for $199 now.....and a smart phone for around $50 bucks....my family's first Black and white tube TV was more than that, way back when...

these things are not considered luxury items anymore, they are not just for a certain segment of society, they are for the masses....

Now the wealthiest and the upper middle classes have other things to play with or own that the masses can not afford, the wealthiest can afford the newest and the latest technologies before us regular income folk and long before the poor folk....and even those things are really for the middle and up, classes....

The wealthiest compete with each other with Airplanes, Helicopters, and number and size of homes, and yacht size... :D

That's how it works....

Go to Africa and you can see real poverty... Everyone is spoiled here compliments of the Democrats buying votes

You actually want it to be like that here, don't you? How do you know you wouldn't be living in a hut or be a slave mercenary cannon fodder guy. Yeah that's right. You don't.
Why don't you go live in the lap of welfare luxury and come back and give us a report? If wages have stagnated for so long that the minimum wage is comparable to welfare we have a problem bigger than the "welfare queens" you obsess over.

We do have a problem: welfare pays too much.

"If you pay people not to work, don't be surprised when they don't."
Rush Limbaugh
The executive summary just screams incompetence. Obama increased federal poverty spending by 41per cent or 191 BILLION dollars and he has more
People in poverty than before he was elected after SEVEN years. More,food stamps, more welfare, more free healthcare, more phones, more student loans and we still have more poverty. I am sure my liberal friends will invent new yardsticks in order to ignore,the facts. And Obama has doubled the country's national debt in,order to go backwards. Yeah gas,is low and all these jobs have come online and we have more poverty. No president has failed the middle class as epically as Obama. No,president has cooked the books to make himself look good as Obama has. He is a failure pure and simple. Republican candidates need to hammer the point home that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Vote buying liberal largess has pushed the poor farther into the hole.
Why did poverty spending increase? Because the recession caused more poverty.

We are still not anywhere near full employment. Why is that? It is easy to blame it on Obama. That's the dumb man's answer.

Why is that? Because living on the dole is equal to the income of many people that work. Add to the fact that all these illegals DumBama is ushering into this country are taking American jobs while keeping our wages low.

There are plenty of jobs out there--thousands of them that employers can't find employees for.
Why can't employers find employees? Because they're too damn picky and would rather not hire than hire somebody who isn't already doing the exact same job somewhere else and has advanced degrees, at least 5 years experience doing that, and perfect references.

The fat cats are too damn picky and would rather just do with less than take a chance on somebody. The fat cats are cost cutting assholes.
The "poor" welfare and assistance recipients have cars and iPhones. That's a lot more than we had growing up. Now I do very well for myself and family and have to pay taxes out the ass to support these people. Forgive me if I fail to give a shit about their plight.,
How do you get a job without a car? I phones and social media are also important job seeking tools. If there are excesses, they should be looked into.

How do you get a job without a car? Take the bus.

Nobody needs an I-phone to find a job. A 50 cent newspaper will do.

You Cradle-to-Gravers have more excuses than ambition to work.
Bullshit. Nobody gets hired by reading newspaper ads. Finding a job is a full time effort, and if your past isn't perfect, so many prospective employers will find out and will rule you out. Companies are extremely reluctant to hire anybody.

So WTF does that have to do with an I-Phone?

There are plenty of jobs in the paper. If employers couldn't find workers in the paper, they wouldn't use it.
The executive summary just screams incompetence. Obama increased federal poverty spending by 41per cent or 191 BILLION dollars and he has more
People in poverty than before he was elected after SEVEN years. More,food stamps, more welfare, more free healthcare, more phones, more student loans and we still have more poverty. I am sure my liberal friends will invent new yardsticks in order to ignore,the facts. And Obama has doubled the country's national debt in,order to go backwards. Yeah gas,is low and all these jobs have come online and we have more poverty. No president has failed the middle class as epically as Obama. No,president has cooked the books to make himself look good as Obama has. He is a failure pure and simple. Republican candidates need to hammer the point home that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Vote buying liberal largess has pushed the poor farther into the hole.
Why did poverty spending increase? Because the recession caused more poverty.

We are still not anywhere near full employment. Why is that? It is easy to blame it on Obama. That's the dumb man's answer.

Why is that? Because living on the dole is equal to the income of many people that work. Add to the fact that all these illegals DumBama is ushering into this country are taking American jobs while keeping our wages low.

There are plenty of jobs out there--thousands of them that employers can't find employees for.
Why can't employers find employees? Because they're too damn picky and would rather not hire than hire somebody who isn't already doing the exact same job somewhere else and has advanced degrees, at least 5 years experience doing that, and perfect references.

The fat cats are too damn picky and would rather just do with less than take a chance on somebody. The fat cats are cost cutting assholes.

BS. In my industry there are thousands of jobs. It's gotten so bad that employers are now hiring foreigners to do the work. They can't find Americans to get off their Obama phone and give up their SNAP's cards to take a job. The ones that are willing to do so don't want to quit smoking pot and can't pass the drug test. Partying is more important than working or getting into a new line of work.
Why don't you go live in the lap of welfare luxury and come back and give us a report? If wages have stagnated for so long that the minimum wage is comparable to welfare we have a problem bigger than the "welfare queens" you obsess over.

We do have a problem: welfare pays too much.

"If you pay people not to work, don't be surprised when they don't."
Rush Limbaugh

Who's going to hire these people? They have no experience. Many have criminal records due to the shit war on drugs. Many have mental illness and addictions. Many feel like they have no hope, and the feeling of hopelessness wears you down. Where is hope to be found?

Yeah in the old days people were just manual slaves in the factories who had no quality of life. Now there aren't even factory jobs. There are no jobs if you're stuck in the wrong cycle, and there's no helping hand to get you out.

That wasn't created by welfare. Welfare is what keeps it from being 3rd world where thousands starve.

When you can sit on your ass and take advantage of up to 126 Welfare and anti poverty programs offered by the Gov't...................

In many states it is more than the minimum wage for those milking the tit of the Federal Gov't.

2 Studies...............ENJOY

What's in your wallet?
Clearly you have no idea what you are talking about.

When you can sit on your ass and take advantage of up to 126 Welfare and anti poverty programs offered by the Gov't...................

In many states it is more than the minimum wage for those milking the tit of the Federal Gov't.

2 Studies...............ENJOY

What's in your wallet?
Why work? Because sitting on your ass watching daytime TV while your friends and neighbors are do something with their lives really sucks. Also, I hate to bust your bubble, but most people below the poverty line can only qualify for a few of those programs plus most of the people on those programs are working.
The "poor" welfare and assistance recipients have cars and iPhones. That's a lot more than we had growing up. Now I do very well for myself and family and have to pay taxes out the ass to support these people. Forgive me if I fail to give a shit about their plight.,
How do you get a job without a car? I phones and social media are also important job seeking tools. If there are excesses, they should be looked into.

How do you get a job without a car? Take the bus.

Nobody needs an I-phone to find a job. A 50 cent newspaper will do.

You Cradle-to-Gravers have more excuses than ambition to work.
Bullshit. Nobody gets hired by reading newspaper ads. Finding a job is a full time effort, and if your past isn't perfect, so many prospective employers will find out and will rule you out. Companies are extremely reluctant to hire anybody.

So WTF does that have to do with an I-Phone?

There are plenty of jobs in the paper. If employers couldn't find workers in the paper, they wouldn't use it.

Do you know the odds of finding a job in the paper? 1 in 350. Some of the jobs advertised in the paper are already filled by the time you read it. The competition is through the roof.

What does an iPhone have to do with anything? As mentioned, that's 50 bucks. It's nothing. If used to network, it's a great investment.

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