Why would Trump mock a reporter's disability and then deny he did so?

A New York Times leftist whack job reported that shortly after 9-11, the FBI was listening in on some celebrating Muskims, and even arrested and questioned soMe of them. Now suddenly the leftist whack job reporter forgot why he even said that. So was the New York Times reporter that Trump was supposedly mocking a liar? Make up your minds. Where did he get the idea that the FBI was listening in on some celebrating Muslims? What were his sources? Oh wait, he has a bad case of selective liberal amnesia. Maybe he should learn from Hillary how to wipe clean the server of his brain.
Trump said he saw "thousands and thousands" celebrating in Jersey City.

Did Trump lie or not?

No. Actually the number was a little low. It was more like tens of thousands.
OK, liar. Remain in your bubble. I can't wait for your crying about how Democrats "stole" the election when Hillary takes 50 states.

Hillary won't take 50 states, however if she does become president it will be because the shameless leftist media aided and abetted a criminal to the Whitehouse, just as they covered for Obama.

How pathetic. You're the little kid who comes out to play baseball crowing "if we win it's because we're better, if we lose it'll be because you cheated".

Nothing like the smell of pre-emptive butthurt.

It's the truth, however you want to interpret it.
Hillary won't take 50 states, however if she does become president it will be because the shameless leftist media aided and abetted a criminal to the Whitehouse, just as they covered for Obama.
Of course. You have your excuse for losing all ready to go.

It's what losers do.

I am not a partisan like you. I want what's best for America and the world.
"Why would Trump mock a reporter's disability and then deny he did so?"

Because he’s scum – and his ‘fans’ will love him more for it.

We need to stop trying to understand Trump and his supporters in the context of logical, reasonable presidential politics and sound, responsible governance.

Trump’s supporters have a childish, sophomoric, naïve, perception of what constitutes government and what they believe to be ‘wrong’ with ‘Washington’; in essence they want to ‘destroy’ the conventional Federal political and governmental edifice in its entirety – and what better way to accomplish that than putting the likes of Trump in the WH.

Oh so a disabled person shouldn't be mocked by anyone simply because he's disabled??

Last I heard the disabled want to be treated like everyone else.

Of course they have no problem being treated differently when in comes to handicapped parking or anything else the handicapped are able to get simply by being handicapped.

Guess that dude and you idiots will just have to live with it.

Carry oh asshole. Big, deep and wide. LOL
...This will play itself out after he attacks the Jews...
Perhaps... perhaps...

...He's already attacked undocumented, immigrants...
Correction. Invaders. Or Illegal Aliens.

...American Muslims...
After 9-11, London, the Netherlands, Paris, etc., I doubt many Americans are losing sleep over that.

...and the disabled...
True - although I suspect it was more a juvenile recess-yard self-indulgence, manifested in public, rather than kept inside his head. Being richer than God, he's not accustomed to needing filters to the same extent that many other folks are.

...If his opposition would agree that he's political incorrect, maybe then he might actually address the real issues with serious workable solutions. I guess that's too much to hope for.
I've heard far worse said and acted out about Trump usually by those liberal caveman brain types.

I'm thinking people like Trump because he does make goofy mistakes like the rest of us.

Teflon Clinton got away with multiple sexual harassments, sex with a relative child, likely rapes and lies galore and Democrats still love and highly respect the guy...amazing really but fun to remind them of.

A 22 year old college graduate isn't a "relative child" or any other kind of child.

Clinton got away with so much because he brought us peace, prosperity and growth.

You guys thought you could drag a $100 bill through a trailer park and dredge stuff up.
I thought the handicapped wanted to be treated like everyone else

People mock the physical attributes of others all the time so what's the big deal?
He mocked the reporter. He didn't mock the disability. But you Hillary fanboys & girls desperately wanna believe otherwise. You know you're supporting a despicable candidate. So now it's time to try and make others look worse. This one is petty and desperate. We've got many big problems to face in this country. Much bigger fish to fry.

It makes more sense if Trump stands his ground. He campaigns on being politically incorrect, so why try to do the PC thing of apologizing?
Sorry, but lying is not "politically incorrect". It is lying.

Trump tells the rubes the lies they want to hear. What you call "standing his ground" is actually the attempt to make a lie true through repetition.
So he lied that under Obama care you can keep your doctor. Because most people lost theirs.
Show me: where in the ACA does it compel insurers to cancel a policy rather than modify it?
*bump* for Roudy - get Googling, boy!

It's not insurers dufus, it's insurers, physicians, patients, and hospitals. This bill is every bit a failure as it was predicted to be. And the worst of it was designed to hit next year, when businesses are supposed to comply. That's when the Obama shit will hit the fan. Talk to anybody in the health care profession they will confirm. I don't know a single doctor who has anything good to say about the ACA, and most of them are liberals and Democrats.

But you wish that's the only lie the media has failed to hold Obama and the Democraps accountable for.
Did your eyes see how Hillary was telling her daughter and the Egyptian Ambassador that Ben Ghazi was a terror attack, and then the next day she kept promoting the lie that it was all because of a video, even to the relatives of the victims?
Did any of them have classified security clearance? No.
What are you blabbering, Hillary emailed her daughter and the Ambassador that she knew Ben Ghazi was a terror attack, and the very next day lied to the American people that it was because of a video. Leftist whacko mentality at its finest.
He mocked the reporter. He didn't mock the disability. But you Hillary fanboys & girls desperately wanna believe otherwise. You know you're supporting a despicable candidate. So now it's time to try and make others look worse. This one is petty and desperate. We've got many big problems to face in this country. Much bigger fish to fry.

He mocked the reporter VIA the disability. Fixed it for ya.

Roll tape....


Or perhaps he's singing. Yeah that's the ticket.
"Hand jive....
Hand jive...
Hand jive...
Doin' that crazy hand jive"​
He mocked the reporter. He didn't mock the disability. But you Hillary fanboys & girls desperately wanna believe otherwise. You know you're supporting a despicable candidate. So now it's time to try and make others look worse. This one is petty and desperate. We've got many big problems to face in this country. Much bigger fish to fry.

He mocked the reporter VIA the disability. Fixed it for ya.

Roll tape....


Or perhaps he's singing. Yeah that's the ticket.
"Hand jive....
Hand jive...
Hand jive...
Doin' that crazy hand jive"​

Yes, he mocked the Reporter. But he didn't mock his disability. You just desperately need to believe he did. Makes you feel better about supporting the most corrupt asshole in the race. And like i said, we have big problems to address. This is stupid. Movin on...
He mocked the reporter. He didn't mock the disability. But you Hillary fanboys & girls desperately wanna believe otherwise. You know you're supporting a despicable candidate. So now it's time to try and make others look worse. This one is petty and desperate. We've got many big problems to face in this country. Much bigger fish to fry.

He mocked the reporter VIA the disability. Fixed it for ya.

Roll tape....


Or perhaps he's singing. Yeah that's the ticket.
"Hand jive....
Hand jive...
Hand jive...
Doin' that crazy hand jive"​

He uses his hands a lot when he talks and especially when he mocks people. This is being blown totally out of proportion by the leftist whacko media.

Here he is mocking bush using the same exact hand gestures. That's just how he talks. Forward to 1:18:

He mocked the reporter. He didn't mock the disability. But you Hillary fanboys & girls desperately wanna believe otherwise. You know you're supporting a despicable candidate. So now it's time to try and make others look worse. This one is petty and desperate. We've got many big problems to face in this country. Much bigger fish to fry.

He mocked the reporter VIA the disability. Fixed it for ya.

Roll tape....


Or perhaps he's singing. Yeah that's the ticket.
"Hand jive....
Hand jive...
Hand jive...
Doin' that crazy hand jive"​

He uses his hands a lot when he talks and especially when he mocks people. This is being blown totally out of proportion by the leftist whacko media.

Yuh huh.
Then find us another clip where he's got the whole limp-wrist thing going on. That invitation is still open.

De Nial is a deep deep river.
He mocked the reporter. He didn't mock the disability. But you Hillary fanboys & girls desperately wanna believe otherwise. You know you're supporting a despicable candidate. So now it's time to try and make others look worse. This one is petty and desperate. We've got many big problems to face in this country. Much bigger fish to fry.

He mocked the reporter VIA the disability. Fixed it for ya.

Roll tape....


Or perhaps he's singing. Yeah that's the ticket.
"Hand jive....
Hand jive...
Hand jive...
Doin' that crazy hand jive"​

He uses his hands a lot when he talks and especially when he mocks people. This is being blown totally out of proportion by the leftist whacko media.

Yuh huh.
Then find us another clip where he's got the whole limp-wrist thing going on. That invitation is still open.

De Nial is a deep deep river.

Forward to 1:18 and be objective. He's mocking Bush the same way.

He mocked the reporter. He didn't mock the disability. But you Hillary fanboys & girls desperately wanna believe otherwise. You know you're supporting a despicable candidate. So now it's time to try and make others look worse. This one is petty and desperate. We've got many big problems to face in this country. Much bigger fish to fry.

He mocked the reporter VIA the disability. Fixed it for ya.

Roll tape....


Or perhaps he's singing. Yeah that's the ticket.
"Hand jive....
Hand jive...
Hand jive...
Doin' that crazy hand jive"​

He uses his hands a lot when he talks and especially when he mocks people. This is being blown totally out of proportion by the leftist whacko media.

Desperate times for Clinton Bootlickers. Thousands are waiting to see him speak. His stance on restoring the Rule of Law and securing our border is resonating. And that scares the hell out of Anti-American Communists/Progressives who've only served foreign interests for years.

More & more Americans are seeing Trump as the only candidate who really cares about them at this point. He's not gonna just serve foreign interests. He's gonna fight for them.
He mocked the reporter. He didn't mock the disability. But you Hillary fanboys & girls desperately wanna believe otherwise. You know you're supporting a despicable candidate. So now it's time to try and make others look worse. This one is petty and desperate. We've got many big problems to face in this country. Much bigger fish to fry.

He mocked the reporter VIA the disability. Fixed it for ya.

Roll tape....


Or perhaps he's singing. Yeah that's the ticket.
"Hand jive....
Hand jive...
Hand jive...
Doin' that crazy hand jive"​

He uses his hands a lot when he talks and especially when he mocks people. This is being blown totally out of proportion by the leftist whacko media.

Here he is mocking bush using the same exact hand gestures. That's just how he talks. Forward to 1:18:

Interesting clip. I sat through the whole thing.

No limpwristed hand jive but the content is 90% ad hominem and I give him 10% Argumentum ad populum for the "he's polling zero percent" song and dance. Yet nothing at all on actual policy --- which in other words is a representative sample of all of his pure bullshit.
He mocked the reporter. He didn't mock the disability. But you Hillary fanboys & girls desperately wanna believe otherwise. You know you're supporting a despicable candidate. So now it's time to try and make others look worse. This one is petty and desperate. We've got many big problems to face in this country. Much bigger fish to fry.

He mocked the reporter VIA the disability. Fixed it for ya.

Roll tape....


Or perhaps he's singing. Yeah that's the ticket.
"Hand jive....
Hand jive...
Hand jive...
Doin' that crazy hand jive"​

He uses his hands a lot when he talks and especially when he mocks people. This is being blown totally out of proportion by the leftist whacko media.

Yuh huh.
Then find us another clip where he's got the whole limp-wrist thing going on. That invitation is still open.

De Nial is a deep deep river.

Forward to 1:18 and be objective. He's mocking Bush the same way.

Uh ---- no, he isn't.
But it is more of the same emotive substance-free feely hype, which just reconfirms my last post. Thanks for that but it's common knowledge by now.

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