Why would someone like this want to represent their country, if they have so much hatred for it?

This stuff is a bad idea. She's just handing the anthem and the flag over to those she hates.

Kaepernick, who followed the suggestion of a vet to kneel respectfully, had the right idea: Don't insult the flag, depend on it. Claim it.

I sure as hell do not want someone like her representing the country. She's a complete embarrassment and only represents intolerance.
Well look at the US from her perspective. The country just elected Joe Biden, a man who has a long history of supporting racists as Kamala accused him of during the DNC Presidential debates and the country is run by democrats, a party who created slavery, the KKK, and Jim Crow laws. Hell, the governor of Virginia colors his face black and gets elected.

So from her vantage point, the US is hopelessly racist, at least, the way they vote.

I can't really argue that fact.
Ahhh don't let this stuff get ya riled up. It's not a huge deal and it doesn't affect anything. I've never understood why they have to play the anthems anyway. Have the competition and award the medals. The pomp and circumstance is nauseating.
Question. Maybe she just wants to see if she can be the best against the world? Maybe she doesn’t give a fuck about your pseudo patriotic bullshit.

If she just "didn't give a fuck", she could have stood their quietly during the unity ritual, and no one would care.

BUt she had to express her treasonous hate for it.

Public displays of hate for this nation, from people selected to represent this nation, in international competition, is a valid issue of discussion.

She is a piece of shit.

Also, our patriotic feelings and rituals are real. That you consider it "Bullshit" is just you being an anti-American asshole yourself.
It's hard to understand why people who obviously hate this country never have the balls to get up and leave.

Probably afraid to lose their fucking welfare, food stamps, and Section 8 housing.

Fucking sack of garbage, she is. Hope people let her know how disgusting she is when she's running around pretending she's hot shit.
You sound like a fucking moron.
so, are you saying you support this TWAT?
if you do, that makes you the fucking moron....
Question. Maybe she just wants to see if she can be the best against the world? Maybe she doesn’t give a fuck about your pseudo patriotic bullshit.

If she just "didn't give a fuck", she could have stood their quietly during the unity ritual, and no one would care.

BUt she had to express her treasonous hate for it.

Public displays of hate for this nation, from people selected to represent this nation, in international competition, is a valid issue of discussion.

She is a piece of shit.

Also, our patriotic feelings and rituals are real. That you consider it "Bullshit" is just you being an anti-American asshole yourself.

Really? I did nine years in the Army. Defending among other things the right to express your opinion. What is always interesting to me is that the most verbose and Uber patriotic are those who have never seen the Elephant.

The Olympic Committee said that people could do what they wanted. So she did.

Don’t like it? Don’t watch the olympics. You probably wouldn’t anyway.

And if you hate America and it’s freedoms so much. Book a flight to wherever your ancestors came from.
Question. Maybe she just wants to see if she can be the best against the world? Maybe she doesn’t give a fuck about your pseudo patriotic bullshit.

If she just "didn't give a fuck", she could have stood their quietly during the unity ritual, and no one would care.

BUt she had to express her treasonous hate for it.

Public displays of hate for this nation, from people selected to represent this nation, in international competition, is a valid issue of discussion.

She is a piece of shit.

Also, our patriotic feelings and rituals are real. That you consider it "Bullshit" is just you being an anti-American asshole yourself.

Really? I did nine years in the Army. Defending among other things the right to express your opinion. What is always interesting to me is that the most verbose and Uber patriotic are those who have never seen the Elephant.

The Olympic Committee said that people could do what they wanted. So she did.

Don’t like it? Don’t watch the olympics. You probably wouldn’t anyway.

And if you hate America and it’s freedoms so much. Book a flight to wherever your ancestors came from.

I didn't bring up my Patriotism, you did when you attacked it.

Attacking my patriotism and then making fun of me for discussing my patriotism, after you brought it up,

is bullshit.
Very simple. It's all about narcissism and hatred for America. She is grabbing for her 15 minutes of fame and hopes to cash in.
This is now an epidemic. Getting "paid" for having tantrums and using agendas seems to becoming the norm. Hitting the lottery.
Question. Maybe she just wants to see if she can be the best against the world? Maybe she doesn’t give a fuck about your pseudo patriotic bullshit.

If she just "didn't give a fuck", she could have stood their quietly during the unity ritual, and no one would care.

BUt she had to express her treasonous hate for it.

Public displays of hate for this nation, from people selected to represent this nation, in international competition, is a valid issue of discussion.

She is a piece of shit.

Also, our patriotic feelings and rituals are real. That you consider it "Bullshit" is just you being an anti-American asshole yourself.

Really? I did nine years in the Army. Defending among other things the right to express your opinion. What is always interesting to me is that the most verbose and Uber patriotic are those who have never seen the Elephant.

The Olympic Committee said that people could do what they wanted. So she did.

Don’t like it? Don’t watch the olympics. You probably wouldn’t anyway.

And if you hate America and it’s freedoms so much. Book a flight to wherever your ancestors came from.

I didn't bring up my Patriotism, you did when you attacked it.

Attacking my patriotism and then making fun of me for discussing my patriotism, after you brought it up,

is bullshit.

I didn’t quote you. The thread was started by YardDog. Not you. You took the statement personally.

Remember the kneeling NFL players? Oh how awful. How unpatriotic. Fuck the traitors.


If you don’t like freedom of speech. Move to another nation. There are plenty that restrict it. Try Thailand. Badmouth the King. See how that turns out.

Because when I see things like this. I thank God we live in a country where people can express themselves. Their freedoms bought and paid for by generations of soldiers. And not subject to your approval.
Question. Maybe she just wants to see if she can be the best against the world? Maybe she doesn’t give a fuck about your pseudo patriotic bullshit.

If she just "didn't give a fuck", she could have stood their quietly during the unity ritual, and no one would care.

BUt she had to express her treasonous hate for it.

Public displays of hate for this nation, from people selected to represent this nation, in international competition, is a valid issue of discussion.

She is a piece of shit.

Also, our patriotic feelings and rituals are real. That you consider it "Bullshit" is just you being an anti-American asshole yourself.

Really? I did nine years in the Army. Defending among other things the right to express your opinion. What is always interesting to me is that the most verbose and Uber patriotic are those who have never seen the Elephant.

The Olympic Committee said that people could do what they wanted. So she did.

Don’t like it? Don’t watch the olympics. You probably wouldn’t anyway.

And if you hate America and it’s freedoms so much. Book a flight to wherever your ancestors came from.

I didn't bring up my Patriotism, you did when you attacked it.

Attacking my patriotism and then making fun of me for discussing my patriotism, after you brought it up,

is bullshit.

I didn’t quote you. The thread was started by YardDog. Not you. You took the statement personally.

Remember the kneeling NFL players? Oh how awful. How unpatriotic. Fuck the traitors.

View attachment 506861

If you don’t like freedom of speech. Move to another nation. There are plenty that restrict it. Try Thailand. Badmouth the King. See how that turns out.

Because when I see things like this. I thank God we live in a country where people can express themselves. Their freedoms bought and paid for by generations of soldiers. And not subject to your approval.

1. I did not claim you quoted me.

2. YOur words. "your pseudo patriotic bullshit."

3. That is shitty of the league. They are assholes. But I knew that.

4. Nothing I said indicated that these anti-American assholes are not allowed to talk. That is a strawman.
Question. Maybe she just wants to see if she can be the best against the world? Maybe she doesn’t give a fuck about your pseudo patriotic bullshit.

If she just "didn't give a fuck", she could have stood their quietly during the unity ritual, and no one would care.

BUt she had to express her treasonous hate for it.

Public displays of hate for this nation, from people selected to represent this nation, in international competition, is a valid issue of discussion.

She is a piece of shit.

Also, our patriotic feelings and rituals are real. That you consider it "Bullshit" is just you being an anti-American asshole yourself.

Really? I did nine years in the Army. Defending among other things the right to express your opinion. What is always interesting to me is that the most verbose and Uber patriotic are those who have never seen the Elephant.

The Olympic Committee said that people could do what they wanted. So she did.

Don’t like it? Don’t watch the olympics. You probably wouldn’t anyway.

And if you hate America and it’s freedoms so much. Book a flight to wherever your ancestors came from.
During the final years of Obama, the military seemed to be going rogue at West Point and Annapolis with a percentage of cadets. Not hazing and cheating. This is dangerous. They were expressing themselves. Future officers who may not even be that good. We have to many people who spout machismo, both men and women and never really have been in the barrel of a gun when it is their turn.
Negro scum think they are entitled to be scum. They were taught that by the Liberals.
Question. Maybe she just wants to see if she can be the best against the world? Maybe she doesn’t give a fuck about your pseudo patriotic bullshit.

If she just "didn't give a fuck", she could have stood their quietly during the unity ritual, and no one would care.

BUt she had to express her treasonous hate for it.

Public displays of hate for this nation, from people selected to represent this nation, in international competition, is a valid issue of discussion.

She is a piece of shit.

Also, our patriotic feelings and rituals are real. That you consider it "Bullshit" is just you being an anti-American asshole yourself.

Really? I did nine years in the Army. Defending among other things the right to express your opinion. What is always interesting to me is that the most verbose and Uber patriotic are those who have never seen the Elephant.

The Olympic Committee said that people could do what they wanted. So she did.

Don’t like it? Don’t watch the olympics. You probably wouldn’t anyway.

And if you hate America and it’s freedoms so much. Book a flight to wherever your ancestors came from.
During the final years of Obama, the military seemed to be going rogue at West Point and Annapolis with a percentage of cadets. Not hazing and cheating. This is dangerous. They were expressing themselves. Future officers who may not even be that good. We have to many people who spout machismo, both men and women and never really have been in the barrel of a gun when it is their turn.

There was a thread a couple days ago where people were furious with the new Chairman Designate. He had read Marx, and the Little Red Book.

These books are pretty much required for Soldiers who want to be leaders. And are required reading for Officers. You can’t defeat an enemy you don’t understand.

Reading Gudarians theories on Tanks. Yes he was a Nazi General. But he was brilliant. That is the foundation of combined arms battle doctrine.

Nathan Bedford Forrest. A racist pig. But a brilliant Calvary Commander who came up with a very effective Calvary Doctrine.

All of them have books and all of them are read. The better to understand. To have ideals outside of the common.

Military Officers have probably read a thousand books by the time they become Generals.

It is our enemies that want ignorant leaders. The Taliban Chiefs never read anything but the Koran. The Chinese limit who can learn what.

I read a book by a former Submariner. He had gone to China as they were first opening up in the 1980’s.

His watcher was called away. And the scientists he was working with approached him and asked if it was true the American has landed on the moon. This was restricted information in the late 1980’s. Nobody was supposed to know it.

Our Uber Patriots correctly denounce this. And then demand similar things from our own leaders. They cheer ignorance. They denounce erudite individuals.

I sure as hell do not want someone like her representing the country. She's a complete embarrassment and only represents intolerance.

She just wants money.
She doesn't want to represent her country. She just wants to compete at the highest level.

Unfortunately... She has to represent her country in order to do so. Personally she wouldn't be if I actually had anything to say about it.

Agree. She should not be allowed. The country supplies her with a format and training.. and she is only a selfish bitch with a mental problem. She has no appreciation for the people who went before her.

The Whitehouse loves her!
It's hard to understand why people who obviously hate this country never have the balls to get up and leave.

Probably afraid to lose their fucking welfare, food stamps, and Section 8 housing.

Fucking sack of garbage, she is. Hope people let her know how disgusting she is when she's running around pretending she's hot shit.
Most of that welfare goes to people who have the same skin color as you and your trailer park neighbors.
Gross tally is true but percentage of population not true .
Essentially, another liberal lie.
Freedom of speech is a bitch. It means you have to allow somebody to express the very ideas that you cannot stand. I know nothing about the woman, but I'd guess virtue signaling might be one reason. Same as Koepernick, Lebron, and others. It ain't easy, but you gotta let it go. In the long run, does it really matter?

And BTW, be thankful that you live in a country where you can do what she did. There are other places where there would be repercussions, y'know?

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