Why would women vote for any of the GOP candidates?

Thier persona of Party gal woud be in jepoardy...Responsibility would be shot to hell.

Maybe this will help y'all understand ...

Imagine a woman walks into a bar full of rowdy drunks. She's stark nekkid. She says "No" to everything the men, alone or in a group, "propose". They ignore her saying "no" and gang rape her.

She said no. That trumps all else including her state of (un)dress.

Same principle with abortion and the "Party gal".

Some have suggested that women use abortion as a form of birth control. That's a blatantly stupid suggestion because abortion is a terrible ordeal and its expensive. As much as you might want to believe otherwise, no woman makes that choice lightly.

But, the point I am making is simply this -

Just as the men in the bar committed rape even though the woman was naked,

If a woman does use abortion as a form of birth control, that is HER business. Not yours. Its her body and her money and you have no right to tell her she cannot use abortion as a form of birth control.

If you are against abortion, don't have one.

In the meantime, get your hands and laws off of other people's bodies.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
It IS a HOOT isn't it?

Total misconception.

And NONE of anyone's business in the concept of Liberty as the Founder's saw it.

Luck fucktard should requistion a NEW screenname.
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you're a idiot. nobody has got their hands and laws on other peoples bodies...personally, I hope you lefties abort yourselves out of existence..then we wouldn't have to have stupid threads and post like this one
Steph? YOU are right as rain. I'll Deal with the neddite jackass in due course...

I think its parents should ban them from using the computer..
Progressives my ass. how progressive is it to advocate for the killing of ones child?
and I love the "reproductive rights" what RIGHTS did the child have and how is it reproductive to ABORT...
they make me sick

You are pretty wound-up tonight steph. What gives :dunno: :smoke:
First, your nekkid gal must be a liberal, 'cause only a liberal gal would walk into a bar full of drunks nekkid and expect "no" to be meaningful.


I based that on fact. It really happened. Look it up. A young woman who's car had broken down escaped into a bar, running from a gang bang and was met by more of the same.

I doubt if anyone asked her who she voted for but the bar flies were convicted. Sad that right wingers think she deserved it.

The other posts - I don't bother with name callers. They're rude because they have nothing meaningful to add to the conversation.

And its still true that none of you have the right to force a woman to reproduce.

Legislation based on the exception, not the rule, is flawed in the extreme. Jurisprudence allows for that contingency. Given the "true" circumstances you describe, I would expect the courts to deal appropriately. If issue resulted from the circumstances you provide, I would expect appropriate response. Should I pay for it, NO. (See: Obama healthcare)
Steph? YOU are right as rain. I'll Deal with the neddite jackass in due course...

I think its parents should ban them from using the computer..
Progressives my ass. how progressive is it to advocate for the killing of ones child?
and I love the "reproductive rights" what RIGHTS did the child have and how is it reproductive to ABORT...
they make me sick

You are pretty wound-up tonight steph. What gives :dunno: :smoke:

Transltion: "I can't read a simple fucking thread..."
Republicans hate women, unions, immigrants, gays, blacks, muslims, the middle class, and anyone who is not part of the oil companies, the coal companies, or Wall Street.

I can't speak for all republicans like you seem to think you can. But this republican only hates idiots like you.
Republicans hate women, unions, immigrants, gays, blacks, muslims, the middle class, and anyone who is not part of the oil companies, the coal companies, or Wall Street.

I can't speak for all republicans like you seem to think you can. But this republican only hates idiots like you.
*I* am NOT a Repubican however? I Am with you all the way.
And... Republicans are the party of...?


This is what the rw voter falls for. They really believe that if they vote for the ultra-wealthy, they just might be invited into the club. They willingly vote against their own best interests for the same reason they buy lottery tickets and go to casinos.

This is also why they're called "maroons".
An unthinking, mindless sheep such as yourself is not capable of determining your own self-interests, much less mine.


This is what the rw voter falls for. They really believe that if they vote for the ultra-wealthy, they just might be invited into the club. They willingly vote against their own best interests for the same reason they buy lottery tickets and go to casinos.

This is also why they're called "maroons".
An unthinking, mindless sheep such as yourself is not capable of determining your own self-interests, much less mine.


Much less any one else's...HE is a sheep pretending to be a herder.

This is what the rw voter falls for. They really believe that if they vote for the ultra-wealthy, they just might be invited into the club. They willingly vote against their own best interests for the same reason they buy lottery tickets and go to casinos.

This is also why they're called "maroons".
An unthinking, mindless sheep such as yourself is not capable of determining your own self-interests, much less mine.


they telling other they don't know what's in their best interest...I just love that one
This is what the rw voter falls for. They really believe that if they vote for the ultra-wealthy, they just might be invited into the club. They willingly vote against their own best interests for the same reason they buy lottery tickets and go to casinos.

This is also why they're called "maroons".
An unthinking, mindless sheep such as yourself is not capable of determining your own self-interests, much less mine.


they telling other they don't know what's in their best interest...I just love that one
That's because THEY have the HERD MENTALITY.YOU as a woman aren't smart enough as an individual to know sweetie...YOU are nothing but political fodder...
Why is it that weaker minds generally resort to personal attacks?

you should talk..all you do here is post mindless threads from wacked out websites and then go off on a tagent as if what they say has GOT TO BE the absoulte truth.

that is MINDLESS
Why is it that weaker minds generally resort to personal attacks?

you should talk..all you do here is post mindless threads from wacked out websites and then go off on a tagent as if what they say has GOT TO BE the absoulte truth.

that is MINDLESS

Well, then, maybe you should share some "credible" facts with us that "disprove" the OP and my other links in this thread...
Well it says a lot about a woman if she is willing to murder her unborn fetus - especially because it gives them a feeling of empowerment.

Of course the notion that murder is wrong goes in their ears and out the other....

I suppose some woman find other woman with actual morals and non-narcissistic tendencies to be a threat to their all powerful feminism movement...
Powers over thier bodies trumps the power to coddle/nurture innocent life they are responsible from the heat of the moment of them exercising thier liberty to be conviently horny...and not accepting the consequences.

Boy ain't it the truth. Those damn 13 year olds being raped by a family member are just too damn lazy to take responsibility for their own bodies.
Rape is given as the reason for less than 1% of all abortions.

But you keep up the fear-mongering. It might fool stupid people. Well, it certainly fooled you.

98% of all abortions are done for matters of convenience.

If men were having the babies, control over their own bodies would NEVER be questioned.

The bottom line to the abortion non-issue is that no one has the right to control any woman's body except the woman who owns it.
My support for a woman's right to choose ends where her baby's placenta begins.
Same with gay marriage - Pubs/bags SAY they want fewer laws, SAY they respect the Constitution and SAY they want personal responsibility but they are lying. What they want is control. And, by gawd, they do not want to be responsibility for their own health insurance.
You really should stay away from the leftist echo chambers. They're filling your head with unmitigated crap.

But I suspect you like the taste of crap.
Its time we told the damn hypocritical radical religious right to stop peeking in our windows and to put their "family values" where the sun don't shine.
You do that. Meanwhile, I'll tell you to put your murderous, hateful, historically-failed leftist
"values" up your ass next to your head.
Why is it that most people don't realize that what the radical religious right wants is sharia law = Laws that are based on religious beliefs.
Because you're talking about a vanishingly small percentage of conservatives, you hysterical little twit.

Go play. You're simply not equipped for this discussion.
Why is it that weaker minds generally resort to personal attacks?

you should talk..all you do here is post mindless threads from wacked out websites and then go off on a tagent as if what they say has GOT TO BE the absoulte truth.

that is MINDLESS

Well, then, maybe you should share some "credible" facts with us that "disprove" the OP and my other links in this thread...
AFTER YOU when YOU discover what 'Credible Facts' mean?
By Amanda Marcotte, Alternet

Here are some predictions for where the anti-choice movement will try to go in 2012.

Has there been a more sustained assault on women's rights in recent memory as what we saw in 2011? Republicans swept the House and many state governments in the 2010 election, and made attacking reproductive rights a major priority, right next to destroying union power and making it harder for students, poor people and people of color to vote. Republicans waged war on women’s ability to pay for an abortion, get an abortion without being needlessly hassled, get an abortion at a location within a day’s drive, or access affordable contraception. It seemed like not a week passed without another outrageous attack on women’s rights. It’s tempting to think that 2012 has to be better, on the grounds that it can’t be much worse.

But I wouldn’t breathe easy just yet. At the end of 2009, we also thought we’d seen the worst, between the Stupak Amendment to the Affordable Health Care Act that eventually will end private insurance coverage of abortion and the murder of Dr. George Tiller, an abortion provider who had survived decades of harassment at the hands of anti-choice extremists. Little did we know that 2011 was around the corner. With that in mind, here are some predictions for where the anti-choice movement will try to go in 2012:

Much More: 5 Dirty Tricks Right-Wing Zealots Will Likely Try Next in Their Battle to Control Women | Gender | AlterNet

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Dr.House negged me for the above post. Righties seem to have a problem with facts and truth.
You don't find facts and truth on AlterNet. True story.

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