Why wouldn't Jesus...

Zero overhead, I don't think so...I've been in some of those megachurches. There's no zero overhead.

I've seen plenty of charities in existence, that work through benefactors. Zero Overhead. Volunteer. Donated Resources, Food, Clothing. Zero Payroll. Zero Rent using Church Property. The Operative word here Ravi is Charity, in It's Truest Sense. It is very common. Shame on you being raised Catholic and being blind to that. You are a Very Naughty Girl Ravi!!! :):):):):)
No doubt I am, but I've never seen a charity that had no overhead. Please let me know who they are...the closest I can see are Catholic Charities.

There are others in the Catholic Church, connect with Catholic Charities, they can better inform you. Our Parish runs a Food bank, it's mostly donated, the Volunteers are not paid, They recently applied for some Grant money, yet that won't effect Their being there at all. The operation is rent and utility free, being out of the Church Property. They give away donated clothes and furniture too. You need to get out more. :):):)

Years back I worked with a Group in Santa Cruz California, Soup Kitchen, Food Truck, at one point, later became even temporary housing, strictly donation, no Government money, Nobody paid. I remember a Restaurant Soup Kitchen in Missoula Montana, Restaurant family from out of State ran and financed the whole thing.
I still think if Christ came back to Earth TODAY he would fall to his knees in front of the Sistine Chaple and WEEP openly for how WRONG all his "followers" got his message. I think he would go to the "MEGA" Churches and tell the paritioners "You don't know me for you have TOTALLY missed my words."

And where does that put You?
i wonder who the 50% of the citizens are in this country that do not vote...i'd bet a great deal of our poorest citizens don't even vote...we know 40% of the citizens on welfare are children and don't vote...

we also know that republicans/conservatives are recipients of welfare, food stamps, gvt money to pay for their children's faith based school, medicaid, medicare, social security.

The whole argument that all democrats support the poor because THEY WANT TO KEEP THEM POOR, so that the poor will continue to vote for them, is complete LUNACY, and illogical....it makes no sense, no matter how anyone looks at it. It also is similar to the Sadducee telling Jesus that Him helping and healing the needy and the sick was the work of Beelzebub....

Statists want to keep people dependent so they can continue to play God with other peoples money, and dictate quality of life.

So, you see Democrats, rubbing their hands together in glee, as people become poor,....ohhhh, not just that, you see Democrats making them poor and keeping them there, so that these people will vote for them.

Can you name names and then show specifics?

Can you show that those on welfare even vote? Can you show that those on welfare even register to vote.

Can you explain how you and other republicans are so smart and enlightened to this being the case while black people on welfare and white people on welfare are NOT SMART ENOUGH to know when they are being conned? Do you just presume they would be too ignorant to recognize that they are being used in this manner or do you presume that these people just enjoy being in poverty?

There are just so many questions about this kind of mere speculation and the motive behind those that started the rumor, it isn't funny, imo.

If you could somehow prove that this is the case other tham mere smear, I would appreciate it.:(

Before these welfare programs came in to affect in the early 60's, poverty was at a constant 25% in our country...and yes, it was cut 50%, and down to 12-14% for the following 5 decades, but killing these programs just brings it back up to the 25% constantly in poverty, so YES the war on poverty has worked out well...kept 100% more people than now and all the years between now and the early 60's from being in poverty than were in poverty with the programs...

Do I think they are perfect? No, but I do think they are much better since welfare reform under Clinton and Gingrich...in fact 50% savings have occurred since this reform of theirs...

Do I wish these people could better themselves, yes of course and I believe if we want to get it better than the constant 13%, we need to focus on improving our educational systems in impoverished areas...and this should be a focus of states with these impoverished areas... with some help from the feds if needed because it will only be money the fed will save down the road, when our children are better educated and ready for the -taxed-working world...

NOTE, that not all of this 13% even gets any help from our govt...they just somehow get by...

I know many republicans who truly do want to help these people that are down trodden and want to honestly address the issue and the causes, and are not these selfish, me me me me people that some come off to be when they constantly put down these people that have hit a low and honestly need help and guidance...

I just do not know where they are, on this board...because the ones constantly condemning the poor seem to overpower or overshout or over chatter these type threads where those who do truly care and want to help are drowned out....I suppose?


Regarding welfare recipients voting and registering to vote...caseworkers MUST provide all clients with the means to register to vote. We are required to have voter registration forms in our lobbies, we are required to ask all applicants if they want to vote, and we are required to keep records of it so we can prove to the federal government that we are affording people the opportunity to vote.

Most of my clients are voters, btw.
Statists want to keep people dependent so they can continue to play God with other peoples money, and dictate quality of life.

So, you see Democrats, rubbing their hands together in glee, as people become poor,....ohhhh, not just that, you see Democrats making them poor and keeping them there, so that these people will vote for them.

Can you name names and then show specifics?

Can you show that those on welfare even vote? Can you show that those on welfare even register to vote.

Can you explain how you and other republicans are so smart and enlightened to this being the case while black people on welfare and white people on welfare are NOT SMART ENOUGH to know when they are being conned? Do you just presume they would be too ignorant to recognize that they are being used in this manner or do you presume that these people just enjoy being in poverty?

There are just so many questions about this kind of mere speculation and the motive behind those that started the rumor, it isn't funny, imo.

If you could somehow prove that this is the case other tham mere smear, I would appreciate it.:(

Before these welfare programs came in to affect in the early 60's, poverty was at a constant 25% in our country...and yes, it was cut 50%, and down to 12-14% for the following 5 decades, but killing these programs just brings it back up to the 25% constantly in poverty, so YES the war on poverty has worked out well...kept 100% more people than now and all the years between now and the early 60's from being in poverty than were in poverty with the programs...

Do I think they are perfect? No, but I do think they are much better since welfare reform under Clinton and Gingrich...in fact 50% savings have occurred since this reform of theirs...

Do I wish these people could better themselves, yes of course and I believe if we want to get it better than the constant 13%, we need to focus on improving our educational systems in impoverished areas...and this should be a focus of states with these impoverished areas... with some help from the feds if needed because it will only be money the fed will save down the road, when our children are better educated and ready for the -taxed-working world...

NOTE, that not all of this 13% even gets any help from our govt...they just somehow get by...

I know many republicans who truly do want to help these people that are down trodden and want to honestly address the issue and the causes, and are not these selfish, me me me me people that some come off to be when they constantly put down these people that have hit a low and honestly need help and guidance...

I just do not know where they are, on this board...because the ones constantly condemning the poor seem to overpower or overshout or over chatter these type threads where those who do truly care and want to help are drowned out....I suppose?


Regarding welfare recipients voting and registering to vote...caseworkers MUST provide all clients with the means to register to vote. We are required to have voter registration forms in our lobbies, we are required to ask all applicants if they want to vote, and we are required to keep records of it so we can prove to the federal government that we are affording people the opportunity to vote.

Most of my clients are voters, btw.

That shouldn't even be the issue. Thank You for the clarity though, for those that need it.:):):)
I still think if Christ came back to Earth TODAY he would fall to his knees in front of the Sistine Chaple and WEEP openly for how WRONG all his "followers" got his message. I think he would go to the "MEGA" Churches and tell the paritioners "You don't know me for you have TOTALLY missed my words."

And where does that put You?

Somewhere between conservative and liberal.
I still think if Christ came back to Earth TODAY he would fall to his knees in front of the Sistine Chaple and WEEP openly for how WRONG all his "followers" got his message. I think he would go to the "MEGA" Churches and tell the paritioners "You don't know me for you have TOTALLY missed my words."

And where does that put You?

Somewhere between conservative and liberal.

Maybe True Religion Is doing Whats Right From Your Heart. That starts with taking a stand directed by Conscience. Thats inside, not external. No Leaders, no Followers. Just people with their Eyes open, their senses aware, trying to not do more damage. It beats the blind leading the blind, hands down.
I've seen plenty of charities in existence, that work through benefactors. Zero Overhead. Volunteer. Donated Resources, Food, Clothing. Zero Payroll. Zero Rent using Church Property. The Operative word here Ravi is Charity, in It's Truest Sense. It is very common. Shame on you being raised Catholic and being blind to that. You are a Very Naughty Girl Ravi!!! :):):):):)
No doubt I am, but I've never seen a charity that had no overhead. Please let me know who they are...the closest I can see are Catholic Charities.

There are others in the Catholic Church, connect with Catholic Charities, they can better inform you. Our Parish runs a Food bank, it's mostly donated, the Volunteers are not paid, They recently applied for some Grant money, yet that won't effect Their being there at all. The operation is rent and utility free, being out of the Church Property. They give away donated clothes and furniture too. You need to get out more. :):):)

Years back I worked with a Group in Santa Cruz California, Soup Kitchen, Food Truck, at one point, later became even temporary housing, strictly donation, no Government money, Nobody paid. I remember a Restaurant Soup Kitchen in Missoula Montana, Restaurant family from out of State ran and financed the whole thing.
And yet the Catholic church itself has overhead...but I did pick them because IMO they have a lower overhead than the megachurches (except for that darn palace in Italy).
You have got to be kidding.

Yeah, the Catholic church has less overhead than the mega churches.

Honestly, Ravi, what do you smoke? Because I want you to send me some.
No doubt I am, but I've never seen a charity that had no overhead. Please let me know who they are...the closest I can see are Catholic Charities.

There are others in the Catholic Church, connect with Catholic Charities, they can better inform you. Our Parish runs a Food bank, it's mostly donated, the Volunteers are not paid, They recently applied for some Grant money, yet that won't effect Their being there at all. The operation is rent and utility free, being out of the Church Property. They give away donated clothes and furniture too. You need to get out more. :):):)

Years back I worked with a Group in Santa Cruz California, Soup Kitchen, Food Truck, at one point, later became even temporary housing, strictly donation, no Government money, Nobody paid. I remember a Restaurant Soup Kitchen in Missoula Montana, Restaurant family from out of State ran and financed the whole thing.
And yet the Catholic church itself has overhead...but I did pick them because IMO they have a lower overhead than the megachurches (except for that darn palace in Italy).

The Catholic Church is a Mega Church. It does operate within It's means. It's main Resource is Donation. That is voluntary. It would still receive donations without running needs programs. The programs are run by choice.
There are others in the Catholic Church, connect with Catholic Charities, they can better inform you. Our Parish runs a Food bank, it's mostly donated, the Volunteers are not paid, They recently applied for some Grant money, yet that won't effect Their being there at all. The operation is rent and utility free, being out of the Church Property. They give away donated clothes and furniture too. You need to get out more. :):):)

Years back I worked with a Group in Santa Cruz California, Soup Kitchen, Food Truck, at one point, later became even temporary housing, strictly donation, no Government money, Nobody paid. I remember a Restaurant Soup Kitchen in Missoula Montana, Restaurant family from out of State ran and financed the whole thing.
And yet the Catholic church itself has overhead...but I did pick them because IMO they have a lower overhead than the megachurches (except for that darn palace in Italy).

The Catholic Church is a Mega Church. It does operate within It's means. It's main Resource is Donation. That is voluntary. It would still receive donations without running needs programs. The programs are run by choice.
Have you ever been to a mega church? They are all tricked out to look like palaces inside with state of the art audio, video and lighting. There are no Catholic churches that even approach the overhead of a mega church.
Ravi, The Catholic Church owns the most toys. It is the Mega Church, of mega churches.
Isn't the catholic church the wealthiest entity on the planet?
Apparently Ravi has never been inside, or even heard of, some of the great Catholic Churches.

Nor does she realize it doesn't rely on donations as its sole source of income. Vatican City is a principality, owned by the Catholic church. The Church owns various business ventures, hospitals, investment accounts, etc. The Vatican prints it's own coin, and has its own bank.

Regarding how much more "elaborate" the mega churches are, that's a laugh.

"Buildings such as St. Peter's Basilica and the Sistine Chapel are home to some of the most famous art in the world, which includes works by artists such as Botticelli, Bernini, Raphael and Michelangelo. The Vatican Library and the collections of the Vatican Museums are of the highest historical, scientific and cultural importance. "
Vatican City - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia








Isn't the catholic church the wealthiest entity on the planet?
Maybe...but I think more of their collection goes to charity than those collected by the megachurches. Most Catholic churches are rather nondescript and don't operate or look live rock and roll venues.

And by most I mean most, of course some of the older ones are palaces.
i didn't realize the Vatican was in the united states and part of catholic charities here?
i didn't realize the Vatican was in the united states and part of catholic charities here?

Name me one catholic church in the states that is not affiliated with the Vatican or the pope. The Vatican owns all of the catholic churches in this country and every other country where there is a catholic church.
i didn't realize the Vatican was in the united states and part of catholic charities here?

Name me one catholic church in the states that is not affiliated with the Vatican or the pope. The Vatican owns all of the catholic churches in this country and every other country where there is a catholic church.

Other than Orthodox, nada.

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