Why working from home is important to millenials.

No hole, part of a "whole," which you don't seem to have.

You called it a hole, now you are changing your tune because you look like a idiot.

But yes, my job is not part of my "whole", it is a source of income so I can live my life how I choose to do. If I lost my job tomorrow I would not lose part of me, unlike you who would have no identify at all if you lost your job.

For the 3rd time, it sucks to be you.
So...I got my first job when I was 15. Since that time there have been 4 months that I have not held a job.

I am a tad over 59, which means I have been working for 74% of my life, and when I retire at 65 I will have been working for 77% of my life.

If I live to be 90 I will still have worked more than 55% of my life

Yet somehow that is not good enough because I refuse to be defined by my job.

People are so odd.
So...I got my first job when I was 15. Since that time there have been 4 months that I have not held a job.

I am a tad over 59, which means I have been working for 74% of my life, and when I retire at 65 I will have been working for 77% of my life.

If I live to be 90 I will still have worked more than 55% of my life

Yet somehow that is not good enough because I refuse to be defined by my job.

People are so odd.
I started working when I was 5 and havent stopped until the last 2 yrs and am 58,, that is working for a paycheck,, the work never stops,,

ifyou want to go by my first job that was when I was eleven,,

not sure about percentage because it doesnt really matter,,

I vowed to never be a burden to another person and have achieved that goal,,
I started working when I was 5 and havent stopped until the last 2 yrs and am 58,, that is working for a paycheck,, the work never stops,,

ifyou want to go by my first job that was when I was eleven,,

not sure about percentage because it doesnt really matter,,

I vowed to never be a burden to another person and have achieved that goal,,

The topic of the discussion is paid work, seems I should not have needed to specify that.

I do not consider it work to do things around my house or do landscaping or such things. If I freely choose to do it without being paid, then it is not work.
The topic of the discussion is paid work, seems I should not have needed to specify that.

I do not consider it work to do things around my house or do landscaping or such things. If I freely choose to do it without being paid, then it is not work.
I profit from the work I still do,, I have increased the value of my properties by more than 200K and whats being done in the garden and livestock offsets money needed for food,,,

if you tell that to a stay at home mom you should stand back,,
Which is how you stand now.

Nope, where i stand now is my family is my identity. My friends are. Unlike you I cannot be fired from those and lose all of my identity.

Go play some more video games.

Just got back from a nice round of golf! It is a treat to still be golfing this late into Oct!

Shouldn't you be getting back to work, you have not put in your 18 hours of work yet today.
It's good to work hard. But it's even greater to be retired and not work at all. Great satisfaction knowing you put in your time and don't need to be productive any more.

One can work hard and not work 10 to 12 hour days. Far too many people equate time on the clock to working hard.

A lot of jobs that are hourly should not be.

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