Why wouldn’t legitimate politicians introduce a Bill to end birthright citizenship?

Think it through. Are you going to deport a kid who has never been to another country?

Even Trump, in one of his saner moments, found that to be ridiculous.

Birthright citizenship is one of the things which makes us exceptional.
Hahaha…it FEELZ so good to say dumb shit like that but you FEELZ globalists can never ever ever prove that bullshit.
We became exceptional because Mexico wasn’t breeding here….look around the world, look at every single brown community, city, state or nation….they are ALL fucked up shitholes….and there’s nothing coincidental about it. Why do you insist on fucking America up and using brown people to do it? LOOK AT ALL THE DATA!
Think it through. Are you going to deport a kid who has never been to another country?

Even Trump, in one of his saner moments, found that to be ridiculous.

Birthright citizenship is one of the things which makes us exceptional.

No, birthright citizenship is a danger to this country. Google Birther Tourism.

Countries and religions send their pregnant women here to have kids that will be considered Americans. They take them back to their government or religion to get radicalized. When they turn of age, they can walk right into the US to do us God knows what harm to us, even have rights to buy firearms like the AR-15 everybody on the left cries about.
We definitely need immigration reform. What few remaining conservatives there are in Congress have been trying to do so for decades.

When Republican Whip Eric Cantor attempted to get immigration reform passed, he was primaried out of office.

Bush hit a brick wall with immigration reform.

These days, if anyone even mentions immigration reform, they are called RINOs.

The whole birthright citizenship debate is just an extension of that bigotry. It's a trigger for bigots to keep them outraged.

Immigration reform is commie code phrase for let more illegals in. There is nothing wrong with our immigration system. The US allows a million foreigners to join our country as citizens every year. We hand out nearly as many green cards and work permits so outsiders can take advantage of everything we created.

So what's wrong with this system now that needs reform? It's a hell of a lot more permissive than most countries in the world.
Our birth rate is declining. For our economy to survive and thrive, we need immigrants.

There are ten million open jobs in America right now.

Right now, yes, but you don't destroy a country because of what's going on right now.

So you think those jobs will be there forever? What happens when they dry up? Then Americans will get screwed by having to compete with low wage foreigners for work.

The solution to that problem is not more immigrants. The solution to that problem is changing the requirements to live off of taxpayers. If you are physically and mentally capable of working, you don't get any government goodies.

Think it through. Are you going to deport a kid who has never been to another country?
I see no reason to deport them. But if they want to become citizens, why is it unreasonable to ask them to through the usual naturalization procedures?

Again, I predicate me comments on the, perhaps naive, assumption that repealing birthright citizenship would accompany reforms that made it a simple process for honest immigrants to join us.
If you look at what's crossing the border what isn't fighting age males and kids are preggers women.

So, you can add say 15-25% to the totals invading the country when they spit them out a newly minted US Citizen......Sorry, but that's no way to run a railroad.

That's why the American haters want it so badly.
Hahaha…it FEELZ so good to say dumb shit like that but you FEELZ globalists can never ever ever prove that bullshit.
We became exceptional because Mexico wasn’t breeding here….look around the world, look at every single brown community, city, state or nation….they are ALL fucked up shitholes….and there’s nothing coincidental about it. Why do you insist on fucking America up and using brown people to do it? LOOK AT ALL THE DATA!
More racist bullshit from the LOSER.
The Birthright Citizenship bill is fine. 30 other countries allow it. 2 other countries cancelled the act. What makes the bill unwelcome is the chain migration happening. When a foreign woman has a baby here, this leads to chain migration. The guardian of the child can have an almost unlimited amount of close relatives brought to the U.S. Brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandfathers and grandmothers

Countries that Recognize Citizenship by Birth

The Birthright Citizenship bill is fine. 30 other countries allow it. 2 other countries cancelled the act. What makes the bill unwelcome is the chain migration happening. When a foreign woman has a baby here, this leads to chain migration. The guardian of the child can have an almost unlimited amount of close relatives brought to the U.S. Brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandfathers and grandmothers

Countries that Recognize Citizenship by Birth

Birthright citizenship is a bad idea because it's one more reason for illegals to come here. Most of the countries in your link nobody would really want to go there anyway, especially those countries in the middle-east and Africa.

But the United States is the highest prize in the world, and that's why it's a bad idea for us to have it. Our border patrol reports they captured people from over 110 different countries. They are flying or boating to Mexico and running to our border to get in. No other country in the world has this problem and ours is self-inflicted.

They should make a law against birthright citizenship which the commies would challenge in court. Let the courts make the decision on what the 14th actually means. From everything I read, it had nothing to do with illegals.
Birthright citizenship is a bad idea because it's one more reason for illegals to come here. Most of the countries in your link nobody would really want to go there anyway, especially those countries in the middle-east and Africa.

But the United States is the highest prize in the world, and that's why it's a bad idea for us to have it. Our border patrol reports they captured people from over 110 different countries. They are flying or boating to Mexico and running to our border to get in. No other country in the world has this problem and ours is self-inflicted.

They should make a law against birthright citizenship which the commies would challenge in court. Let the courts make the decision on what the 14th actually means. From everything I read, it had nothing to do with illegals.
I see your point and I should add that birthright citizenship should not be allowed for women who come here just to have a baby. It was originally meant for wives of foreigners who worked in the U. S. and couldn't make the long trip to have a baby in their home country. The thing has been made a mockery of the system.
That's never been challenged in court which it needs to be. The 14th needs to be settled once and for all. Again, you can't write an amendment for something that wasn't there at the time. The 14th was written for offspring of former slaves, not illegals getting into this country to have children.
Sc, ruled on other cases after that which have sealed the deal imo.

under our jurisdiction covers every child born here, unless children of foreigners with official diplomatic immunity.

That truly can't be gotten around...the meaning of jurisdiction, is defined and set in stone already...

A constitutional amendment would be needed...
What is the legal foundation of the idea? Why should being born here grant someone citizenship? I assume the historical motivation was to encourage immigration - when the nation was young with a lot of frontier to tame. But that's not the case now, and don't really see any justification for continuing the policy.

It's not a "policy".
It is your logic, since you believe racism is the key factor in tribal races shooting each other up.
That isnt my logic, that's your illiteracy on display. Not only is your IQ suspect but now so is your ability to read.

My logic is that racism and discrimination are the reason for the socio-economic disparities between white and black Americans.
Yes, the Democrats love their metaphorical tribalism, and so do Republicans. But with Americans who descend from slaves, they are not that many generations from actual tribes. Hunter-gatherer tribes do not produce high IQ's because there is no evolutionary pressure to develop them. Being able to walk softly, and having sharp eyesight is much more valuable to such a tribe than being able to measure a field and calculate the amount of seeds needed to plant it, because they don't do that.
It isn't evolution that produces high IQ scores between different groups of humans, that isn't how evolution works. It is ironic that you think it is though. 😄
No shame, in descending from tribal people.
Trust me, I feel no shame over your follies. In fact I'm quite amused by them. 😁
When the Romans invaded Britain, they found barbarians who painted themselves blue and charged into their formations wielding sticks and screaming. As agriculture developed, IQ's went up. It didn't happen in Africa, because European settlers preferred to manage the farms themselves. When we see the famines in Zimbabwe, we have to understand the wisdom of that. It may take several centuries for black nation's IQ to catch up, but it will happen, I'm sure.
It didn't happen in Africa because European settlers preferred to manage farms themselves? What kind of logic is this? What does one have to do with the other? 😄

Agriculture has been happening in Northern Africa since 10000 bce and in sub-saharan Africa since 3000 bce. Also, the rise of IQs has nothing at all to do with the agricultural revolution. The first modern IQ test wasn't developed until 1904. Further if you had read Yuval Harari's book Sapiens you'd know agriculture was a trap. In fact he makes the case that wheat domesticated us. Hunter gather groups had more varied diets and so were less susceptible to famine and drought than agricultual communities who relied on one or a few main crops. They had more free time to play and socialize (farming is back breaking work from morning to night). And they were easier prey to violent marauders and exploitation. In agricultural societies the vast majority of the population were poor and worked to provide food for the ruling elite who were often brutal and violent dictators. For most of human history you would of been better off as a hunter gatherer than as a farmer.
Unless, the theory that nutrition plays a greater part in intelligence than genetics proves to be valid, then it could happen sooner, or it may never happen at all.

As a black man who is at least intelligent enough to write on a message board, I'd like to know your thoughts on that.
My thought is that you think hiding behind averages masks your own IQ deficiency. It does not. 😄
Lock up gang members for twenty years (real time) for their first violent crime, and for life if they come out and commit another one. That should happen to everyone, not just gang members, but you asked about preventing drive-by's.
That would not lower the disparities in violent crime rates between black and white criminals which also by the way translates to higher rates of victim hood for their targets which as we've already established are other black people. We already treat black criminals more severely than white ones and it has not translated in to lower rates of violent crime.
There are no unwanted babies. Or damned few. Americans are on waiting lists for years hoping for a baby, and often end up adopting an older child from a third world country. There are babies that are inconvenient for the birthing person, or should I say "non-birthing person" and those get aborted.
This is also a poor display of logic. Desire is individual. One person or couple desperate for a baby does not exclude another couple or individual from having no desire for pregnancy or parenthood.
No, I just mocked you for crying about it, when you are an immigrant, not a descendant of American slaves. Black immigrants, on average, are far more successful than multi-generation black Americans.
Mockery from morons doesn't bother me. Immigrants do better, even Black ones because we tend to come from different socio-economic backgrounds providing further evidence that the disparity between white and black Americans is also socio-economic in nature.
The reason I mock you is that you decry racism and disparate opportunities, while not understanding that it is your beloved Democrats who perpetuate it, and have since the party was formed.
And I laugh at you for thinking I'm as susceptible to identity politics as your average white winger. 😄

I don't care about the Democratic Party beyond its usefulness as a tool.
Whites still have the overwhelming majority of the money, and the power. You were just whining about the disparities blacks experience, now you say whites are losing? The people who founded, rather than immigrated to, the U.S. are still in charge.
For now. Demographic change will bring about cultural and political change and political change will bring about economic change. If you don't believe me stick around and find out. We can watch it happen together.
Which is a good thing for you, if you saw what happened in South Africa.
I've been to South Africa. It's one of my favorite places on earth and where the wife and I would like to retire to, at least for half the year. We have a spot picked out in Kalk Bay which is a little fishing village in Cape Town. It's where we go to relax after the wife does her thing. She's a volunteer nurse in Africa for a month out of every year.
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Nothing? Oh well, I thought I'd ask. Better luck next time.
Nothing other than the rule of law which is more than you have.

Also what happens to the children who are born here from illegal immigrants if they aren't given birthright citizenship? Which nation would they be citizens of? Suppose the parents country of origin rejects them as well? You would leave children orphaned without a nation to call home?
I see your point and I should add that birthright citizenship should not be allowed for women who come here just to have a baby. It was originally meant for wives of foreigners who worked in the U. S. and couldn't make the long trip to have a baby in their home country. The thing has been made a mockery of the system.
That's exactly what they do and why those babies should not be considered citizens. It's disgusting.

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