Why would someone like this want to represent their country, if they have so much hatred for it?

It's hard to understand why people who obviously hate this country never have the balls to get up and leave.

Probably afraid to lose their fucking welfare, food stamps, and Section 8 housing.

Fucking sack of garbage, she is. Hope people let her know how disgusting she is when she's running around pretending she's hot shit.
You sound like a fucking moron.
so, are you saying you support this TWAT?
if you do, that makes you the fucking moron....
You support the idiots who stormed the Capitol, but you dumbasses won't to attack her. Talk about a hypocrite POS.

She needs to be criticized. If she has so much contempt for her country, then she might as well just wear the flag of another nation and compete against the U.S...
She has no pride obviously for this country, so why does she want to represent it? The Olympics are about all of that. There are lots of nations attending who have horrendous human rights violations in the past or present, but their atheletes are there to celebrate the best of what they represent. thats what the Olympics are supposed to be about.
All she is doing is giving our enemies plenty of propaganda material against us.
Why would anyone who so obviously hates America continue to live here? That would include a lot of NFL and NBA players, as well.

Have the courage to stand by your stated convictions. Hate America? Why not leave? Are you listening BLM rioters...I mean, supporters?
Maybe she does love the US but has issues she wants you all to consider!
It's hard to understand why people who obviously hate this country never have the balls to get up and leave.

Probably afraid to lose their fucking welfare, food stamps, and Section 8 housing.

Fucking sack of garbage, she is. Hope people let her know how disgusting she is when she's running around pretending she's hot shit.
You sound like a fucking moron.
so, are you saying you support this TWAT?
if you do, that makes you the fucking moron....
You support the idiots who stormed the Capitol, but you dumbasses won't to attack her. Talk about a hypocrite POS.

She needs to be criticized. If she has so much contempt for her country, then she might as well just wear the flag of another nation and compete against the U.S...
She has no pride obviously for this country, so why does she want to represent it? The Olympics are about all of that. There are lots of nations attending who have horrendous human rights violations in the past or present, but their atheletes are there to celebrate the best of what they represent. thats what the Olympics are supposed to be about.
All she is doing is giving our enemies plenty of propaganda material against us.
Why would anyone who so obviously hates America continue to live here? That would include a lot of NFL and NBA players, as well.

Have the courage to stand by your stated convictions. Hate America? Why not leave? Are you listening BLM rioters...I mean, supporters?
Maybe she does love the US but has issues she wants you all to consider!
That may be true. But surely she could find classier sand more intelligent ways to bring attention to her 'issues.'

The behavior she exhibited will only serve to make a lot of people hate her. That, will accomplish nothing.
It's hard to understand why people who obviously hate this country never have the balls to get up and leave.

Probably afraid to lose their fucking welfare, food stamps, and Section 8 housing.

Fucking sack of garbage, she is. Hope people let her know how disgusting she is when she's running around pretending she's hot shit.
You sound like a fucking moron.
so, are you saying you support this TWAT?
if you do, that makes you the fucking moron....
You support the idiots who stormed the Capitol, but you dumbasses won't to attack her. Talk about a hypocrite POS.

She needs to be criticized. If she has so much contempt for her country, then she might as well just wear the flag of another nation and compete against the U.S...
She has no pride obviously for this country, so why does she want to represent it? The Olympics are about all of that. There are lots of nations attending who have horrendous human rights violations in the past or present, but their atheletes are there to celebrate the best of what they represent. thats what the Olympics are supposed to be about.
All she is doing is giving our enemies plenty of propaganda material against us.
Why would anyone who so obviously hates America continue to live here? That would include a lot of NFL and NBA players, as well.

Have the courage to stand by your stated convictions. Hate America? Why not leave? Are you listening BLM rioters...I mean, supporters?
Maybe she does love the US but has issues she wants you all to consider!
That may be true. But surely she could find classier sand more intelligent ways to bring attention to her 'issues.'

The behavior she exhibited will only serve to make a lot of people hate her. That, will accomplish nothing.
It's hard to understand why people who obviously hate this country never have the balls to get up and leave.

Probably afraid to lose their fucking welfare, food stamps, and Section 8 housing.

Fucking sack of garbage, she is. Hope people let her know how disgusting she is when she's running around pretending she's hot shit.
You sound like a fucking moron.
so, are you saying you support this TWAT?
if you do, that makes you the fucking moron....
You support the idiots who stormed the Capitol, but you dumbasses won't to attack her. Talk about a hypocrite POS.
I don't support those who attacked our capitol, I'm an Independent voter. I don't even like trump.

You've just proven yourself to be a complete imbecile - something regulars on this board have known for a long time.

In the past I've avoided responding to any of your posts because I think they're worthless.

The only reason I responded to your first message to me, is because you wrote only an insult.

I hope this will be the end of this exchange because I want nothing to do with you, or your idiotic posts.. Thanks, in advance.
You come on hear running your mouth with those stupid ass one liners and insulting folks and then have the nerve to try and claim you are neutral. All I have seen you cocksuckas do is make excuses for Jan 6, show me the post where you came out and attack those insurrections for Jan 6. I will probably be waiting a long damn time, but you find the time to come out and attack a black teenage girls. So you can GFY ass clown.
thats because there isnt any, due to PIG-lousi and the scum demonRATS supporting that riot...bussing the criminals in and...starting their play a tad to early....So you can GFY ass clown.
Sorry shit for brains those were Trump Humpers that attacked the Capitol, so you go suck yourself you will get more.
I don't care what she does. The rest of you need to learn how to ignore. It's easy. It does not affect you directly so simply turn the channel if you are capable which I wonder. Man I man the tiny little unimportant non issues that bug some of you simpletons.
It's hard to understand why people who obviously hate this country never have the balls to get up and leave.

Probably afraid to lose their fucking welfare, food stamps, and Section 8 housing.

Fucking sack of garbage, she is. Hope people let her know how disgusting she is when she's running around pretending she's hot shit.
You sound like a fucking moron.
so, are you saying you support this TWAT?
if you do, that makes you the fucking moron....
You support the idiots who stormed the Capitol, but you dumbasses won't to attack her. Talk about a hypocrite POS.

She needs to be criticized. If she has so much contempt for her country, then she might as well just wear the flag of another nation and compete against the U.S...

I didn't hear you saying that on January 6, 2021.
She has no pride obviously for this country, so why does she want to represent it?

Maybe she has alot of pride in her country and she is upset with a lot of the bullshit she sees in her country. You ever thought about that? Probably not.
The Olympics are about all of that. There are lots of nations attending who have horrendous human rights violations in the past or present, but their atheletes are there to celebrate the best of what they represent. thats what the Olympics are supposed to be about.
All she is doing is giving our enemies plenty of propaganda material against us.


Really? what did I say on Jan 6th? She's upset with bullshit in her country? What a load.
Let her save it for the appropriate time. Theres a lot of good about her country as well but she seems to think the national anthem disrespects her. Bullshit... it isn't aimed at her. Like many others around here she's looking for something to complain about rather than look at the blessings she has. Which are the reasons people want to immigrate here. They're not coming here because its a shitty country, although Democrats are trying their best to try and make it that way.
It's hard to understand why people who obviously hate this country never have the balls to get up and leave.

Probably afraid to lose their fucking welfare, food stamps, and Section 8 housing.

Fucking sack of garbage, she is. Hope people let her know how disgusting she is when she's running around pretending she's hot shit.
You sound like a fucking moron.
so, are you saying you support this TWAT?
if you do, that makes you the fucking moron....
You support the idiots who stormed the Capitol, but you dumbasses won't to attack her. Talk about a hypocrite POS.

She needs to be criticized. If she has so much contempt for her country, then she might as well just wear the flag of another nation and compete against the U.S...

I didn't hear you saying that on January 6, 2021.
She has no pride obviously for this country, so why does she want to represent it?

Maybe she has alot of pride in her country and she is upset with a lot of the bullshit she sees in her country. You ever thought about that? Probably not.
The Olympics are about all of that. There are lots of nations attending who have horrendous human rights violations in the past or present, but their atheletes are there to celebrate the best of what they represent. thats what the Olympics are supposed to be about.
All she is doing is giving our enemies plenty of propaganda material against us.


Really? what did I say on Jan 6th? She's upset with bullshit in her country? What a load.
Let her save it for the appropriate time. Theres a lot of good about her country as well but she seems to think the national anthem disrespects her. Bullshit... it isn't aimed at her. Like many others around here she's looking for something to complain about rather than look at the blessings she has. Which are the reasons people want to immigrate here. They're not coming here because its a shitty country, although Democrats are trying their best to try and make it that way.
It's amazing how white folks are always telling black folks what we should be thankful for. You should be happy that you came here as a slave, you should be happy that you were treated unequal for decades in this country, you should be happy that you face racism and discrimination, you should be thankful that the police only beat you half to death and didn't kill you.
It's hard to understand why people who obviously hate this country never have the balls to get up and leave.

Probably afraid to lose their fucking welfare, food stamps, and Section 8 housing.

Fucking sack of garbage, she is. Hope people let her know how disgusting she is when she's running around pretending she's hot shit.
You sound like a fucking moron.
so, are you saying you support this TWAT?
if you do, that makes you the fucking moron....
You support the idiots who stormed the Capitol, but you dumbasses won't to attack her. Talk about a hypocrite POS.

She needs to be criticized. If she has so much contempt for her country, then she might as well just wear the flag of another nation and compete against the U.S...

I didn't hear you saying that on January 6, 2021.
She has no pride obviously for this country, so why does she want to represent it?

Maybe she has alot of pride in her country and she is upset with a lot of the bullshit she sees in her country. You ever thought about that? Probably not.
The Olympics are about all of that. There are lots of nations attending who have horrendous human rights violations in the past or present, but their atheletes are there to celebrate the best of what they represent. thats what the Olympics are supposed to be about.
All she is doing is giving our enemies plenty of propaganda material against us.


Really? what did I say on Jan 6th? She's upset with bullshit in her country? What a load.
Let her save it for the appropriate time. Theres a lot of good about her country as well but she seems to think the national anthem disrespects her. Bullshit... it isn't aimed at her. Like many others around here she's looking for something to complain about rather than look at the blessings she has. Which are the reasons people want to immigrate here. They're not coming here because its a shitty country, although Democrats are trying their best to try and make it that way.
It's amazing how white folks are always telling black folks what we should be thankful for. You should be happy that you came here as a slave, you should be happy that you were treated unequal for decades in this country, you should be happy that you face racism and discrimination, you should be thankful that the police only beat you half to death and didn't kill you.
pretty funny, i've never heard any of that bullshit come up in my life...never even thought like that...you are coming off as a delusional, uneducated idiot.....
i guess if you really need to place blame, give that to your ancestors for not doing something about it---THEN---
by no means are AMERICANS today, responsible for the shit that happened years ago....learn from it, like normal people do....don't hold your grudges against today, hold it against your ancestors for complying
They have to try and blame others because there are no fact reasons why they choose to engage in self destructive behavior. “It’s not us who is doing this to us, it’s slavery” What a complete turd wagon Of horseshit . Cosby said so. See what happened to him? Easier to join the blame parade and not change.
It's hard to understand why people who obviously hate this country never have the balls to get up and leave.

Probably afraid to lose their fucking welfare, food stamps, and Section 8 housing.

Fucking sack of garbage, she is. Hope people let her know how disgusting she is when she's running around pretending she's hot shit.
You sound like a fucking moron.
so, are you saying you support this TWAT?
if you do, that makes you the fucking moron....
You support the idiots who stormed the Capitol, but you dumbasses won't to attack her. Talk about a hypocrite POS.

She needs to be criticized. If she has so much contempt for her country, then she might as well just wear the flag of another nation and compete against the U.S...

I didn't hear you saying that on January 6, 2021.
She has no pride obviously for this country, so why does she want to represent it?

Maybe she has alot of pride in her country and she is upset with a lot of the bullshit she sees in her country. You ever thought about that? Probably not.
The Olympics are about all of that. There are lots of nations attending who have horrendous human rights violations in the past or present, but their atheletes are there to celebrate the best of what they represent. thats what the Olympics are supposed to be about.
All she is doing is giving our enemies plenty of propaganda material against us.


Really? what did I say on Jan 6th? She's upset with bullshit in her country? What a load.
Let her save it for the appropriate time. Theres a lot of good about her country as well but she seems to think the national anthem disrespects her. Bullshit... it isn't aimed at her. Like many others around here she's looking for something to complain about rather than look at the blessings she has. Which are the reasons people want to immigrate here. They're not coming here because its a shitty country, although Democrats are trying their best to try and make it that way.
It's amazing how white folks are always telling black folks what we should be thankful for. You should be happy that you came here as a slave, you should be happy that you were treated unequal for decades in this country, you should be happy that you face racism and discrimination, you should be thankful that the police only beat you half to death and didn't kill you.

It's amazing how Black folks think this is what I'm talking about when I said a person should look at their blessings in this country.........

"You should be happy that you came here as a slave, you should be happy that you were treated unequal for decades in this country, you should be happy that you face racism and discrimination, you should be thankful that the police only beat you half to death and didn't kill you."

No not really. Why would I think you should be thankful for bad things that happened? But you live in a country where everybody else in the world wants to come for for its opportunities... and of recently it's Free Handouts I suppose. So why do people want to come here if the police are going to beat them half to death? and if they are going to face racism and discrimination? ... maybe they are smart and realize that no matter what anyone says.. they and their kids stand a much better chance here than where they came from. We live in a country that has rule of law and protections/ 1st amendment rights like no other.
So I guess what I can take from her is that there has been zero progress since slavery or Jim Crow era... is that what your saying? Nothing to be thankful for being here right? Or are you still wanting to live in the past?

And if your talking about protesting police brutality..then you are denying that the reason cops have so many interactions with minorities is because, its the minority communities that need their presence the most.... because thats where most of the violent street crime happens to be taking place. And even though there are unfortunate, high profile incidents of brutality like Chauvin.... you have to do like Occassio Cortez recommends and take the numbers into proper context before creating a hysteria. The news media could have used that advice a long time ago.

Bottom line is, she does have great opportunity here, she has so many protections here, so much on her side, STILL there is a lot that needs improvement but there is also a lot that is Right. The whole idea about the Olympics if you are going to follow that sort of thing, is pride in ones country. If you don't have that then I still don't understand why anyone would want to compete other than personal gain.
It's hard to understand why people who obviously hate this country never have the balls to get up and leave.

Probably afraid to lose their fucking welfare, food stamps, and Section 8 housing.

Fucking sack of garbage, she is. Hope people let her know how disgusting she is when she's running around pretending she's hot shit.
You sound like a fucking moron.
so, are you saying you support this TWAT?
if you do, that makes you the fucking moron....
You support the idiots who stormed the Capitol, but you dumbasses won't to attack her. Talk about a hypocrite POS.

She needs to be criticized. If she has so much contempt for her country, then she might as well just wear the flag of another nation and compete against the U.S...

I didn't hear you saying that on January 6, 2021.
She has no pride obviously for this country, so why does she want to represent it?

Maybe she has alot of pride in her country and she is upset with a lot of the bullshit she sees in her country. You ever thought about that? Probably not.
The Olympics are about all of that. There are lots of nations attending who have horrendous human rights violations in the past or present, but their atheletes are there to celebrate the best of what they represent. thats what the Olympics are supposed to be about.
All she is doing is giving our enemies plenty of propaganda material against us.


Really? what did I say on Jan 6th? She's upset with bullshit in her country? What a load.
Let her save it for the appropriate time. Theres a lot of good about her country as well but she seems to think the national anthem disrespects her. Bullshit... it isn't aimed at her. Like many others around here she's looking for something to complain about rather than look at the blessings she has. Which are the reasons people want to immigrate here. They're not coming here because its a shitty country, although Democrats are trying their best to try and make it that way.
It's amazing how white folks are always telling black folks what we should be thankful for. You should be happy that you came here as a slave, you should be happy that you were treated unequal for decades in this country, you should be happy that you face racism and discrimination, you should be thankful that the police only beat you half to death and didn't kill you.

It's amazing how Black folks think this is what I'm talking about when I said a person should look at their blessings in this country.........

"You should be happy that you came here as a slave, you should be happy that you were treated unequal for decades in this country, you should be happy that you face racism and discrimination, you should be thankful that the police only beat you half to death and didn't kill you."

No not really. Why would I think you should be thankful for bad things that happened? But you live in a country where everybody else in the world wants to come for for its opportunities... and of recently it's Free Handouts I suppose.

So why do you bitch and moan when they come? Can you give us a list of those free handouts folks are getting.
So why do people want to come here if the police are going to beat them half to death? and if they are going to face racism and discrimination? ... maybe they are smart and realize that no matter what anyone says.. they and their kids stand a much better chance here than where they came from. We live in a country that has rule of law and protections/ 1st amendment rights like no other.

That's easy there is only a certain group of folks they attack, unfortunately that rule of Law doesn't apply to everyone.
So I guess what I can take from her is that there has been zero progress since slavery or Jim Crow era... is that what your saying? Nothing to be thankful for being here right? Or are you still wanting to live in the past?

There has been a lot of progress, but we still have along way to go. Besides she is just using her Constitutional right to protest.
And if your talking about protesting police brutality..then you are denying that the reason cops have so many interactions with minorities is because, its the minority communities that need their presence the most.... because thats where most of the violent street crime happens to be taking place. And even though there are unfortunate, high profile incidents of brutality like Chauvin.... you have to do like Occassio Cortez recommends and take the numbers into proper context before creating a hysteria. The news media could have used that advice a long time ago.

That is the weak excuse that has been used since the police were created with the Slave patrols. Why is crime so high in many of these communities? Why is it that the drugs are pumped into these communities? Why is the access to guns so easy in these communities? Why are opportunites so low in these communities? You can openly sell drugs in lower income communities, but there is not ONE predominately white community were folks can stand on the corners and sell drugs, why is that? The list goes on and on.
Bottom line is, she does have great opportunity here, she has so many protections here, so much on her side, STILL there is a lot that needs improvement but there is also a lot that is Right. The whole idea about the Olympics if you are going to follow that sort of thing, is pride in ones country. If you don't have that then I still don't understand why anyone would want to compete other than personal gain.
Do you think everyone joins the military because they have pride in their country or is it to earn a decent living?
It's hard to understand why people who obviously hate this country never have the balls to get up and leave.

Probably afraid to lose their fucking welfare, food stamps, and Section 8 housing.

Fucking sack of garbage, she is. Hope people let her know how disgusting she is when she's running around pretending she's hot shit.
You sound like a fucking moron.
so, are you saying you support this TWAT?
if you do, that makes you the fucking moron....
You support the idiots who stormed the Capitol, but you dumbasses won't to attack her. Talk about a hypocrite POS.

She needs to be criticized. If she has so much contempt for her country, then she might as well just wear the flag of another nation and compete against the U.S...

I didn't hear you saying that on January 6, 2021.
She has no pride obviously for this country, so why does she want to represent it?

Maybe she has alot of pride in her country and she is upset with a lot of the bullshit she sees in her country. You ever thought about that? Probably not.
The Olympics are about all of that. There are lots of nations attending who have horrendous human rights violations in the past or present, but their atheletes are there to celebrate the best of what they represent. thats what the Olympics are supposed to be about.
All she is doing is giving our enemies plenty of propaganda material against us.


Really? what did I say on Jan 6th? She's upset with bullshit in her country? What a load.
Let her save it for the appropriate time. Theres a lot of good about her country as well but she seems to think the national anthem disrespects her. Bullshit... it isn't aimed at her. Like many others around here she's looking for something to complain about rather than look at the blessings she has. Which are the reasons people want to immigrate here. They're not coming here because its a shitty country, although Democrats are trying their best to try and make it that way.
It's amazing how white folks are always telling black folks what we should be thankful for. You should be happy that you came here as a slave, you should be happy that you were treated unequal for decades in this country, you should be happy that you face racism and discrimination, you should be thankful that the police only beat you half to death and didn't kill you.

It's amazing how Black folks think this is what I'm talking about when I said a person should look at their blessings in this country.........

"You should be happy that you came here as a slave, you should be happy that you were treated unequal for decades in this country, you should be happy that you face racism and discrimination, you should be thankful that the police only beat you half to death and didn't kill you."

No not really. Why would I think you should be thankful for bad things that happened? But you live in a country where everybody else in the world wants to come for for its opportunities... and of recently it's Free Handouts I suppose.

So why do you bitch and moan when they come? Can you give us a list of those free handouts folks are getting.
So why do people want to come here if the police are going to beat them half to death? and if they are going to face racism and discrimination? ... maybe they are smart and realize that no matter what anyone says.. they and their kids stand a much better chance here than where they came from. We live in a country that has rule of law and protections/ 1st amendment rights like no other.

That's easy there is only a certain group of folks they attack, unfortunately that rule of Law doesn't apply to everyone.
So I guess what I can take from her is that there has been zero progress since slavery or Jim Crow era... is that what your saying? Nothing to be thankful for being here right? Or are you still wanting to live in the past?

There has been a lot of progress, but we still have along way to go. Besides she is just using her Constitutional right to protest.
And if your talking about protesting police brutality..then you are denying that the reason cops have so many interactions with minorities is because, its the minority communities that need their presence the most.... because thats where most of the violent street crime happens to be taking place. And even though there are unfortunate, high profile incidents of brutality like Chauvin.... you have to do like Occassio Cortez recommends and take the numbers into proper context before creating a hysteria. The news media could have used that advice a long time ago.

That is the weak excuse that has been used since the police were created with the Slave patrols. Why is crime so high in many of these communities? Why is it that the drugs are pumped into these communities? Why is the access to guns so easy in these communities? Why are opportunites so low in these communities? You can openly sell drugs in lower income communities, but there is not ONE predominately white community were folks can stand on the corners and sell drugs, why is that? The list goes on and on.
Bottom line is, she does have great opportunity here, she has so many protections here, so much on her side, STILL there is a lot that needs improvement but there is also a lot that is Right. The whole idea about the Olympics if you are going to follow that sort of thing, is pride in ones country. If you don't have that then I still don't understand why anyone would want to compete other than personal gain.
Do you think everyone joins the military because they have pride in their country or is it to earn a decent living?

First of all. DO I bitch and moan that immigrants come here? do I really? See, I cant blame you for this idea but this is how the leftists control the conversation. They got you all believing that just because we want immigration laws to be enforced, don't want drugs and and human trafficking stepped up by Mexican cartels, that we don't want immigrants. that we are ANTI IMMIGRANT. I hear that phrase all the time.
I've always been proud we have over one million legal immigrants come here each year... what I don't like is that people can flood the border. That may sound like nothing to you.. but when border guards are tied up taking care of the mass of illegal immigrants coming through that they do stop.... then Cartels are able to use that for their advantage. We have record numbers of drugs coming through right now and we only stop a fraction of it. How many of those drugs do you think ends up in the inner cites... where it then gets sold on the street corner... and then gangs fight over turf... and then innocent people get shot? Whats worse is that when Border agents catch people coming across with previous records they havnt been allowed to call ICE and then have just let them go. basically we are overwhelmed.

Furthermore handouts were promised by Biden during his campaign to undocumented immigrants in way of social services... thats all good and fine but it encouraged more to sell their houses and come because they figured a Biden Administration would just welcome them in.
While Its great to have legal immigrants come here from wherever.... I would much rather have our social services used on poor AMERICAN citizens instead of poor citizens from another country where they're own government is responsible for them.
It's hard to understand why people who obviously hate this country never have the balls to get up and leave.

Probably afraid to lose their fucking welfare, food stamps, and Section 8 housing.

Fucking sack of garbage, she is. Hope people let her know how disgusting she is when she's running around pretending she's hot shit.
You sound like a fucking moron.
so, are you saying you support this TWAT?
if you do, that makes you the fucking moron....
You support the idiots who stormed the Capitol, but you dumbasses won't to attack her. Talk about a hypocrite POS.

She needs to be criticized. If she has so much contempt for her country, then she might as well just wear the flag of another nation and compete against the U.S...

I didn't hear you saying that on January 6, 2021.
She has no pride obviously for this country, so why does she want to represent it?

Maybe she has alot of pride in her country and she is upset with a lot of the bullshit she sees in her country. You ever thought about that? Probably not.
The Olympics are about all of that. There are lots of nations attending who have horrendous human rights violations in the past or present, but their atheletes are there to celebrate the best of what they represent. thats what the Olympics are supposed to be about.
All she is doing is giving our enemies plenty of propaganda material against us.


Really? what did I say on Jan 6th? She's upset with bullshit in her country? What a load.
Let her save it for the appropriate time. Theres a lot of good about her country as well but she seems to think the national anthem disrespects her. Bullshit... it isn't aimed at her. Like many others around here she's looking for something to complain about rather than look at the blessings she has. Which are the reasons people want to immigrate here. They're not coming here because its a shitty country, although Democrats are trying their best to try and make it that way.
It's amazing how white folks are always telling black folks what we should be thankful for. You should be happy that you came here as a slave, you should be happy that you were treated unequal for decades in this country, you should be happy that you face racism and discrimination, you should be thankful that the police only beat you half to death and didn't kill you.

It's amazing how Black folks think this is what I'm talking about when I said a person should look at their blessings in this country.........

"You should be happy that you came here as a slave, you should be happy that you were treated unequal for decades in this country, you should be happy that you face racism and discrimination, you should be thankful that the police only beat you half to death and didn't kill you."

No not really. Why would I think you should be thankful for bad things that happened? But you live in a country where everybody else in the world wants to come for for its opportunities... and of recently it's Free Handouts I suppose.

So why do you bitch and moan when they come? Can you give us a list of those free handouts folks are getting.
So why do people want to come here if the police are going to beat them half to death? and if they are going to face racism and discrimination? ... maybe they are smart and realize that no matter what anyone says.. they and their kids stand a much better chance here than where they came from. We live in a country that has rule of law and protections/ 1st amendment rights like no other.

That's easy there is only a certain group of folks they attack, unfortunately that rule of Law doesn't apply to everyone.
So I guess what I can take from her is that there has been zero progress since slavery or Jim Crow era... is that what your saying? Nothing to be thankful for being here right? Or are you still wanting to live in the past?

There has been a lot of progress, but we still have along way to go. Besides she is just using her Constitutional right to protest.
And if your talking about protesting police brutality..then you are denying that the reason cops have so many interactions with minorities is because, its the minority communities that need their presence the most.... because thats where most of the violent street crime happens to be taking place. And even though there are unfortunate, high profile incidents of brutality like Chauvin.... you have to do like Occassio Cortez recommends and take the numbers into proper context before creating a hysteria. The news media could have used that advice a long time ago.

That is the weak excuse that has been used since the police were created with the Slave patrols. Why is crime so high in many of these communities? Why is it that the drugs are pumped into these communities? Why is the access to guns so easy in these communities? Why are opportunites so low in these communities? You can openly sell drugs in lower income communities, but there is not ONE predominately white community were folks can stand on the corners and sell drugs, why is that? The list goes on and on.
Bottom line is, she does have great opportunity here, she has so many protections here, so much on her side, STILL there is a lot that needs improvement but there is also a lot that is Right. The whole idea about the Olympics if you are going to follow that sort of thing, is pride in ones country. If you don't have that then I still don't understand why anyone would want to compete other than personal gain.
Do you think everyone joins the military because they have pride in their country or is it to earn a decent living?

First of all. DO I bitch and moan that immigrants come here? do I really?
See, I cant blame you for this idea but this is how the leftists control the conversation.
Is that right.
They got you all believing that just because we want immigration laws to be enforced, don't want drugs and and human trafficking stepped up by Mexican cartels, that we don't want immigrants. that we are ANTI IMMIGRANT. I hear that phrase all the time.

Who is they? Who wants drug trafficking, human trafficking or any other type of trafficking?
I've always been proud we have over one million legal immigrants come here each year... what I don't like is that people can flood the border. That may sound like nothing to you.. but when border guards are tied up taking care of the mass of illegal immigrants coming through that they do stop.... then Cartels are able to use that for their advantage.
Who makes up half of the illegal immigrants in this country?

We have record numbers of drugs coming through right now and we only stop a fraction of it.

How long has that been going on?

How many of those drugs do you think ends up in the inner cites... where it then gets sold on the street corner... and then gangs fight over turf... and then innocent people get shot?

That is the way it is designed to be.

Whats worse is that when Border agents catch people coming across with previous records they havnt been allowed to call ICE and then have just let them go. basically we are overwhelmed.

Who stopped that from happening?
Furthermore handouts were promised by Biden during his campaign to undocumented immigrants in way of social services... thats all good and fine but it encouraged more to sell their houses and come because they figured a Biden Administration would just welcome them in.
Can you show me where Pres. Biden made that promise.
While Its great to have legal immigrants come here from wherever.... I would much rather have our social services used on poor AMERICAN citizens instead of poor citizens from another country where they're own government is responsible for them.

What % of Gov't assistance is used by illegal immigrants?
She should be permanently banned from the Olympics, forever.

The Olympics is about sportsmanship, competition, and being your best against the best. There is no room for personal or political agendas in the Olympics.

That bitch only did it for applause and congratulations. She is baiting for attention which she deserves none of.
She should be permanently banned from the Olympics, forever.

The Olympics is about sportsmanship, competition, and being your best against the best. There is no room for personal or political agendas in the Olympics.

That bitch only did it for applause and congratulations. She is baiting for attention which she deserves none of.
I guess it makes you feel like a real big man to call someone's daughter a bitch on the internet.
It's hard to understand why people who obviously hate this country never have the balls to get up and leave.

Probably afraid to lose their fucking welfare, food stamps, and Section 8 housing.

Fucking sack of garbage, she is. Hope people let her know how disgusting she is when she's running around pretending she's hot shit.
You sound like a fucking moron.
so, are you saying you support this TWAT?
if you do, that makes you the fucking moron....
You support the idiots who stormed the Capitol, but you dumbasses won't to attack her. Talk about a hypocrite POS.

She needs to be criticized. If she has so much contempt for her country, then she might as well just wear the flag of another nation and compete against the U.S...

I didn't hear you saying that on January 6, 2021.
She has no pride obviously for this country, so why does she want to represent it?

Maybe she has alot of pride in her country and she is upset with a lot of the bullshit she sees in her country. You ever thought about that? Probably not.
The Olympics are about all of that. There are lots of nations attending who have horrendous human rights violations in the past or present, but their atheletes are there to celebrate the best of what they represent. thats what the Olympics are supposed to be about.
All she is doing is giving our enemies plenty of propaganda material against us.


Really? what did I say on Jan 6th? She's upset with bullshit in her country? What a load.
Let her save it for the appropriate time. Theres a lot of good about her country as well but she seems to think the national anthem disrespects her. Bullshit... it isn't aimed at her. Like many others around here she's looking for something to complain about rather than look at the blessings she has. Which are the reasons people want to immigrate here. They're not coming here because its a shitty country, although Democrats are trying their best to try and make it that way.
It's amazing how white folks are always telling black folks what we should be thankful for. You should be happy that you came here as a slave, you should be happy that you were treated unequal for decades in this country, you should be happy that you face racism and discrimination, you should be thankful that the police only beat you half to death and didn't kill you.

It's amazing how Black folks think this is what I'm talking about when I said a person should look at their blessings in this country.........

"You should be happy that you came here as a slave, you should be happy that you were treated unequal for decades in this country, you should be happy that you face racism and discrimination, you should be thankful that the police only beat you half to death and didn't kill you."

No not really. Why would I think you should be thankful for bad things that happened? But you live in a country where everybody else in the world wants to come for for its opportunities... and of recently it's Free Handouts I suppose.

So why do you bitch and moan when they come? Can you give us a list of those free handouts folks are getting.
So why do people want to come here if the police are going to beat them half to death? and if they are going to face racism and discrimination? ... maybe they are smart and realize that no matter what anyone says.. they and their kids stand a much better chance here than where they came from. We live in a country that has rule of law and protections/ 1st amendment rights like no other.

That's easy there is only a certain group of folks they attack, unfortunately that rule of Law doesn't apply to everyone.
So I guess what I can take from her is that there has been zero progress since slavery or Jim Crow era... is that what your saying? Nothing to be thankful for being here right? Or are you still wanting to live in the past?

There has been a lot of progress, but we still have along way to go. Besides she is just using her Constitutional right to protest.
And if your talking about protesting police brutality..then you are denying that the reason cops have so many interactions with minorities is because, its the minority communities that need their presence the most.... because thats where most of the violent street crime happens to be taking place. And even though there are unfortunate, high profile incidents of brutality like Chauvin.... you have to do like Occassio Cortez recommends and take the numbers into proper context before creating a hysteria. The news media could have used that advice a long time ago.

That is the weak excuse that has been used since the police were created with the Slave patrols. Why is crime so high in many of these communities? Why is it that the drugs are pumped into these communities? Why is the access to guns so easy in these communities? Why are opportunites so low in these communities? You can openly sell drugs in lower income communities, but there is not ONE predominately white community were folks can stand on the corners and sell drugs, why is that? The list goes on and on.
Bottom line is, she does have great opportunity here, she has so many protections here, so much on her side, STILL there is a lot that needs improvement but there is also a lot that is Right. The whole idea about the Olympics if you are going to follow that sort of thing, is pride in ones country. If you don't have that then I still don't understand why anyone would want to compete other than personal gain.
Do you think everyone joins the military because they have pride in their country or is it to earn a decent living?

First of all. DO I bitch and moan that immigrants come here? do I really?
See, I cant blame you for this idea but this is how the leftists control the conversation.
Is that right.
They got you all believing that just because we want immigration laws to be enforced, don't want drugs and and human trafficking stepped up by Mexican cartels, that we don't want immigrants. that we are ANTI IMMIGRANT. I hear that phrase all the time.

Who is they? Who wants drug trafficking, human trafficking or any other type of trafficking?
I've always been proud we have over one million legal immigrants come here each year... what I don't like is that people can flood the border. That may sound like nothing to you.. but when border guards are tied up taking care of the mass of illegal immigrants coming through that they do stop.... then Cartels are able to use that for their advantage.
Who makes up half of the illegal immigrants in this country?

We have record numbers of drugs coming through right now and we only stop a fraction of it.

How long has that been going on?

How many of those drugs do you think ends up in the inner cites... where it then gets sold on the street corner... and then gangs fight over turf... and then innocent people get shot?

That is the way it is designed to be.

Whats worse is that when Border agents catch people coming across with previous records they havnt been allowed to call ICE and then have just let them go. basically we are overwhelmed.

Who stopped that from happening?
Furthermore handouts were promised by Biden during his campaign to undocumented immigrants in way of social services... thats all good and fine but it encouraged more to sell their houses and come because they figured a Biden Administration would just welcome them in.
Can you show me where Pres. Biden made that promise.
While Its great to have legal immigrants come here from wherever.... I would much rather have our social services used on poor AMERICAN citizens instead of poor citizens from another country where they're own government is responsible for them.

What % of Gov't assistance is used by illegal immigrants?


Actually the answer is no... so the conversation should end right here. I have no problem with legal immigrants. i dont care what country they are from.... I dont care if they are all brown or black.. i could give a fuck as long as they apply legally and respect the rules.
stop lying.

"Is that right."

yes that is right,

"Who is they? Who wants drug trafficking, human trafficking or any other type of trafficking?"

Who is they? they is the current crop of government beurocrats, Senators, Congress person, news media/media personalities who live in their own bubble, constantly parroting each other.
Identity politics to which they all subscribe requires controlling and tweaking the language, and controlling the dialogue. Perception is reality, and its the same blueprint used by marxists.

The question you should be asking, is not who wants those things... ( the people who want those things are the people who profit from them).. what you should be asking is who is willing to turn a blind Eye to those things for political expediency.

"Who makes up half of the illegal immigrants in this country?"

Just go ahead and make your point, I'm not counting them.

How long has that been going on?

A long long time.. but it doesn't even matter. Why make it easier for Cartels now when meth and fentanyl are flooding communities? Why make the Cartels richer because they can profit of the human trafficking? and the fact our border agents are compromised? Finishing the wall would be a good start because all they have to do now is walk through.

Question for you is which communities do you think suffer the most? And why wouldn't you want to do everything to protect them?

"That is the way it is designed to be."

Is it now? another blame whitey thing?
Drug traffickers and anyone trying to sell drugs in the interior of the US are going to use the basic principles of marketing. Sell your product where there are the most people to buy your product... where the population is the most dense. tell me what fucking business plan for a drug dealer would have made any sense to go out into the suburbs on a street corner? it makes no sense at all. Big cities and inner cities where populations are dense would just logicaly be the epicenter and then moving out through the suburbs.

Who stopped that from happening?

It doesn't really matter who is at fault IMO.... just one more thing that also needs to be corrected.

"What % of Gov't assistance is used by illegal immigrants?"

So once again, charity is fine.. but charity begins at home. take care of our citizens first who need it.. then enact a sane and orderly immigration policy which means you just cant walk across our border. rewarding people for that only encourages more... only puts more of them in danger and benefits drug cartels...
If not for political pressure, Democrats would all turn a blind eye to this because they love to increase their voter roles.. a few people die out in the desert? a few immigrants get used as drug mules... have their families assaulted... a few immigrants get raped.. a few get killed by cartels cause something went wrong? a few American minorities get less or our elderly get less in benefits, ... oh what the hell got to break a few eggs to make an omelette right?

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