Why would Trump mock a reporter's disability and then deny he did so?

It's as if it doesn't occur to his caveman brain at the time there would be a wave of criticism to follow. Is he really that dumb? There is no logic to his bombastic rambling.

Trump called out for appearing to mock disability


Because he's a thin-skinned narcissistic bully.

But he then realizes that to most people - except his base, who are treating him like God - he looks bad.
He mocked the reporter. He didn't mock the disability. But you Hillary fanboys & girls desperately wanna believe otherwise. You know you're supporting a despicable candidate. So now it's time to try and make others look worse. This one is petty and desperate. We've got many big problems to face in this country. Much bigger fish to fry.

He mocked the reporter VIA the disability. Fixed it for ya.

Roll tape....


Or perhaps he's singing. Yeah that's the ticket.
"Hand jive....
Hand jive...
Hand jive...
Doin' that crazy hand jive"​

He uses his hands a lot when he talks and especially when he mocks people. This is being blown totally out of proportion by the leftist whacko media.

Yuh huh.
Then find us another clip where he's got the whole limp-wrist thing going on. That invitation is still open.

De Nial is a deep deep river.

Forward to 1:18 and be objective. He's mocking Bush the same way.

Uh ---- no, he isn't.
But it is more of the same emotive substance-free feely hype, which just reconfirms my last post. Thanks for that but it's common knowledge by now.

At 1:18 he does the same limp wrist movement. That's his way of mocking a confused opponent. You aren't being objective.

He mocked the reporter VIA the disability. Fixed it for ya.

Roll tape....


Or perhaps he's singing. Yeah that's the ticket.
"Hand jive....
Hand jive...
Hand jive...
Doin' that crazy hand jive"​

He uses his hands a lot when he talks and especially when he mocks people. This is being blown totally out of proportion by the leftist whacko media.

Yuh huh.
Then find us another clip where he's got the whole limp-wrist thing going on. That invitation is still open.

De Nial is a deep deep river.

Forward to 1:18 and be objective. He's mocking Bush the same way.

Uh ---- no, he isn't.
But it is more of the same emotive substance-free feely hype, which just reconfirms my last post. Thanks for that but it's common knowledge by now.

At 1:18 he does the same limp wrist movement. That's his way of mocking a confused opponent. You aren't being objective.

What I'm "not being" is a Rump fluff girl. I already watched this, and it's not at all the same thing.
Not going to argue with a Denialist. The video says it all.


And kudos to the gif editor of this one, which is new. The cut is very smooth. :thup:
He uses his hands a lot when he talks and especially when he mocks people. This is being blown totally out of proportion by the leftist whacko media.

Yuh huh.
Then find us another clip where he's got the whole limp-wrist thing going on. That invitation is still open.

De Nial is a deep deep river.

Forward to 1:18 and be objective. He's mocking Bush the same way.

Uh ---- no, he isn't.
But it is more of the same emotive substance-free feely hype, which just reconfirms my last post. Thanks for that but it's common knowledge by now.

At 1:18 he does the same limp wrist movement. That's his way of mocking a confused opponent. You aren't being objective.

What I'm "not being" is a Rump fluff girl. I already watched this, and it's not at all the same thing.
Not going to argue with a Denialist. The video says it all.


And kudos to the gif editor of this one, which is new. The cut is very smooth. :thup:

it's the same exact way Trump mocks Bush at 1;19 of the video I posted.

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These are all Trump using mocking hand gestures before this whole baloney with the leftist hack jobs started.

Is he making fun of all the retards in the media here?


Who is he making fun of here, people with elbow problems? LOL


He talks with his hands, and big on facial expressions, that's who he is:



Did your eyes see how Hillary was telling her daughter and the Egyptian Ambassador that Ben Ghazi was a terror attack, and then the next day she kept promoting the lie that it was all because of a video, even to the relatives of the victims?
Did any of them have classified security clearance? No.
What are you blabbering, Hillary emailed her daughter and the Ambassador that she knew Ben Ghazi was a terror attack, and the very next day lied to the American people that it was because of a video. Leftist whacko mentality at its finest.
She didn't lie to anyone. The CIA didn't know definitively, and she advanced each of their working theories.

What she told her daughter is irrelevant, since her daughter does not have the security clearance to get classified info.
It's not insurers dufus, it's insurers, physicians, patients, and hospitals.
Wait a second - who cancelled the policies?

The physicians? No.
The patients? No.
The hospitals? No.
Obama? No.

The insurers? Yes.

You remain a dumbass.
The Physicians and hospitals have been rejecting patients as soon as the disaster of the ACA went into effect. And, premiums keep increasing incrementally for everybody. You are very ignorant. All of this because of the ACA. And to think, the assholes named it "affordable". Affordable my ass!

You remain the ignorant dumbass partisan propagandist:

Top Hospitals Opt Out of Obamacare

Americans who sign up for insurance on the state exchanges may not have access to the nation's top hospitals, Watchdog.org reports.

The Obama Administration has been claiming that insurance companies will be competing for your dollars under the Affordable Care Act, but apparently they haven't surveyed the nation's top hospitals.

Americans who sign up for Obamacare will be getting a big surprise if they expect to access premium health care that may have been previously covered under their personal policies. Most of the top hospitals will accept insurance from just one or two companies operating under Obamacare.


Oblahblah the liar:

"if you like yer docter ye can keep yer docter" <wink wink>

Got Obamacare insurance. Can't find doctors.

Got Obamacare, can't find doctors

Terri Durheim and her family now have health insurance, thanks to Obamacare. What they don't have are local doctors and hospitals who will take it.
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Did your eyes see how Hillary was telling her daughter and the Egyptian Ambassador that Ben Ghazi was a terror attack, and then the next day she kept promoting the lie that it was all because of a video, even to the relatives of the victims?
Did any of them have classified security clearance? No.
What are you blabbering, Hillary emailed her daughter and the Ambassador that she knew Ben Ghazi was a terror attack, and the very next day lied to the American people that it was because of a video. Leftist whacko mentality at its finest.
She didn't lie to anyone. The CIA didn't know definitively, and she advanced each of their working theories.

What she told her daughter is irrelevant, since her daughter does not have the security clearance to get classified info.
Why do you keep bullshitting. She told her daughter and the ambassador that she knew definitively that it was a pre-planned terror attack on the anniversary of 9-11. Yet for weeks, Hillary and the rest of the Obama mafioso criminals lied to the American people and the families of the victims. They should all be behind bars.
These are all Trump using mocking hand gestures before this whole baloney with the leftist hack jobs started.

Is he making fun of all the retards in the media here?


Who is he making fun of here, people with elbow problems? LOL


He talks with his hands, and big on facial expressions, that's who he is:




How many of those are mocking the appearance of arthrogryposis?


Mocking is when you intentionally mimic, like this:


The cat is suing for defamation, by the way.
These are all Trump using mocking hand gestures before this whole baloney with the leftist hack jobs started.

Is he making fun of all the retards in the media here?


He talks with his hands, and big on facial expressions, that's who he is

So how come Rump gets points for this ^^ -----

.... While this guy loses his whole shot for this?


After all, "he talks with his voice, that's who he is..." :popcorn:

Don't suppose it has anything to do with the mental capacity of their drones, do ya?

This thread makes it pretty obvious that Democrats and their media trainers are in desperation mode. Such a big deal over not much at all.

With all these major problems the Democratic (Socialist) Party has created it's no wonder though.
These are all Trump using mocking hand gestures before this whole baloney with the leftist hack jobs started.

Is he making fun of all the retards in the media here?


He talks with his hands, and big on facial expressions, that's who he is

So how come Rump gets points for this ^^ -----

.... While this guy loses his whole shot for this?


After all, "he talks with his voice, that's who he is..." :popcorn:

Don't suppose it has anything to do with the mental capacity of their drones, do ya?


Dims are the ones who lost interest in the buffoon from Vermont. Republicans had nothing to do with it, so you answer the question.
Trump's supporters know how reprehensible it is for someone to make fun of someone with a physical handicap. But because they have so much invested with him emotionally, they refuse to believe that they're candidate would ever do such a thing. So they make up rationalizations, excuses, or outright falsehoods to explain Trump's despicable mockery of a handicapped reporter.

They will never, ever admit that Trump was wrong, because they would have to admit that they're wrong.


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