Why would women vote for any of the GOP candidates?

But you DO receive taxpayer benefits - like many others on Social Security and Medicare - who paid into it all their working lives.

Didn't you know?

All pubs, bags, rw's send their SS, Medicare, government pensions back cuz "entitlements" are wrong and, oh yeah, (don't laugh) "socialist".

Never mind that they're called "entitlements" because we all paid into them and thus, we're entitled to them.

They're good little repub soldiers and they send that money right back to Eric Cantor.

WOW, I didn't know that. Pubs really are special. Thanks for the clarification...

's okay. I'm sure he was just gettin' ready to tell you that. Heck, he prolly has the address and would share it with the rest of us.

Right over Stephanie's head.

You are among those who believe you have the right to decide who gets equal rights, as guaranteed by our Constitution, and who does not, right?

Well, then, maybe you can answer this very simple question:

How would you stop abortion?

listen up kid...NOBODY is calling for stopping your all beloved abortions...WE the people don't want to PAY FOR THEM through funding being giving by our Federal Government to the abortion mills (mainly Planned Parenthood).. so as for your question. you all are safe to go out and abort all your children...nobody cares

You're wrong but that's to be expected.

As I have said, I agree that I should NOT have to pay for any and all health care, including abortion.

Its the right wingers who want a free ride and refuse to be responsible for their own health care insurance.

But, nice to know you're on our side. ;)

OMG...I'm sorry, but you should just shut the hell the up..you have NO CLUE what you are talking about..you are friggen all over the place..you can't eve stay focused.
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He should...go play because that's ALL he's been doing...playing with other's ...lives...that aren't for him or anyone else to trifle with.

But...he's a liberal! He's qualified to direct everyone's lives!

Or say he says. But then, he's fulla shit.
Why do blacks vote for Dems when Dems have oppressed them for so long?

Supplement what you want more of… So simple, so true.

Very misleading. The black vote has been always been against the southern whites and their history of rascism. When the white southerners were democrats trying to limit black rights, the blacks were republicans. When the white southerns switched to be republicans, then the blacks switched to being democrats.
Aww bullshit.
Until LBJ dropped the Great Society welfare state upon us and destroyed the black family, blacks voted for conservative candidates. Black people for the most part centered their lives around their church.
To this day, church going black people and middle to upper class blacks vote GOP...That's a fact.
It is the height of racism and stereotyping of blacks to state they vote in lockstep.
Dr.House negged me for the above post. Righties seem to have a problem with facts and truth.
You don't find facts and truth on AlterNet. True story.

I notice that your posts are all hit and run insults and devoid of content.

How about you actually address the issue instead of shooting the messenger? For that matter, you could even post an alternative opinion.

Or, as I am fond of saying, not.
The issue?

Conservatives treat women as individuals who can make their own decisions about what's best for their lives.

Liberals treat women as a monolithic voting bloc and dictate their opinions to them. They support a woman's right to choose, but only if she chooses the liberal-approved option. If she dares to think for herself, she is savagely attacked.

There. Full of content. Issue addressed.
Why do blacks vote for Dems when Dems have oppressed them for so long?

Supplement what you want more of… So simple, so true.

Very misleading. The black vote has been always been against the southern whites and their history of rascism. When the white southerners were democrats trying to limit black rights, the blacks were republicans. When the white southerns switched to be republicans, then the blacks switched to being democrats.
Aww bullshit.
Until LBJ dropped the Great Society welfare state upon us and destroyed the black family, blacks voted for conservative candidates. Black people for the most part centered their lives around their church.
To this day, church going black people and middle to upper class blacks vote GOP...That's a fact.
It is the height of racism and stereotyping of blacks to state they vote in lockstep.

"I'll have them ******* voting for democrats for the next 200 years...~LBJ
Republicans hate women, unions, immigrants, gays, blacks, muslims, the middle class, and anyone who is not part of the oil companies, the coal companies, or Wall Street.

The Democrats are the party of welfare dwellers, illegal aliens, taxes (never met a tax or illegal alien they didn't like), protectors of the rights of criminals instead of their victims (soft on crime), the lazy, socialized medicine, druggies, Wall Street (Obama and the Dems recieved the most from Wall Street campaign contributions), Union thugs, ambulance chasing lawyers, etc.

And... Republicans are the party of...?
What? No defense of libs/democrats?
To answer your question.....Common sense. Individual rights. Individual achievement. Limited government. Success. The right freedom to reach the highest level of one's abilities. Personal responsibility. Compassion through TEACHING ( Give a man a fish he will eat for a day. TEACH a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime)
One cannot find a single fault in these ideals.
Are retired military "dependent on the government"?

No. Unlike Democrat special interest groups, they earned their pension and other benefits.

Do you need help understanding the concept "earned"?
Are retired military "dependent on the government"?

No. Unlike Democrat special interest groups, they earned their pension and other benefits.

Do you need help understanding the concept "earned"?

Dave is right.

that's why they're called "entitlements".

People work hard for those "entitlements" and The Boehner Boys should not have the power to take them away.
How very easy to get neocons to dump the US Constitution in the trash and embrace sharia law wholeheartedly.

But we already knew that.

wtf are you talking about. you sound like a complete idiot here.


Right over Stephanie's head.

You are among those who believe you have the right to decide who gets equal rights, as guaranteed by our Constitution, and who does not, right?

Well, then, maybe you can answer this very simple question:

How would you stop abortion?
Leftists don't believe in equal rights. You believe your protected classes should get special consideration.
Maybe this will help y'all understand ...

Imagine a woman walks into a bar full of rowdy drunks. She's stark nekkid. She says "No" to everything the men, alone or in a group, "propose". They ignore her saying "no" and gang rape her.

She said no. That trumps all else including her state of (un)dress.

Same principle with abortion and the "Party gal".

Some have suggested that women use abortion as a form of birth control. That's a blatantly stupid suggestion because abortion is a terrible ordeal and its expensive. As much as you might want to believe otherwise, no woman makes that choice lightly.

But, the point I am making is simply this -

Just as the men in the bar committed rape even though the woman was naked,

If a woman does use abortion as a form of birth control, that is HER business. Not yours. Its her body and her money and you have no right to tell her she cannot use abortion as a form of birth control.

If you are against abortion, don't have one.

In the meantime, get your hands and laws off of other people's bodies.
Get your hands and laws out of my wallet.
I am comfy with this...
Luddly isn't.
Are retired military "dependent on the government"?

No. Unlike Democrat special interest groups, they earned their pension and other benefits.

Do you need help understanding the concept "earned"?

Dave is right.

that's why they're called "entitlements".

People work hard for those "entitlements" and The Boehner Boys should not have the power to take them away.

Boehner boys? Really? WHO are they?
wtf are you talking about. you sound like a complete idiot here.


Right over Stephanie's head.

You are among those who believe you have the right to decide who gets equal rights, as guaranteed by our Constitution, and who does not, right?

Well, then, maybe you can answer this very simple question:

How would you stop abortion?
Leftists don't believe in equal rights. You believe your protected classes should get special consideration.

Darn. You said something that is true and correct but now you're back to Stupid Talk, mud slinging that you cannot prove and don't even know the meaning. In other words, you're back to hit and run without substance.

Typical right winger who doesn't want to bother with thinking.

Oh well.
Are retired military "dependent on the government"?

Unequivocally, NO! I am retired military and since my pension is "too little to live, too little to die" I work two jobs to make ends meet.

But you DO receive taxpayer benefits - like many others on Social Security and Medicare - who paid into it all their working lives.
Military retirees have given at least 20 years of their lives to the service of the nation.

What have you done? Besides soak up resources, I might add.

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