Why would women vote for any of the GOP candidates?

Unequivocally, NO! I am retired military and since my pension is "too little to live, too little to die" I work two jobs to make ends meet.

But you DO receive taxpayer benefits - like many others on Social Security and Medicare - who paid into it all their working lives.
Military retirees have given at least 20 years of their lives to the service of the nation.

What have you done? Besides soak up resources, I might add.
La Dorka has Done NOTHING.
Get your hands and laws out of my wallet.
I am comfy with this...
Luddly isn't.

See, this is what I hate about the radical right wingnuts. Doesn't matter how often you say it, they hear what they want to hear.

What the hell, one more time -

I don't want to have to pay for your trip to the ER or "your" abortion. I think YOU should either have insurance or have proof that YOU can pay your own bills.

pubs, otoh, want us all to blindly follow Father Ray-Gun's SOCIALIST law so they can get out of paying their medical bills if they want to and the rest of us have to pay it for them. I think this is wrong.

(Good for you for finally getting my name right.)
Did they really just say..........People work hard for these ENTITLEMENTS

Do you work?

You know, as in, have a job?

Thanks to bush, they're hard to come by but if you do work, YOU pay into your own "entitlement". Depending on your age, that money will be taken away from you IF The Boehner Boys get their way.

I based that on fact. It really happened. Look it up. A young woman who's car had broken down escaped into a bar, running from a gang bang and was met by more of the same.

I doubt if anyone asked her who she voted for but the bar flies were convicted. Sad that right wingers think she deserved it.

The other posts - I don't bother with name callers. They're rude because they have nothing meaningful to add to the conversation.

And its still true that none of you have the right to force a woman to reproduce.
It is so astoundingly easy to not get pregnant.

But, like all leftists, you don't believe in personal responsibility.

If that's your photo, I would agree that its pretty easy for you not to get pregnant.

If you're a woman, you don't have the necessary equipment to make that determination.
As I've already shown you, rape is given as the reason for less than 1% of all abortions.

It's not nearly as prevalent as you fear-mongers want people to believe. I'd ask you to stop lying, but then you wouldn't have anything to say at all.

Oh, as for the ridiculous argument that women can't prevent getting pregnant if they don't want to:


If that doesn't work, this does. 100% effective:


Right over Stephanie's head.

You are among those who believe you have the right to decide who gets equal rights, as guaranteed by our Constitution, and who does not, right?

Well, then, maybe you can answer this very simple question:

How would you stop abortion?

listen up kid...NOBODY is calling for stopping your all beloved abortions...WE the people don't want to PAY FOR THEM through funding being giving by our Federal Government to the abortion mills (mainly Planned Parenthood).. so as for your question. you all are safe to go out and abort all your children...nobody cares

You're wrong but that's to be expected.

As I have said, I agree that I should NOT have to pay for any and all health care, including abortion.

Its the right wingers who want a free ride and refuse to be responsible for their own health care insurance.

But, nice to know you're on our side. ;)

Its a given that the pubs don't want to be responsible for their own health care so shall we move on?

That is a complete, utter, bald-faced lie.

That means you're a liar.

Oh good. Another pub in favor of ObamaCare.

Welcome to the Club of Responsible Americans.
Did you forget to take your medication, or did you take too much?

Of course, that doesn't preclude the possibility that you're just fucking stupid.

I pay for my own health care. I'd like you to pay for yours. But you don't want to, you leech.
That is a complete, utter, bald-faced lie.

That means you're a liar.

Oh good. Another pub in favor of ObamaCare.

Welcome to the Club of Responsible Americans.
Did you forget to take your medication, or did you take too much?

Of course, that doesn't preclude the possibility that you're just fucking stupid.

I pay for my own health care. I'd like you to pay for yours. But you don't want to, you leech.
As a matter of course Lucky wants YOU to pay for his too...Lucky is a Leech.
I suspect Lakhota wears the apron in his family..

Nope, but females are equal to males! If males were under assault, I would expect females to also come to our defense.
Equal..But not the same. And THAT is a problem for the political left. Especially radical feminist groups....About 15 years ago a study was released based on human thought patterns.
The study determined that men and women processed information differently.
Feminists went ballistic saying the study was biased and that it should be quashed. They stated this because in the opinion of feminists, people would equate "different" to mean one is better than the other. That people instead of accepting the facts, would "compare"..
Biologically, males and females are not "equal"...They are not the same.
Now, having said that, I have always been a strong advocate for 'equal pay for equal work".
The rights of women to be treated equally in the workplace as well as in business.
For example, it pisses me off when women get the shaft when they deal with anything regarding automobiles....Women get ripped off by car dealers and auto repair businesses.
I do not think men should pay more for life insurance. I do not think women should pay more for health insurance. Lots of other stuff.
SO please....Don't post this bullshit claiming conservatives hate women.
It just isn't true.
Of course radical feminists hate EVERYONE.
I hate people who make assumptions based on nothing but their feelings. Liberals "feel" that conservatives are this or do that....I'd like to bury my foot up their ignorant asses.
Are retired military "dependent on the government"?

No. Unlike Democrat special interest groups, they earned their pension and other benefits.

Do you need help understanding the concept "earned"?

Dave is right.

that's why they're called "entitlements".

People work hard for those "entitlements" and The Boehner Boys should not have the power to take them away.
What service has a third-generation welfare recipient busily breeding the fourth generation performed for society?

NOTE: Voting Democrat is not a benefit to society.

Right over Stephanie's head.

You are among those who believe you have the right to decide who gets equal rights, as guaranteed by our Constitution, and who does not, right?

Well, then, maybe you can answer this very simple question:

How would you stop abortion?
Leftists don't believe in equal rights. You believe your protected classes should get special consideration.

Darn. You said something that is true and correct but now you're back to Stupid Talk, mud slinging that you cannot prove and don't even know the meaning. In other words, you're back to hit and run without substance.

Typical right winger who doesn't want to bother with thinking.

Oh well.
Oooh, someone gets his frilly panties in a wad when you tell the truth about the left.

Stop drinking the bong water, kid.
Did they really just say..........People work hard for these ENTITLEMENTS

Do you work?

You know, as in, have a job?

Thanks to bush, they're hard to come by but if you do work, YOU pay into your own "entitlement". Depending on your age, that money will be taken away from you IF The Boehner Boys get their way.

YOU are about a stupid mother fucker...
I suspect Lakhota wears the apron in his family..

Nope, but females are equal to males! If males were under assault, I would expect females to also come to our defense.
Equal..But not the same. And THAT is a problem for the political left. Especially radical feminist groups....About 15 years ago a study was released based on human thought patterns.
The study determined that men and women processed information differently.
Feminists went ballistic saying the study was biased and that it should be quashed. They stated this because in the opinion of feminists, people would equate "different" to mean one is better than the other. That people instead of accepting the facts, would "compare"..
Biologically, males and females are not "equal"...They are not the same.
Now, having said that, I have always been a strong advocate for 'equal pay for equal work".
The rights of women to be treated equally in the workplace as well as in business.
For example, it pisses me off when women get the shaft when they deal with anything regarding automobiles....Women get ripped off by car dealers and auto repair businesses.
I do not think men should pay more for life insurance. I do not think women should pay more for health insurance. Lots of other stuff.
SO please....Don't post this bullshit claiming conservatives hate women.
It just isn't true.
Of course radical feminists hate EVERYONE.
I hate people who make assumptions based on nothing but their feelings. Liberals "feel" that conservatives are this or do that....I'd like to bury my foot up their ignorant asses.

Gee, we also have a "foot" for you...
The Democrats are the party of welfare dwellers, illegal aliens, taxes (never met a tax or illegal alien they didn't like), protectors of the rights of criminals instead of their victims (soft on crime), the lazy, socialized medicine, druggies, Wall Street (Obama and the Dems recieved the most from Wall Street campaign contributions), Union thugs, ambulance chasing lawyers, etc.

And... Republicans are the party of...?


Was this a joke?
I am comfy with this...
Luddly isn't.

See, this is what I hate about the radical right wingnuts. Doesn't matter how often you say it, they hear what they want to hear.

What the hell, one more time -

I don't want to have to pay for your trip to the ER or "your" abortion. I think YOU should either have insurance or have proof that YOU can pay your own bills.

pubs, otoh, want us all to blindly follow Father Ray-Gun's SOCIALIST law so they can get out of paying their medical bills if they want to and the rest of us have to pay it for them. I think this is wrong.

(Good for you for finally getting my name right.)
Then you oppose Obamacare, which pays for insurance for those who cannot afford it.

Nope, but females are equal to males! If males were under assault, I would expect females to also come to our defense.
Equal..But not the same. And THAT is a problem for the political left. Especially radical feminist groups....About 15 years ago a study was released based on human thought patterns.
The study determined that men and women processed information differently.
Feminists went ballistic saying the study was biased and that it should be quashed. They stated this because in the opinion of feminists, people would equate "different" to mean one is better than the other. That people instead of accepting the facts, would "compare"..
Biologically, males and females are not "equal"...They are not the same.
Now, having said that, I have always been a strong advocate for 'equal pay for equal work".
The rights of women to be treated equally in the workplace as well as in business.
For example, it pisses me off when women get the shaft when they deal with anything regarding automobiles....Women get ripped off by car dealers and auto repair businesses.
I do not think men should pay more for life insurance. I do not think women should pay more for health insurance. Lots of other stuff.
SO please....Don't post this bullshit claiming conservatives hate women.
It just isn't true.
Of course radical feminists hate EVERYONE.
I hate people who make assumptions based on nothing but their feelings. Liberals "feel" that conservatives are this or do that....I'd like to bury my foot up their ignorant asses.

Gee, we also have a "foot" for you...
And *I* have a foot for you...

Right UP your stupid ass...right up the poopchute you ignorant motherfucker.

Live and learn you ignorant asswipe...
Last edited:
Does ObamaCare pay for abortions? My understanding is that it does not...

It is also my understanding that certain Republican-controlled states are passing laws that prevent women from even having abortions paid for by their "private" insurance, such as insurance purchased through state exchanges. Anyone have any clarifications on this?
Nope, but females are equal to males! If males were under assault, I would expect females to also come to our defense.
Equal..But not the same. And THAT is a problem for the political left. Especially radical feminist groups....About 15 years ago a study was released based on human thought patterns.
The study determined that men and women processed information differently.
Feminists went ballistic saying the study was biased and that it should be quashed. They stated this because in the opinion of feminists, people would equate "different" to mean one is better than the other. That people instead of accepting the facts, would "compare"..
Biologically, males and females are not "equal"...They are not the same.
Now, having said that, I have always been a strong advocate for 'equal pay for equal work".
The rights of women to be treated equally in the workplace as well as in business.
For example, it pisses me off when women get the shaft when they deal with anything regarding automobiles....Women get ripped off by car dealers and auto repair businesses.
I do not think men should pay more for life insurance. I do not think women should pay more for health insurance. Lots of other stuff.
SO please....Don't post this bullshit claiming conservatives hate women.
It just isn't true.
Of course radical feminists hate EVERYONE.
I hate people who make assumptions based on nothing but their feelings. Liberals "feel" that conservatives are this or do that....I'd like to bury my foot up their ignorant asses.

Gee, we also have a "foot" for you...
Way to respond to the words written in the post.
No, you sat there and thought "how dare he agree for rights for women. He can't do that!!!!!"....
Who is "we"?

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