Why would women vote for any of the GOP candidates?

First, your nekkid gal must be a liberal, 'cause only a liberal gal would walk into a bar full of drunks nekkid and expect "no" to be meaningful.


I based that on fact. It really happened. Look it up. A young woman who's car had broken down escaped into a bar, running from a gang bang and was met by more of the same.

I doubt if anyone asked her who she voted for but the bar flies were convicted. Sad that right wingers think she deserved it.

The other posts - I don't bother with name callers. They're rude because they have nothing meaningful to add to the conversation.

And its still true that none of you have the right to force a woman to reproduce.

Legislation based on the exception, not the rule, is flawed in the extreme. Jurisprudence allows for that contingency. Given the "true" circumstances you describe, I would expect the courts to deal appropriately. If issue resulted from the circumstances you provide, I would expect appropriate response. Should I pay for it, NO. (See: Obama healthcare)

I agree that I should not have to pay for it and, as we all know, it is NOT part of ObamaCare. Yes, that's right, Joe Wildon LIED and you all know it.

As our laws stand now and thanks to that Late Great Tax and Spend Republican, Ronnie Ray-Gun, you DO have to pay for abortions that take place in hospitals as a result of an emergency room visit. That's the way the pubs want it and I'm against it. But, then, I'm also in favor of individual responsibility for health care and that's a Huge Repub No-No.

Its a given that the pubs don't want to be responsible for their own health care so shall we move on?

My question for the anti-choice, anti-abortion folks is this -

How would you stop abortions?
Powers over thier bodies trumps the power to coddle/nurture innocent life they are responsible from the heat of the moment of them exercising thier liberty to be conviently horny...and not accepting the consequences.

That seems to be the motto of progressivism in general....

If you analyze their position on every issue it's all about how "the people" shouldn't be responsible for their actions and should have no responsibility....

OWS is a perfect example of this....

Ask a progressive what their responsibilities are in life - they won't tell you.

Ask a pub/bag if they should have to be responsible for their own health insurance and they'll belly up to the trough for more free care at the ER.
Why do you lie all the time?

Oh, yeah...because you're a leftist. Leftists lie. All the time.
Powers over thier bodies trumps the power to coddle/nurture innocent life they are responsible from the heat of the moment of them exercising thier liberty to be conviently horny...and not accepting the consequences.

Boy ain't it the truth. Those damn 13 year olds being raped by a family member are just too damn lazy to take responsibility for their own bodies.
Rape is given as the reason for less than 1% of all abortions.

But you keep up the fear-mongering. It might fool stupid people. Well, it certainly fooled you.

98% of all abortions are done for matters of convenience.

My support for a woman's right to choose ends where her baby's placenta begins.

You really should stay away from the leftist echo chambers. They're filling your head with unmitigated crap.

But I suspect you like the taste of crap.
Its time we told the damn hypocritical radical religious right to stop peeking in our windows and to put their "family values" where the sun don't shine.
You do that. Meanwhile, I'll tell you to put your murderous, hateful, historically-failed leftist
"values" up your ass next to your head.
Why is it that most people don't realize that what the radical religious right wants is sharia law = Laws that are based on religious beliefs.
Because you're talking about a vanishingly small percentage of conservatives, you hysterical little twit.

Go play. You're simply not equipped for this discussion.
He should...go play because that's ALL he's been doing...playing with other's ...lives...that aren't for him or anyone else to trifle with.

Dr.House said:
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Please fuck off and die...


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Dr.House negged me for the above post. Righties seem to have a problem with facts and truth.
You don't find facts and truth on AlterNet. True story.

I notice that your posts are all hit and run insults and devoid of content.

How about you actually address the issue instead of shooting the messenger? For that matter, you could even post an alternative opinion.

Or, as I am fond of saying, not.
Ask a pub/bag if they should have to be responsible for their own health insurance and they'll belly up to the trough for more free care at the ER.

The last time I checked it wasn't the republicans Swiss Cheesing one another over gangbanging - no it was the gangbangers walking into the emergency rooms with 5-6 holes in them with no insurance - OBAMA VOTERS FROM THE HOOD - who of course required 100,000+ dollars of surgery to save their lives..

Just last night 6 people were shot (that made the news) and one was murdered... Of course they were all from the Chicago ghetto. So how much do you think it cost taxpayers or hospital contributors to save those lives?

And the damn pubs and bags are in favor of the responsible ones among us to be forced to pay for those people.

Why should I have to pay MY bills, YOUR bills and theirs too?

Because the pubs want to live on the public dole. Its just one more of their lies - You know, like smaller gum't, lower taxes and personal freedom and responsibility.

If you would quit the posturing, sputtering and name calling for a moment, you might actually be capable of independent thought.

Or not.

Your choice.

SHeer projection. Conservatives want those who can take of themselves to do so.

You damned idiot leftists want as many people as possible to be dependent on government.

This is inarguable.
Boy ain't it the truth. Those damn 13 year olds being raped by a family member are just too damn lazy to take responsibility for their own bodies.
Rape is given as the reason for less than 1% of all abortions.

But you keep up the fear-mongering. It might fool stupid people. Well, it certainly fooled you.

98% of all abortions are done for matters of convenience.

My support for a woman's right to choose ends where her baby's placenta begins.

You really should stay away from the leftist echo chambers. They're filling your head with unmitigated crap.

But I suspect you like the taste of crap.

You do that. Meanwhile, I'll tell you to put your murderous, hateful, historically-failed leftist
"values" up your ass next to your head.
Why is it that most people don't realize that what the radical religious right wants is sharia law = Laws that are based on religious beliefs.
Because you're talking about a vanishingly small percentage of conservatives, you hysterical little twit.

Go play. You're simply not equipped for this discussion.
He should...go play because that's ALL he's been doing...playing with other's ...lives...that aren't for him or anyone else to trifle with.

How very easy to get neocons to dump the US Constitution in the trash and embrace sharia law wholeheartedly.

But we already knew that.
Rape is given as the reason for less than 1% of all abortions.

But you keep up the fear-mongering. It might fool stupid people. Well, it certainly fooled you.

98% of all abortions are done for matters of convenience.

My support for a woman's right to choose ends where her baby's placenta begins.

You really should stay away from the leftist echo chambers. They're filling your head with unmitigated crap.

But I suspect you like the taste of crap.

You do that. Meanwhile, I'll tell you to put your murderous, hateful, historically-failed leftist
"values" up your ass next to your head.

Because you're talking about a vanishingly small percentage of conservatives, you hysterical little twit.

Go play. You're simply not equipped for this discussion.
He should...go play because that's ALL he's been doing...playing with other's ...lives...that aren't for him or anyone else to trifle with.

How very easy to get neocons to dump the US Constitution in the trash and embrace sharia law wholeheartedly.

But we already knew that.

wtf are you talking about. you sound like a complete idiot here.
Sad fact? Thery won't. Can't be saddled with another HUMAN to be responsible for.
Thier persona of Party gal woud be in jepoardy...Responsibility would be shot to hell.

Maybe this will help y'all understand ...

Imagine a woman walks into a bar full of rowdy drunks. She's stark nekkid. She says "No" to everything the men, alone or in a group, "propose". They ignore her saying "no" and gang rape her.

She said no. That trumps all else including her state of (un)dress.

Same principle with abortion and the "Party gal".

Some have suggested that women use abortion as a form of birth control. That's a blatantly stupid suggestion because abortion is a terrible ordeal and its expensive. As much as you might want to believe otherwise, no woman makes that choice lightly.

But, the point I am making is simply this -

Just as the men in the bar committed rape even though the woman was naked,

If a woman does use abortion as a form of birth control, that is HER business. Not yours. Its her body and her money and you have no right to tell her she cannot use abortion as a form of birth control.

If you are against abortion, don't have one.

In the meantime, get your hands and laws off of other people's bodies.
Get your hands and laws out of my wallet.
He should...go play because that's ALL he's been doing...playing with other's ...lives...that aren't for him or anyone else to trifle with.

How very easy to get neocons to dump the US Constitution in the trash and embrace sharia law wholeheartedly.

But we already knew that.

wtf are you talking about. you sound like a complete idiot here.


Right over Stephanie's head.

You are among those who believe you have the right to decide who gets equal rights, as guaranteed by our Constitution, and who does not, right?

Well, then, maybe you can answer this very simple question:

How would you stop abortion?

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