Why would women vote for any of the GOP candidates?

Does ObamaCare pay for abortions? My understanding is that it does not...

It is also my understanding that certain Republican-controlled states are passing laws that prevent women from even having abortions paid for by their "private" insurance, such as insurance purchased through state exchanges. Anyone have any clarifications on this?
Post a God damned link that supports your claim.
"my understanding" isn't SHIT.
Does ObamaCare pay for abortions? My understanding is that it does not...

It is also my understanding that certain Republican-controlled states are passing laws that prevent women from even having abortions paid for by their "private" insurance, such as insurance purchased through state exchanges. Anyone have any clarifications on this?


UP your ass and Obama's...
Does ObamaCare pay for abortions? My understanding is that it does not...

It is also my understanding that certain Republican-controlled states are passing laws that prevent women from even having abortions paid for by their "private" insurance, such as insurance purchased through state exchanges. Anyone have any clarifications on this?

well that's your problem, you have no understanding except what you read off some left wing nut site..

now...show us where SOME STATES are trying to prevent women from having abortions even if they are paid for by private insurance.
I just love it when democrats think women vote with their vaginas and men think with their balls.. Women happen to care what happens with this country. And care beyond their bra size. They know what is going on. They are not easy marks for Democrats.
Does ObamaCare pay for abortions? My understanding is that it does not...

It is also my understanding that certain Republican-controlled states are passing laws that prevent women from even having abortions paid for by their "private" insurance, such as insurance purchased through state exchanges. Anyone have any clarifications on this?
Post a God damned link that supports your claim.
"my understanding" isn't SHIT.

Sparky, why don't you try disproving it with your "credible" link sources?
I just love it when democrats think women vote with their vaginas and men think with their balls.. Women happen to care what happens with this country. And care beyond their bra size. They know what is going on. They are not easy marks for Democrats.
They are quite EASY marks for Democrats...easy to be molded into whatever shape that need be.
Does ObamaCare pay for abortions? My understanding is that it does not...

It is also my understanding that certain Republican-controlled states are passing laws that prevent women from even having abortions paid for by their "private" insurance, such as insurance purchased through state exchanges. Anyone have any clarifications on this?
Post a God damned link that supports your claim.
"my understanding" isn't SHIT.

Sparky, why don't you try disproving it with your "credible" link sources?
Newsflash....That isn't how it works. You made the claim. Now you PROVE it's veracity by posting facts.
You libs are famous for drive by posts with nothing in the way of facts to support them. Then you demand your opposition prove a negative.
You lazy good for nothings want others to do your work for you.
You claim is SHIT in the absence of proof. Now, get your ass to work. Short of that, you are bupkis.
liberals think of women the same they do as blacks. they are HELPLESS without the Democrat party or the Daddy Federal Guberment looking out for them...that is why they come up with this laughable line...people are so stupid,they vote against THEIR BEST INTEREST..
I friggen crack up every time someone spews that.
liberals think of women the same they do as blacks. they are HELPLESS without the Democrat party or the Daddy Federal Guberment looking out for them...that is why they come up with this laughable line...people are so stupid,they vote against THEIR BEST INTEREST..
I friggen crack up every time someone spews that.
Women are idiots in thier mind...
liberals think of women the same they do as blacks. they are HELPLESS without the Democrat party or the Daddy Federal Guberment looking out for them...that is why they come up with this laughable line...people are so stupid,they vote against THEIR BEST INTEREST..
I friggen crack up every time someone spews that.
Women are idiots in thier mind...

so are black people, homosexuals, and now they are working on their so called, BROWN people..

that is another disgusting thing about liberals...PEOPLE are not seen as individuals...they are COLORS..and of course it is the LIBERALS-DEMOCRATS who are their biggest champions..slave owners
liberals think of women the same they do as blacks. they are HELPLESS without the Democrat party or the Daddy Federal Guberment looking out for them...that is why they come up with this laughable line...people are so stupid,they vote against THEIR BEST INTEREST..
I friggen crack up every time someone spews that.
Women are idiots in thier mind...

so are black people, homosexuals, and now they are working on their so called, BROWN people..

that is another disgusting thing about liberals...PEOPLE are not seen as individuals...they are COLORS..and of course it is the LIBERALS-DEMOCRATS who are their biggest champions..slave owners
Statist Democrats cannot have people of colour leaving the Plantation...
Why do democrats believe they OWN WOMAN LIKE SLAVES????

That's how you treat them - as property of the DNC.....

It's pretty ironic how you sexist leftist fucks treat republican woman no???? you treat them like shit.....

While we're at it you also believe you OWN minorities..... I mean god forbid any minority vote republican or non-progressive.

Ya fucking wanna b slave owner...

Well, if you look at the history of the Democratic Party, you know they were the advocates of human slavery, of the slave trade, of slavery expansion into the newer states, and with slaves being counted at 3/5's of a person to give Democrats boltered power in Congress without allowing civil rights of those they "represented," it's no wonder how the "slaveowner mentality" is so predominate in that Party.

As the Republican Party screwed up their apple-cart when slaves were freed and Amentments XIII to XV were passed to protect those who were deprived of civil rights, the Democratic Party did everything they could to thwart Republican efforts. Democrats enacted Jim Crow laws, Democrats branched out into the Ku Klux Klan, the terrorist arm of their party, to scare both whites and blacks from supporting and voting for Republicans. Scare tactics from the Democratic Party are nothing new.

Then of course there were eugenicists such as Margaret Sanger who proclaimed various minorities and other group categories as inferior, "human weeds" and such, and sought to eradicate such people, via abortion.

In 1939, Margaret designed a “Negro Project” in response to requests from “southern state public health oflicials” - men not generally known for their racial equanimity. The mass of Negroes,” her project proposal asserted, “particularly in the South, still breed carelessly and disastrously, with the result that the increase among Negroes, even more than among Whites, is from that portion of the population least intelligent and fit.” The proposal went on to say that “Public Health statistics merely hint at the primitive state of civilization in which most Negroes in the South live.”

In order to remedy this “dysgenic horror story,” her project aimed to hire three or four “Colored Ministers, preferably with social service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities” to travel to various Black enclaves and propagandize for birth control. Her intention was as insidious as it was obvious:

The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the Minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.

Of course, those Black ministers were to be carefully controlled - mere figureheads. “There is a great danger that we will fail,” one of the project directors wrote, “because the Negroes think it a plan for extermination. Hence, let’s appearto let the colored run it.” Another project director lamented:

I wonder if Southern Darkies can ever be entrusted with . . . a clinic. Our experience causes us to doubt their ability to work except under White supervision.​

The entire operation then was a ruse-a manipulative attempt to get Blacks to cooperate in their own elimination.

Sadly, the project was quite successful. Its genocidal intentions were carefully camouflaged beneath several layers of condescending social service rhetoric and organizational expertise. Like the citizens of Hamlin, lured into captivity by the sweet serenades of the Pied Piper, all too many Blacks across the country happily fell into step behind Margaret and the Eugenic racists she had placed on her Negro Advisory Council.

Soon clinics throughout the South were distributing contraceptives to Blacks and Margaret’s dream of discouraging “the defective and diseased elements of humanity” from their “reckless and irresponsible swarming and spawning” was at last being fulfilled.

The strategy was of course racial and not geographical. The Southern states were picked simply because of the high proportion of Blacks in their populations. In later decades, expansion to the North and West occurred. But the basic guidelines remained: the proportion of minorities in a community was closely related to the density of birth control clinics.

The “champion of birth control” and the “patron saint of feminism” was no less horrific in her disdain for the helpless and the hapless than any of the other monsters of progressivism during the first half of the twentieth century—Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, and Mao. The only difference is that they have all been duly discredited, while she has not-at least, not yet.

Killer Angel: A Biography of Planned parenthood’s Founder Margaret Sanger

With such an ugly history of the Democratic Party of slavery, racism, and abortion, it's no wonder why they are unable to shed their hardened hearts toward humanity.
"Anti-choice"? The abortion industry has been looking for a political phrase to describe what happens when woman hires someone to kill her unborn baby but all they seem to come up with is awkward or misleading terms like "pro-choice". You have to admit that pro-life says it all. Some women base their vote on keeping the birth control slaughter "legal" and some women are driven insane by the knowlege that they were talked into taking the life of their unborn child by an abortion industry huckster or a democrat. Most women have other issues on their minds.

Bernard Nathanson, NARAL co-founder and ex-abortionist (who released Silent Scream), had reflected on when he and his fellow advocates came up with deceptive and manipulated slogans…

The original abortion-rights slogans from the early '70s – they remain virtual articles of faith and rallying cries of the "pro-choice" movement to this day – were "Freedom of choice" and "Women must have control over their own bodies."

"I remember laughing when we made those slogans up," recalls Bernard Nathanson, M.D., co-founder of pro-abortion vanguard group NARAL, reminiscing about the early days of the abortion-rights movement in the late '60s and early '70s. "We were looking for some sexy, catchy slogans to capture public opinion. They were very cynical slogans then, just as all of these slogans today are very, very cynical."

... snip ...

"We (Lawrence Lader and Nathanson) persuaded the media that the cause of permissive abortion was a liberal, enlightened, sophisticated one," recalls the movement's co-founder. "Knowing that if a true poll were taken, we would be soundly defeated, we simply fabricated the results of fictional polls. We announced to the media that we had taken polls and that 60 percent of Americans were in favor of permissive abortion. This is the tactic of the self-fulfilling lie. Few people care to be in the minority. We aroused enough sympathy to sell our program of permissive abortion by fabricating the number of illegal abortions done annually in the U.S. The actual figure was approaching 100,000, but the figure we gave to the media repeatedly was 1 million.

"Repeating the big lie often enough convinces the public. The number of women dying from illegal abortions was around 200-250 annually. The figure we constantly fed to the media was 10,000. These false figures took root in the consciousness of Americans, convincing many that we needed to crack the abortion law.

"Another myth we fed to the public through the media was that legalizing abortion would only mean that the abortions taking place illegally would then be done legally. In fact, of course, abortion is now being used as a primary method of birth control in the U.S. and the annual number of abortions has increased by 1,500 percent since legalization."

NARAL's brilliantly deceitful marketing campaign, bolstered by fraudulent "research," was uncannily successful. In New York, the law outlawing abortion had been on the books for 140 years. "In two years of work, we at NARAL struck that law down," says Nathanson. "We lobbied the legislature, we captured the media, we spent money on public relations ... Our first year's budget was $7,500. Of that, $5,000 was allotted to a public relations firm to persuade the media of the correctness of our position. That was in 1969."

Blood confessions: From abortionist to champion of life

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