Why would women vote for any of the GOP candidates?

Thier persona of Party gal woud be in jepoardy...Responsibility would be shot to hell.

Maybe this will help y'all understand ...

Imagine a woman walks into a bar full of rowdy drunks. She's stark nekkid. She says "No" to everything the men, alone or in a group, "propose". They ignore her saying "no" and gang rape her.

She said no. That trumps all else including her state of (un)dress.

Same principle with abortion and the "Party gal".

Some have suggested that women use abortion as a form of birth control. That's a blatantly stupid suggestion because abortion is a terrible ordeal and its expensive. As much as you might want to believe otherwise, no woman makes that choice lightly.

But, the point I am making is simply this -

Just as the men in the bar committed rape even though the woman was naked,

If a woman does use abortion as a form of birth control, that is HER business. Not yours. Its her body and her money and you have no right to tell her she cannot use abortion as a form of birth control.

If you are against abortion, don't have one.

In the meantime, get your hands and laws off of other people's bodies.
Get your hands and laws out of my wallet.
I am comfy with this...
Can even one of you right wingers answer a simple question?

How would you stop abortion?

We all know it can't be stopped. Many women will seek out dangerous underground sources - the return of back alleys and coat hangers - like before Roe v. Wade that wingnuts are chipping away at through back doors.
you're a idiot. nobody has got their hands and laws on other peoples bodies...personally, I hope you lefties abort yourselves out of existence..then we wouldn't have to have stupid threads and post like this one


You should have posted that to Luddy or Lakhota.

But there are no enemies on the left.
How very easy to get neocons to dump the US Constitution in the trash and embrace sharia law wholeheartedly.

But we already knew that.

wtf are you talking about. you sound like a complete idiot here.


Right over Stephanie's head.

You are among those who believe you have the right to decide who gets equal rights, as guaranteed by our Constitution, and who does not, right?

Well, then, maybe you can answer this very simple question:

How would you stop abortion?
How would you stop it? EASY...have reverence for LIFE would be a start...

Are retired military "dependent on the government"?

Unequivocally, NO! I am retired military and since my pension is "too little to live, too little to die" I work two jobs to make ends meet.

But you DO receive taxpayer benefits - like many others on Social Security and Medicare - who paid into it all their working lives.
By Amanda Marcotte, Alternet

Here are some predictions for where the anti-choice movement will try to go in 2012.

Has there been a more sustained assault on women's rights in recent memory as what we saw in 2011? Republicans swept the House and many state governments in the 2010 election, and made attacking reproductive rights a major priority, right next to destroying union power and making it harder for students, poor people and people of color to vote. Republicans waged war on women’s ability to pay for an abortion, get an abortion without being needlessly hassled, get an abortion at a location within a day’s drive, or access affordable contraception. It seemed like not a week passed without another outrageous attack on women’s rights. It’s tempting to think that 2012 has to be better, on the grounds that it can’t be much worse.

But I wouldn’t breathe easy just yet. At the end of 2009, we also thought we’d seen the worst, between the Stupak Amendment to the Affordable Health Care Act that eventually will end private insurance coverage of abortion and the murder of Dr. George Tiller, an abortion provider who had survived decades of harassment at the hands of anti-choice extremists. Little did we know that 2011 was around the corner. With that in mind, here are some predictions for where the anti-choice movement will try to go in 2012:

Much More: 5 Dirty Tricks Right-Wing Zealots Will Likely Try Next in Their Battle to Control Women | Gender | AlterNet
Right wing zealots make up a very small and insignificant part of the conservative movement.
This opinion piece looks like another far left wing hysteria rant.
Oh, try posting your own thoughts instead C&P some other person's opinion.
You libs are forever scouring the left wing blogosphere.
Have you no thoughts of your own?
You libs whine and bitch about conservatives using talking points as though your side has some kind of moral superiority in this area.
Just remember.....Facts.....Conservatives think. Liberals emote.
You people even use language that indicates this. You often start sentences with "I feel"...
How very easy to get neocons to dump the US Constitution in the trash and embrace sharia law wholeheartedly.

But we already knew that.

wtf are you talking about. you sound like a complete idiot here.


Right over Stephanie's head.

You are among those who believe you have the right to decide who gets equal rights, as guaranteed by our Constitution, and who does not, right?

Well, then, maybe you can answer this very simple question:

How would you stop abortion?

listen up kid...NOBODY is calling for stopping your all beloved abortions...WE the people don't want to PAY FOR THEM through funding being giving by our Federal Government to the abortion mills (mainly Planned Parenthood).. so as for your question. you all are safe to go out and abort all your children...nobody cares..just pay for IT YOURSELVES.
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First, your nekkid gal must be a liberal, 'cause only a liberal gal would walk into a bar full of drunks nekkid and expect "no" to be meaningful.


I based that on fact. It really happened. Look it up. A young woman who's car had broken down escaped into a bar, running from a gang bang and was met by more of the same.

I doubt if anyone asked her who she voted for but the bar flies were convicted. Sad that right wingers think she deserved it.

The other posts - I don't bother with name callers. They're rude because they have nothing meaningful to add to the conversation.

And its still true that none of you have the right to force a woman to reproduce.
It is so astoundingly easy to not get pregnant.

But, like all leftists, you don't believe in personal responsibility.
Are retired military "dependent on the government"?

Unequivocally, NO! I am retired military and since my pension is "too little to live, too little to die" I work two jobs to make ends meet.

But you DO receive taxpayer benefits - like many others on Social Security and Medicare - who paid into it all their working lives.

Didn't you know?

All pubs, bags, rw's send their SS, Medicare, government pensions back cuz "entitlements" are wrong and, oh yeah, (don't laugh) "socialist".

Never mind that they're called "entitlements" because we all paid into them and thus, we're entitled to them.

They're good little repub soldiers and they send that money right back to Eric Cantor.
first, your nekkid gal must be a liberal, 'cause only a liberal gal would walk into a bar full of drunks nekkid and expect "no" to be meaningful.


I based that on fact. It really happened. Look it up. A young woman who's car had broken down escaped into a bar, running from a gang bang and was met by more of the same.

I doubt if anyone asked her who she voted for but the bar flies were convicted. Sad that right wingers think she deserved it.

The other posts - i don't bother with name callers. They're rude because they have nothing meaningful to add to the conversation.

And its still true that none of you have the right to force a woman to reproduce.
it is so astoundingly easy to not get pregnant.

But, like all leftists, you don't believe in personal responsibility.
Steph? YOU are right as rain. I'll Deal with the neddite jackass in due course...

I think its parents should ban them from using the computer..
Progressives my ass. how progressive is it to advocate for the killing of ones child?
and I love the "reproductive rights" what RIGHTS did the child have and how is it reproductive to ABORT...
they make me sick

You are pretty wound-up tonight steph. What gives :dunno: :smoke:
She probably doesn't have a lot of patience with leftist retards.
First, your nekkid gal must be a liberal, 'cause only a liberal gal would walk into a bar full of drunks nekkid and expect "no" to be meaningful.


I based that on fact. It really happened. Look it up. A young woman who's car had broken down escaped into a bar, running from a gang bang and was met by more of the same.

I doubt if anyone asked her who she voted for but the bar flies were convicted. Sad that right wingers think she deserved it.

The other posts - I don't bother with name callers. They're rude because they have nothing meaningful to add to the conversation.

And its still true that none of you have the right to force a woman to reproduce.
It is so astoundingly easy to not get pregnant.

But, like all leftists, you don't believe in personal responsibility.

If that's your photo, I would agree that its pretty easy for you not to get pregnant.

If you're a woman, you don't have the necessary equipment to make that determination.
Unequivocally, NO! I am retired military and since my pension is "too little to live, too little to die" I work two jobs to make ends meet.

But you DO receive taxpayer benefits - like many others on Social Security and Medicare - who paid into it all their working lives.

Didn't you know?

All pubs, bags, rw's send their SS, Medicare, government pensions back cuz "entitlements" are wrong and, oh yeah, (don't laugh) "socialist".

Never mind that they're called "entitlements" because we all paid into them and thus, we're entitled to them.

They're good little repub soldiers and they send that money right back to Eric Cantor.
But snuff out that that doesn't agree with YOU.

Some logic...*ASSHOLE*
Republicans hate women, unions, immigrants, gays, blacks, muslims, the middle class, and anyone who is not part of the oil companies, the coal companies, or Wall Street.
You forgot public employees, sunsets, puppies and kitties, clean water clean air, healthy people, trees, etc ad nauseum.....
Oh.,....Wall Street. One of Obama's biggest political benefactors. So put that in a sandwich and cram it in your filthy pie hole.
Unequivocally, NO! I am retired military and since my pension is "too little to live, too little to die" I work two jobs to make ends meet.

But you DO receive taxpayer benefits - like many others on Social Security and Medicare - who paid into it all their working lives.

Didn't you know?

All pubs, bags, rw's send their SS, Medicare, government pensions back cuz "entitlements" are wrong and, oh yeah, (don't laugh) "socialist".

Never mind that they're called "entitlements" because we all paid into them and thus, we're entitled to them.

They're good little repub soldiers and they send that money right back to Eric Cantor.

WOW, I didn't know that. Pubs really are special. Thanks for the clarification...
This is what the rw voter falls for. They really believe that if they vote for the ultra-wealthy, they just might be invited into the club. They willingly vote against their own best interests for the same reason they buy lottery tickets and go to casinos.

This is also why they're called "maroons".
An unthinking, mindless sheep such as yourself is not capable of determining your own self-interests, much less mine.


they telling other they don't know what's in their best interest...I just love that one
I'm sure it's just sheer coincidence that everyone's best interests seems to be keeping liberals in power.

Just coincidence. Uh huh. Yep.
wtf are you talking about. you sound like a complete idiot here.


Right over Stephanie's head.

You are among those who believe you have the right to decide who gets equal rights, as guaranteed by our Constitution, and who does not, right?

Well, then, maybe you can answer this very simple question:

How would you stop abortion?

listen up kid...NOBODY is calling for stopping your all beloved abortions...WE the people don't want to PAY FOR THEM through funding being giving by our Federal Government to the abortion mills (mainly Planned Parenthood).. so as for your question. you all are safe to go out and abort all your children...nobody cares

You're wrong but that's to be expected.

As I have said, I agree that I should NOT have to pay for any and all health care, including abortion.

Its the right wingers who want a free ride and refuse to be responsible for their own health care insurance.

But, nice to know you're on our side. ;)

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