Why Would Joe Biden Request the Unmasking of General Flynn?

Why Would Joe Biden Request the Unmasking of a Communication by General Flynn....at ANY TIME...let alone Eight (8) days before he leaves office as Vice President? See January 12th entry below. Any of you Fanatic Democrats TDSers want to explain that?

View attachment 335632

There is nothing illegal about what he did. He had the proper clearances and followed the correct procedures. Why would Flynn need to talk to Kislyak in the first place? Obama was still the President. Flynn had no business talking about policy.

He was the incoming NSA. That was reason enough.

He was the incoming not the current. He has no business talking policy on behalf of the United States.

You are so uneducated on this topic. Why don't you just STFU until you learn something? Incoming administrations have always had the right and often do contact foreign officials.

You are the one who is uneducated. You are the one who needs to STFU. You are stupid and you show it every time. Flynn did not have the right to talk and undermine the official policies of the United States. They are the official policies until the new Administration comes in.
No, Mamooth, you are displaying classic signs of denial. You don't want to understand the realities of this situation because you don't want to. It is beyond your capacity to reason.

The reality is that the Flynn unmasking was a routine operation, one that happens thousands of times a year in any administration.

The reality is that Flynn was communicating with those involved with Russian election interference, and US intelligence officials needed to know who he was so they could understand the context of those communications.

Either you didn't know that, which makes you a rube, or you did know it, which means you're actively running interference for the Russians. Which is it? In either case, it means nobody should pay attention to you.

The reality is that Trump himself declared that Flynn was totally guilty.

I had to fire General Flynn because he lied to the Vice President and the FBI. He has pled guilty to those lies. It is a shame because his actions during the transition were lawful. There was nothing to hide!
Donald J. Trump Dec. 2, 2017

According to your conspiracy theory, Trump was apparently one of the ones conspiring against Trump.

That illustrates the big benefit of being a Trump cultist -- they're all blessedly free of the curse of long-term memory. To a Trump cultist, reality is whatever they imagine it to be at any given moment.

The reality, despite this sea of words, is this:

Who leaked his name to the Washington Post? (See 18 U.S.C. 798 (a)(1)) Who blackmailed him into pleading guilty to those trumped-up charges, lest they go after his son?

What would you have done? Would you A) offer your son up as a sacrifice to save your own hide or B) or would you plead guilty to spare your son the wrath of a corrupt government?

Who altered the 302 forms? Why was Joe Biden seeking his to unmask his identity? These are questions you don't want to consider.

You are too politically biased to see the injustice being perpetrated. You just want the man punished because he worked for Trump. That's it. That's all.

He was blackmailed? Really?

Charges were Trumped up and he did not lie? There is no question he lied and no question that lying to the FBI is a crime.

His son, involved in his business, did not participate in talks concerning a payment scheme to kidnap and deliver a Turkish cleric residing in the US to Turkey?

Were the forms altered? Or are you looking at drafts and making that claim?

Did Biden seek to unmask Flynn (a ridiculous term since Flynn was not undercover).? Or was Biden one of a long list of people authorized to receive the information?

Now let's check the political bias.
If this coup attempt is not severely punished then expect more in the future. We have to break up this cabal of deep staters and punish them publicly. Not only the actual political and civil service actors who perpetuated the coup attempt but their media handlers as well.
Heads gotta roll or we may as well validate this as acceptible.

However, that means Trump could now fo all this. It's OK. The left has said so.

That is why Barr needs to be investigated when Democrats take the White House.

Investigated for what?

Haven't you libtards learned yet that you can just decide to investigate someone because you hate them?

....and how many investigations did you launch against Hilary?.......conservatards.

but but but ... hillary....

my point here is, are you wanting actual justice, or revenge justice?

there's a huge difference. you seem to want revenge justice.

What we are seeing now is revenge justice unfortunately.
Dec 2 217, Trump said "I had to fire general Flynn because he lied to the vice president & the FBI. he has pled guilty to those crimes. its a shame because his action were lawful " ...... What's more important honesty or loop holes?
No, Mamooth, you are displaying classic signs of denial. You don't want to understand the realities of this situation because you don't want to. It is beyond your capacity to reason.

The reality is that the Flynn unmasking was a routine operation, one that happens thousands of times a year in any administration.

The reality is that Flynn was communicating with those involved with Russian election interference, and US intelligence officials needed to know who he was so they could understand the context of those communications.

Either you didn't know that, which makes you a rube, or you did know it, which means you're actively running interference for the Russians. Which is it? In either case, it means nobody should pay attention to you.

The reality is that Trump himself declared that Flynn was totally guilty.

I had to fire General Flynn because he lied to the Vice President and the FBI. He has pled guilty to those lies. It is a shame because his actions during the transition were lawful. There was nothing to hide!
Donald J. Trump Dec. 2, 2017

According to your conspiracy theory, Trump was apparently one of the ones conspiring against Trump.

That illustrates the big benefit of being a Trump cultist -- they're all blessedly free of the curse of long-term memory. To a Trump cultist, reality is whatever they imagine it to be at any given moment.

The reality, despite this sea of words, is this:

Who leaked his name to the Washington Post? (See 18 U.S.C. 798 (a)(1)) Who blackmailed him into pleading guilty to those trumped-up charges, lest they go after his son?

What would you have done? Would you A) offer your son up as a sacrifice to save your own hide or B) or would you plead guilty to spare your son the wrath of a corrupt government?

Who altered the 302 forms? Why was Joe Biden seeking his to unmask his identity? These are questions you don't want to consider.

You are too politically biased to see the injustice being perpetrated. You just want the man punished because he worked for Trump. That's it. That's all.

The reason he pled guilty was to forestall more serious charges. He was under investigation for his lobbying activities. He was working for the ISLAMIC PRESIDENT of Turkey. If he had succeeded, a opponent of Erdogan who sought asylum in the United States would have been returned to Turkey to be killed. Flynn is a traitor and one of his sons was in it as deep as Flynn was.

You are the one who is politically biased. You are the one who wants injustices. You want to let this crook off the hook because Trump says so. That is called corruption.

Flynn is a traitor

Another single digit IQ Dimwinger who has no clue what constitutes "treason".

The fact that Flynn would conspire to return a individual who sought asylum in the US to a country where he would be killed is traitorous. You have no clue what treason is as you use it regularly against your political opponents.

Your IQ is below zero.

That is NOT treason even in your oxygen-deprived mind.

Conspiring with a ISLAMIC PRESIDENT to kill a political opponent who is living in the US is TREASON. Your mind is stupid and empty. A typical Trump supporter.

You need to look up the definition and penalty for treason in the Constitution, you illiterate POS!

I wonder if anyone has ever told Biden that he was a draft dodger during the Vietnam War and that he wasn't a Vietnam Veteran? He may not know.
Creepy Joe is in some deep do-do now.
last election we almost had hillary not have security clearance (should have been revoked) to be president.

this year the left is putting up someone who at this point is facing 10 years behind bars.

yet the left continues to scream the right is the problem.
Biden isn’t facing 10 years behind bars.

The fact is that Flynn’s conversations with Kislyak made him a legitimate target for unmasking and is consistent with law and protocol.

It was not illegal and you’ll have a hard time identifying anyone knowledgeable about the subject say it was.

Creepy Joe has been caught lying and being part of the coup attempt against President Trump.

He has a lot of other baggage but this bullshit will insure that Trump will win by a landslide.

I suspect that after Trump is re-elected there will be some serious payback to all those assholes in the filthy Obama administration that that been screwing around with our Republic.

I hope Trump runs on that. Trump will lose in a landslide.

You are confused. The American people want to see the butt pirates that attempted the coup against the duly elected President be punished for their treason. Payback will get Trump a lot of votes.

The flipping of a traditional Democrat Congressional seat in Moon Bat California is a great indication of the coming landslide by Trump.

Biden is in deep do-do. As bad of a candidate as that filthy bitch Crooked Hillary bitch was this corrupt asshole demented clown Biden is worse. He is a joke.

No American who is in full control of their faculties Believes there is a coup. If I were a Democrat, I would highlight the Trump crazies and their rhetoric about treason and coups to show how crazy Trump is.

This was not a traditionally Democrat seat. It is a tossup seat with a election held in the middle of a pandemic. What happens in November when everybody will be able to vote by mail. Higher turnout and even Trump admits higher turnout helps Democrats.

Do you think any Democrats are going to hold their nose and vote for Biden after he gets destroyed in the debates because he will call Trump "Barack" and swear he fought in Vietnam after watching a documentary on the war?

Debates will not be a big factor in the debates. Trump will demonstrate he is a liar.
Why Would Joe Biden Request the Unmasking of a Communication by General Flynn....at ANY TIME...let alone Eight (8) days before he leaves office as Vice President? See January 12th entry below. Any of you Fanatic Democrats TDSers want to explain that?

View attachment 335632

There is nothing illegal about what he did. He had the proper clearances and followed the correct procedures. Why would Flynn need to talk to Kislyak in the first place? Obama was still the President. Flynn had no business talking about policy.

He was the incoming NSA. That was reason enough.

He was the incoming not the current. He has no business talking policy on behalf of the United States.

You are so uneducated on this topic. Why don't you just STFU until you learn something? Incoming administrations have always had the right and often do contact foreign officials.

You are the one who is uneducated. You are the one who needs to STFU. You are stupid and you show it every time. Flynn did not have the right to talk and undermine the official policies of the United States. They are the official policies until the new Administration comes in.
It has been stated many times, and my own memory confirms it, contact between incoming administrations and foreign powers is very common. It is just inconvenient for you to have your lies exposed.
Creepy Joe is in some deep do-do now.
last election we almost had hillary not have security clearance (should have been revoked) to be president.

this year the left is putting up someone who at this point is facing 10 years behind bars.

yet the left continues to scream the right is the problem.
Biden isn’t facing 10 years behind bars.

The fact is that Flynn’s conversations with Kislyak made him a legitimate target for unmasking and is consistent with law and protocol.

It was not illegal and you’ll have a hard time identifying anyone knowledgeable about the subject say it was.

Creepy Joe has been caught lying and being part of the coup attempt against President Trump.

He has a lot of other baggage but this bullshit will insure that Trump will win by a landslide.

I suspect that after Trump is re-elected there will be some serious payback to all those assholes in the filthy Obama administration that that been screwing around with our Republic.

I hope Trump runs on that. Trump will lose in a landslide.

You are confused. The American people want to see the butt pirates that attempted the coup against the duly elected President be punished for their treason. Payback will get Trump a lot of votes.

The flipping of a traditional Democrat Congressional seat in Moon Bat California is a great indication of the coming landslide by Trump.

Biden is in deep do-do. As bad of a candidate as that filthy bitch Crooked Hillary bitch was this corrupt asshole demented clown Biden is worse. He is a joke.

No American who is in full control of their faculties Believes there is a coup. If I were a Democrat, I would highlight the Trump crazies and their rhetoric about treason and coups to show how crazy Trump is.

This was not a traditionally Democrat seat. It is a tossup seat with a election held in the middle of a pandemic. What happens in November when everybody will be able to vote by mail. Higher turnout and even Trump admits higher turnout helps Democrats.

Do you think any Democrats are going to hold their nose and vote for Biden after he gets destroyed in the debates because he will call Trump "Barack" and swear he fought in Vietnam after watching a documentary on the war?

Debates will not be a big factor in the debates. Trump will demonstrate he is a liar.
Debates will not be a big factor in the debates? WTF does than mean? Is reading above your IQ level?
Creepy Joe is in some deep do-do now.
last election we almost had hillary not have security clearance (should have been revoked) to be president.

this year the left is putting up someone who at this point is facing 10 years behind bars.

yet the left continues to scream the right is the problem.
Biden isn’t facing 10 years behind bars.

The fact is that Flynn’s conversations with Kislyak made him a legitimate target for unmasking and is consistent with law and protocol.

It was not illegal and you’ll have a hard time identifying anyone knowledgeable about the subject say it was.

Creepy Joe has been caught lying and being part of the coup attempt against President Trump.

He has a lot of other baggage but this bullshit will insure that Trump will win by a landslide.

I suspect that after Trump is re-elected there will be some serious payback to all those assholes in the filthy Obama administration that that been screwing around with our Republic.

I hope Trump runs on that. Trump will lose in a landslide.

You are confused. The American people want to see the butt pirates that attempted the coup against the duly elected President be punished for their treason. Payback will get Trump a lot of votes.

The flipping of a traditional Democrat Congressional seat in Moon Bat California is a great indication of the coming landslide by Trump.

Biden is in deep do-do. As bad of a candidate as that filthy bitch Crooked Hillary bitch was this corrupt asshole demented clown Biden is worse. He is a joke.

No American who is in full control of their faculties Believes there is a coup. If I were a Democrat, I would highlight the Trump crazies and their rhetoric about treason and coups to show how crazy Trump is.

This was not a traditionally Democrat seat. It is a tossup seat with a election held in the middle of a pandemic. What happens in November when everybody will be able to vote by mail. Higher turnout and even Trump admits higher turnout helps Democrats.

Do you think any Democrats are going to hold their nose and vote for Biden after he gets destroyed in the debates because he will call Trump "Barack" and swear he fought in Vietnam after watching a documentary on the war?

Debates will not be a big factor in the debates. Trump will demonstrate he is a liar.
I disagree. Debates are always a big factor in the debates.

No, Mamooth, you are displaying classic signs of denial. You don't want to understand the realities of this situation because you don't want to. It is beyond your capacity to reason.

The reality is that the Flynn unmasking was a routine operation, one that happens thousands of times a year in any administration.

The reality is that Flynn was communicating with those involved with Russian election interference, and US intelligence officials needed to know who he was so they could understand the context of those communications.

Either you didn't know that, which makes you a rube, or you did know it, which means you're actively running interference for the Russians. Which is it? In either case, it means nobody should pay attention to you.

The reality is that Trump himself declared that Flynn was totally guilty.

I had to fire General Flynn because he lied to the Vice President and the FBI. He has pled guilty to those lies. It is a shame because his actions during the transition were lawful. There was nothing to hide!
Donald J. Trump Dec. 2, 2017

According to your conspiracy theory, Trump was apparently one of the ones conspiring against Trump.

That illustrates the big benefit of being a Trump cultist -- they're all blessedly free of the curse of long-term memory. To a Trump cultist, reality is whatever they imagine it to be at any given moment.

The reality, despite this sea of words, is this:

Who leaked his name to the Washington Post? (See 18 U.S.C. 798 (a)(1)) Who blackmailed him into pleading guilty to those trumped-up charges, lest they go after his son?

What would you have done? Would you A) offer your son up as a sacrifice to save your own hide or B) or would you plead guilty to spare your son the wrath of a corrupt government?

Who altered the 302 forms? Why was Joe Biden seeking his to unmask his identity? These are questions you don't want to consider.

You are too politically biased to see the injustice being perpetrated. You just want the man punished because he worked for Trump. That's it. That's all.

The reason he pled guilty was to forestall more serious charges. He was under investigation for his lobbying activities. He was working for the ISLAMIC PRESIDENT of Turkey. If he had succeeded, a opponent of Erdogan who sought asylum in the United States would have been returned to Turkey to be killed. Flynn is a traitor and one of his sons was in it as deep as Flynn was.

You are the one who is politically biased. You are the one who wants injustices. You want to let this crook off the hook because Trump says so. That is called corruption.

Flynn is a traitor

Another single digit IQ Dimwinger who has no clue what constitutes "treason".

The fact that Flynn would conspire to return a individual who sought asylum in the US to a country where he would be killed is traitorous. You have no clue what treason is as you use it regularly against your political opponents.

Your IQ is below zero.

That is NOT treason even in your oxygen-deprived mind.

Conspiring with a ISLAMIC PRESIDENT to kill a political opponent who is living in the US is TREASON. Your mind is stupid and empty. A typical Trump supporter.

You need to look up the definition and penalty for treason in the Constitution, you illiterate POS!

You are the one who is illiterate. You people accuse your political enemies of treason all the time. Apparently you don't like it when the shoe is on the other foot. Flynn is crooked.
No, Mamooth, you are displaying classic signs of denial. You don't want to understand the realities of this situation because you don't want to. It is beyond your capacity to reason.

The reality is that the Flynn unmasking was a routine operation, one that happens thousands of times a year in any administration.

The reality is that Flynn was communicating with those involved with Russian election interference, and US intelligence officials needed to know who he was so they could understand the context of those communications.

Either you didn't know that, which makes you a rube, or you did know it, which means you're actively running interference for the Russians. Which is it? In either case, it means nobody should pay attention to you.

The reality is that Trump himself declared that Flynn was totally guilty.

I had to fire General Flynn because he lied to the Vice President and the FBI. He has pled guilty to those lies. It is a shame because his actions during the transition were lawful. There was nothing to hide!
Donald J. Trump Dec. 2, 2017

According to your conspiracy theory, Trump was apparently one of the ones conspiring against Trump.

That illustrates the big benefit of being a Trump cultist -- they're all blessedly free of the curse of long-term memory. To a Trump cultist, reality is whatever they imagine it to be at any given moment.

The reality, despite this sea of words, is this:

Who leaked his name to the Washington Post? (See 18 U.S.C. 798 (a)(1)) Who blackmailed him into pleading guilty to those trumped-up charges, lest they go after his son?

What would you have done? Would you A) offer your son up as a sacrifice to save your own hide or B) or would you plead guilty to spare your son the wrath of a corrupt government?

Who altered the 302 forms? Why was Joe Biden seeking his to unmask his identity? These are questions you don't want to consider.

You are too politically biased to see the injustice being perpetrated. You just want the man punished because he worked for Trump. That's it. That's all.

The reason he pled guilty was to forestall more serious charges. He was under investigation for his lobbying activities. He was working for the ISLAMIC PRESIDENT of Turkey. If he had succeeded, a opponent of Erdogan who sought asylum in the United States would have been returned to Turkey to be killed. Flynn is a traitor and one of his sons was in it as deep as Flynn was.

You are the one who is politically biased. You are the one who wants injustices. You want to let this crook off the hook because Trump says so. That is called corruption.

Flynn is a traitor

Another single digit IQ Dimwinger who has no clue what constitutes "treason".

The fact that Flynn would conspire to return a individual who sought asylum in the US to a country where he would be killed is traitorous. You have no clue what treason is as you use it regularly against your political opponents.

Your IQ is below zero.

That is NOT treason even in your oxygen-deprived mind.

Conspiring with a ISLAMIC PRESIDENT to kill a political opponent who is living in the US is TREASON. Your mind is stupid and empty. A typical Trump supporter.

You need to look up the definition and penalty for treason in the Constitution, you illiterate POS!

You are the one who is illiterate. You people accuse your political enemies of treason all the time. Apparently you don't like it when the shoe is on the other foot. Flynn is crooked.

I know the definition of treason. You are just showing how utterly butthurt and stupid you are!
No, Mamooth, you are displaying classic signs of denial. You don't want to understand the realities of this situation because you don't want to. It is beyond your capacity to reason.

The reality is that the Flynn unmasking was a routine operation, one that happens thousands of times a year in any administration.

The reality is that Flynn was communicating with those involved with Russian election interference, and US intelligence officials needed to know who he was so they could understand the context of those communications.

Either you didn't know that, which makes you a rube, or you did know it, which means you're actively running interference for the Russians. Which is it? In either case, it means nobody should pay attention to you.

The reality is that Trump himself declared that Flynn was totally guilty.

I had to fire General Flynn because he lied to the Vice President and the FBI. He has pled guilty to those lies. It is a shame because his actions during the transition were lawful. There was nothing to hide!
Donald J. Trump Dec. 2, 2017

According to your conspiracy theory, Trump was apparently one of the ones conspiring against Trump.

That illustrates the big benefit of being a Trump cultist -- they're all blessedly free of the curse of long-term memory. To a Trump cultist, reality is whatever they imagine it to be at any given moment.

The reality, despite this sea of words, is this:

Who leaked his name to the Washington Post? (See 18 U.S.C. 798 (a)(1)) Who blackmailed him into pleading guilty to those trumped-up charges, lest they go after his son?

What would you have done? Would you A) offer your son up as a sacrifice to save your own hide or B) or would you plead guilty to spare your son the wrath of a corrupt government?

Who altered the 302 forms? Why was Joe Biden seeking his to unmask his identity? These are questions you don't want to consider.

You are too politically biased to see the injustice being perpetrated. You just want the man punished because he worked for Trump. That's it. That's all.

He was blackmailed? Really?

Charges were Trumped up and he did not lie? There is no question he lied and no question that lying to the FBI is a crime.

His son, involved in his business, did not participate in talks concerning a payment scheme to kidnap and deliver a Turkish cleric residing in the US to Turkey?

Were the forms altered? Or are you looking at drafts and making that claim?

Did Biden seek to unmask Flynn (a ridiculous term since Flynn was not undercover).? Or was Biden one of a long list of people authorized to receive the information?

Now let's check the political bias.
If this coup attempt is not severely punished then expect more in the future. We have to break up this cabal of deep staters and punish them publicly. Not only the actual political and civil service actors who perpetuated the coup attempt but their media handlers as well.
Heads gotta roll or we may as well validate this as acceptible.

However, that means Trump could now fo all this. It's OK. The left has said so.

That is why Barr needs to be investigated when Democrats take the White House.

Investigated for what?

Haven't you libtards learned yet that you can just decide to investigate someone because you hate them?

....and how many investigations did you launch against Hilary?.......conservatards.

but but but ... hillary....

my point here is, are you wanting actual justice, or revenge justice?

there's a huge difference. you seem to want revenge justice.

What we are seeing now is revenge justice unfortunately.

With you going after Trump, agreed.

When you but but but Hillary was investigated, it's also saying what is being done to Trump is revenge for the Hillary investigations.

Saying "you are full of shit" is not revenge, it's enough 8s enough.
Why Would Joe Biden Request the Unmasking of a Communication by General Flynn....at ANY TIME...let alone Eight (8) days before he leaves office as Vice President? See January 12th entry below. Any of you Fanatic Democrats TDSers want to explain that?

View attachment 335632
As there was NO LEGITIMATE REASON to unmask a US citizen this violated US law. Joe was complicit in the Coup D'eTat and he needs to be held accountable.. Amazing that Joe would allow himself to be drawn into illegal conduct.

Yes there was a LEGITIMATE REASON. Unmasking does not violate any US laws.

How unmasking happens:

In order to learn the information, US officials with proper security clearance to review the report can ask the agency that collected it — such as the FBI, CIA or National Security Agency — to “unmask” the name.

They must provide a reason, such as their need to fully understand the significance or context behind the intelligence.

This is a common process that happens “literally hundreds of times a year across multiple administrations,” according to former CIA deputy director Michael Morell.

If the request is approved, the names are then only shared with the specific individual who asked. Leaking an “unmasked” name to the media or public is illegal.

It is also highly unusual for the names of the officials who requested the “unmasking” to be released.

Also the article notes that Grenell's memo says the requests were approved through the normal NSA procedures. That means the NSA decided the requests were proper and the reasons were justified.
Let's see Crazy Joe's "reason" to unmask Flynn.

Doesn't matter. The NSA found his reason for knowing fit the criteria.
Why are you afraid to see what his reason was? Obama's NSA was as corrupt as the rest of his lawless regime.
Honestly, this Trump administration is the MOST LAWLESS admin in our American history!:eek: yes, history will record it.
Why Would Joe Biden Request the Unmasking of a Communication by General Flynn....at ANY TIME...let alone Eight (8) days before he leaves office as Vice President? See January 12th entry below. Any of you Fanatic Democrats TDSers want to explain that?

View attachment 335632

There is nothing illegal about what he did. He had the proper clearances and followed the correct procedures. Why would Flynn need to talk to Kislyak in the first place? Obama was still the President. Flynn had no business talking about policy.

He was the incoming NSA. That was reason enough.

He was the incoming not the current. He has no business talking policy on behalf of the United States.

You are so uneducated on this topic. Why don't you just STFU until you learn something? Incoming administrations have always had the right and often do contact foreign officials. I seem to recall Obama made a major trip overseas between his election and inauguration.

There's only one president at a time. Incoming administrations have the common sense to wait until they take office to start actually making policy.Huge difference.
Or they communicate with the existing admin what they are going to say to a foreign govt ahead of time, is protocol.... And if it interferes with the present administration's goals, they'll be stopped, until they take over....And the present admin is gone.
Creepy Joe is in some deep do-do now.
last election we almost had hillary not have security clearance (should have been revoked) to be president.

this year the left is putting up someone who at this point is facing 10 years behind bars.

yet the left continues to scream the right is the problem.
Biden isn’t facing 10 years behind bars.

The fact is that Flynn’s conversations with Kislyak made him a legitimate target for unmasking and is consistent with law and protocol.

It was not illegal and you’ll have a hard time identifying anyone knowledgeable about the subject say it was.

Creepy Joe has been caught lying and being part of the coup attempt against President Trump.

He has a lot of other baggage but this bullshit will insure that Trump will win by a landslide.

I suspect that after Trump is re-elected there will be some serious payback to all those assholes in the filthy Obama administration that that been screwing around with our Republic.

I hope Trump runs on that. Trump will lose in a landslide.

You are confused. The American people want to see the butt pirates that attempted the coup against the duly elected President be punished for their treason. Payback will get Trump a lot of votes.

The flipping of a traditional Democrat Congressional seat in Moon Bat California is a great indication of the coming landslide by Trump.

Biden is in deep do-do. As bad of a candidate as that filthy bitch Crooked Hillary bitch was this corrupt asshole demented clown Biden is worse. He is a joke.

No American who is in full control of their faculties Believes there is a coup. If I were a Democrat, I would highlight the Trump crazies and their rhetoric about treason and coups to show how crazy Trump is.

This was not a traditionally Democrat seat. It is a tossup seat with a election held in the middle of a pandemic. What happens in November when everybody will be able to vote by mail. Higher turnout and even Trump admits higher turnout helps Democrats.

Do you think any Democrats are going to hold their nose and vote for Biden after he gets destroyed in the debates because he will call Trump "Barack" and swear he fought in Vietnam after watching a documentary on the war?

Debates will not be a big factor in the debates. Trump will demonstrate he is a liar.

That clown Biden was caught lying red handed earlier this week. He is corrupt, dishonest and stupid all at the same time.

Trump will tear him a new asshole.

Trump won the Presidency in his last debate with Crooked Hillary. He made her look like a fool and an idiot. Trump will make Biden look even worse in any debate.

Biden didn't do very well in the debates in the Moon Bat Primary against much weaker foes than Trump.

If he wasn't such a piece of shit you could almost feel sorry for the sonofabitch. He ain't very bright and he has more baggage than Delta Airlines.

The best the Party of Moon Bats have nowadays. Pathetic, isn't it? They couldn't have picked a worst candidate. You would have though after picking that dipshit Crooked Hillary in 2016 they would have learned, but they didn't, did they?
Creepy Joe is in some deep do-do now.
last election we almost had hillary not have security clearance (should have been revoked) to be president.

this year the left is putting up someone who at this point is facing 10 years behind bars.

yet the left continues to scream the right is the problem.
Biden isn’t facing 10 years behind bars.

The fact is that Flynn’s conversations with Kislyak made him a legitimate target for unmasking and is consistent with law and protocol.

It was not illegal and you’ll have a hard time identifying anyone knowledgeable about the subject say it was.

Creepy Joe has been caught lying and being part of the coup attempt against President Trump.

He has a lot of other baggage but this bullshit will insure that Trump will win by a landslide.

I suspect that after Trump is re-elected there will be some serious payback to all those assholes in the filthy Obama administration that that been screwing around with our Republic.

I hope Trump runs on that. Trump will lose in a landslide.

You are confused. The American people want to see the butt pirates that attempted the coup against the duly elected President be punished for their treason. Payback will get Trump a lot of votes.

The flipping of a traditional Democrat Congressional seat in Moon Bat California is a great indication of the coming landslide by Trump.

Biden is in deep do-do. As bad of a candidate as that filthy bitch Crooked Hillary bitch was this corrupt asshole demented clown Biden is worse. He is a joke.

No American who is in full control of their faculties Believes there is a coup. If I were a Democrat, I would highlight the Trump crazies and their rhetoric about treason and coups to show how crazy Trump is.

This was not a traditionally Democrat seat. It is a tossup seat with a election held in the middle of a pandemic. What happens in November when everybody will be able to vote by mail. Higher turnout and even Trump admits higher turnout helps Democrats.

Do you think any Democrats are going to hold their nose and vote for Biden after he gets destroyed in the debates because he will call Trump "Barack" and swear he fought in Vietnam after watching a documentary on the war?

Debates will not be a big factor in the debates. Trump will demonstrate he is a liar.
Debates will not be a big factor in the debates? WTF does than mean? Is reading above your IQ level?

Debates will not be a big factor in the elections. They were not in 2016. In 2016, voters reconciled their hatred for both candidates. Clinton's negatives were in the low 60s while Trump was in the low 60s. That manifested itself in 2 ways. 25% of voters were voting against the other candidate. They chose the devil they don't know in Trump. The second group stayed at home or voted for someone else. Romney's losing numbers in Nevada and Colorado were larger than Clinton's winning numbers. In Minnesota, Clinton won narrowly vs a 5 point win in 2012. The reason was that the voters who voted for Obama either stayed home or voted for someone else. Trump got 1,000 or so more votes than Romney did in 2012.
No, Mamooth, you are displaying classic signs of denial. You don't want to understand the realities of this situation because you don't want to. It is beyond your capacity to reason.

The reality is that the Flynn unmasking was a routine operation, one that happens thousands of times a year in any administration.

The reality is that Flynn was communicating with those involved with Russian election interference, and US intelligence officials needed to know who he was so they could understand the context of those communications.

Either you didn't know that, which makes you a rube, or you did know it, which means you're actively running interference for the Russians. Which is it? In either case, it means nobody should pay attention to you.

The reality is that Trump himself declared that Flynn was totally guilty.

I had to fire General Flynn because he lied to the Vice President and the FBI. He has pled guilty to those lies. It is a shame because his actions during the transition were lawful. There was nothing to hide!
Donald J. Trump Dec. 2, 2017

According to your conspiracy theory, Trump was apparently one of the ones conspiring against Trump.

That illustrates the big benefit of being a Trump cultist -- they're all blessedly free of the curse of long-term memory. To a Trump cultist, reality is whatever they imagine it to be at any given moment.

The reality, despite this sea of words, is this:

Who leaked his name to the Washington Post? (See 18 U.S.C. 798 (a)(1)) Who blackmailed him into pleading guilty to those trumped-up charges, lest they go after his son?

What would you have done? Would you A) offer your son up as a sacrifice to save your own hide or B) or would you plead guilty to spare your son the wrath of a corrupt government?

Who altered the 302 forms? Why was Joe Biden seeking his to unmask his identity? These are questions you don't want to consider.

You are too politically biased to see the injustice being perpetrated. You just want the man punished because he worked for Trump. That's it. That's all.

He was blackmailed? Really?

Charges were Trumped up and he did not lie? There is no question he lied and no question that lying to the FBI is a crime.

His son, involved in his business, did not participate in talks concerning a payment scheme to kidnap and deliver a Turkish cleric residing in the US to Turkey?

Were the forms altered? Or are you looking at drafts and making that claim?

Did Biden seek to unmask Flynn (a ridiculous term since Flynn was not undercover).? Or was Biden one of a long list of people authorized to receive the information?

Now let's check the political bias.
If this coup attempt is not severely punished then expect more in the future. We have to break up this cabal of deep staters and punish them publicly. Not only the actual political and civil service actors who perpetuated the coup attempt but their media handlers as well.
Heads gotta roll or we may as well validate this as acceptible.

However, that means Trump could now fo all this. It's OK. The left has said so.

That is why Barr needs to be investigated when Democrats take the White House.

Investigated for what?

Haven't you libtards learned yet that you can just decide to investigate someone because you hate them?

....and how many investigations did you launch against Hilary?.......conservatards.

but but but ... hillary....

my point here is, are you wanting actual justice, or revenge justice?

there's a huge difference. you seem to want revenge justice.

What we are seeing now is revenge justice unfortunately.

With you going after Trump, agreed.

When you but but but Hillary was investigated, it's also saying what is being done to Trump is revenge for the Hillary investigations.

Saying "you are full of shit" is not revenge, it's enough 8s enough.

You know, you keep saying I'm the one that is emotional, but you are the one who keeps bringing emotion into this. You are so focused on it, you keep making it personal.

Trump is going on a round of vendettas - of revenge investigations and firings. I think that would be pretty clear to an IMPARTIAL person observing this given that there is little to no reason (other than he has the right to). What should you, but clearly doesn't is using the government apparatus to chase down conspiracy theories. That's your tax dollars at work here.

Good day :)
Creepy Joe is in some deep do-do now.
last election we almost had hillary not have security clearance (should have been revoked) to be president.

this year the left is putting up someone who at this point is facing 10 years behind bars.

yet the left continues to scream the right is the problem.
Biden isn’t facing 10 years behind bars.

The fact is that Flynn’s conversations with Kislyak made him a legitimate target for unmasking and is consistent with law and protocol.

It was not illegal and you’ll have a hard time identifying anyone knowledgeable about the subject say it was.

Creepy Joe has been caught lying and being part of the coup attempt against President Trump.

He has a lot of other baggage but this bullshit will insure that Trump will win by a landslide.

I suspect that after Trump is re-elected there will be some serious payback to all those assholes in the filthy Obama administration that that been screwing around with our Republic.

I hope Trump runs on that. Trump will lose in a landslide.

You are confused. The American people want to see the butt pirates that attempted the coup against the duly elected President be punished for their treason. Payback will get Trump a lot of votes.

The flipping of a traditional Democrat Congressional seat in Moon Bat California is a great indication of the coming landslide by Trump.

Biden is in deep do-do. As bad of a candidate as that filthy bitch Crooked Hillary bitch was this corrupt asshole demented clown Biden is worse. He is a joke.

No American who is in full control of their faculties Believes there is a coup. If I were a Democrat, I would highlight the Trump crazies and their rhetoric about treason and coups to show how crazy Trump is.

This was not a traditionally Democrat seat. It is a tossup seat with a election held in the middle of a pandemic. What happens in November when everybody will be able to vote by mail. Higher turnout and even Trump admits higher turnout helps Democrats.

Do you think any Democrats are going to hold their nose and vote for Biden after he gets destroyed in the debates because he will call Trump "Barack" and swear he fought in Vietnam after watching a documentary on the war?

Debates will not be a big factor in the debates. Trump will demonstrate he is a liar.

That clown Biden was caught lying red handed earlier this week. He is corrupt, dishonest and stupid all at the same time.

Trump will tear him a new asshole.

Trump won the Presidency in his last debate with Crooked Hillary. He made her look like a fool and an idiot. Trump will make Biden look even worse in any debate.

Biden didn't do very well in the debates in the Moon Bat Primary against much weaker foes than Trump.

If he wasn't such a piece of shit you could almost feel sorry for the sonofabitch. He ain't very bright and he has more baggage than Delta Airlines.

The best the Party of Moon Bats have nowadays. Pathetic, isn't it? They couldn't have picked a worst candidate. You would have though after picking that dipshit Crooked Hillary in 2016 they would have learned, but they didn't, did they?

That is untrue. Trump won because he was the devil you don't know. The debates did nothing. Worth noting that even though Biden's debate performances were uneven, voters still supported him. This was why Democrats had a strong turnout in their primaries.
Debates in the primaries didn't matter and wo0n't in the general.

Republicans are offering the worst candidate they could. People are tired of the Trump act.

Trump is the dumbest President we have ever had.
Why Would Joe Biden Request the Unmasking of a Communication by General Flynn....at ANY TIME...let alone Eight (8) days before he leaves office as Vice President? See January 12th entry below. Any of you Fanatic Democrats TDSers want to explain that?

View attachment 335632
He requested an unmasking of someone involved, in an intelligence report he received. No way to know who was being unmasked in the Intel report, until they are unmasked.

Unmasking is solely for the AUTHORIZED person requesting the unmasking and not for view by anyone else. In some cases the chief of staff of the executive may also see it or request it for the executive requesting an unmasking.

Unmasking is not guaranteed. A formal request is made by the authorized person and a national security person has to determine if the reason for the request is pertinent to understanding the intelligence report.

It is a common action for those who are authorized and cleared.

The Obama administration in 2016, requested 9200 unmasking.

The Trump administration in 2019, requested 22,000 unmasking.

Bull Shit. He heard about Flynn's conversation with the Russian Ambassador and the old Fool was curious and wanted to read for himself. And he could be the one who then leaked it to the Washington Post--a Felony. He must sit for a Deposition under oath.

We have to investigate whether a person who might be President is a Felon who should by on Rikers Island instead of in the White House.

Crazy Joe's request came right before the leak to the Post.


Prove it.
Happened on the same fucking day, Dummy. Jan 12.

You really need a massive education on this topic, and the definition of "treason".

So what. That is proof of nothing.
Why Would Joe Biden Request the Unmasking of a Communication by General Flynn....at ANY TIME...let alone Eight (8) days before he leaves office as Vice President? See January 12th entry below. Any of you Fanatic Democrats TDSers want to explain that?

View attachment 335632
He requested an unmasking of someone involved, in an intelligence report he received. No way to know who was being unmasked in the Intel report, until they are unmasked.

Unmasking is solely for the AUTHORIZED person requesting the unmasking and not for view by anyone else. In some cases the chief of staff of the executive may also see it or request it for the executive requesting an unmasking.

Unmasking is not guaranteed. A formal request is made by the authorized person and a national security person has to determine if the reason for the request is pertinent to understanding the intelligence report.

It is a common action for those who are authorized and cleared.

The Obama administration in 2016, requested 9200 unmasking.

The Trump administration in 2019, requested 22,000 unmasking.

Bull Shit. He heard about Flynn's conversation with the Russian Ambassador and the old Fool was curious and wanted to read for himself. And he could be the one who then leaked it to the Washington Post--a Felony. He must sit for a Deposition under oath.

We have to investigate whether a person who might be President is a Felon who should by on Rikers Island instead of in the White House.

Crazy Joe's request came right before the leak to the Post.


Prove it.
Happened on the same fucking day, Dummy. Jan 12.

You really need a massive education on this topic, and the definition of "treason".

So what. That is proof of nothing.
Um, you asked for proof Biden asked for Flynn to be unmasked right before the leak to the press. I proved that you fucking lunatic.

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