Why would women vote for any of the GOP candidates?

Why do blacks vote for Dems when Dems have oppressed them for so long?
Yeah.....they can barely be kept hidden, at Democratic conventions.


Dang, you on the left sure are an emotional, fear-mongering bunch, aren't you?
Yeah.....that's what's happening.....


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgvBdlD7xUk&feature=related]Rachel Maddow: Fox News To White People: Be Very Afraid! Black People Are Coming To Get You! Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]​
The Democrats are the party of welfare dwellers, illegal aliens, taxes (never met a tax or illegal alien they didn't like), protectors of the rights of criminals instead of their victims (soft on crime), the lazy, socialized medicine, druggies, Wall Street (Obama and the Dems recieved the most from Wall Street campaign contributions), Union thugs, ambulance chasing lawyers, etc.

And... Republicans are the party of...?


Yeah......that's one word for it.....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9mWAxHpeew]Gordon Gekko - "I create nothing, I own." - YouTube[/ame]​

Prosperity? No, that was President William Jefferson "Bill" Clinton.

Democrats, always willing to take credit where credit isn't due...

Bill was just a lucky little stiffy.
Yeah......it was all that bipartisanship.....


Here’s what conservative politicians said about the 1993 deficit reduction legislation that raised taxes on the top 1.2% of our wealthiest citizens:

"Clearly, this is a job-killer in the short-run. The impact on job creation is going to be devastating."
— Rep. Dick Armey, (Republican, Texas)

"The tax increase will…lead to a recession…and will actually increase the deficit."
— Rep. Newt Gingrich (Republican, Georgia)

"I will make you this bet. I am willing to risk the mortgage on it…the deficit will be up; unemployment will be up; in my judgment, inflation will be up."
— Sen. Robert Packwood (Republican, Oregon)

"The deficit four years from today will be higher than it is today, not lower."
— Sen. Phil Gramm (Republican, Texas)

"The President promised a middle-class tax cut, yet he and his party imposed the largest tax increase in American history. We hope his higher taxes will not cut short the economic recovery and declining interest rates he inherited… Instead of stifling growth through higher taxes and increased government regulations, Republicans would take America in a different direction."
— Sen. Robert Dole (Republican, Kansas)


why don't libbs stand up and speak out against the abuse women are suffering under the brutal customs of islam ??

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Are retired military "dependent on the government"?

Unequivocally, NO! I am retired military and since my pension is "too little to live, too little to die" I work two jobs to make ends meet.

But you DO receive taxpayer benefits - like many others on Social Security and Medicare - who paid into it all their working lives.

And when I start collecting SS, which I have also paid into all my working life, my military pension will be decreased by the amount of SS I receive. And like most other people, I will be forced to accept Medicare as my primary medical insurance, regardless of what other provisions I have made for myself.
So, why do women vote for the GOP? For the same reason other women vote for the dems, or independents: because they think that particular group of politicians will enhance their lifestyle. That is to say that they feel that "their" politicians have an idealolgy that is much like their own.

In some cases they, just like men, are correct in their choice. In some cases they find out too late that they should have researched the candidate rather than listening to and falling for said candidate's prosy speeches.
By Amanda Marcotte, Alternet

Here are some predictions for where the anti-choice movement will try to go in 2012.

Has there been a more sustained assault on women's rights in recent memory as what we saw in 2011? Republicans swept the House and many state governments in the 2010 election, and made attacking reproductive rights a major priority, right next to destroying union power and making it harder for students, poor people and people of color to vote. Republicans waged war on women’s ability to pay for an abortion, get an abortion without being needlessly hassled, get an abortion at a location within a day’s drive, or access affordable contraception. It seemed like not a week passed without another outrageous attack on women’s rights. It’s tempting to think that 2012 has to be better, on the grounds that it can’t be much worse.

But I wouldn’t breathe easy just yet. At the end of 2009, we also thought we’d seen the worst, between the Stupak Amendment to the Affordable Health Care Act that eventually will end private insurance coverage of abortion and the murder of Dr. George Tiller, an abortion provider who had survived decades of harassment at the hands of anti-choice extremists. Little did we know that 2011 was around the corner. With that in mind, here are some predictions for where the anti-choice movement will try to go in 2012:

Much More: 5 Dirty Tricks Right-Wing Zealots Will Likely Try Next in Their Battle to Control Women | Gender | AlterNet

Give me a break now you are desperate and I love it. Now anti abortion? Now want to control women?

Lamo much? and I love it. we have you on the run....:D
I'd like to add a quick note here that Islam absolutely rejects abortion.

There are issues in the EU and Britain because Islamists won't perform abortions nor study for it. Where is the outcry against them?
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Republicans hate women, unions, immigrants, gays, blacks, muslims, the middle class, and anyone who is not part of the oil companies, the coal companies, or Wall Street.

They also hate short people, liberals, retards, Hispanics, hockey players, mimes, acupuncturists, small car drivers, students, young people, young people who are students, Christmas trees, Star Wars, science, the color blue, short Hispanic scientists who are the color blue, and so on ...
Republicans hate women, unions, immigrants, gays, blacks, muslims, the middle class, and anyone who is not part of the oil companies, the coal companies, or Wall Street.

They also hate short people, liberals, retards, Hispanics, hockey players, mimes, acupuncturists, small car drivers, students, young people, young people who are students, Christmas trees, Star Wars, science, the color blue, short Hispanic scientists who are the color blue, and so on ...

Well, all that is true, but you left off poor people and folks on Social Security/Medicare...
Republicans hate women, unions, immigrants, gays, blacks, muslims, the middle class, and anyone who is not part of the oil companies, the coal companies, or Wall Street.

They also hate short people, liberals, retards, Hispanics, hockey players, mimes, acupuncturists, small car drivers, students, young people, young people who are students, Christmas trees, Star Wars, science, the color blue, short Hispanic scientists who are the color blue, and so on ...

Well, all that is true, but you left off poor people and folks on Social Security/Medicare...

Hey don't forget our semiannual puppy kicking festivals ....
I just love it when democrats think women vote with their vaginas and men think with their balls.. Women happen to care what happens with this country. And care beyond their bra size. They know what is going on. They are not easy marks for Democrats.

That isn't the right way to look at it. But it doesn't make sense for a woman to vote for someone who thinks it's okay to divest us of the most important right we have... the right to exercise dominion over our own bodies.

Women do care what happens in this country. But you can't ask us to vote for people who don't think we should be able to buy birth control. It's like asking a Jew to vote for someone like Pat Buchanan...

That would be idiocy. And most women aren't idiots.
Republicans hate women, unions, immigrants, gays, blacks, muslims, the middle class, and anyone who is not part of the oil companies, the coal companies, or Wall Street.

They also hate short people, liberals, retards, Hispanics, hockey players, mimes, acupuncturists, small car drivers, students, young people, young people who are students, Christmas trees, Star Wars, science, the color blue, short Hispanic scientists who are the color blue, and so on ...

I disagree... i think they're ok with short people since i've never seen them try to play on people's height-ism in their election campaigns. maybe they'll find a new wedge issue come this november. :thup:

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