Why would conservatives vote for DeSantis?

I am not in favor of equal incomes. I want the government to reduce economic inequality the way it did during the Franklin Roosevelt administration with a high minimum wage, strong labor unions, and a well financed public sector of the economy paid for by steeply progressive taxation.

Also, I am opposed to affirmative action and racial reparations. These force lower middle class and working class whites to make sacrifices on behalf of blacks. Democrat support for affirmative action and apparent sympathy with racial reparations are main reasons most lower middle class and working class whites vote Republican.

The New Deal was popular among working class whites and Southern whites. The loss of these constituencies has been catastrophic for the Democrat Party.
Socialist, racist SOB.
Not "extremist views". They are called "Traditional Family Values"
Explain Traditional Family values in detail, see these words tossed around like salad.
Doesn't each family have there own set of values?
Are the values ever changing in most family's?
We do support some,
but sure don't support all the values practiced by older generations,
With there limited education or lack of real life experience
What did I lie about? The chart you reposted, which I posted initially confirms my earlier assertion the the Carter recession lasted six months. Unemployment rose to 7.8%. The Reagan recession lasted sixteen months. Unemployment rose to 10.8%
Explain Traditional Family values in detail, see these words tossed around like salad.
Doesn't each family have there own set of values?
Are the values ever changing in most family's?
We do support some, but sure don't support all the values practiced by older generations,
With there limited education or lack of real life experience

1. Traditional Family Values

2. Each family can tweak the values list. Some families are non-traditional, others are dysfunctional.

3. Maybe they knew how to spell, so I wouldn't critique' their education. You couldn't handle their "real life experiences".
Kamala even called him out on his racism during the debates, and that dottering old fool made her VP.

She has been well humiliated tho. Whittled down, as it were...
1. Traditional Family Values

2. Each family can tweak the values list. Some families are non-traditional, others are dysfunctional.

3. Maybe they knew how to spell, so I wouldn't critique' their education. You couldn't handle their "real life experiences".
Well if nothing else works, you can do the usual insult someone's spelling or other personal negative.
Here is the problem I have this shows IMCOME TAX ONLY. what IS the share paid by the bottom 50% in state taxes, and taxes paid for retail.
Yes, my chart shows Federal Income Tax.

If you wish to go into state and local taxes, please start a thread on that particular county. As you know, those vary greatly from state to state and county to county.

Go for it!
Well if nothing else works, you can do the usual insult someone's spelling or other personal negative.
You started throwing stones, and I quote:
"We do support some, but sure don't support all the values practiced by older generations,
With there limited education or lack of real life experience"

Older generations had it much harder than the privileged and pampered young folks.
My parents fought in WW2, their parents had to raise a family during the "Great Depression".
Plus they built the beautiful churches in their spare time.
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When people want to see family values…or anything like that, they want to be able to see themselves. If they don’t…then aren’t they excluded? Not one of those photos shows anything but white, traditional Christian families. Single parents raise good kids with good values, as do same sex couples.

I’m touchy about what I see as outdated views of “family values” that remind me of a time when a woman’s main role was house wife and mother.
The problem you don't seem to recognize is the vast majority of families in the US are white and Christian.
Conservatives use the state to violate a woman’s right to privacy.

Conservatives use the state to violate the voting rights of minorities.

Conservatives use the state to violate the due process rights of immigrants.

Conservatives use the state to violate the equal protection rights of gay and transgender Americans.

Conservatives use the state to violate the First Amendment rights of social media.

Conservatives use the state to ban books, ban expressions of individual liberty, and ban the teaching of science and facts.

Conservatism has always been about authoritarianism and control – compelling conformity and silencing dissent.

Where is this right to privacy?

The other statements are a nice collection of lies. Bravo!
I am a Democrat. I also wanted Trump to win the 2016 Republican primary. This was not because I thought he would be easy for Saunders or Clinton to defeat. It was because he seemed to care about those who had been left behind by the economy of the twenty-first century. Someone described Trump as "a third party candidate running as a Republican."

On of the first things Trump did was to cut taxes for the rich. When he did that I realized that he was governing from the Reagan playbook: he appeals to the social concerns of lower middle class whites and working class whites in order to get the power to make the rich richer.

I had earlier forgiven Trump's graphic flaws of personality, intellect, and character. When Trump cut taxes for the rich I stopped forgiving them.
Who the fuck is "Saunders" Do you mean Bernie Sanders?

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